The Signal, 1934-12-6, Page 2S-Thartttday, December 0th. 1984 Astaat{,aarao 1141 GODERICH CANADA Noa•b•r of Cawaflw Weekly N.w.pap•re Ae.004.rsee Published every Thursday morning. Subscription price 52.00 per year; $1.bo If peitd to *Metres. ----� , THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LTD. Telephone 36.....:..._Qederkh, Ont. W. H. ROILIIRT9ON, Editor and Manager Thursday, December &h, 1934 EDITORIAL NOTES Read the advertisements in The Sig- nal this week and every week. They _.•., .-,,,, AiR.,,E.°ney-sirrstt flag ysa: An exchange remarks that "the churches could increase their revenues a lot by persuading the Government to do away with the big nickels." • • • Toronto Star claims that Toronto L Five Millions in Five Months Savings Effected by Hepburn Gov- ernment in A000rdanee with Pledgee THE SIGNAL THE CURRENT WEEK IN CANADA'S PAST Compiled from Files of The Montreal lisaette by F. J. N. ' •Hiway is mown% eryIdhaed•' of the Lucia it the po General. 1790. -- the Rides* rift, who this date. petuate. res = now the Deee (MlsaB Toronto, December .1 With the flag la described ai a "sad it this of economy atilt }„pal to the mast- affair" took place at the village of 1848. head, the Hepburn Goverment 11 em- r&- tel" iolnael Gore had attacked onto, [the rebels there under 1h. Waite's! meat of barking on ata sixth month in once and Nelson on November 23, and they had a review of its actions since coming retired from the village when Gore en - into Queen's Park diaclosee some in- tered the village and destroyed it. tereeting fedi. 1856.-A very severe gale on Lake In the first plaoS tt-Tlheeal Ad- Ontario did great damage to Oilman(Th°t'f ministration has carried out, so far and as a reeult there was a shoge sense o4', ainewfgjly, lea major pledge to the of supplies In many places, ss there Synod M electors , tra enme-core*ot--ge►- �euy umttetllaUw_11I_ f.c�lltiee gen b ernment. Meal& the t'rtmmer On tewa..were, depep{ E1: _!�Y¢ ! I)tr.. has been showered upon the Provincial ping. �ssdera Cabinet by a section of the prem un- 190¢. -This day marks the first elite !s bard sal accustomed to +seeing campaign pro- tion to the House of Commons to be gate teai17 Ulises translated Into deeds, expend!• heldin the Yukon Territory, when Chances tures have been reduced by approxi- the Hon. J. H. Roes was elected. Il* tags w mately five million dollars. was stilled to the Senate June 8, 1904. a) be Of •ion by man. aacerta rune a sense• e►t A glance over the past fire months the Chicago of Canada, slaughtering shows that Premier Hepburn lost no andmeat-y.eking being its chief in- I time In putting his pre-election prom- dustry. The Star must admit, then, iser into effect. In this regard, the that the appellation "Hogtown" fits Liberal Government is unique. Ito respectlre of the souudeese of those policies, It L the first Government In Ontario's history that ever started oat to implement lta campaign pledges within a few days of taking of ice. As to the value and practicability of those recognition of a contribution to peace, policies, competent political observers definitely stale that the answer L In and if anybody thinks that bringing the future. 