The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-02, Page 18• Page 18 Lucknow SeAtinel„ Weiliteriday, October 2,1996 47. Cards of 48. Coming Thanks j Events 1 MAIZE Thank you to Dr. Lai, Dro'S Jim and Leslie Bourke and nurses on 2nd east who took Cafe Of use during our stay, Also thanks to every one for the cards, flowers, gifts and food. Your kind- ness and thoue'daLdness will always be i0emembered. Special thank o b' Daddy for staying home and taking care of us for 2 whole weeks. Love Stephanie and Lavonne. —40cc • COURTNEY I wish to sincerelyihank the • Ambulance attendants, CRAFT & BAKE SALE Tne YOking Wrnen's Group of the Lucknow -United Church is hosting a Craft & Bake Sale on Saturday. Oct- 5 frorn 930 - 1110 at the church. Tea tables also. —38-40 QUILT SHOW Presented by Five Star quitters Guild. Friday, Oct. 11th, 10 a.m. - 9- p.m.; Saturday Oct, 12th, 9 a.m. 5 p.m, Lucknow Community, Centre. Admission $3. Door prizes. —39,40,41x EXPLORE THE COUNTRY Sunday, Oct. 6, 1 to 48. Coming Rv.nts SINGLES DANCE Sunday, Oct- 6 at the Wingliam Legion Hall Dancing horn te) 11 p.m, Music by The Wildwoods. Dress code, 4O� COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD Nominations are being accepted for the Lucknow and District Chamber of Commerce Annual Community Service Award. Forms available at the Lucknow -Sentinel. Past • nominees can be renomi- netted by completing anoth- er form. Submit to COC emergency and ftrst floor Pick up bag of. treasures Community Setvice, Award, doctors, nurses and staff at and map oat the Tourism Ocik 313, Luckriow„ NOG the Goderich Hospital for Office at the Lucknow 2H0. Deadline Oct 18. -- their excellent care. Spacial' Sports Complex. -Bring the ' 49:„41ar thanks to my family.and whole family for an after- KINTAIL SAVE,THE- frierids for their thoughtful- noon of fun and discover SCHOOL 'less to me. I am very grate- the treasures in the country Variety concert, Frid4y) Oct 48. Corning Ev•nts Looking for better HOT TURKEY suPPER days in October Lucknow United Church, Tuesday, Oct. 22, 4,30 p rn. Mildred Luree to 7'.'30 p,m, Adults $8, Septeirther was a under 11 $3,50 (same month of either beautiful LageknOW prices as 1994). Auspices wallow united church days or ,ve.ry miserable Women. Come early if you wet weather, so hopeful- _ can, A real treat All you can iy October' will bring 50th wedding anniver- eat —40,41,42 . atom good days. sary at the Lucknow on r tulattons to "United Church, on FALL THANKOFFERING - sERvicE , Paul Zinn and Lynn •Sunday afternoon, with Johnston who were mar- the farthest coining from Sunday, Oct. 6, P45 p.m., Trinity United Church. ried on Saturday in the Salina, Kansas. Muriel Teeswater ,United ' A former Lueknowite, 6Duunecsatn, esdpiteoarkoetrthe United - Church, with the reeep- . Winnie Stewart of Church Observer, Everyone , lion at the Lueknow London, spent the week- • weicorrie. Host Trinity ueVil. Community Centre. end in Lucknow and on ..40* Bob McCall, a lay Sunday attended the HISTORICAL SOCIETY , minister from komeconting Service at • Huron County Historical Kincardine,. conducted South Kinloss church, Society Annual dinner Meet; the service in the and Bob- and Wilda ing, Brucefield United Lucknow Presbyterian Campbell's gialden. ,‘ Church, Fridai, Oct 25, 6 Church on Sunday morn. anniversary paity. p.m, Price $10, with Kathryn ing, enabling Rev. Peggy Funeral SetwiceS were • lot to eiteryone, with special and life•on the farm by 48 p.m. Elm° side School thanks to my 'roommate exploring the farms in the M.O. CKNX 920 am • Olive. Teresa. --40nxe• surrounding area. For more "Morning Mae Matt O'Neill PINECREST MANOR info call Vicky Morrison at Admission - donation to • A big thank you goes outto. 