The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-02, Page 511 IfAteknow Sentinel. Wednesdav, October 2, 199 Six Huron Cdnty councils say no to amalgamation Dear editor: On Wednesday evening the municipal councils of Brussels, Blyth, Grey, Hullett, Morris and East Wawanosh and interested citizens met in Brussels to discuss the amalgama- tion of municipalities as directed by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. The six councils have said no to amalgamation. Rather than allow the Minister to stampeded and coerce our munici- palities into something .that is not beneficial to the citizens of our munic- ipalities, the six intend to oPPose this merger mania It isikonic that at a time when "down jar is the buzzword in business that the province wants munici- pal governments to get bigger. It has yet to be proven that a bigger municipality saves money. 'What has been proven is that rural areas suffer as a amalgamation are paid for by the ratepayer. What the Minister fails to see is that rural Ontario municipalities already share services. It is part of our rural tradi- tion to share. It is also part' of our rural commu. nity that the local elected politician is available to, essential services which 1 we are mandated to pro- vide. We feel that we can continue to share and improve without the need meet and discuss_prob- to change municipal lems with the ratepayers boundaries. Fewer elected people Our councils will sup means less accessibly port any municipality in and more decisions being Huron which is the target made by the bureaucracy. of an amalgamation ,This is not an endorse- takeover by another ment of the status quo. municipality. We know Like everyone else., our , municipal governments tnat if we work together have learned to get by' we can improve our sys- with less money. if the tem of 1°eal government Minister wishes to reduce If we work against each provincial transfer to other then the goodwill . zero then rural Ontario which has held Huron will be able to deal with County together for gen that Our local councils erations will be shattered. continue to meet and dis-4 Robin Dunbar cuss ways of cutting Couil costs and maintaining the 'Township of y. • y Laura Lee cayley now live out the apology Lucknow United Church Women held the „L„.,. general. „ SePteinTit71 Norma . meet - lug 11,pid leading weather.17-juStiCe* nrship on's. and a ' Worship prayer , we 1SictitiPy cre;'lled4ThrelasTd by Can Do' werema,rlene LCoals_waldeniernadean Ritchie struthers'and Glenda Morrison: • The program was about the Native Healing Fund to which the United Church is contributing. The United Church must given Native congrega- • tions at the 1986 General Council. • Norma and Laura Lee • Cayley led a discussion on questions about the difficulties a young child would encounter when taken .to a residential • schtml and the problems he/she' would have as an • adult back living on the • Reserve. The Medicine - Wheel -and some Native spirituality were shared. Native needs in our • Presbytery were dis- cussed along with the Healing Fund. President Beverly Thompson ThomPsOn announced during‘the business that there is' to be an open house at Five Oaks on Oct. 6 and that Lucknow TiCW is planning a bus trip to Five Oaks in the spring. The UCW agreedto give a donation to a new Explorer groupstarting in Lucknow. This will -be for girls in Grade 4. and The YWCA is holding a craft and bake- sale on Oct. 5 at the church. Nimble Fingers are mak- ing a quilt to sell that day. camp eanisntsYi -stfhtieevde sto go t ummer. Linda Atkinson is now in charge of the nursery - staff. Flower beds are being planned for the front of the church and b have been planted. BARRY W.REID B.A. CIIIABTEREDACCOUNTANT PO. 130X 300 • W1NGHAM, ONT, NOG 2W0 WISOMM KJNCAEQtN 306 Josephine St 351-1522 • 3574551 (Fax) 14964971 (*Auditing • Accounting *Tax Stevie*. RUSS TAYLOR CA. KEITH RAYMOND CAA, . BARRY RED CA- 4 - SUNDAY BRUNCH Cornet join us 10 Am - 2 Pm . • 1.. • 'ft, • .? -1 ' 6:1114 iptclAC Jitzittti Evstaitraitt -'<'...)