HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-09-25, Page 18?age ill C Lucknow Sentinel,.1iteduesd& Sept tuber 25, :tom 48. mlng Eittsnts $,r HOMECOMING REUNION South Kinloss Presbyterian Church Homecoming Reunion Sept. 28, 3 p.m. Lucknow Public School Swimming, barbecue and sports 5 p.m. Sunday Service at church + Sept. 11 29th, a.m. Special speakers Baulch family Sill, Joyce, Margaret and Anne. All welcome. am37439ar -14 Starting Sept, 28, 9:30 a.m, Multipurpose room,. Arena. Must be 10 years old as. of Jan. l , .1996. For mere information call Sharon 528- 3345. o -39x QUILT SHOW ;Presentedby. Five -Star Ourltera Guild. Friday, Oct. lith,' 10 a.m.. -. 9 ' p.m.; Saturday Oct. 12th,' 9 a.rrn. 5. p.m. Lucknow Oommunrty Centre: Admission $3. :poor prizes. COUNTRY CRAFT FESTIVAL. October 4 -. 6, `c3oderich Friday,n; Saturday, 10 - 8, Sunday;' 10 -. 5, Columbus Hall, Suncoast Dr. E. An even better 'show .with many new vendors and ideas.proceeds to charity. -37-39co EXPLORE THE COUNTRY Sunday, Oct.: 6, 1 ` to 5 p.m. Pickbag, . f.tr up t .easures and map at the Tourism Office at ' the Lucknow. Sports 'Complex. Bring the, m whole family f 1 for an after- noon, of fun and discover -the in treasures . 't `e:country• � and :life on'the farm b y.. exploring. the farms in: the s!� .. rroundin . area. :Fob' more � infocall Vicky : k Morrison ion at 528-2210. .;. Sponsored by Lucknow COC. --38-3 9,4a4�r Aerobic.l� � asses KinlossC . 0 mmunrty Centre Tues e & Thurs. us.Evn 7:3y.�{ M *0 pi,rn Cost $3. per night For information call Vanessa 9r S52$31. 50th Anniversary 40. ComingEvonts Hospital litiliary plays important role COC MEETING The Chamber of Commerce will meet Wednesday, Oct. 2, 7:45 a.m. at the tourism office. ,39ar BEAUTY APID BEAST Our last 1996 all-inclusive trip P $115. Great seats a Sunday, Oct 20,.6:30 pom. This will sell quickly! JoeiDiane Rys> Phone 881- 1.963. - 39co by June Wylds The Ashfield �M met at the. , home •; of i Marjore MacLean, cardine on Sept. 16, The meeting : opened with a welcome and two poems, :.of Autumn and :BettermGiftsent. The. 'devotions : were given'by Mrs. MacLean We : areexpected to give time, , talents, personal service and help in the service of our church. The Study Book was about the churches in central' Europe and we learned of the problems they -:face since the' re- unification e- ..� un f ication . of Germany. The women of central' be o bcfot oherum t ad x vnc s h c they �► are workingtowwards l mn women' and their families ea_ tter� . Rollcall was answered by"An old time : medical remedy." Some of the old , remedies worked really.:.. well, Helen . MacLennan reviewed the July August Glad . The ;prayer of the Least coin was for Brian Johnston ; who . is in, Romania. and teaches es English and music there. The business was con- ductedb$ Mr's. y MacLennan. The meeting closed with :..prayer and social time followed. Thlon*off Robe and Wilda . . Campbell Avg you to short with the* ., thteeleb,wio , of t e 50* WattlingAnniversary (w of the#r nems on . Sunday, Sots 2 1096 .. Open /Shute between 2:OOp v'Ir/1twkit,w UJ,.ited Church by Elsie Must Seventeen mein ors and one visitor attended the Kinloss-1airshea WI Sept. 19 at the home of 1 na Matthws. • (uest speaker was Margaret McLeod, presi- dent of the °Wiughan Hospital Auxiliary. It was interesting to learn the important part the auxiliary plays in the life, of the hospital, especially now with the government eat backs, Student volun- teers 1s, the net carne for Candy 'S'tripers. 'Funds are raised thr nigh a rum— ' sale, e sa , � -ift shop, pa bridge )marathons : (one group active iii. Lucknow, • once a month), Christrnass gift wrapping, ,Funds' are used to.huy needed equipment for the hospital. .• A bursary is; iven; each year to , an l F.E. Madill student continu- ing in a health-related auxili helps in many more ways to make hospital stays i much less stressful. Many more volunteers are needed, President, Alice Ritchie conducted the sSnoss portion, opening with a poem `GA visit to the • Doctor's Office." Birth . Laagen read Psalm 100. In f' WIQ president's' letter,' we learned 'that FVPIO will have a tartan, desi nod' by Nelda Morrison, in hof ` . 100th n �-'or the �. 