1t is too early ter the vole-' live girls Into the world 1s going to I ing of conclusions. make thing* any more peaceful- I The rapidity with which the Gorern- meat launched its investigations into ___Toronto pretty wen. e ----r- • Dr. Defoe is proposed for the Nobel prise. The Saltfprd Sage says he thought the Nobel prise was given la ■ • • boards and commission and other Discussing the Port Hope affair, The,' branches of the civil service, as wail Burk's Falls Arrow observes: "What : as the civil service itself, left many puzzler us is why anyone should want :citizen* gasping for breath. The Llb• to kill a weekly newspaperman. They, eral. were not conforming to the pray ties of past governments. The "Hep tug eight were published in Niagara. are the most harmless class of people' y R W gars. burn axe'' was wielded with wholes The Importance of the newspaper to on earth." Of course that Is a news- hearted %igor and those described by' history is indicated In the following peperman's opinion. Perhaps every- the Premier as supernumeraries found - sentence t.y a prominent Canadian hi/ - body will not agree with him. i themselves out of jobs. Perhaps no ' torten: -Old newspapers yield place • • • other phase of its w.ork to date has neither to books nor to manuscript r -_ _ December 3 lea -William I)ilton Otter, one of O1aa/a's greatest soldiers, was bore •v.*r Clinton, Oat. He took part against the Fenian raids; 1n the North- weet campaign of 1886, and in the South African war, where he was in command of the Royal Canadian Regi- ment. On Jane 3rd, 1913, he was knighted and he died May Oth, 1929. 1802. -The Department of Trade and Commerce was inaugurated and an ata was proclaimed creating the So- licitor -Generalship. - December 4 1817. -The Gleaner was first pub- lished at Niagara. It Is Interesting to GODERICH, ONT. chewed 11111 mad y -a memorial to as early Governor - 8 white child born In et was Edward Ber- ths light of day on ace of his birth per - of hls tamlly and la Burritt's Rapids. Gealerieh is a zegmber adiaa institute, Tor - "for the encourage - stet steens•e•e'." THS GRAVITY ver Post) men who retain a Whoa the Anglican met to elect a seers - deep te vote4 for who happens to be If a belief that batt 'as[i=' t know any better. thought the proceed - serious and gloomy, would relieve the ten - ear a United Church te's name should be Ie. not every day nae U with -tut a floe • B DELAY? (r nd Win -Times) There long Sr. W. a bouncing been onto relied 3.30 a. evenl14 note that the firstthe printing press in Io Upper Canada was set up 1n ,Niagara i these In 1793 and of the ten papers published mind, in the Province ea that quarter-cen- eald that Edward dibie, remelt Creator It was Irouse( such protest from certain sec- materials as a ;ounce of Information *eseh. Mr. Sorsolell, Deputy Minserter of f t100s a: ha- the firing of Government r !made . Public Welfare, whose suspension ! e'1837.- the past." aper employees: It seemed as though thbi 1837, --The regular troops repulsed ihouse caused a furore and a display, of bad I Government were bent on throwing ap ,4----1-1-141 or 800 reformer. under W. -L. temper to several quartershas been I polntees of prerious governments out Mackenzie who had gathered near [syr f reinstated. At the same time it is an- of Jobs to make way for Liberal slipTb roato. rel need that the social conditions lona of porter-•. But clear -thinking observers 1902.-A referendum held 1n Ontario • who were able to divorce themselves voted for prohibition by 199,749 to which the Deputy Minister spoke, in from polltical partisanship in weigh- 11111,548, but the Premier, Hon. G. W. what was supposed to be a private, ing and analysing the Hepburn poll- , Hoeg, did not coa'Id er the maJortty meeting, are the subject of Government- , vies admitted that eronomy in govern- I sufficiently large to enforce prohibition open al investigation. +Hent was the paramount nectwsity in • by Act of Parliament. these times and that administrative ex- netsukes S taken. pensee, n staggering amount, could b- 1837 -As a result of the rerolutioi- . The local option votes in Ontario reduced only byystern