HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-09-18, Page 1733, Misc. ,• A .s Sorvica Director/ KINLOSS EXCAVATiNG . and Gravel, For yoUr exca- vating needs, hi hee, tare dozer and scraper available, Call Barry Johnston 395- 5231. --181far - WINTER'S ON ITS wayl Get your undercoating done today!. Dripless undercoat- ing. Cars $50; smelt .oars , $45; trucks $55. Cali Nile Garage 529-7355. --38- 41cc DON THOIVIPS N TV and Q Appliance repair, refrigera- tion'24 hour-serylee. Phone CI1,20. WITHOUT GLAS$- ', 395-3417 or 395-3393. ESI Safer rapid, norr-surgie ' eeee . cal, perreanerit reatoration - ; AGNEW JEWELLERY : °°' weeks- AirlinO. Opt 'REPAIR *4atch,. clock„ Jew- develPP°6v 4°06r- . 3 18abysitting BABYSITTER REQUIRED for before school hours, 2 - 3 days per week, Lucknow area. t ransportation required to drop off pre-, scheoler at day care. Phone 395-3443. -37,38 CHILDCARE AVAILABLE kerma mother of one willing to provide lots of crafts and fun. ECE qualified, refer-. ewes available. Call Heather at 528-3711. -38 ' ellery Tree estirnates. aPritwed* Free inftwmation . pickup.and delivery Can be' uY Maii: 406-961-5870', ext. 1.; arreeged. 69e Havelock_ 26S: fax -408-961;-55-77. .,,Centre.' Call 08-35.32 Or 7. M SatiSfactioh euaranteed„-i, httPd/Www-visiontroedonece street, acress from IVIedical 528-3940 --18tfar '"36b© ' DAVE'S' CAR .,0LING orumpriond. 4p4,39 Use neW, acid free. hot oil Cars arid light trudlie open Meneay • 'Pm!: .0411. r Otu rlaY 12 noore weather permittieg. '36 - 44cc • • R.A. HAVENS , ELECTRIC *Residential , *Farm - *Commereial • Electrical Contractere FREE'ESTIMATES • Rod Havens . , LUCKNO1N 528-2001' CARL SLOETJES Sales. installation. Renovations • Replacement VVireloWs & : . Doors • Kitchen Cabinets 'Vanities • Carpet and Linoleum • Roofing • Free Estimates eucirtioW :5294164 101111 HICKEY .00fiSTROCTIOtt New bottles,. cottago, aikiitiont t,enovalio0s, replocipentwindowt dOors, • fariiilvildiniji, teal esi4te; • -houteinspOliolvinirOacklipeyiork, s 1)008(0111iscafidliii19. • ticiniodoorpentersinttls76. 's• Dui anifor -or .flos. 524.5961; ,5144561 Dave Seabrook Excavating Gravei Top *Pine Grad' Large may truck% loader, d Reasonable r Sok ng ator ozera ates 5284047 5284144 ' RR 6; LuckrioW 4 , r 4trAitt mut 511010, ICANDMICIff , improzing your otkis agairet Orwki's #1 kilkr 34. Personal ,Aleg yC)li experiencing the, aftermath of . an abertion/emotione yeti' can't - explain? Most post-abertal yeomen:experience, trairma in their livee. Our 24 - hr, hotline collect .(519) 323- 3751 fer oonfidential ,suP- port. -:38ar *A cosi will, be incurred., , HEAVENLY - 'PSYCHIC AnsWers seiving over 50 million readers and 'multi- .. !etenteci., rr,PO,e, astrochart with your first reading! . Relationships, Future, Career. $2.99/ -min„ 18 + 24 Hours 1-900-451- 3783.