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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-09-25, Page 11
Lucia -tow Sentina Wednesday, September 2 Z99 199�DCOGE STRATUS ciaitobio.roviacticling 4444, a*. «owed svairscimociss,-A-4rig, caiscssursc, gisei c4r ' WOK* k";101-port.in-corM PMN* 44 SW MUM 049 9 940 11181:43,-; — 1994,61RVSEER1ERARON LANDAU .stack 66177A. This is 14_t7 opscolo loorkw, PePpwi w)„ c44°P41''' 9c1 tilLcasiso, Poo? otinsfissoo, cassoito, .12i93raPto. 1996 CHRYSLERINDIEND 3 ennikairk, WA stripped and krw Fowls inshoio oir, pow varniowsitatio, cr4sa, dud air bags • Vkinatit4 moon' • le all 111111111 IIHM IMMO 1ar 1996.0000E NEON. kno, E-rtriittpoi with ok conthiioninkb op000, kk,o1 of rodr, 4-y wourm cr? CHAROEi (0111101Wir cAit CM* .11 Ar99 ;..5 515 Sxick 06218A, OW 96003h.ilicelypcoJ '54* 170/41k rookiiel inclock ororso, cssio., Goa C4r4 'Caa 4 WM MCA AMC"' •" 619. ea 1995 =SMOKE ACHIM Siocif632.4k C %iv ocpippod, V6, croiansolc,airco-idisioting rTsr4., Bonniui Solaro Wow,* 161° WI a 11 5 915 1994 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE Stock BUB faboriousvoronvisprosi wifirSg fonts 647,.Potatie sootioikraka don I5 P.M Proowin wohniwounny podzsge. ' 141.11mp�..0001 • • III 7,1107.15* 1994 DODGE CARAVAN Binds #7006A. tquigpsd wilb 7 itossongo• tiro autarnotio, Va, okr,. claim conha enra Londition4Podoy ala Mat al 5 1102,1; 1994 CHRYSLER NEW YORRERIA1V7: Siba #70044 0444.4.4kic-90P411-1g LW °WSW. 11-th wthick 4 with -. • fouto04, Enisho0 Ina striking pjminis-o .1011:41111'.: 41 jr9r50: 1993 MERCURY TOPAZ °We &lock tOMAIA. Excnikriwthkin, very wng utp!-- incluAng Vo5 0604 aukin0lic, pcaver wpmtio dam& $1,0001 wow.. wok 1993 CHEVROLET IIEREITA GT Stock #6385A. Supor vehicle in groat condition. 410* with V6•RignA iaonrnok cod knorFully.onlithid ond otollant woo** *tis0750 993 OMER NEW YORKER MN NENE StoOk #643.4Most °trivia bounty:Groat or v6itt oIl hi Owls Inc, duoi p, sooting, 'Fitt/shod in EnninstWhini iid i,i intmowlothithnthlion. "11;000141115,93F15"; L01993 NISSAN ALMA GXE7 .------71 sio(k #0262A,GraM cart Was dean orandition. ' Loado4 withr Fe* nth indudine5iir, powerpowerwindionikochs; tilt mita, tm ita, a. and ksti manor 111111 =It $ , III MAW& PRIMA "War Fril,* 1992 PONFIAC GRAND PRIX skxic 1#62710/anat,i0Oling 2 Jour AwItitguigh. NicOlyoguippgiwititaio V6, automatic, powor features. Dark.rodoxtoriarand in gnat condition. $•RUUB likt97110 1992 JEEP, CHEROKEE SPORT Stack c6219A. Egotism .hwp 4:town ondioion. tquecf with is air coo:1444v and his marnt)adebitoi sodniar. SHARP, • UPUcID al30,9750 1992 VO(KS PASSAT Gi. slactc#71404. Fr/stank inhiclik today* look* including air,cantlitioning, brothotSOcisr- 00konatio and lob, kis rnowEgoollont narrantyl a PIA1111111 all.311075i.: 1991MO Fri SO 4);41 siodafavA. 