••• ho.,t,, 711.: •C7 oc•`,.1 under L L B )28-3932 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS WARD MALLETTE ilcii=ing,"'businnisnittiVALling7"" IF3D0 OfferiTi full range of services: auditng, computer and management service*. HANOVER_ WALKERTON MOUNT FOREST PORT ELGIN W.J. Monday, FCA B.F. Thomson, PGA K.L. Drier; CA MS. Barton, - CA H.E. Kibler, CA • 1.„14. Volk*, CA RJPWien,. 44. Hunt, CA G.H. Munro., CA P. Thor, CA 3E44790 114 1871112#711 CA 3234351 sa2-2041 5 •• U • LUCKNOW DISTRICT • LIONS CLUB Da er 1.. Community Cenhe redc4cittober $1000 winner 1‘ hoe Flood Govionittnion _Vicki Nicholson -irmanine Community Centre opens at 6:30 p.m. Bingo starts at 7;15 p.m. ° 3 Biros CoMitlisConiplete E .11 13 13 - El. 113 Ell' Headquarters al • .131.6:)vpasanmwai:ngs:eituriclai)-scizedTruargocar11 ss CI.DailY• Monthly 11 1J Insurance Rentals & II 7: More ' •-• rielisttMi •9:1 Ell 1E1 11 13 1E1 11 .AI k TRITI itiffraS v. 131 500 fl toclelic •mg 13gt., 524-8347 1alielf5e115ele5e1FIME!)E515rj pivision ofsuncoas,Ford,• Pinecrest residents - enjoyed a host of events during the month of • September starting off, with attending a music. • concert in Wingham and having the Lucknow • CW in to entertain. The Whitechurch WI also entertained the residents 'and they paid a visit to the Lucknow Legion to. view the memorabilia on • •:display: Pinecrest had an ,exhibit at the arena dur- ing fair days and also a • float in the parade. A - ° - drive In the country 'allowed the residents to' enjoy the fall colors. • Tout • big welcome is oXtended to Evelyn. Walton as she joins the Pinecrest family. September's birthday party honored Alma Wanhala, Freda. Reid, Ward, Jewell, Russell Chapman, Annie Ligert, Gordon Lyons, Jessie Gregory, Lillian. Portland 'and Kathie Hunstein. Sympathy is expressed to the families of Grace. Campbell, Isabel Ritchie, Elmer Trommer, Kathleen MacDonald, Terezia Rob and James sr 0 St. Helen's WI card winners • Shirley Hackett and Ross Enington were high players at the St Helen's WI shoot party, with• Caroline Men'ary and Jack King coming in sec- ond. Ross Taylor had the most shoots. Six Generations Little Jacob Dustin, of Wingham makes six generations for this fam- ily. Pictured with him are the other five gen - orations, from the lefts back row grandmoth- er Kim Hoggarth of Wingharns great, great grandmother Ruth Binder of Cranbrook, his mother Robin Fleischman of Wingham; front row, holding Jacob is Suzanne Nornores his great grandmother from Lyons, and greats great, great grandmother Isabelle England of Lucknow. (photo submitted) • I 1 aelsod zooid, ov It04,4 %MAMMA* , Signs fit Banners ii Flags & Decals ..., er ' i ' • 0 \ PROMOTIONAL ADVERTISING 1 i" JOBSRERICKDOORNIDIATNFIS 13081tESSHOWSPECIALEVENTS • Mai% Outdoor -indoor 528-3407_ 1ELECTROSTATICWoxicw Magnetic i , Computer Cul, Silk Screen Prkttal, Engraved, . "Uri/ arxwmt Plastic Metal, Wood, Formed Plastip & Metal ,hoq ir %Ague, flaky/ custom printed tags - Towns, Co.Schoois form fro C,HJfknallorf.xax ffid.f*#youWOWHk� I Cowan Printing & Advertising Lucknow, Ont (519) 528-2730 Fax: (519) 5283348 mons aim mai •-• wa. NUM PLUMBING •