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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-09-18, Page 9
1/1 ^^••••••6 uckuuSeueL Weduesdax *Wei-ober:IS:Q:1996 - Page 9 1996 DODGE STRATUS skscli *28* Oetticsadinoteleclo, eq4pped with Or cw4flaci/n2, ctuloinTak stereo, dual air bacia, liolance faclmy mom vviiiatmaw 111 1996 CHRYSLER INTREPID 2 esmituble, Jost arrivedt "W•11 equiwoct and los, kir,. Nose -es inciude air, power windows/locks, it oil*" V6,, out, dw.,1 or hogs and owe. *MO Asi • WY BUN' 'Rip 111010. 1995 POO RANGER. AT CUM CAS $tack #644 , (folio -ON soroilt'om. toads topioixia indwinq Ve en" faserbias body colo,4 cop, Few and kis, ioss more Law KM, (JUNI 1 9711* 1 Stoci *RNA. *AY MOO Iwo ,,,icpria SW modal. foams Of 'atis ht mist V6, oat firm, , split mot & mare, "1•Porm#141 900. OLDSMOINIXACHIEVA 544 I/6326A. Ow* Corrihty kmsoncl` . equipped i.V6 automatic, air concktiontaand Tom* 11140114 blkesisrlat 0400 wanwilft - 4:4Irtielif I a 975. 1994 CHRYSLER LEBARON LANDAU sib& oviA..**(5:wilskool botoulyaow upwit*inforiordigfappoivr*V6,itioRgirmik, akr tit gosh" pow 0140m/acto osisete. tJuit 3975. 1 Siok VONA. Ono fonetreshicle. Equipped wits 7 mover seafing, ouloma6c, V6, at, ugh. central. Wm clren cenchtion. Facrary *wants POSIPM17 411/15. 9711. I•3 1--""" TOjAVIV Stockft6204. Esollestvelikle, wol veicrot:i ;4441(6 mote, automatic, power /facto am mist tilt 04 lots taws. 111010 $9440“" 975. • 1993 CHRYSLER DYNASeni 'Stagk, #62,110A, Coator with luiwy edition &Natures includin3igower wInclowsynd,powsr_ mist Po - Onkel; hit *ng, V6, ow oriaakeento.e. ."1"11' al 'fl975. • , 1993 TOYOTA **MIA 7". • stock #6386A.Vsy Venial vehicle. Reim clears condition and equipped with imomtate litmsmission. Park *Apar molar, !vow- bay! I 1 9711.* 1993 CHEVROIET BERETTA GT Stctlt #6385A. Super vehicle in great gemligon. quippedwith V6 sofa*, automatic, Miran& morl.h.tlytitfirilatmci;occolfint warmly: COMI '9710. jig -CORY= IWYDRKER 5THAVENUEri loxic #6424A. Just arrived beauty. Great or wit.h:oll.theositions ism; dual p. seating. Finistmer in Eanitior While 004iii immolate oadition. LIACiustrrrvicers,,, 1993 CHRYSLER 4.111S's • Stock #7004A. IfeautiNI vehicle. All the options for the bminy *cm fm,rier. finished in )slatinum �i eMstluat wotanty•packaifo availahlts. tirMILY OYU. 421 970. 1992 BUICK CENTURY Slosh 0276P, Ponta* ran tow toisiinitticleipi4ei ;rile** *tria4'4inklitits114.0=0165iAaildkilec*ina4.,Ilrfolitwhtranifer4li°4*, : AL. MANI 1992104110X GRAND PRIX • .00414211B. Coat 1644661 aloorspart Nk.cppsdwth air, V6; guomotic,powm folokt. Dzk red sederior and in t:Peat condition. IHAIP .Zcutt' "4"1.0975.:. 991 JEEP CHIEROREEIPon 1#6219kooliodimoiristottoon, :‘' itiom,Equippod voitli 6 cylindetervint air • " '01**htiolgOit oadki rnare:•Blank eiserim: 1111 iLE !14641:914.1*Y41.26046"a*Y3Qektv+siEdcaH?