measures. An municipalities on Monday showed that j other factwhich has teen overlooked ary .outbreaks led by Brown and Nei - by by those who regard the new Govern. ,mon, Sir John Colborne proclaimed the the beverage rooms are not popular. meet with sceptical eyes Is that pollti- I d4sirict art Montreal odder martial W6' Votes were taken to seven municipall- sal patronage has not loomed large on Ilam Maitland ties. In fire of these there were sub- the hori*on. Liberals have received 1912. -Rt. Hoa. R. L. Barden an- H. S eta, alai dry majorities. In two there gmrernment Jobe, It is true, but the pat- I n°°acrd lila pope- of contribatltag weNc ware jorittea *faint the !e ronage has been on a minor scale, PO t° the Royal Vary, rather Wm. V mach 20t a baildi et a Candia* navy . other f sal spike h/Iaw, but wades the three- .,. kr--„} raaidegimapt t waa re- theR07 col leeley, to Brace coeat , roteagainst beer, while Strathroy overwhelmed the wets with a vote of 933 to 322. able it w were 1 the na a long of an a E 1► OT lterdntsst- treekwkM* fiD Wilfrid Iait had - pens- pcopoa't wadi eed.raed by sent ---"The death took place of $ tm•nt have party reeks. Was Overdo. But with eQ6nomd 1y as Its major o jeetive, the Gdvernment is keeping its Wit am Mackenzie. who during h eye on the dollars and cernts. There lift held a prominent place in the • • • la a tremendous unemployment relief ' way affairs of Canada. Born in bili to pay and the cost of meeting the small village in OutsHo, he was • For years there have been abortive needs of the unemployed presents a 'small storekeeper, then a rallway eo* efforts to weld the "Border Cities" in- *Moue problem- A house-cleaning tractor, and next n railway promote to one municipality, local jealousies was overdue when Premier Hepburn and builder. With 1). D. Mann, b having been sumciently strong to over- and his colleagues took over Queen's /milt the Canadian Northern Itatlway 1 Park and there is no doubt that there I but when the time came that he could comes the strong case for amalgams. Is still plenty to do. The Premier I bot raise more money the Government µ tion, Now the Provincial Government , plunged into hie program with no de- 1 tr°k over hie railways --end still has has taken the !natter in hand and will' lay. He launched a succession of com- 1 16411. pass legislation to unite Windsor, East mission ingwirlee and probes that dis- I December 4 'Windsor, Walkerellle and Sandwich in ' closed more than one rearm') why a 1791.-A severe earthquake was felt long-suffering public had finally turned I In Quebec• and many epeeist services one city under the name of Windsor. the previous Government out of omre. ! were held In the churehes for preserve - The greater Windsor wilt have a pope- ' Gross negligence and extravagance and i tie*. lotion of'100,000 and will be Ontario's poor 4A'ioene methods were reveald 1 1'•`The Commercial Centre Build- ._ ltirl�at city, exceeded only bT 1 in the inquiries into the Abitibi fan- l ing in Hamilton was the scene of a Toronto, Hamilton and Ottawa, ! yon purchase, the Temiskamtng and 1 meeting of a small group of men who Northern Ontario Railway, the Pro-' formed a Canadian Club, the Arst In • • • ' v}nclal Air Service. the Liquor Con- Canada. The objects of the Club were Premlpr Hepburn undoptomily has i7o1 Board, the Xlageth Fall* Parks tr. loafer a healthy Canadian' patrlot- pubtic opinion in the Province with t .:mmi4*ion and the o►ntario Athletic i-°' ills°ugh the unb(asteii study of his - him (except ('oinm(sslon. I torp and a deeper appreciation of { possibly la Torontb and net what success hilt attend Prem- 1 (an"dian literature, art and resources - a few other places wltb spet•la1 11) is•r He}d►nrn'- efforts to pee the Pru- From nn that small beginning the idea tertbtay to ree'seM* to Bayport {h�St_ rt,,, t.