HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-11-1, Page 6dee-Tk.rsday, November let, 1M11
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A Famous Preacher and Two Letters
By A. W. B.
ay tiiQYlr1 ! tWZ of the
wooer 1 bad oras alb l In your
church 12.000 miler away. She looked
.mailing and serenely confident, and m7 Mare to do right, dare to Drs true;
awn wee aped how,
io "'• leen. Vllter meal failuic3 :ii .:t°:' r,yr2
e've'r escaped -how. not one of us you; • �,t
can tail -sed ran before the gals to Stand by yew coaecieoce, your honor,
this two core. where we are lying your faith;
sanely at anchor. 1 am not much ofbe d' roam for me is 'Ames brand like a hero, and battle till death
Carl W.i'���
lie�7e itrNt!boas 475
"Don't 'measure your success awe gainst
others, but against your
tlatities."-Walter K Olfford.
Men's Clothes
The very latest in
Sumter Wear
as ° THAT'S
Chas. Black
A City
Residence •N■
for a day, a week or Mager -
Don a stogie room+ with bat! ao
Iles mot sumptuous housekeep-
ing suite equipped with Unea sli-
ver and ehlus-affording •very
eigaveof smum ol lounge
tion rooms-atwsmoaUed renan-
matt service -that, briefly. L the
Iletinctive appeal or the WI/d-
eer Aran.
-Write for folder -
Windsor Arms Hotel
M 8L Timm at ! ran
T 1 ES4111-$-14
(Last weak after writing of the Ear.
Dr. Norwood of City Temple fame and
'bU Illeent With
glimpse Into his personal work as a
mem among men and a kindly pastor
who begets co.fidence and from whom
many seek help and guidance by (opli'S
a letter which be received from • maa
iu the South Sea Islands In 1924. Part
of this letter. given. la this eoluma last
writer �aviolently Ito 'lira$ `a
young woman whoa he had met at a
City Temple social fuoction, bet whose
name and address he did sot knew,
and do all that be could be bad over
net her again. and could not aecertalD
from any quarter who she could be.
lie stated to Dv. without Norwood that I foe
would be empty
be is in this Dr. Norwood and strange
letter asking
if be can
locate her for him. 90 we coatings
just •boot where se lett oaf in the
letter last week.)
.'And now tonight, the last night et
the year, I have come through an expee�
fence that has practkally forced me to
write this letter before 1 turn in. Lar te
this afternoon we dropped
a long. narrow bay to pick up a cargo
from ooe of my ent►uas. We had
only got a
on board
Iour stern.
making the
before the ga
out tbromgh the narrow entrance ap-
peared iagroalibi•; but It was our only
chance. We buoyed and slipped our
cable just as night closed down on
ns, and then commenced our figbt for
the open sea. To win out seemed to
be an Impossibility, but Britishers
never say die till they're dead, and
with our two best steersmen net �M
helm we made our attempt.
was chanting through oar rigging like
an aeollan harp, and as we clung to
the weather rigging. expecting every
moment the final crash, It appeared to
me the rigging was chanting a tune
that 1 have heard somewbere. Eves
in that moment of direst peril there
came to my memory four linea I had
beard sung In Poor church:
Thou trimer of light and dark.
Steer through the tempest thine own
Amidst the bowling, wintry sea
We are In port if we hare Thee.'
"lint our case seemed hopeless, and
with dismay I looked ■cross to star-
board at the appalling surf and smother
= tb,.ndering oa to the reef where we
expected every miaute to be piled up.
And, as I looked, there, •pperestly at
Shy Afternoon
Oat -
rtion of the cargo
whop On glass
an taiitltieeM
a had boldlrtg-
• meant certain
hope lay to
ater and running
r shelter. To get
a saint. I am afraid there would not -1 D Taylor.
_r,' but 1 have bees flaws •l e •
Coater, '
to the sea a skips tela ' aril M TRA --y,
that these le ..•-iY«wewi t 0h °Dtf1Q-take.
eves the redioso=trao iae class er- Oeel °
i4wvidesea TRW� ,.. _ _ ... et t
tt#W eot•wi �. ��l
dirt Alae itr
ails to me througbest the whole world; aad
that w Ince comas to one at web the neciikeeke ti as a
a elttleal asament, ear'ely. . am dew
minder of tits nal ioTestlg sus ya
aged to Std her -burr eytp, Its Vit! iw•7-
screed. a '-
"Het bow are pot tee blow ha?
That L the dreadful . i.Iti•
Otpure. wholesome.
and economical table
Syrup. Children love
it* t elkious Savor.
Corn 2's Tomatoes 91,4's
2 tins 19c
4 plias.
JAM Efilpbsery or Straw-
berry 39.as. jar &le
Ho0011 OZ'S SHAP1- .. .
per lb.
Floe:wax, Solomon's, with
applisr hoc
SUGAR Writ fur
1011x. 54c
WA70-11 ►sa,._s am 23c
MAGIC BLEACH... bot. 9c
• gam" jar lOc
1017, sn 49c
.10 bars
MATCHES .... 9 bola, 25c.
