HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-09-18, Page 12• Lucknow Sentinel,Wednesdaym , Septeber-1,8, '196 ....... -......... , , CHARTERED ACCOUN TANTs BD0 ,,.,,,,,s,......,,,,,,. rvlcss........=, ==.___ wAROMALLETTE planologi pommel Ilniiiiiiiiiranningo I , • COnipigili Ind mariiiiprtiOni WNW." NANoVER WALNERION MOUNT FOREST PORI ELGIN WI, Aiftgoey, f CA 8 F Moo Iwo, t -CA Kt, Diiik CA M. , Boitoo, CA it Voisott, CA RI Maio, CA HI', KO* CA J Jo, iitiot, CA Li ii lutanto CA P ihoii, CA RO, Voir.* CA n 343790 0$14241 123-2351 *32-2040 • - - , .., . Firewood Hard hilapie or Ash SLABWOOD Limited Time Offer - Cali now . $130./17 cu. yd. Truck Load • , . Delivered within 20,mile's - Mileage charge Beyond 'That Logo Quantity Discounts Whon.Y00 Haunt( Craig Hardwoods Ltd. 19 526 7220 Auburn Ont . . HURON COLT\ 13A BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNE LANDSCAPES DESERVE 0 THE BEST QUALITY NURSERY STOCK a a a and you'll find both gong designs and plant material at Huron Landscaping Limited around everyone 1 *from page 6 servation authorities will have come to the end of provincial government restraints. • At that time, the province will limit it's funding to a $40,000 grant each vPTr. to help pay the authority's $60,000 Kopek taxes, end -to grants for SO per cent of the cost of flood monitoring. Beyond that Tomes. said there will be no other government funding. ABCA general manager ToM Prout said, "We are not here t complain or cry, wse just want to make sure you walize the changes We have.gone through." Reaent cuts have meant that conservation 'authori- ties doross the province have oow downsized staff by fifty per Cent. Prout sai'd, This doesn't mean that we weal exist or stop pwviding services, it just means that vve Wi'ltdo fewer things better." " That's what Profit most ,wanted Council to under- stand, He said a big '4t, of the future will depend on •coniervation antholities working Co-operatively with each other .and,With their neighbouring municipalitips "to the *f,inancial benefit of everybody." - - By month end, Prout said fie ham, a big anneiunce- meat in toms of joint ventures betesen thelVfaitland Valley; the Ausahle-Bayfield and Upper -Thames con- servation- aufh.orities. . • LEGION:LUCKNO)117. Ftiday erotPti4, 2 ost •$500.pet ersori • ' 'rickets. 'available Legion at 529-7633 or Finlays 528-3434 • ,..•,,FIESIOENTiAi."...•.'..••‘•.:•'•: ,•. • . • • • • • tio Awn Cnopies • • • ••,, • ...,.•.• . • .. Rolter Awnings • Entrance Marquees „ Do ,you young ng person, 'aged 6:to laYeats, who Is, involved,.. in. • worthwhile- 'corn/nullity.• . .service .or a special person • who is contributing.: living with , physical r. psychological limitation? DO you • know. a .youth who has perforrned''' , an -act of lieroisrn? The Ontario -Community newspapers AssocIation wlth NH Canada as the 'potion; Is looking to recognizettiese'good kids; the young people of Our province who show a Commitment to making life better for others. T� n an 40v clnal: or a group of yrnrng people for. • the Ontario Junior Citizen Year Award, .please. c�ntact.444: • neWsppertir..0ie'' OCNA at- , 9o$71344,014 ,piortiirtOtiopp•for thls years awards Will: accepted .until- October 41, 1996. , . . Every -11011,ttee will receive ! a • tertillcate:andup to 1; hidivfduats anri, one group wilt. be, the recipient of,. a plaque. 'presented ,by the Lieutenant Ciovernor of vOntario,.a Ontario 'Junior ;Citizen of the year lapel pin, $200 and a family portrait with the Lieutenant CloVertior. JoanDoOp ,C•t41 ., et.,:)*OuP Mowbray, Kinsmen P.4* -inlay, and- ting Jeff.Y. , 4*etinee as 17 and :a third was Sept. held uied. r 9. The role of the council 'opi sto provide aisdseiast ideasa: afilt:• d • principal and; where appropriate, school board trustees in their decision making on educational issues. The advice should be based on the general views of the school munity, and the best, interests of "students throughout the school. The council . must operate within the iry dniTsta*. ,arLud!ba°t14.11.':.. policies and procedures. , . 1<eopiriglhis in -mind the council is now atteinpi- . . ing to establish a consti- ttition under which future 8pCcAoolCnumeeetin$s would -.' b • .On the table for. future discussion areexaniining the Code :6113thairior and.. Statement for' . Lel)S the . budgeting ces$ the role of. par- elating- and ,volunteer pro - ams and -possibly orga- nizing . llizc:$7 a•a. dar. .0.0.ifuLbacstvoitalveosidforinsyerevoione_ fl As this ,is ‘a. new endeavor for Lucl(now Centralpubljc School • and, thp members that sit on the 'council,we would "welcome any Suggestions s' or ideas you wish to for , ward. to us that fall under our role as stated. NOMINATION r ORMS. are aitallable by contacting this community newspaper or OCNA a 905-844-0184 Jac, -(two weeks) Sum& Trisha Wail 85, Eccca King 82, Nicole Beyersbergen 89, John Rutledge 104. Bantam: Whitney Taylor 144, Richard Elliott 141, Junior Gregory Archer 256;169, 152 Michael Hofer 166 172, Matthew Stewart 157, 180, 200, 188, Angie Nicholson 187, 180, 178, Paula Taylor 171. Seniors: Jeff Rumble 18fC MondayNight_Mixe4: HS and HT Grace Finnigan 207, 527, Eric Taylor 258, •Nick Schaus 691. 200+ games: John Van Diepeu 210, 238, Orace Finnigan 207, Erie Taylor 237, 258, Nick Schaus 247, 253.