The Signal, 1934-12-6, Page 1. TO NEII SUBSCRIBERS
TH*.SIGNAL to Jaunty 1st, 1936, for
the prlee of a year's )olid-llptadvsnos
atilmeription. ewi•sae+,
f ;1,50
Sabeekibe now and get the foil bgneat
of this offer.
THE SIGNAL, to January 1st, 1906` for
the price of a year's laid -In -adverse*
Subscribe now and get he full benefit
of this otter.
Reeve Matheson Returned in Ashfield, with 8. Sherwood u Deputy
_. �i4L--s�rllT4 ark ,E4�e�111 ., Tt., �iA2w SoWng il-
, Electors Make Clean Sweep in Rseter—Owen Geiger Tails to
Colne Back in Henson
Wilmot Haacke was returned as
Reeve of Ooderlch township 0n Mon-
day with a vote of nearly three to one
over his opponent, 1'. H. PoweU. The
tango by polling dtv(do ., was as fel-
Haacke Powell
No. 1 138 18
2 109 7
8 t80 81
4 47 40
49 40
45 25
477 161
Majority for Haacke-816.
At 8 o'clock there were about one
hundred ratepayers gathered at the
township hall at Holsiaivlfie to hear
the returns furnished by Township
Clerk Thompson. Mr. Haacke was
called on for an address and thanked
the electors for their generous support
In electing him for a fifth term as
reeve. Mr.' Powell also was present
and prayed himself a good loser In an
address thanking those who had sup-
upported him In this contest and also in
pad elections.
Councillor 0 J. Jervis gave a short
but neat address and H. C. Cox, a
former reeve, but now elected to the
council for 1985, also spoke. The
clerk casually remarked that Mr. Pow -
eft would likely be appointed to the
board of health, a position held by Mr.
Cox for several years, the Idea .eemtng
to be that defeated candidates ars
]paced on the board until they recup-
erate softly to "come back."
Be. Rathwell, the lips councillor,
was called uposepd Mrpressed his ap•
Preelati4n of the het& eoaferred upas
nu feasting thea booit the form of
• rooted table talk on selidpal af-
fairs, W.LMr-4184 . on, the ae-
.fie fav
?mit to orralhll. Several rat
'--" �r fn/o7
J. W. Hanna was re-elected Mayor
of Wingham on Monday by a majority
of 483 over G. L. Baker, a member of
the 1934 coin et The rote was: Han-
na- 706, Baker 228.
Fred L. Davidson was re-elected
Reeve, detesting Thos. Fells by a ma-
jority of 19. The rote; Davidson 471,
Fells 452.
W. H. Gurney was returned to the
public utilities commission by a ma-
jority of 19 over Flank Sturdy. The
vote was: Gurney 470, Sturdy 451.
The councillors were elected by ac-
• • •
Exeter on Monday had the liveliest
mwklpel cosiest in away years. 4
record vote was polled, and the result
1s an entirely new council.
W. D. Sanders, Reeve of 1964, was
defeated by Thomas Pyrde, a newcom-
er, by • majority of 295, rte vote being :
For Sanders 270, for Pryde 571.
The eounc'lllors elected are James
Morley, Dr. G. F. Roulaton, H. C. Riv-
ers and Wellington !fern.
For public utilities commissioner
Luther Penhale defeated Paul Coates,
the former member. by a vote of 454
to 352
School trustees elected are A. 0. El-
liott, J. M. Southeott, C. V. Pickard
and Mrs. Roxle Beavers.
• • •
John McNabb failed of re-election as
reeve of Grey township on Monday,
his opponent, Henry Heys, whiling the
contest with a majority of 125. Oliver
llismingway was elected for another
term as deputy reeve, his majority over
Silas Johnston being 118. vie voiles
Pte` reef= j . 372, WNW .149-
ds9sty `leve•-Iemtngwy SSC Seiki
Sex 41s'
are 'nomas Ilk-
- and Thesis
Miss -Irene Peliow visited this week
at London.
Mrs. Harold Young and Master
Billy were up from Kitchener over i'be
week -end.
Mise Lulu ('fort is visiting this
I6 T.on�on'-iFItK`la4t'
Sirs: Ca'.
Mrs. W. J. Ouyatt, of Binbrookl Ont.,
was the guest the fast week of her
sister, Mrs. M. Burkholder.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooper, of De-
troit, spent the week -end at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cooper.