*466°4:10000"chgnR D'YNASITPG"I'luxulb*E4i:69"quppad :" ' St 410 97 4%1 154,' 1992 CHEVROLET$IO BLAZER, skk#6423eh n ovfflgconIhon copped Ale*, two, pow/D09"' tans mortis kohl desk ormil sidsrior, • r • . *oils torts.. 1991FORD FIN 41744 hid MI/A. Good leekille Fold SISOWAk , oulastaiiti 4x4, box I* and 1000; Oteaf finandna tenns!Miqsle • /1/6011 SI 11t411*1 1 Ito 1991 CHEVROIET SIO VASE It' mock #6252A. [taro slop & tom *loon, Bright White oferiaa *door equied with V6,cnofa4 air dakfiti"00100. Oreat 4x40 *14 9741• 1991 ItAhli 1500 Stodc #6273A. Good laolinttwo 100* RED/WTIan truck tomato/0h V3 3. auto, trees. filoglass capinaludsd vshinfr. - "C4:1011141,'140,,C175 • • 1991 dflaitil 5 . , f . 444tb fhb CO fit, f iht att tr.aufa, iJ aV€Mkh OAC, • Va. e1 1p. '5k4:#64224;00be looking fully rikenditianed von, equipped witti.V6 *NIA*, mommit• troairnItiort, air Super •• .1C111/11M. '. • $ • 1991 DODGE CARAVAN ES Stock #6225A, Fantastic value:this van is fi4; loaded and ii the IES' , Caravan. fPowfo,00ls, OH tamale, 'cruise, tilt, etc; etc. 1101p, „ *•',00lF. 01. agiittprilr Z131,11MINIM• •-• ge3ror . . 1991 TOYOTACORO,UA SR 5 •• s "Sack $241314:tkeiconclitiortond bake extra *floal finished in bright ted antf iqtAPPed with 5 speed troxsii akin ...Excel!ent*Onanly I:Nairobi% .1 KINI buyen exta clean votiltio is equipped with .516Cau:hart4163fn136Cisl;oi°eildowcalPoYvtooltr ft. 4°e996*AriPiiurcaii64.4l1., it411 Int 1991 MID TAURUS. MOO 1164314, LOW htludiea,•alt • Offilliet.Wefntyl • -91,111 111001110101111 s 1990 CHEVROLET $10 MAZER Stock #6388A, LOOKS LIKE NEW! Esollent vilcI, with vsiykw km. Equipped with,V60. air, auto. Dodcraandagr.stbuyI CLIUktIll 1990 GEO STORM - Srailc4277PA. Goad looking well equipped vehicle with *my im* kits. Bright nod W•11 maieratnedshicle, 11.5. 0144 in Alio C00.100141 . Saltle°64t1996.16601,,44414384kRCUAISIElesid 0404441"wjvidhS "4it rilP46 *one* p&giMuncito amilahl•O.K. Value red 741(111411 "1:111.97114**- 1090AtORAINTEGRAItt stoCk06433B. Gt14160iiivaroxiii* maskmdiog tolditiort;'FICANS Wu& tar cod. $ :01)d, Wow** mar thtk spoiler,IkiV'• , • "WM 4 dm it 71, • NV. .. 19119 PONTIAC 6000 Stock #1621,74 Yuri doonvith, vi4tIrviryloyr froaoped with air add auto 'Iroquoian:0, .• This is a obis,* Otte oaf be soon: Excellent bv/I, 310111 47,10#711‘. 1989 PLY • r11` VIAGii;< Statk163413C..Estelleitteckewith'this Mtiontiott V6, auldutitstondKv 4frmitancl, Grot c6Aaifi6iied von.nrOM' I ' ' 11X011111311f Ada VAMIn 989 -T AZ . • Stack 06100A:Fantastie buy! , candittant Equipped with auto. transmission and airconditioning. Two -ions white Ond Way, C0111101310.1 ,or 'Mg* 1114$ 10175 .19115 stiBuAN skial.16396L thiokkilisci. took rmallicato low knyt arodoproma. ch.k.*thi oi1ivhvIsmbsroryo'iI • 21111"40141 446011,78• AS NADI El SPE AS TRADED SPECIAL DERICH CHRYSL R 414 Huron Rd., Goderich 524-7383 Out -of -town -- call 1-800-465-1780