► �t i;[ aeeulr. awes' lntere t mew until then" are now over 100 Lawrence detelopment project.-The�r'atess, espe with the unemployment re- l(aa�laa t'! i)ewi+tkW ^d country is loaded down with debt lief emblem, boost revenues, and meet veral in other countries. --_ from schemes that looked all right the mtmernns other problems confront-I, •mnfront• I l9`33 -D patches in the daily press ing him, is a matter for conje•turp.tc•ontain the news that ngain a Cana - when the ;smolders were talking but one:thing is sure: f*Ilure will not he dlan farmer has won the champion - turned out to be anything but profit- from Lack of trying. ship prize et the international show l` R. The cltizenm who � ' some ertttefsw 01 the ng the sinking of the on Wednesday. in an- ew of those who had tho,e who were the Md. It will be re eolUsion occurred at was well along in the names were given t0 e the, families of in a frantic state of lrithout cause. it is Vas no wireless on the (s. stth-h seems here- at this 'season whe9 e lakes are running a at any other time. before neon en Wed - Loomis was off Harbor ntly no effort was re the news. The until late in the eren- Totieatlan wax wra8- y known that tons It neem* peculiar that Met avertable for sorb rds. A great deal ggefertng would have prompt action bees LD Dec. 4. -Mr. and Mrs. sad tstnlly sod xn flatted a few days last T.vlier'. mother, Elsa. Redeye. Mk!h„ sad Hr. ' ..n 1d cos-r+a,* •411ed last w . . , at 1M eeedA Mt: W. Mr. a dwainge mad sea, } of WitsdwW. sgrat tk* w,. -ess with rail . i the la4Y paint., It r. sal Hr*. 11(, a 1 Walder, Mrs. L Vincent split /vet the week- - end wit! Slyth.frie*ds. ✓ Mr. mad Mrs it Stoneham* and Mes- e ter Domald, of Oesterkeh, visited on Saturday *t the bogie 01 Hre. $tone- �itonvo s brother, Mr. W. F. Campbell. and Mrs. Campbell. Nes J. N. Camp- 1►eii returned to (loderleb with them and will spend the winter there. MI.. grins Walsh attended the wed - dint; on Thursday of her covin. Mise 7lorothy Taylor, eldest daughter of Rev. W. and Mrs. Taylor of Rockwood. who was unite, in marriage to Mr. ' Pentland of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. A E. Walsh visited with Guelph friendw on Thursday. A miseellaneoas shower was given nn Monday eve*tag at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 7. E. Taylor in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aitken. Mr. 3:rnost Saadi. Master Donald, Mies Jeanette and their mother, Mrs, (;ordon Snell, were Goderich visitors on Saturday. Mr. Fred J. Cook hes rented the fat19„ii'f IT1Trtgrr wirtattteter a 4erueet yenta. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP able. The taxpayers are in no mood asked for an ndministration without held nnnuelly at ('hleago, for the best notanytNee Towsinin. Dee e.._ to endorse a project such as lhnt of frill.. are getting it in large 1111402 i wheat in the world. This makes Thev wtLi got metre lit it la t1 I nineteen times that this honor has come Mlma Winnie Marsh spent the week - the deepened waterway to enure. No doubt there will be ort• end in foderieb with her friend Miss fm (.a nada, and the 103.3 prh,0 went to v.._ Frank isi(ekson of Flfroe, Saskatche- wan. Herman Trelle was not eligible to compete, a4 he had won the "crown" that woul.l t0 yearn OOP/ hundreds of millions and whose of anguish fmm within and w•ithontnt benefits would be doubtful, to say the ' the Liberal ranks, but the economy ate • leis't. J will continue to swing until expendi- ' • • • 'three are down