00 anniversary in 1ebn ary, 1997>, �t has. been. o�Ac>rad P • b. er 1 ' "are�(jy'��xst gyred • wrt�h�' Scottish: Tartan Association in,Scotland. A report of very suc cessful cateringat the Sport Complex added much to the convenience for the successful cater- ing project at the Craft Festival. . Donations were given to the Arthritis, Society and the Day Care Centre in Winghand A citizenship eontven-. ors report by Margaret Mobray was entitled acBe'ing Seniors. we. remember \limy: Ridge, .. thousands -of soup kitcbens, Craft -Festival,by con- vener,-°ladys Johnstert The new facilities in the Joanne°,Va nderveen, Sept.:1 i : the menr<bers .of the Maitland Presbyterian 'enjoyed a bu�7�7 ° tLia• Thefirst:stop in s was p Ex eer theT Anglican Church' which was b`l i• t. oil in'1$86`b" 1VIr Trrve...ttP The.. Bell, Tower is u 'Made of five sto ri es Thehurc .. h c om- modates not only. the. Anglican,' , but h g the' Cat i hc►i cs- as ',welt, 'The' Catholicsfi wos t 9 � �. a.rm: and the Anglicans ,worship' nt'' 11 a.m. , The stained, glass windows . are exquisite and each P one has a special mean' in In front -of the :a star are beautiful:. , hand - embroidered "cushions. ` A lovely. drive down a'.. country lane took us to Tmberlane Estates, hid-= den : inthe woods,.near f e r ' �a.re i tsvilZe„ Here we' Were Met -and `;wr e 1c0 � d ' �m b.. the McGregor d -Carroll families. We were escorted cite` � in' � tlie,. into Dinner Theatre for a' deli= co ,eO::, i us uiitr ; meal and desserts. The atmosphere rt sp was very warm and lov- ing. Norma, • a very tal ented lady entertained us with wonderful songs on the piano. After, dinner we took a walk through. the woods: Our;, spirits were not dampened by' the rain. Ii The laughter and fellow- ship ellowship is something we will alwatys r`ernember. memories. ries. The sign from our for- mer ormer hall on the Lith Concession has been placed in the Bruce County Museum and some ancient farm 'deeds for safe keeping. Muriel ., MacKenzie received con- gratulations on being .awarded first place for a pair of place►i ats and a third for .a wall banging, at a quilt .exhibition, The rollcali a happy item from ; the newspaper, brought some interesting .visits of King., gorge and responses: many :50th ueeii Elizabeth in 1939. wedding anniversaries We ,still.' enjoy life were celebrated locally, : r because we have, �•i�s��.:. Change purse many e ones, • 1eturned; to it. s owner; Elsie .' o ston wild turkes plentiful in presided for the proe 'lured County now; a opening with apoem star reader donat danew written by. Dean McLeodmotorized scooter to a a revered and former' disabled youth : who had � . Member, entitled "Block been robbed. ::�•:.,� . i Muriel'. MacKenzie Prrintin die la in ', a: ; y extended courtesy ani le lace mat. Maui. •..' . by p � y remarks followed a a ... nannies sou ht back fond social, time. • by retty O'Dor nell Thirty-nine focal and • surrounding area folks joined<together for • the : annual , . Lucknow and ►istnct•l- Iorticuitural , bus trip recently. ,All enjoyed t, �i c.o „n t el h+c , u tarsdea ng, o Strathio with C uddJ Y' and fie.: . i~a�msbra erns..._ .as t ulti iat;e de " t:ination 'Martin C u nn 'forme>rly. of Kincardine, who„ now s e�cializes in uOr rental p sasses "p g, and erennials, e ; eras oitxtour 'guide: W a `d his ili a reci to i data n .^ .'of how their :zone' ;was suitable .for the '. articular trees shrubs and f10rers g,own~the r re. He, then took us to ` ,view his home yard cane tainng flowering grass- es; some of which grow ,eight to 10 - :.eet , In a: . comparatively small area he 'alsohas a Wonderful, lspecial. ° c i n` .lociof Q flowers' �s`a •• Well l as a sunken garden. e t red, ' Next, , ,�ve< follo h mto he arm where is . ree hoc se ��: r ,- h nhu.s are g the to observe a "origin" _ of his 'hand. o 'k. 'wr Several people m a de - Purchases' and -we jour- neyed homeward truly wour 'happy day appy a.th away. When you,respond to an l►id..ouknow? ;. ;, x. nteri�iewer from `cc tdin to `the 1 test: calling A c► g. .... a. -Statistics Garuda;. it pro - Labour. Force 'Surrvey, e miens. : . � vides" gov rn employment loyment° gains.in li healthcare,education alsd';. agriculture totalled , with � . � service providers :., . • 22,000 since the begin- trend infortanation' for ming of .the' ycarr' (Stats their pro,, grains and seri vices. Canada:) Area woman honored Emily Elizabeth. Bushell of Kincardine.' Township, is one of '1 34 recipients honored under the newHeritageoinrnunitY Recognition Program. Mrs. Bushell: has been a tireless promoter ,of the Bruce County Tartan during fat and county franc-: tions such as fall fairs. Her prom tion of the 'County fabric" has : generated community pride and appreciation: of local heritage.. A lifelong resident of Kincardine Township,Mrs Bushell has always taken an active part in, the 'com- munity. Her husband, the late John Bushell, was a former reeve of the. township. The program, under the umbrella of The Mario Heritage Foundation, recognizes, local heritage con- servation achievement. Annually, each municipality can nominate one person who best exemplifies her- itage conservation in their local community. `. Doug Johnston (right) was judged overall champion showman and senior championshowman in the 441 lief division, during fair days.. He received the Kevin Rinfoul Memorial trophy from Barb Rlnfoul Judge was Bruce Patched from Tara. (Livingston photo) a