Miss Ida Carrick and her brother
John, both of town, are, visiting their
elder brothers In Houston, Texas.
Mies M. K. Mceorkindale and KIM
M. Matheson Were vtaltors at the
Winter Fair at Toronto last week.
Mr. W. J. Tobin, of the Royal Bank,
Chippewa, 1s appetites holidays with
hie parents, Mr. ■nd Mrs. M. J. Tobin.
Mrs. Wallace !flack of town has re-
eently returned from a six weeks'
vi -It with relatives at Wingham, 13 .
eels and Ifluevale.
Mrs. J. S. Howrte has returned from
■ week's risft with her daughter, Mrs.
Harrison, at Detroit. While there
she was a guest at a meeting of the
Order of the Eastern Star and wit-
-stemmed the In•tatlatlon of her danlIt`e
as Worthy Matron.
Miss Jean Lawson left on Saturday
for Chicago, where she will visit with
friends before continuing her journey
to Loa Angeles, Cstltfornla, where she
will remain for the winter season. She
will also visit In Texas and at New
Orleane before going to Los Angeles.
On Monday, December 10th, at 8 p.m.,
Rev. R. J. Bowen, F.R.0.8., of London,
will give as address, illustrated with
lantern views, on "The Bible In the,
Yukon." The address will be given in
St. George's parish hall and will he
under the auspices of the loeal briaei
of the Upper Canada We Society.
There will also be miskal numbers*
local talent. An offering Der Vag hada
of the Bible Society will be take A
cordial Invitation to mann¢ tW slnit-
Ing is extended ea all eI rosea. yeas
aid cid.
Rev. Mr. -lowest well IS
tJenere'e chard on #arday
at..MItlen1 fnaday shod la the
noxa, avid at Victoria Sleet
ehurch in the s1001 ie,,,
AY. DECEMBER 6, 1934
Goderich Fall Fair
Is Out of the Red
Not Paid Off, and TinsnoN in
-- Reber Condition Vida fee-- -
Ate Christie
The 81g001lival91111
to M
la addle.,
Sr StterNt and`
the number sod k
ticl�g. Q m*a
fti their'
dal OP labor it
alit MIS •speel r
pa MI' Sated&
a a
est: Ithippleel
tbe ate Millis
g WIN so
Ike esapls
oseemoar Ritmo
sena of only tw
wards lir. mall M.
a festgtag trip to
willisider1s' 0044
eats of Delayed for wine weeks by the M-
pa'rticu- ueet the oseretary-treasurer, J.
seaso, Howard• a meeting of the
1 ar- directors of the. Goderleh Agricultural
Society war held at the 'town hall ea
seeder. Saturday evening to clear tip business
lu cuuuec•tlon with the fall falx held
send In in September. me prosideat, Wm.
at the Green, was In the chair. The state -
great meat presented by the secretary-tleas-
slgl°g urer showed the finanees of the 80-
ciety to be In better shape than for
ilh° work many years. This
year's operations
show a surplus, enabling payment' to
full of the note at the Bank as well
as of current liabilities, and this in
spite of the fact that the prize money
for this year's Lair is more than *100
III excess of last year's.
The hoard passed a resolution, an-
ima the thorizltig the payment of all prjas
Thursday money. and cheques are going out to
liuphe the prize -winners this weak.
of Mra. !'resident Green expressed great sat -
h, and Istnction at the Improvement In the So -
united clety's Jimmies and gave credit to the
mu,._ work of the secretary -treasurer and
marriage', directors In bringing about this happy
J. Lane. i result.
by the
rs and
and the
the pre-
After -
n left on
asepurizas f
Rt the,t9sekly
lead Monday eve
were skittles:
Rash au* Komi
Minato* mad Mr.
19 ; id Mr. az
Miss S. Wiantel
sits (Medi. pias
Saunter's and M;
' 'na
awW, F.
Lai -
By an misfortunate error the notk•e
In last week's Signal of the blrtb of a
daughter to Mr. and Mrs. William T.
Maize, of 8t. Lambert, gee , was placed
under the wrong, heading. The baby
was born on Sunday, November 18th.
Mr. and Mrr. Maize were formerly re-
sidents of Dungannon and vicinity.
