HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-09-25, Page 1. :VOL. 123 .. WKi 39
by Pat Livingston rescheduled due to rain.
- Lucknow's 133rd. fall "Overall, P in quite
fair is history andf will go pleased with the effort
down in the books as one .everyone," .said, Miller.
of the most successful. Luckrtow and area people
"I'd say it'was'as roar-; gave us their support.
ing success," said Allan The Sentinel put a great
Miller, president of the effort out: for. us, ' and
Agricultural Society. .. Montgomery Motors give
"Everything went over ing us their lotfor the
super." heavy horse shove-` is sure
The weather for the appreciated," said Miller.
fair . ' was Aperfect on "Then there's the pea-
Frd, pie .inv lthe.,'
howeveridayr,.�SundandSatuay's lightayAgri.cultura vedSowithciety. It
.horse -show ' had to: be, takes a lot oftime and
Mid i ron .Landfill'
effort before andafter to
snake the fair a success."
Miller said . Big ;A
Amusements were very
pleased with the response.
at the midway and have
signed ,a two year con-
tract, promising to bang
more rides next year.
The Graham . and
Eleanor ,Townsend, show
on Saturday afternoon
Was •well. received, with
the crowd indicating they
want* themback again,
Miller, said.
.and�l�. sz
by. David Scott
e' county has no
intention of taking own-
ership of existing land-
fills in, Huron as part of
itswaste management
master plan.
Mid -Huron.. Landfill-
Site HLS board chair
( ) had
Laurie Cox of Goderich
w reviewed Township revx w. d th e .
HuronCounty , `,.
my waste
c:litatvr only
management ,co nittee's:.
latest plan, yet to be pre-
sented to -:county council,
at the°board's •Sept., 19
meeting: There was
speculation recently that
the county might take
control. Over emenwaste man-
a t inall" of Huron
gj ,e
inclu i t operations
of, existing landfills.
"It (the proposed plan)
allows the Mid -Huron,
board to retain ,ownership'
of the landfill,"' said `Cox..
Part of that plan, has the
county divided into, north
and south, Members of
the MHLS are considered
• the southernrtportion.
Cox"sa s ..the. lan.
�' p
hinges on' lorrrts and..
Exeter, "if they gaforit."
turnto page 2
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They ` brought, dogs, cat`s, turtles, rabbits and: Iguanas to the Pet
shove at the Lucknow Fall Fair Friday night. Tiffany Bridges' 'best.
friend, enteredin the most unusual, is- Tootsie, shown perched on
y r,
her shoulders (Livingston•photo).
by Pat. Livingston
A,person whose name is synonymous with spoa
in - Luckriow was honored at the Western
Ontario Athletic` Association (WOAA)
annual' Meeting on Monday night. Bill
Hunter was presented.' with the O.M.
"Mike" Weichcl trophy by -WOAA' Past
President Bill dellaan.
The Weichel trophy, donated in -1953
by Mike Weichel of liuira, recognizes
and rewards people for their outstanding
efforts in minor :sports. 'Weichel devoted,
endlesshours to;sporrts serving in many
capacities, providing actual contributions
atul assistance. It was' his desire t+ -•ensure
that others •were 'identified, for their ornest
attempts in the area of sports.
Hunter's dedication to., sports dates
back to the mid` 1950s. It was not until-
1983, when he was appointed full :time
recreation director by the councils of
Lucknow, Ashfield,� Kinloss and West
Wawanosh, that he would receive remu-
neration. Hunter retired as recreation
director in 1991, but remains active with
the WOAA.
The nomination for the Weichel trophy
was made b:: Dave. Black, :recreational 'coordinator
and facilities manager for the Lucknow arid, District
Sports Complex.
In: presentingHunter as a"worthy. candidate",
Black wrote, "Mr. Hunter has lefta last-.
it'll Hunter (centre) was pre rated with the Orr "Mike" Weichel tro-
phy by WOAA Past President Bill &Haan at the organization's annu-
al meeting on Monday. Bill's -wife Mae `pictured) and family were on mob
hand for the surprise. (Livingston photo)
ing impression on his community and
has inspired many young sports enthu-
siasts to; get involved and do their best.
Mr. Hunter has -devoted many hours to
sports,:, serving in many capacities, pro
aiding'" actual contributions and 'assis-
tancee; "He was and still is a leader who
guides and shapes today's youth, paves,
the way or diose Who will be tumor
row's : leaders ,arid: citizens," �s," The : last
words are; an excerpt, from ' Weichel's
last presentation speech in :1964.
Never . one .to seek'; glory, Hunter's
acceptance speech was Wetto a.later interview, he said,° "I've
been around since the trophy was first
presented, x never, ever gave a thought
to receiving it. It was: total surprise. 1
was dumfounded. J' proud and, hon-
ored, It is afarnily effort; you don't
accomplish such, things without your
family 'behind you. And f do appreciate
Dave and minor hockey. nom nating