628.2210, Sponsored by Restoration of S.S. #3 • everyone who. helped in • Lucknow 00C. --38-39,40ar Kintaii Mier prizes, --$9,40 NGRi MOM" COME St GO TEA' • Hamilton (Pioneer School Kinsman to be at the spe;- conduotpd; for. Birdie • Days). Tickets available by jai ervfee o - Oct. 18 at 565-5200, 226. c s in South Nicholson on Wednesday * afternoon at- the anyway with our exNbit and '. 6219, 285-2853, 262-2715, large number o• f MacKenie and 887-9317,.524-1011. -40cc. friends and relatives McCreath Funeral helped:BOb fOr .060in the fallIair..Bruce. L.: Learn hOw to filt those -tum.• Friends of:Edna, and'May IF 01040111: IN OOP • coup iiiilP1411$ WOULD' JUST UFO, TO SAY, TOMO? • The war Amps Campbell celebrate .their , MacPherson of litinloss. float; Q&I,VIIranspe:it, for the ...-.. Thomson .for his truck., \and .' . : Loat,iess,ecrio::1:1abodu.a!$..s,onasuc.idt,„.," 04Einnodyicfstj:ibevii:!ttfher:odyniaciy02 t,7,4,1,hpe.mir.9,00t. celebrations use of their shed; Huron ',.. ,"trioeHaenael.sth,iy4ye:aotinagt:f‘9ex:thi.07,cotdi, '..,..itche!,4.tikh.lini..4.1,45.;,;(9,,h Anglican : ii,, The',.0bie101an6' ' Landscaping for the trees;„: ,Adviser Jane tkillititibtir4,, ,.43,orso t dello,. family!and,'-: a,iff...in the fellewhiP hall MURRAY'S. CHRISTMAS 'staff 'and. manif:ethers--too,. ,lise, ' kuckiieW. United Church.-- - . • ,: ' ,,r, , HoU . . tiuniillAsto rilent4*/*' 90°0-1'"','Bring along '..er"."-oi written The chaelmos.:,traditiori,of again, thanks. : Residents .''''copy of.'YoutfsvOrits.hsaithY ' Mrtay*Chrietivas :House and staff. --40ar`:,..:::::1.--'•' -',.- : ',' s: -snack recipe to share. Free is open- EVERY DAY until mis0#F.At ,.' -..-' ,4: -,•-nursery : aValiShis. 'Dec., 22, 10 a'ari. to 4:30 • • , I would like to say thank you. .., 6E01.krt.Ku-.-,00:::sti:01-7,7. al, l:',,,,..aexnocti,,*rienagdaabelit.--iutisoliPsiietsosuOr •i "628.20 . - .doil . , to 4041W'farnIllfi, 110nds.' and -.:1 Sandi ',' ; ' ..-' 1.•:sod, decorating 7 i,..,,,;iiii 55 •-- 't inisinadil,i1O0ii1,',11etiuoiolfUts?: - , , to rile whliel ** in titsSil''''' . ' •comE.'144EGe°Aai'imy.Barb, ..19,,,sot.',iieekan°scieif.:rill-tr:gehiat'.u.iiii:uinrsietileit : tatS.in- Owen Sound and -'-‘ • , 21relegiteS''whe'Weie so good ' ' ' • to - . - TUPPERWARE . all the goo '. .-, ''"'.-,-,l-7`iii4h-r*: Specialdnutftsheasn,pr,:-': 'Oct, ,,. , HavelocktStreet._. .:_:,...,,,a_ii.,it, 1 ' ktitcY; ' r, Gear anaieUri% .-,,,Rass'o', n?''sliPre lon bY'' Bernice :-.tYriGiounl.:,d'e7D7onfftfr desvaiELYR;zs'yfeYri.°Oluts: T� all who , f ' , Der01°E,'47e..69nPe', welcome. . '' -tandreist°14:3,,.c.f;',' ft. selSot. merA . -,..cBrradds.1,7,1Y-10 rs; otoe Oft sud_--,-Gishn''77 ' - . ''. .*50 A e Richmond • vier home all W'sr:•-40.41 - . , • "; food to °4 appreciated. Eileen. , ' LADIES AUXILIARYo'.s1:,P' '', , .,/1,0, 'ndi,:ttli•:0310°:41,‘ ...R0.64.0e3$0911;', deeply APPreP. - -. ' "'' --'' Willit'EFP , the: 4t1e1P341070.575-16747:- -49x ,, 1 . • • • * THANK'Y°"' U "I. " 1.1 ,' '49lE'sdtni'testit'ciiihp7nr..;"'. , .'at : , C.11: F A - .4itiont.R1'7hp South s a sue. 4iaost,,c4et, , r; will '6 *be : ILL COLOR:r91.1. - ioni9s:. i 40t . October,1,t;,_*,, _ so e.m., •cHeorefaur cr::::10.a7jach !hanks 'LLockrieWSPOr!P'C'°111Ple. ."". . „ i1/4441ituatnudinn. 'tr..,:a' 'Vall.FY:' to ,Rev,::..,F;65.icy . Rena, '-' ikjar. ' ' •'•' ' • ' ' ' r-cohserVatien. Authority . Wilma, the:mtisduiane, choir, - ' Piper, the eaulchlitniv and ' ,- • - Thanks for corning.'4-4Qx scenes. To the, Many guests. ' ••w(MVCA)an0Conservations'il' and.- .'