On Thursday evening last Gordon
Armour's group of "Tecumseh" boys of
North street United church were enter-
tatped by the Junior Christian Service
Group boyo of Victoria street United
church. in charge of Rus/ei Bloomfield.
The boys rallied in strong iiumbe s,
about'stzty lays, aged nine ,to nisei,
wag present.
Rus41 Bloomfield sated as chair-
man, ' deviatoeal ezereises , , upy(pg
like Ant
Mrs. Mary Bell Taylor, for many
years a resident of Oodertcb, died at
Toronto on Friday. She was In her
eighty-eighth year. Surviving are
two da tin, Miss Elizabeth Taylor,
ot end 111re -A. -tic Baines: -ot
late!- two -soasr,•-* es
of T to, fad Fred .Taylor, of Van-
The weather temperatures for the
past week and those of the correspond-
ing week of last year were as follows:
1984 1988
Max. Min. Max. Min.
Tlwrs, NLu. 29 . -!9 41 .tis 32
Frt., Nov. 30 52 35 52 36
Sat , Dec. 1 58 05 40 28
Sua., Dec. 2 85 31 39 27
Mon„ Dec. 3 85 80 44 35
Tues., Dec. 4 42 32 44 40
Wed., Dec. 5 ...."86 26 47 39
Ahmeek Chapter, I.O.D.E., held a
card party at the Park House on Fri-
day night, with an attendance of over
eighty members and their friends.
Guests were received by Mrs. D. J.
Lase and Mrs. H. C. Dunlop, regent
and vice-regent respectively. Twenty-
one tables of bridge and "500" were oc-
cupied, and were in charge of Mrs.
Callow and committee. Winners at
bridge were Miss Gladys Ginn and W.
F. Saunders, and at "500" Miss C. Mc-
Clinton and Mr. McInnls. Refresh-
ments were served at the concluslon.of
a very enjoyable evening at the card
The proceeds of the party were most
gratifying, and will be used for the
work of the Chapter sad for 1o0a1 re-
lief purposes. •
Celebrate Their
Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anderson,
Napier Street, Were Married
at Auburn is 1884
That haply oetatde3 that comes to
only a few, a golden wedding aabiiver-
serl, was celebrated, •n Monday, No -
Changes in Pension
Act Criticized
County Councilors Doubt Wis-
dom' of Now
With all members presb49 Huron
county council convened on Tuesday
afternoon for the December and con-
cluding session of 1934. Warden George
Elliott in his opening remarks an-
nounced that a statement to be pre-
reseated during the week's deliberations
would show a deckled imp' ,vement la
county nuances. Tills statement, he
said, might be delayed a day or two
through the temporary illness ot TrMa-
nrer A. 11. Erskine, who was confined
to his home.
The Initial sessiou was marked by a
discussion to which protest was regis-
tered against the new administrative
regulatlous of the Old Age Pension
Act doing away with the county cowb-
cll committee. It was argued that se
long as the county of Huron pays les
per cent. of the pensions (*1300 a
month) it should have some say in the
admlaistration of the Act and that
the new orde>? of things would make
for Ine(ifclenceand abuse. Formal pro-
test is to eorporated In a resolu-
tion and, girded to local members
of the tura and to tlhsr•Provin-
eIal Gov nt.
"It has been a pleasutty"t:o preslds
as Wardell this year titer the as -
pleasant episode of 1933," said Warden
Elliott "I have been fully cosecloos
of my responsibility, I hate !tied flay
beat and I think 1 have been trait to
my trust. I have had the loyal sup-
port of all members and the unselfish
asndstance of county olttcera, for which
1 tom thankful."
Congratulations to Property Ceramittas
After reference to the improvement
in county Mantes and the Illness of
Treasurer Erskine the Warden eon.
gratulated the various committees on
their year's work, particularly so the
property committee, of which Reeve
Robert Turner la chairman, for . tp-
preeimanls trade at the coast) Mild-
Int- The year, a said. Weald elisi
with >ppU,Mal and,
Gaeta- lie spowd to clg-
ehocolasa bars..and valise these
d bees. tally-appnselated' mo When&
Tee thancillers of Ob‘rich town -
Mated by acclamation for 1985,.
Oliver J. Jervis, Henry Corey,
b. C. CI* bird Ben Rathwell.