to rook -bottom without three enmeseive times. In the twenty - impairment of efi4, eney. And the three year,, 10 which this exhibition The.British Government's scheme of 1 men and women on the farms of On- has been held. only four times has the self-government for India i,: meetimkresrto fifty per cent. of the population ltiglw•t award not come to Canada. with -the deter9llned opposition of ale' of the Provine, are going to iaik with `taskstetteWan won eleven times, Al- . element in the Conservative party of 0a°nuraging tors on a Government lwrta seven times and Manitoba more, '"_"``r"-"_____. --which•_wisetQII_owechili seems t0 lie that Is ahlr to afoot n flre-million-doi- Willett Columbia carried off the re- -.-.._4er sating in a little over jive months, serve championship, which proves that r- 1 derr�.8tanley Baldwin at a 4a million a month. Critccisptl as n. fhe Aa. Produce wheat equal to the .� party convention uttered n stern warn- other Gerernment see r hive teen het+mn, hest *Ike "rid' lag to this die-hard element. By the the first Liberal Adminlatratinn in ' - Demo.' 7 grant of 'elf-gose,4,ment, he staid, thirty yenrs 1s engaged bra gigantic 11491. -The St. Clair tunnel, built by there was a good chains of keeping experiment and its unfolding will he the -Grand Trunk Rallwae, was first India In the Brinell Empire for all , g by with keen Interest e.4 the dopa opened to passenger frame. p go by, tea►e, "lint I slay to you deliberately," -- he eontinfed, "it is my flrm conviction NOT A D1(TATORBHLP that if you refuse her this opportunity I /Ottawa Jmurnall yolt_.whl Infa11Hriy Inse Indic before I People suggest that *omething like two -generations base passed." Mr. IntheI United States, nit hlmpte from asldwin w•as upheld by armte of near- being the case. F.•tablish0d isr ('on- _-- • to oue In the c0nt4ntlon_. it �p*4, snppnrt0d iq s frpp electorate. the 'Conservative party of Great It * 14e.Ovp4••wd 4... p►shli. msat- 4'taln had been led by so liberal -minded away rie tfrohe mr Atcarshlpesent otnathe s ren l a man as Stanley Baldwin when the f meaning of that word. `_-lame of Irish home rule was in the balance forty years ago the pre*ent I %NAT NATIONAL, nP;R ' MEANR sitaatlen as regards Ireland would be + (Rrandmn Ann1 vastlymore f A i'nited etetee jnurnnlist, written pleasant for the British on government spendingm. warn* the 1929,-W, F. Maclean died at Tor- onto. Ile was a unique figure in Cana- dian joiirnallsm and polities, was one of the founder* of The Toronto World. and M.P. for South York 1892- 19211. 1143.--Rirhnsond 11111 celebrated Its diamond }tintless a* a village. It was Incorporated In 1672 on the petition of Mir* ham 1,ew, heft 1t we* 001 linin !silt that the same %If..'ialit area alerted the flee rests of the village. and It is that Brent which we.* being marled. The hietory of this 'settlement. how- ever, goes tack lin before I7f1R, when one Abner Mlle* settled on whet 1* now the mite of the village, where he people. Mr. Gimdatnaea bill, whleA had nn hotel and wax the owner of People that each dollar of naw debt 200 sores of land. After his death would have satl*Aed Irish amp(ratlons, incurred by the government Is a wort- the place was named "Mile. Hill," and was rejected at therthatlitrw orf an pie- (age on the earnings of eve's einem. Inter it was re-nab.4 Honnt Pkztunt_ morrnw it *TIT be foreeInpis to ihe-" In Jni), 1819, whll• Eli the aettlan meat animated by • spirt; like that 7�o form of rokorPatnry lnereares in the were et 'the raising" of the frame of •? m. tte-3iIrdw"-01 today: end the lcviee on imemea end additkmal.Im,• the Presbyterian ehereb, the Oovern- e+naaeQerseee was the