--38bc , • ADOPTEES/BIRTH PAR- - El4TS/FAMILY MEMBERS, Canada Wide National . ReOistry ,and search .assis- tance 1-800-871-8477, Information line 1-800-871- , 8477, E-mail - ffcwrirOgeor- giarimet,-38bc , 36. Annoincements THE LUCkeloW SENTINEL • , urges readers to use ,cau7 tion when „sending..money for busineis opportunities or employment 'advertise- ments: Be certain:you are dealing with a,.repotable. ' company before releasing : any credit card information or sending any Money, , Remember, if an advertise- ment sounde too good to be .,..true, it Probably is. -782tfnx • , CHARMANS.LUCKNOVV , used skatek. Anyone haViug, !rr es, MacKenzie and McCreath lAftrigharn and LucknoW ‘• they. /ant it. was.a woridet-ia h 6 is ntinued selli g • - a d 94° - /1„ se Ak INTERIOR' DECO skated on -consignment or ' flAi°14;"*. with ear 6jeat Funeral /4°Ine' I--u'ck'n. Le4ionv. fdf th,) lovelY ser;*: dal, for os Orld we thank you ' riiorfeys Owing- *please .10 the ehapet on soot • 15 ter .thcepallbearers„. and ie. all for CoMirig. , Fraser on boinO.4fud c C 11 w11°I.e111° servie w*;, bold tvicepi at thse Fuonoralt1176 pods; „,.38x y our e.. _ ' • d ' arrange to piek up as soon todaY for, Yolk R4Ea, buOK v Sh fr Id S h 1 beg 38 officiating. Flower, bearers e -0, e n 0_ 3vitt muonowsimaigages 'oMNcAkrtihLuerriA2v:n3u8b60, Ottawa,. 140!tiriee. tr:r° tiigg .LariticlnE:w1 hrel);labyend :19' het ,-, DeBruyn. Pallbearers were cemetery. Tets was a time, AN EXCELLENT WAY to Tom Broome, Donald when we really appreciated -- save money. Since 19M ,Satinderal Bob Humphrey, Our'inany friends, we,have studeets have been saving • , Kevin IVIurray„ Bill Scott and gOt to kneek since we came ri A 30, Auct ns AUCTION SPECIAL BRED' COW SALE at Lucknow Cornrhunity Sale's Barri Friday Evening September 20/96 7:00 PM Consisting of: 30 Char. & Ulna, Heifeee 20 Beef Cows wiCalves at side Helfer CowSwiCalves /3 Cows wiCalves For Maher information call (519) 529-7625 sus. 529-7970 nesq Or Wednesday at 019) 6284211 CONSIGNMENT AUCTION DI horn° furnishing$:_antiques; Caira and a boat will Ix) hold `at the , Davidson Centre, - Kincardine. FEI1DAY1 SEPT, 20 . AT 5:30 P.M. „for . the Estate of EdVyai'd Jacob plus „other Consignmentsirom Kincardine arid area, PARTIAL LIST iNcLuDES: Corner, curio cabinet;_ baffet/ hutch; 'coombe chesterfield and chair; oak round tables; SherlOck,Manning piano and bench; living room suites; bedroom suites; dishes - some Noritakee., Bavarian, ' Carnival & silver, pieces; glassware and -cooking utensils;. appliances; computers - and , printers;_ showroom-- dispiay kitchen copboards; 10" Kraftsman radial arm saw; Kraftsman.10" - tabIe'saw; hand router; new water.pumps and motors; Meyers 1 ,,HP pumP with 40 gal tank; Poslode Mustang air. -finished nailer; 161 3" auger with electric motors; airtight stove; .,1990 Dodge Spirit car with Auto. trins,, air, cruise, tilt steering - selling certified; 1966 ,Chrysler 300/383 four barrel, new interior and new paint; 16 1/2' I/0 boat with new top & new trailer in excellent condition. -Many otherinterestin9 items, , J .,Listing subject to change without notice., Preview after q20c Fnday, , TERms: Cash/cheque with - proper I.D. night of sale E. & . AualoNEERS Grant McDonald , Ripley. 395-5353 Wallade Ballagh Teeswater 392-6170 , , t, Leekitiowt Weibiesday, September 18, 1996 rage 17 3 Auctions CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE - to be held at BRINDLEY SALES YARD Dungannon Saturdayt Sept. 21 9:30 AM Consistin9 of: Approx. 