Fleetwood Deputy Reeve of Ashfield—
Three New Ceusdlkn Elected
Ashfield township on Monday re-
elected Murdoch Mathew° as reeve,
with a majority of 30 over Richard
Johnston. deputy reeve of 1934; gave
Samuel Sherwood the deputy -reeve-
e hlp, with a majority of 102 over Wil-
fred Farristt, and from six contestants
for the other three seats on the coun-
cil chose Dr. Gilbert Frayne, Alex.
MacDonald and Arthur Culbert.
The eounclllors are all newcomers
in municipal life
< :..• .:. Owls Geigelr on
Martial_ wens ..
Coarse el William
Sheppard. Williams b b. Robin-
son and G, -V, Pretty.
• • •
'At Barfield on Monday polling for
village trustees resulted In the elec-
lecttion of Harold Brandon, Donald Mur-
ray and Leslie Elliott. The defeated
candidates were Murdoch Rose and
Samuel Houston.
Thelma McIntyre, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Duncan McIntyre, of Kintail,
was admitted to Alexandra hospital 0n
Friday last suffering painful, although
not serious, Injuries to arms and body "Gal." Smith Is
received In a motor car accident near
Sheppardton on the Blue Water high-
way. Forrest Carter, of Godericb, who
was driving the girl to her home, was
blinded by the lights of an approach-
ing car and ran Into the ditch. The
other ear did not stop. It was not
Identified. Provincial Constable P. E.
The vote by polling dlvisli fit Is hnvestlgating•
as follows:
as yet, Mt it is adt for
offers for the job. Slice Jobe
Goat iris nerve last Th. day, *bar
within twenty feet of the' top of
ninety -toot pole, George, lapse, care-
taker of the court house, his received
two offers from boys about fifteen and
seventeen years ofage, who asked to
be allowed to de the job. Each offered
his services at a cut rate of *5. Mr.
James asked one youth, who ap-
proached him on Monday, if his par-
ents knew of h15 intentions. "Oh,
gush, ao!" exclaimed the boy. The
second chap gave a similar reply to
the question. Mr. James asked each
one to speak to his parents before at-
tempting the climb. They have not
been back to the court house, since.
1' 2 3 4 5 0
M. Matheson Olt 36 57 42 99 y:
R. Johnston 110 142 94 61 19 2s
Majority for Matheson -30.
S. Sherwood 111 124 90 (10 61 39
W. raffish ,.............. 54 47 38 38 43 R7
Majority for Sherwood -102.
51 8.� fil ,52 93 I+.4
40 40 83 89 Ott 9t
127 79 60 49 44 'Le
31 120 94 10 39
28 on 34 32 37 39
80 38 87 87 9
G. Zinn .............
A. Johnston
- Frayn4 MacDonald
and Culbert elected.
'1 17
showed a decrease of over 33,000 from
Year of Hospital }ta`t year. add the president suggested
(that some means be adopted of serer -
Work Reviewed Ing better payment of hills for services
Annual Meeting of hospital As
sociation—Retiring Members
of Board Re-elected
m eeta presented at the annual
of the Alexandra hospital
Aneociat"M9• held at Markey Hall on
Monday evening, Meowed another use -
fol and eaccessful year's operations.
O. L. Parsons, president of the hoepi-
tel board, presided.
The financial statement for the year
ended September 30th, 1034, showed
reveliN a of $16,494.60, Including a bal-
ance from the previous year of
$1,O9e.8R. Experdltnres were 316,283.-
91, leaving a balsam on hand of
During the year 465 patients were
treaMd, wit% a collective days' stay
of 6,615. Receipts frog patients
rendered to patients.
('ost of patient). per day watt shown
et 324..5, as eompared with 324f1 last
year, but it was explained that this
year's figures were tnereaaed by the
purchase of new equipment and other
expenses which were outeide of ordln-
try •perating expenses, and that by
deducting these amounts the coat per
day would be teduced to approximate
ly 32.00.
The Prvmdskett's Address
The prealdent In hie address referred
to'the loss to the community suffered
in the death of "one of the hest dtl-
sem we have ever been ascw•Iated
with. I refer to the late Rev. J. 111.