041yd:4406a F150Vsbit o candificning,automok, 40, bo*linsir and uploalaS ' kiIsdo Grobstioning isnni crsaiiabla °AC,' sirorol,]*10,971140' 1991 *Evian. sio sump sval#42.42A,Fothi sharp & idna drran,Briakt WM* airkr,*.4 door. mods; squpp.dwith Vrthrtata.l'air, coifO&flLGrSOI BUIDIK110 11 fii,4001 .iiitnOtiot RAM 1,1-500:. Slock#62Z3A. ,9001ociatjttsokfilfrtPlYrin tit* itusk. towpped _with Vs isi"d4.6.-seons, Faborgipu coplikkokidwith this wthicle,•,-, --f 11811010. .4 L1991:ORDSAIONIE curutss afRik..1 Stock 40286Pit, exfAllooi wok* with this gOod iorshing Clore; Egtrlsod widtV6, air &ono. transmission; tinano ovagobto0AC; ,110104101011 , • $1100011 Blaik si6422k0011 tanking folly totrindiSanOtt van. lestuippOd nishYdneNiiifeys noomotie... • transtniSSienjak 'SOW kmiIyvide.• 11140ionr• • :$1111, fir ".. 1 DODGE $444110335A. l'.ontostic value, This von 5 fully 1040 and is thiopotsistlioss "trgorstro. Paseo, ssiosiott oarsiralk aaists, tik. Oa.. *IC: LOT lilt .11 air P10431 • vi star ,6F 199 TOYOTA COROLLASR 5 • Pock 044...Onrotiondigon hind look* in'irsi frohhici in bithi* gi64 s 0•0 *sir**, *arrant. .IIDUUD $A097 .$1,000. 1991 TAURUS .$iock4/6431A. LOW LOW ions and nicely .quipped including air cond., povnit looks, auks, Naos. Exiro doors gondition. Worr 10111611110 CA $11,101101 4dro 1090 CHEVROikr:$10:ilAZER; • Srock4/6388, LOOKS LIKE NOM ExotthInC, v.hictewith veeilaw km..Equ!ppid with V6, Oula.: Dark ractirciarlor and 0 grsat bay"USU�D $'I . .1990 GEO STOW Sthck40277PA. Good looking von ortuipilonl vehitis with linty low Ithls. Bright rod Egdirigt WN mainairsorivoildp 0.$,Neolcl• n miloss.,. 11160111111 , latajr . 911,0061. Air ijr `,111.4! 1989 'PON1lAc 6000 so& 06217A. Virry Chan vshid. With $isiy tan, isms. Equipped with our cod Mlle trixtsinissian. ' This ia tiohiclo that man ha S.on.'eliont4t. inotecuoSA .1,01001. 771". 1 tincli1297PR,Goolvoltievellielirwiih onto, tsdithrwint tO1405,1. pbynion4 OAC, 5sZt Bilk0001 • 1949401.Vito 2SOOL. • sock noic Gmotcod)legery rtniptaintod by' th.cdgidownsi, ON . with Minkondilion Ionian out, Rom r•nd. :114010T :0111401., 1.939 SUICK Stodc #622SA, Gent lookingarrd welEmointainia, 16:r lawsehisiti.441ind with V6, airt61141: tioningiMalsola.transmitsion, Great family I r,orol t',411i911'5 1989 MERCURY TOPAZ ssodi#4100A. Foniosicbuyl Extemmo cataiticiti.g000d 044.eithe; transmissifin cod: are Coiiditioning. Two-006•wha*Orid iiteuess , $ ihfilAsior tioR s A , , . „ • . , 1015 DODGE CA11AWAN 5,040272C Good 100019 van. F* recoodiiinned and Wiped with air tort., auto. ironL, &oho ond r,1t. WorrOniY, 'agalair I'S sum 4198700MURCORDOM — AS TRADED SPECIAL ogLeemsk . IAMANC,," 414 Huron Rd., Goderich 524-7383 Out-of-town ca