75 traotors, 15G pieces of equip -write bulldozers, 3 harAhoes, Misc. items,gto. COnsignments welcome until . Friday Noon For MOW details call: GORDON H. BRINDLEY (519) 529-7970 (ne's4 (519) 529-7625 (Bus«) TERIiiisf. cash or cheque with proper W. 8% Sales .Tax and 7% Ci.S.T. where applicable. *Qwner or 'auctioneer not responsible fcr accidents, er loss of , purchase day of sale. Any announcements day of sale take precedence over written advertising. 39,1Educationai I464 an Idenrioriam ____ _ THOMSON loving. memory of a dear father and grandfather f3an Thomson who passed away September 1%1975. Deep in our hearts there"s a picture more preeious than silver or eold. Tis a. picture of a dear father and 'grandfather whose mernery will never grow old. Sadly missed and ievingly remembered by John apd. Clare, Bruce and Maureere • Rae and Mary, Trudy and Brian, bill and Pat, Sandy -and Bob and 38nxe 47, Cards of Thanks FISHERMAN'S COVE RESORT • Id like t th nk th VV,e wOu o a e local businesses' for their • donated items that Where • . THOMPSON Oh/en to the IVIarch of, Dime's We vvoeld like to thank 47„ Cards a Thanks TO MAGGIE would like tp Meek Maggie Cleland and her children Andrew and Julie for having us stay, its been an ambi- tion of ours to visit her- for years. it has been a won- derful 3 weeks (she needs a medal) everyone we have met le Lucknow has been ° very friendly. All Maggie's friends haVe made us wel- come and put themselves out for us'. Being from england, ita a whole new way of life to us. Alt Andrew and Julie's friends have • been great te my children, showing them around and ingluding them in everything ' they did, Once again thank you all and hope te see you again soon. Ellen, Kate, Michael and Geer. --38x Auatien.:,Thia WaS just Orie° , , of the friedraiselS that took • ' • place...this Seternei which , BE: A ,- .SUCCES.$FUL, 'thheeifoendrgilftem,°avieehr.$02f ‘D°,111Clef°0":::, . VVRITE.A.,...1, With 'Our great - horrie-study rae Call Thank° again' -38ar • " - • ' • . • , te,day for your 'FREE BOOK, CAMPBELL • 1-e00.2.67.1829., The ' We.Wish to sincerely thank Writh9 school;38 McArthur *De, .Shubat aed the- retraleg , Avenue, - Suite- , staff At Wingharri & Diatriet Ottawa,ON„'Kll 6R2.--38bc Hospital for their excillent, 'LEARN AUCTIONEERING tue hospital. The thoughtful- Violet and 'MUT -.38x •• care during Bob's stay in' everyone tfor flowerk cards, donatienk, phone. cells and .visitS et the Vele 'of."Eds .passing. 'Ala° td, the pall- bearers and:flower bearersi 'to Dr. Shebat and -the num, es in .emergency 'and- 1,Q,u.. lor their .care; to jean drier . Jeff Pollard for.their passion and •understanding. 'EVetyonea thoughtfulnesS . .will.alWaya remer.nbered..,', , • • . , . , • • at the Southwestern School ' ness-of our relatives, neigh;'°' ' of Aoctioneering, Next ciass - _ bors and triends was greatly . TROMMER November I 6-22/Bo,. appreciated and Will not be We would like to thank ,. contact: Southwestern . ,:. ' forgotten. Thane you; Bob, - . everyonee-for the visits, , Ontario • School . of and vvilda -`38x ' cares' trOs' memerial der/a' MCNAUGHTON 'Itions and calls through the - • Auctioneering, FeR,„ #5, , Woodstock, Ohtarib N4S 7 9 (5 susan ,mcNaughtoil years.; SPecial 'thanks to br. - family wish tO thank all their 14c)urke, G°deriah; Dr' V . 