Ford. While always willing to assist
In any worthy ears/ for the benefit
of his townapeeple, 100, gave very many
years of his life here serving os the
hospital board, for many years as
chairman of tlte'fboarsl when the hos-
pital was located on South street. He
ltfefLNy gave of his services. in sav-
(Costanned ea page 5)
Still Missing
awaing.pae yeti ii► tie'
siesb.tsot'e Oraip odge and their
1Aare 1n tui heal reale on Se
el*i op Thursday Mask More:
than Say persoioeeaging
thirteen, card Mies, which •'500"
and entire weig played. Mrs. • Van-
cour and lir. ands array woe at
euchre and the. kIN las "500'
were Mrs. Vines i r. Goddard. A
epeeist draw prize, * twenf}j0:5bee of
sugar, wan wqQe by Mtaa Mellwain,
Newgate err.' t .Arresvellent luncheon
was nerved, bringingtto a,,close a very
successful evening. ¶'bk committee 1n
charge of refreahta/dts'Mas composed
of E. 1'. Cleveland, Jos, *'Nevin, .Vex
McNevin and Jack .HoMer1
i.AST MEWflNN 1934
At the monthly Mattis* of the pub-
lic school board on **Ley night last,
the members jrrc.en were G. W.
Schaefer (in 1 he clieWi jphn ('utt, R.
G. Johnston. Rev. J.a94. 13. Mills and
Mrs. Geo. Johnston. '1
A letter sons re'eive4, from the ser
N appeared—HimeMother Here flub -tilting that the b would con-
y Two eejfa $ince e s- rotary of the l'nttal H+q)Ke and School
frim- Detroit
Mrs. ('Imre F. Bremer, grief-strfc'k-
Ilona Its annual coat rlbutlon of *•i0 to-
wards the salary of the musical In-
structor In the rklioot.
On application, Miss le K. Bell,
en mother of Galicia- Smith, Goderich Elgin nvrnnc, Eras a' . to the lint of
man who now has been missing and supply teacher*.
unreported for two weeks less one day, The principal of Central sthonl re
{torted for Ihe.nwntfi of November:
asked The Signal to make the an- Pupils on roll. 227: average attend-
norunement that she Is offering a re- mice, 207, or 91.1 pee ceq; Really
ward of 31(4) to HO person who re- hank deposits, *07.51.
turns the missing man to his home For Victoria echootsthe report was:
Help. Pupils enrolled, 360; average attend -
Mrs. itremer, whose home 1s at 925 Ince, 328.20,sor 92.39'pM cent.; Pen -
Stimson street, Detroit, is at present ny itnnk elepos(ts. $109.34:
under a doetor'a care at the home of MIR was the last meeting of the
her sister, Mrs. N. ('olclough, Light- hoard for the year. (Trustees whose
hoose street, Ooderlch. She Is suffer- terns expire this rse are Mrs. John -
Ing from a nervous breakdown. The `tun, .I. C. ('emir, 110.H. Blpekatone
mother of the mla'ing man could throw and It. G. Johnston. 4
no 'light on the mystery of "(tel.'s"
whereabouts, but steadfastly refused
to believe the persistent rumors, since
disproved. that her son was safe with
relatirea in Southwestern Ontario. She
fltmly believed that, were "Gal." alive,
he would have corresponded or got In
toueh with her, 11s mother, as would
be natural for it son In trouble.
On Friday night, November 23,
Smith left the home of Mr. and Mra.
Goddard, West street, at 0.40 p.m
He has not been seen since, meld his
mother. He always seemed happy
with him family, aha said, hut had a
little quarrel with hta wife Just before
he disappeared.
Gallow Smith was deseribeef hy him
mother it. five Meet, fonr intim tall,
nlallnm weight, fair, sharp features,
a cast In left eye, gold bridge work on
front teeth, end wearing a wrlat-wateh.
A deacrlption of him clothing Is as fol-
lows: Light cep, bine shortened over-
coat, red sweater, working tronsera
and shoes. He will be thirty-two on
December 24th.
i/ragging operations at the harbor
are being mntlnn.d by Hsrhormeate?
Bert Maelflonald when the weather
perntlte, on the ebarw'e that the miss -
lug man may have carried out a threat
once made to a friend, that he would
do away with himself.
