HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-09-25, Page 4Page 4 — Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 25 191M
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lop Pat Livingston. Genu Manager / motor
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If you could
As I was away on holidays When the
last Cheque to pay off the Sports
Complex was presented, I wasn't able
to get up oil my bandstand andspout
off. So, you get to • read itthis week or
put this page under your bird.
Wow! What an accomplishment for
our community. . Four: municipalities
service clubs, and individuals giving
support .to a, mammoth project - work-
ing together to accomplish what other
larger communities are unable to do. Of
course, we were fortunate in geg the
funding' at
the right
time, but it4 r
took the yv
efforts of the}<>;
to s bring $r y f
about raising
al most
$662,000 in just two and a half years,
The first report we carried in .this
newspaper, regarding the go ahead with,
the project, was ia the, April 1; 1994
issue. Many more . stories and 'venires
The pride I have in this community
runneth aver. However, I almost' feel
cheated too. I wanted a mammoth; com-
munity party; wanted to. burn ; some-
thing like -people do when their 'mort
gage is paid. off,
see us now!
I guess I'm feeling a sense• of com-
ing down- and I wonder how all those
volunteers in the service clubs and
building and finance: committees are
feeling, No doubt they are breathing a
sight of relief, as are their families who
had to -persevere through many nights
when their loved one• was attending
:eetirigsorsetting up and doming up'
from the *many fund-raising projects
that took place,
It is ironic that while compiling the •
Memoirs froi'n SO years agog I : found
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o }< �.i J,. { } ,�:}+a' .,� •c h:;}yJ .t i ris t hand
of Lucknow.
`Frankly, I
like the people, but 1 ":don't like
Lucknow,' the party •said. Asked to
explain the rather puzzling statement;
the answer was to'the effect that the
loge was dead, desperately dead. 'No
tennis court, `no swimming` pool, no
amateur dramatic society... in short lit-
erally nothing for'the young people to
do', was the reply, but plenty of peo-
pie to . criticize - them'; this party : hastily
Well baby, you should see us now!!
i'?.??{:: ir.::tii{:`-f%i�� :{:'i-�jr:� }:YYi::,. :}:;:.y,.:{•: ,`:L:•:{•}w. •; ,i,;:;
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. A, .birds eye view �
• of 'the Sixzler in action at the Lucknow Fall Fair.
(Livingston photo)'
Ys'�i•:{y ae..:tiwGv �:: IG F`YS....:
0 yoars,ago
September 30,.192f
au in spoiled fall farm- To m oke a really s u
cessful fall fair,
one thing you must have is a
me day. Everything else may be inapple pie;
order, but if the weatherman doesn't. doshareo
� � ,i. � �` ..,,. you •
can't get the crowd- and the crowd is very necessary,
It says a good deal for thepopularity of the annual
exhibition at Lucknow that there was a crowd of an
size out last Friday. Rain, which has - been doing a
great deal of mischief the past two Months, 'came.
down in torrents the first night of she fah- and the next
morning was anything but bright and promising.
Sly years ago
Oct 2 1946
oftball opens Thursday night The' fall indoor
softball 'league gets underway this Thursday
night with a double-header. The High School
and Factory
hook up�irtha first
t a.
Ye with the second
bringing together Mobil
and acketts:
;There are now nine teams in the league and will
play a single schedule' for a total. of 36 games. Ire.
order to work:in'.this heavy schedule the games will
be, played three nights hts a week with double-headers
hy g
played each night. Admission price is .10.
Local teams are the High School, Factory and
three teams managed byJack Campbell,
MacDonald and Gordon Fisher. The rural teams are
represented .... b Zion,,
l3acloutts,, I�rtrntail: and
Lng.a aon. It ooks like
some mighty ightyrnterestttg
sport in
,the arena for the next few weeks.
15 years ago
September 3001981,
ngl can Chtireb'miinister retires - Rev.
r arrratt of t. Peter's Anglican
Church, Lucknow, was honored at a>farewell
s'Tice held. at the church, Stina4 evening , on thea
,occasion of his retirement from the ministry,
Locals -;FttyBruer .ofPoint Clark has been natned
principal of Lucknow District Christian School. She
will -be to aching grades 6 to 8 part time. Rynie
Bakela<ar will assist, as vice-principal also teaching
half. days,
Customers with individual-' - .,:,,,.
r or two-party service in
the Lucknow telephone :exchangewill no iongerr.~be
:required: to give their number to the oprratorr on direct
dialed long distance calls. New equipment will auto-
matically register the callers: numbers,
Donna. Greer of London spent a few days with .her
parents before. leaving on an extended' trip to New
Zetdartd and Australia,
Neighbors surprised Ira :and, Elizabeth Dickie for a
house warming and to welcome back to the 4th:conc.
to the
?..... .y
- e� aw Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor, They Inuit be signed, with the writer's telephone number and address for coufir
motion: No pseudonym are allowed.
All letters are subject tett editing as well as spelling and grammatical corrections. We also reserve, the right to refuse letters altogether.
Letters concerning internal business practices and policies of privately -owned businesses and industries will not be published.
Please note that the views of the writer do not neccssarily reflect the opinions. of the management of this news a r>
g p
Letters can be dropped off at the Sentinel office at 619 Campbell Street, mailed to Box 400, Lucknow, Ont., NOG 2110, or faced to
(519) 528-3529.