19)537-2115.,•-38bc friends' and neighbors wh- Shubat and itaff 'at ,Wingharn- Hospital, Country. remembered them 'witn • Read Lodge and Pinecrest EDWARD M. THOMPSON :food, visits, flowers, an Manor, for their ekcellent , Edward (Ed) Malcolm cards of sympathy, at the • . - care and, attention during : Thompson, formerly of, tiine of Jim'S passing. We . Eirner'S illnesS; also.to our - Lucknow and Kinloss town. also.appreciated the many ehiP* died at AA/141911am and 'donations in Jirt,i's memorY• 8b Pp er $.° joavi teinned Sp 'aasnt dye'naersigah.A"'2 District,Hospital,- on Sept. to the Lucknow ,big thank you to MdCallum 996; in his 83rd Year.,„ tPhreescbayntcefrriasn-ocCiehtuyr.cThh,aannked and ,paira Funeral Hoine, he retired farmer Was a member of the Lucknow also go to Dr. Shubat, -"Mani Andersenw, heled the Memorial Service and - • 142 Obituaries preshyterian church and his staff, Dr, Dar, and ttie • , the folks at Dungannon' know. Legion ,r nc rs s 0 the 4th floor, : se•oicr citizee .cOnfrou- , Luc . Ba h nue n , 309 -Born in Walkerton, on - west, 'at the new Victoria' SpeCial thank you to Barney - 'Nov. 6, 1,913, he was a son Hospital, London, and the and ' .tstlarie through the of the late Albert and VON nurseS wild camel° yeara:Aileen, Ralph,, Bill' C h, a r I a t te ( M i I I er ) our home. "Thanks" to the and Connie --38x . Thompson. Mr, Thompson IVIacKenzie and McCreath • ,, is survived bY his Wife violet Funeral Horne, `Joan, Jeff . iviActaNN9N. ., (Saundere) of ,VVingham, a .. and Bobe were especially :' We wish to thank our -chit- daughter , mariorie , helpft.11 Thanks to, the Rev. ' dreril.fet,Tioy end, friends for Thorripson 04 Wirigham, 'P. kinsman, for her visit, - .ag the flowers, oats and grandsons Shawn and his and her comforting WPrdSo . tehde ' , . wife Sherry of Brussels, and ,, alsO to the, Presbyterian . coccdasSiolAineofrOceerigvoeldde°nnw . Nathan Thompson., ChOrch ladies for the lunch: %.4104,aniiiversary.. ife. tharo-c- - i Visitation was' at the • 'Lastly "Thanks" to, the' 39,Educationall -the Villa e of LUcknow for • .400.267,,1829 The with Flo PetigY kinsman hg 1Per oug te sr) , , VAN CISCiVNICONIDE .We woUld like- to thank - everyone who came out and made, our day art. unforget- table occasion..Your, kind- ness and generosity will , always be remeMbered.- 'Special thanks gees'out to , our wedding party and our fOr all their hard work and endless support. Thaek yOu very' much. Orinna and Mark. -38 ossibl --37-39ar • Leckti le and oUt Scottish. • twit rd mortgage money Absolutely No Llpfront Fees Available as low as - , • 6.84P interest Personal Loans if you qualm, Palmieri% AtotAporimi JM0,P-a,yrilent • 6,000 . # 41.66 110,000 * 8103 *16,000 . *125.00 Consolidateyour debts COI (519) 363-0211 1-800-3874932 ASTRAL FUNDING iNed :money with. an :Income • Preparation Course from UH jOhn SOOttO lOteirriOnt tO Canada, 4 years ago. & R TAX SCHOOLS...Study Henningt:Londen; and. Greenhill Cilimetery..38ar '41isan, SuSan and OttiCh at home in your spare time. , For FREE BROCHURE, call: 1-800.665-6144, p & R Tax Schools --Mho r - • Maureen McNaughtono 1391wood, and their families 6 4 grandchildren, and 6 groat • granddaughters. --38x. • 4•P' '41 • /••• (