The nnit11a1 wither forecu-t
for the corning r neaaon sous
handed nut on ay by Root
Armstrong, veter mall driver,
of Dungannon. . " made his
predIctlon rather_ uetantly thls
time, at he did n exactly score
a hull's eye Inst./Sir. At any
rate. a green Ci ktmas and a
mild winter are atlkgeated to this
amateur prophet,.by the follow-
ing- steno: TM'. pro wsee of
snakes and 014worms above
ground np to a nt date, end
the eight of i ning 1n the
emit last week.' . Armstrong
slsr states that' e squirrels
seem In no b' to lay In •
store of food.:
Three anaka bean killed
In and ■rennd noon in the
past few days is so unusual
to ase snakes at time mfy Pa
that "Belt" k nnot mean•
something—wilet a mud
terl —
=tad Snell favored with a dolln 1:: bf 1
n, mbar which the Ilarstsomles Mrs. Andersson was the daughter of
t$nnd ea ani la n wfeak a lavas a nam- merge Young and his •wifee . IMOD*
An sdy s . 041,ure was s read-- (.lark, of the 8th eoacession of •'
Ing, .'Brady's .Goat, by Gordon township. Mr. kudetsoi Shoe was
Brhwa°ts, which brought penis of I horn In Colborne township, the sob et
laughter from flop you mg tads. Gordon f Phomas Anderson and his wife Eleanor
Armour, lender of the North street Wnuaha❑
thanked the Victoria street boys After their marriage Mr. and Mrs.
their leader very kindly for the Anderson AfteIlved at Auburn for twelve
privilege tl spending an evening to-' year*, and for the next eighteen years
tether, and Rev. F. W. Craik also
l In Northern Michigan, where Mr. An-
voleed his appreciation of the gather- I d1'tpn sone engaged In 'limbering. Re -
Ing. This part of the meeting nMsed turning to Iluron county, they farmed
Re -
with a hymn, . nd then Ifreny and in- 1 for a few yenre on the Hayfield road,
teresting games were indulged In for a Graferich townehl ,and fourteen years
served ur or fin. Lunch then was j ago retired to their present comfort -
served by Marjorie 1'rnuw•, ii,,i.i „hie home In Onlerlrh.
Snell, Annie McKinnon and \label
Bloomfield. four member. of the Will- (If their family of four. ton •ons and
Worker- group of Victoria street "n'' %laughter survive: W. Elwin An=
Radio Inspector
Comes --and Goes
Advised by Superior against Be-
-. coming Involved in Any
Court Action
The clearing np of Ictal radio distur-
bances is a matter that Ilea moiety In
the hands of the town, sail, AIR.
ehey, radio Inspector of the Marine
Department, ye-45rday. in a somewhat
stormy session with Ir. E. Holmes,
counsel for radlo-,w tiers In Goderleh.
Mr. (7linchey stated the altuattnn had
been outlined In it report that now iR
In the hands of Town Clerk L. L. Knox.
The dlatrict radio inspector was In -
stringed to come to Gnderlrh do track
down definitely the aour•ee of radio in-
terference here, after n letter explain-
ing the bit uation had been sent to the
Department hy Mr. Holmes.
41r. 4'Itnshey Arrived here at norm'
on WeelnesuMy, and soon after was In
eonrersatinn with Mr. Holmes, 1110
explained that the Inspector's finding,
would be used is expert testimony in
a court action to secure an Injunction
In prevent the use of n chiropractor's
machine. allegedly the cane of the
greater part of the radio dlstnrhance.
Mr 1'Iinehey then got In touch with
his superior. 8. J. Ellie, dlvIelonnl
radio inspector, Toronto, and, on enn-
veytng In him this information, was
told to take no action here Sir. Ellin
Intimated that the radio hrnneh 411,1
not want to get mixed up In a court
action. -
The Inspector and his nsbdsfnnt left.'
In their radio far soon atterwarda,
w•Ithont taking any action.
Mr. Siolntes has again written the
Marine itepartment, the. time report -
Ing the mttlttido of the !napPrtorn.
Mr. Knee *fetes the solution con-
tained in the Inepectnr's report is mere-
ly a matter of lnsnlatlon of the room
In whleh the offending machine 1m kept.
