HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-09, Page 2• Page 2 — Lucknow Sentinel, 'Wednesday, October 9, 199 Hospital board chooses site for medical clinic by Margaret Stapleton 13y this time next year, residents of Wingharn and area will be served by a new, fully -equipped medical clinic located immediately to the rear of Wingham and District Hospital. In a unanimous deci- sion at last week's October meeting of the hospital board of gover- nors, members accepted a Catherine Street location as the preferred site. The existing hospital clinic • building and former nurs- ing assistants' training centre both will be demolished to make way for the clinic,which will be connected to the hos- pital. -* in an interview after last week's meeting, •Lloyd Koch, hospital executive director, said the medical clinic com- mittee will meet this week with the architect to define what elements will go into the building. in June, the hospital board gave its approval in prin- ciple to the concept of building a 10,000 -square n foot medical clinic which would house eight to 10 doctors at a cost of not more than $1.5 million. Bob Pike, in The report of the medical clinic committee at last Thursday's hospital board' meeting,gave the complete background of the process which has led to the clinic. Abatit two years ago, A strategic plan process for the hospital was start - "ed, said Pike. A commit- tee was struck, the cow- inunity surveyed and groups provided input. A facilitator helped to com pile the data collected with a specific eye toward priorities for the hospital. The completed plan was presented to the public, saki Pike, includ• - ing the concept of a med- ical clinic to meet the present and future needs of Winghani and area residents. The process of plan- ning for a clinic started last summer, he. contin- 'ued when an architect was engaged and poten- tial sites examined, "The hospital is not in the business of b-uilding clinics," said Pike. But efforts to enlist a private developer for the clinic failed. The local doctors, some of whom will be retiring in the next few years, were unable to complete a satisfactory arrangement with the developers. However, in the past 10 years the community has lost several doctors, Pike continued. There was the same number of patients, he said, but they were seeing fewer doc- torS and some were Ong ontside•the area, for med- ' kat treatment, resulting • in declining activity at the local hospital "We (the hospital) have a vest- ed interest in trying to 'attract more doctors to our hospital to use our facilities and expertise," said Pike. So the hospital took the lead in the process. The clinic committee got serious in evaluating dif ferent sites and visited other clinics. The 'clinic committee got serious in: evaluating different sites • and visited other clinics. The announcement this spring that Dr. Peter Long was leaving, the community brought home the urgency of the situation to the remaining ,doctors and they offered. their support, said Pike. The local economic development committee met with the clinic com- mittee to make sugges- tions. A site in downtown Witrghaiti was deemed unsuitable by the **chi, tett because it would not provide sufficient park- ing As well, it was felt the clinic should be built as close to the hospital as possible to make full use of its services. The choice of sites eventually was narrowed to two from four. The site immediately to, the south • of the hospital (the' Wirigharn Medical Arts') building, was deemed unsuitable because it was too small as the tee wanted wantedjohave as much space as possible on the ground floor; Funding As it was not possible to co,pie to an agreement • with a private developer resources being • committed are those of this hospital," said Pike. 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TownshipShed Shallow Ravenna Ilarkdale Bulking il8110Ver re Hall Ayton,Nonnanby Works Depot! Grader Shed $ 00 URSDAY. EBigi3;40•:1 ,. !Ire; 1:1"11.,,, Institute Hall ,", • •• Port 001;;;01;iispo 414 s' 14;14 Cargill's Workshop 04•4•;•.000#4',F, .• 7.- ,• •••• Kincardine..,, *.., 'Garage Hotyrood Tovinship Garage ALL TIMES ARE 2:3O to 5:30 * OCTOBER 30,1996 GreplIruce Pet Hospitat...1905.7th St E. Owen Sound eppel .. Shed Chattnandh.... .. Hall Meaford . Dept. Shed Holstein . Shed Shed Dornoch.........,..........Community Centre Shed THURSDAY OCTOBEf13111996 Owen*unil..!;.:...0..!....41erliet Building Sydentiarti Shed : Walters Coinmunity Centre 1honibury....,...4!,...iPon1rnunity Centre Mt..... .. Hall •. . Xj1lageWorlts Garage Shed Flesherton Twp. Shed PER ANIMAL (45000 MAXIMUM FOR 5 OR MORE CATS) e Did you wonder What ',Jennifer MacKinnon was doing, standing on the corner of Campbell and Ross Street on Saturday? Jennifer, was one of Over, ,400 volunteers province -wide -wide who helped count the number Of drivers.* their com- er1,1 st year's challenge, seat ;belt use at 99 • per cent. A Transport Canada survey in 1996. shows driver Seit°;. belt use at 42 Per, cent that peopleleaves nearly 500,000 putting r lives• at risk everyday; up tor saleLy.- •• restrained are cbildren •,, The'ione'di:fr , . count under heage.offive. In as'. -the . kickoff the; - • • 7 -a rece ° ..p.r6Vinciat seaf-belt .P 0,, Paign ttxtirtink:ctioto,Oct„,'., • •, 14, . 5' to' i.UclOtc•Vir,'16,0:;pohce found none of the • vehicles were counted seats had been properly VtOP10:**ete: '00t:;;T:ritist411044nd'e,g4i* tickets. wearing belts. That's to all of the drivers. 76 per cit wearing seat Failing to wear a seat correctly • SuiliugtOp.• the carries • northern Ontario com- $90 fine and two t rnurnty • are buckhng buckled upor incorrectly • ' - • • • • ; • , ....,.. ii . , . ,.."• . sot 0*t ...„-veili es, in. Cambria • ..•• • • , • • *from page 1- know the students by writing to the minis," of this county will'have ter. something to say about Pointing to the hospi- tals restructuring propos- als and continuing change in other sectors, Trustee Carolyn Day said everyone is in "overload" from the demand to respond to changes. "Pm cynical enough to believe this [overload) is on purpose," Day said. "But I hope parents take time to read through and respond to these propos- this document. I hope their voice corneS 'through loud a0,4 clear," he aided, Board Chairman Jennifer Yenssen sug- gested the reform'pro- posals should be put on the agenda of the School Community Advisory Councils around the county. • She said Walkertun's council is already considering devoting a meeting to the als. • topic. •