lateueldcation of pasta on all enmmeree. Your home, or -General the hike of Richmond and lirfsN 11sWrsg and the granting. MO late, 'sons means of iiorttn tw>rwtttine -•tler•ifesrty et collateral sur avowed thsheoe 'ails an their 114 .f esieanlsag /each grower than thetas r Rovprn700? offers. to Ppnptengnl*h hft fin popilar d1A PteMh, debt mortgagee your •etcnrity the Duke nuke himself that when he proposed h ate. Oladetaas. mad that of your deeeendante. left It was derided t0 change the nave ata red Barnett. Mr. and Era, Harold Montgomery and children, of Oederich township, Alaistrent Plunder with Mr. and Mrs. Aidan n. Miss Amelia Ed lwaln fs spending a few days this week with Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Patton of L*eknow. The Sunday evening service under the sa*pe0es of the Westminster Guild was well attended by a large audience. The speaker for the evening was Hr. Cheros of Seafiortb, who took as his text the -21st ebapter of Revelations, for hi* subject, "The Fust and Second Coming of Christ." 8. 8. No. 3, Colborne, will hold 1ta annual Chrl4tm*s concert at the *hoot on Friday evening, December 21. Ad - adults, 13c; children, ale, Y. P. M. Oieses,-The Y.P.S. held their annual meeting on Friday even- ing at the horse of Mr. Jobs Yonng. The president had charge M the meet- ing. A report of the T.P $. oo►nven Don which was held In Dnngannoa wax given by Miss AmeHa Meiiwain, Mies hazel Tsang read an Intermit- ing tope and eItlaa 'Melia. Sagan gave n well-prepereoi journal. At the close of the meeting Mr. John Young acted no ehalrsa* for the election of ewers. Those elected were: Presi- dent, Jim Comm; rice -precedent, Wal- ter Melina.; seeretary-treasurer, Thelma Femme; asaiatant secretary - treasurer, Wilmer Hardy; organist, Antella Mcllwal.; aaslst.nt organist, Thelma Yemen. flonvenore-+tpv0teon- *1, Roby Tonne; literary, i12r1.e Web- ster; a►lesionary, trona McManus: so sial, Armed Mlle. A dainty tweet' wee *erred et flaw MOW Of the seitela*. 'Dictatorship le NT I ingot hoer* tree 11114e to loot at, but nothing grows nndhr 11."-- Stank! Baldwin. Extraordinary Value in Rugs New Axminster* from Barrymoor. Harding* and Brinton Carpet Co. Beautiful Per- sian and geometric designs. Deep heavy pile, lovely colorings, seamless and will give years of hard wear. Rise 4'8"z7'8" $13.50 8is. 8' 9" x 9' Sire 9' x 1O%' X00 00 Size 9' z 12' $36.00 to 94.00 SEAMLESS Tnt1affiY uiiUM 9' x 1034' $17.50 9' z 12' $19.80 REVERSIBLE SiMYRNA RUGS Flret quality on sale. else about 00 x A0. Large choice to select from, Regular $4.95 141.50. Each 7 NEWS .1114111281911170 _ Made of English pyjama flannelette. Best quality, full else and perfectly made and $1 50 finished Sizes 34 to 44. Each 7 i Pyjamas of tome cloth ar above • • • •$1 95 WOMEN'S COATS Farr -trimmed, silk -lined and Inter -lined Every ('oat new and up-to-themlaute. Speelally priced $18.00 ami $1950 INITIAL IIANDREaCHIErg For Igen. Fite linen, tall slue, hemstitch born der with initial hand -embroidered In comer. All initials except X and Z. fluxed 2. 3 or 8. 25_ Each LJC WOMEN'S SCARP'S - - Latest New York In Ane all -wool gay tartan*, checks and plaids- Beautifully boxed, Each $10 00 0 KIN'S NECKTIES Heavy English silk. Pun sine and well made, Hundreds to select teem l• -neat •Recta aid ail colors. Very special 35c; i ter $190 MEN'S CASHMERE ALL -WOOL MOORS 00 dower smartly patterned and exqulalts quality. Many are regular 111.00 'aloe. 50c slaw to to 12 LUNCHEON SETM Madeira embroidered pure linea cloth. N x - tt_i)-' ""`" at $1.00y $1.75, $2.75 IPSO!, COATINGS .. - A mil special buy we madl-of finest Winter weight. finest all -wool Coating* Away, under neSalar cattle. 