The job would emit In the neighborhood
of moven nr eight hundred dollars. It
la said There la no gnarantte In the
statement that Interference would be
eliminated completely, said Mr. Knox.
far h, of
twenty . - mat'g of
t leglsistion be p•
ettscf.aThe rile why
'!he' edbnty o R
municipalities be oimpowered to pa
laws to levy a slrec Mal tax on eh*
and departmental stores and to license
mutable manufacturers. This resolution
was referred to the legislative commit-
tee, %%1114 1 111-0 will deal with a reso- 117
(Continued ou page 5►
I Herb. Jane met %%Ilh a peculiar mil -
1 bap this week In which he cracked a
rib. Ile was cutting a piece of metal
with a large pair of shears, with one
arm of the shears held In both hands,
the other against h1- chunk 1'he Imple-
ment alipped and one handle dug Into
lila cheat, cracking I rib. .Vthuugh the
injury causes little pain. Mr. Jane finds
It necessary to go about hi- work in
lilt garage cautiously. for fear of fur-
ther injury to the bone.
114,1snn, of Ilnmliton, 1/nt ; .1. Alex. An- ,
dersnn, of Irnyton. Oh1o. am! Mra. Holt.
('olcmnn 1NelIleI, Of Abbey, Sask An-
other 1; 113:MN. Mrs. t:r•n. Gettzr'n
11'„rn i, passwl away at 11' \aiotte ,
Ill h . in )larch ha -t and was buried In
11,ale r lch.
1)w Ing 10 the Illness of \fr..\nderaon,
the golden welding celebration was n
quiet nn' The only one of the family
present was Mr. Elwin Anderson, who
sous s,ccontpmnled by his wife and
three children, Evelyn, Jean and (;nr-
'dnn. Many friends, Including n num-
ber from Auburn, called during the,
day. however, to tender congratula-
tions, and among these were Mr. Alex.
NfncKenzle and Mts. 1411n llonstnn,
both of Auburn, who were present at
the wedding fifty years ago.
The hrlde•mald, Mims Annie Ander-
amt. and the groomsman, (',ol. William
Young. have holt passed on.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson received
many beantlftil gifts, and ``Messages of
congratulation (lame from Toronto, De-
frntt. liamilton and other pieces.
Although Mr. Anderson la at pre-
sent laid aside by illness, s boat of
friends In town and eonntry wish than
he may soon he restored to health and
that he and Mrs. Asderaoa may 4111
have many years In happiness together.
The 1st 1'rcx,p of Grrderlch Bayr"—
:Scout,, under Seout Master Earl El-
liott, conducted what turned out to
is• a verb profitable (rake sale and a
draw on Saturday, from which the
ane of t:15 son+ rcal;zcel. Ten mem-
her. of the 'Troop, , Iuavassiug for M-
eer. days, sold three hundred tleketa
on the draw. whl, It um, for n hats
The draw took place on Sahtrdey
5%1'111110, Mrs.'..1. Swagger having the
winning tic•kef. Several Items left
aver' from the bake sale were disposed
o1 by drawing Sirs, 11. 1, Barnes
and Mrs. Frank Kershaw were 1a
charge of the home-nuule baking.
The 'Troop would like to thank ail
those who helped make the %enttirc the
-.ay, ass I1111t it was by purchasing
tickets for the draw nr p1trouizIng
the sale.
WON' ha',l,'e rec1'1%e,t from the
Department of Murine at Ottawa by
11. F. Ibdnms, I,arrtder, that A 11.
('Ilnchey. of Kttchcner. Department
representative, will be In Gcxlericl
.0.11 to track down I0c41 Retirees of
radio pnterfereoct The letter, sehleh
was received on Monday, .a ft0,,,psked
that local radio dealer.' give bit. ('lin-
ehey their co operation and assist la
locating the causes of the Ilkhirlffinem.
Its. Holmes was engaged by several
I of the more detern,lnecl radio owners
1l(11rn reeentiy eighteen Torreon.' were
'untmnnsecl for operating radios with-
out Ifceneet.
Racllo-owners objected to paying *2
for it license In the face of poor re-
ception owing fn Interference paused
by looelectric and teletype maehtnea
Iloom electric
was ennsldered only fair that good
reception tae guaranteed for the Fo-
ment of itrPnsP fees. When there was
no abatement. In fart an increase in
the dlaturheneee, Mr. Itolmee was re -
()nested to write the Department 11
Marine to auk that some action he tab-
aras. Notilcatlon of Mr- Climbs"
visit to td messes to this request.