.. FoundationvMaitlandai te will, be. hosting the annual call , ,:- Color •;: Teitr'','. .. at ALLiwho helped behind the onset°. . p.nw;Yeti've seen US on T.V. • lost due to Canadian ketS.2" Did you know? In- 1992, 4"` _id. net own households ss disability bong ) Time has ht 1:43te'rY " • ° bilities Itas centof Ile t due .to pet- canada • son en; ,time QS ,L or family reS,P011S10 Stats , by ,Plicioneter South Kinloss KinloSs -7' Presbyterian Church held their h°111eConling1tP°16ti • this past weekend. It was a way to celebrate the, ii4Oth' anniversary and to have th! opportunity t!?r!ne!v • friendships. , ,• with swimming at Willies pool, and affiThes,"awnedek4ei?tiaditt-sotarutied.a.tont•heSastachtodoalY; • • Then on Sat!daY. before the church ser- vice, Harold Campbell, Ira Dickie and" Doi! kobertsOn' th6N•101.ills. :There wes-spepial'inusie:thrournout the •service and Gerald Viowbray played the • g of • n',>,•,.• • '::::r”"•••••• Aerobic Classes Kinloss Corntriunity, Centre • Tues & Thurs. Evenings METROPOLITAN LIFE .r 730 pm Doug Aitchison and Bob Cost $3. per flight • Conservation Area on • Gunter of Met Lite would "like to thank all of the For information call ..:.unnlic.17ak°Ocat ,horse-drawn trar°ern.dilaw*. n4 Vanes$4. 395-2831 • Patroris.Of the Lucknow wagon ride through the, Fair who showed such an 4 Conservation Area or enjoy interest in our display. The , COFFEE , a walk along the scenic winner of the new cordless River Trallhe Wawanosh Phone is Mel Ritchie. !Uwe ' , -BRIEAK Nature Centre will be open ommtinity.bible study fo!women can be Of any service in the -throughout the afternoon so future regarding insurance be sure to drop iin for some . - or investment'planning i hot apple cider and cake. ° please, phone 528-3528. -... . .t ..., , Admission is free, 'cider is „, . , 40x . - just 25 cents per cup. Donations to the "Weigand 48. Corning WEDNESDAYS , Conservation Foundation, Events •. •9:45 Allit.11:00 AM will be gratefully accepted. BING° LUCKAOW•UNITED Wawanosh Valley is located CHURCH , north of Blyth, west of Goderich Knights of Highway 4 on Nature Columbus, Thursday, 7 p.m. Begins October 9th Centre Road (Concession • Columbus Centro, 390 ' A Nursery Is ft' 6.7 of East Wawanosh - Parson's Court, $3450 in Provided. Township). For more infor. prizes. $1000.00 Jackpot /nation contact the MVCA at must go. 15tIar Everyone is Invited. 335-3557, --40ar 13 3 • bagpipes and Ied the singing ' • , • "Amazing Gree," Special guests werethe Baulch family, Margaret, Joyce Ann and Bill' who • poke of the years their' father, Rev. Gordon :Baulchl.was mi ter in South Kinloss and Kinlough churches from 1949 till 1955. veryone'enjoyed the visiting during lunch hour and looked at the past and • PreD8:nntvPeircal,Itui'deBdreisPllidaaYeDiekie, Alex and Deanna of Sutton spent the weekend with their family, Ira;and Elizabeth. Phyilis Wallace of London spent the • weekend with her sister, Ruth and Don Ben. • u ance ngham The Sept. 2a rneoing of the Wingham and. District Hospital Auxiliary was conducted by *President Margaret MacLeod. Reg O'Hagen, head of the ambulance service at the Wingham and District Hospital, was the speaker of the afternoon session. He outlined many recent happenings within his staff of six permanent and six part- time helpers. Hours were explained, recent updates in government changes and regulations„ Their estimated time to a local call is seven rnirtutes, with the patient trans- ferred to the nearest hos- pital., •- Wingham Currently has two ambulances in service, and if both are in use, a Walkerton 'arnbu lance will stand by in Wingham if needed in emergency. We can be very proud of Reg and, his staff members who are always updating themselves and very devoted to the care of their patients. A letter has been sent o welcomeD r. AntOniadis to our com. • inunity. A• report was given concerning the recent Auxiliary Fall Tea, held at the home of Pat Gaunt, when over 100 gucsts'visitcd during the morning and after- noon, with 21 now mem- hers joining the Auxiliary. Esther Hovvsen, teen coordinator, will present the Annual Auxiliary Bursary to this year's winner, Susan. Bain, who through her many activi- ties and participation is well deserved of this honor I) I ;1) •