64 to 00 etches wide. Yard $1.48, $1.68, $2.25 MIN'$ UNDERWEAR Peumau's 100% pure wool, mfrs heavy rib /Shirts and Drawees. 30 to AL ,i0lach $12, WOMEN'S "I6" UNDEl11t� _ 7 Penman's Vests and Demers. '[iaeb sloe CHILDREN'S RID -LINED OLOVRS �(,•{/� Dome fasteners, out -aeon. eine 2 to 7 9Q_ year. l'air 7pC W ACHESON & SON WHITECHURCH II where elle had been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Waldorf. Hiss Finlayson of East Wawaoosh spent the week -end with ars Joha Gaunt. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew KLrh *t See- terth *peat Wedeead*g house of kir. and Mrs. 3. D. )wrrott, Mr. ('cell Chamney. held a quite eucc•esafui shooting match *t his home on Saturday afternoon. Quite a number attended the dance in the hall on Thursday which was held In aid of the Agricultural Society, A number also attended the free dance in Winces on Friday night held by Mr Oeo. $pottos. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McGee and Gordo* visited on Sunday last with Y and Mrs, Robt. McGee of Blyth, Else Sarah Garbutt vielted o* day with with Hiss Catharine Roes, while Mr. and Mrs. Rees were att**dl.g the wHITECHU•ROH. Dec. 4. -Er. Jobs , Glides spent last week -end with his sisters la Detroit. to Mrs. Archie Radford of Myth. Er. This community extends sympathy and Mrs. Radford were well known in , this district when the late Mr. Rad -1 ford owned the store where Mr. Wight- maa now i.. Bora--on Friday, November Sk to Mr. and Mrs. PYneet Caae*M , a daughter. Hr. and Mrs. Ben Meelecagetas aM Wally meet Sunday last at the home of Hr. and Mrs. Dick Irwin, Mr. and Yrs. Frank Henry and Win and . Mr. and Mrs. lance Grata and Orth visited last Monday with Mr.l ail Hre. Ties. Oilman of Turn/nary. /O[ n. dint. Lett and little *on re - ate Saturday from Rarsover, I funeral of Hr, Chas. Richardson, wk. died at his home la Teamster os Fri- day. The funeral was held from the home of the Misses Jean and Isabel Douglas of Luc -know to South Rimier cemetery. r..dMs Shelia of Guelph visited last we* a Sia Y%, Trask Hairy. Idles Olive Terriff, EN. left on Sat- urday to visit with Mrs. Cecil Parsee. e1 Toronto. We understand that Era Thea., Morrison of Blyth was badly Notes up nm Friday night by two hoboes to whom *he had refused to give toed.. Era Joe Hogan sed Stele eon fret Moabite Ontario are viaitiag with lir parents. Mr, aid Mrs. JAbn Waddell- • Died-ee November 15. In the Gem- ent hospital, Ian Angeles, Calif., Hart Presidia, beloved hushes* of Miner- va Ralik., formerly of West Wawatser. The SignIfera /i i / (,r/r t tali //;////,'-f' ' J(//.'/l;'��� Here is a real offer that will saw you money ... Give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment and entertainment the whole _year through ... This is all you haiii is 'lei anti you wml Alcove the whole 4 publica- tions for one year from the date we receive the coupon. Here is the amazing combination low price. Our Guoranoto to You fMaelsan'e (se isomer) 1 yr. a .,.lame 1 yr. Qcanaerian 1 yr• N*Liweeed Home Monthly 1 yr. lloview. , 1 0 Canadian Horticulture and Hoene Magazine .. ,1yr. Thie wonderful offer is avail- able to old and new subscrib- er* lo this newspappeerr. We guarantee the fulfillment of all magazine subecrlptlorta and you have positive assurance that this generous offer la exactly as represented. Re- newals extended for MAiL. COUPON TODAY P1e.ae efp Ilat of Mapazioes after checking 3 Piblice- tio„s desired- FNS gag coupon earth/11y. Genthmen' f melees $ Please Saeid me the r. three ebet1R� ISM • 7�'* gMgetiptloo STRUT OR R. P. D, TOWN AND PROVIMC11 Sendremittance, with coupon filled in, to - HE SIGNJ'T Gaerich •