2 lbs.
LUX, Toilet soap
4 onions
Hiltrest Shortening 2 1bs. 19c
rQ'La PA711 /h. whits PRUNES, large
a large Dap 25c 2 lbs. 25c
v+ r t c
PHONE 116 or 216
"I abets* way bar height wan about Stow
51t 4 l
ried herself welL
Ot glad WOW Lama
condition-plemp but set rs4L'.Hair, wawa
brown. BM her eyes wereis ilBttM
dark base! Drown. Set tic."' dedt�iid
eJK heat like 1. 1 1laalwel n-
filever dog of s�p�kfa� I aa►
dream reacbed a to ler iakim.
She was wearlag' light brows. three -
mass OS says
quarter length, knitted coat. and a loam (1 the jaw;
toque of the same calor and asterisk Wanwe de the Ists ,"
"That, Itr Norw•ed. is m/ WOW pelisse en
tle be
Mon. You lav peetibly be eiM
locate her for hue, la which ease 1 w use year 111rst7
1 y lee nes. 11
come home xud du .ey Meet bast 10 other. roe ell OS
persuade her to he my wife."
TUFO Te 1tt!v senor almonda•Its
entirety that Dr. Norwood received
from the plantation Vannes, mag- 1a
nave ob.
. errihe'
spat» a the
"lave Is
to toda
the iamb Bea Islatb. Wbat MOM . ?
Dr. famened took a �reeebreed another ~(1eeilr se
so sot tell. Sut
the f•moeayreae)tee ggmel]
letter la 1M* !base the South Bea Is- ems
lands and he baa been kind enema a has to Gedlt
gtre it aim te the world. It rads as us, dwelvasitssoi
"1 bare been away among the 1t "Assisi" gall Oa.
lands, seeking to forget. and your let- the ase ten w>f
ter and Ch°reb neaa�tus to Walter C., "Way
Odreand to my are, heroines weldor en' b.MOWS ell the elle S
here for me. Will you alien utas, an Wla lilt bear!-" b
behalf of my splendid friend, to tits -
you most earnestly for all the gra- nattier' (Ted 7oar ttrinelpte, 11 w111 iron all. Apart from the general policy of
close tact and courtesy with which Wa Hames. his youngest, a ttoicbt- appear that poi are sat ander the removing trade .barriers, two of the
law ; not under the coodeaning, though
you executed for him an extremely �, Daira. most Important tnas.rea will
delicate commission' You will be Though giardy aa' blithe, like the you are still ander the commanding, (1) The setting up of • NaUenal
prey to learn that the sple did tel lave. power of It ; 'tor there M now eo coo- itermemte Covell to control incorpora-
low, Walter, has fol . the setting WI' a fanwa' loot ill his Donal* birth° demnattoo to them that are In Chris floss and eSlt>eM•s of business, not
sun and has 'gone tt eV. jams. who walk not after the flesh, te , or b awn, or to cmelallse
"It happened this Y. Ea* 1a Had llateted, intent u' Brava. but after the Spirit; and as many are boWtras hot to relate iie mugs".
the year 192f3 he came ashore here for a �mftast
•.• .
Fresh -from
the Gar4ns
4 r '`Sr e
• s.
A writer
Feign has thill
She oaten of the
eireggle et the
Desk agates*
• the k
thrbld8an maker V e irveT
God penults dab a
+ heart
In the land, is
the land be-
this to sal of
rare between the deah
the ' • it: "If you make the
of God your rule, and the grace
! p�iltlaT Geis
Ey Betty ;relay
Within recent years (here has been
a rapid arena lathe Culinary uses of
SO. WWYat . t»Wts•eat brakfut
.11al4* true that 1a
her menu once
id uses of these
will have sotbtag
�ttpaal" Government.
the health of the Lib-
such that b. will tot be
d the party aro other
pt Tory propaganda, said Mr.
■. Mr. Klug was never 1s
fighting trim that be r today,
He has lost a Utile weight. bot tot is
the we !hes Tories wooed like.
]ewe it
Next Meath " - -
Mr. names speech was prefaced
with a Dew gemarks on orgaatatioa.
He reviewed. the Volume of the past
session and predicted -Abet the Con-
servative appeal In the general *c-
abs will be on four polleiseN (11 Thi
eateasioo of the Stevens Drltbstsear•
investldtlon ; (2) the Bank �( tM}►-
ada; (3) the result of tbe 1.speriei
trade treaties; (4) the Natural Pre -
ducts Bark. Uag Act.
Cobcluding, Mr. Freest declared that
the Liberal party ean bs stowed to
enunciate policies Inc the benefit of
r • led by the Spirit of God, they are the meat so that It •ball be
medical atteutlot to a band "tett 4' IOW. wi his ems tool' Se sour of God.' Paul In Terse* 19-21 with the u-•--�
had been badly jambed during a hard 7 coolish' neck. specifies tbe works of the Scab
1111t<f• �swm•t
blow off the Kermadepe then cox Via aln on the shaggy bead. adds that they which do soe9
wed to me what was Wearing hi* lookit up in his feytber's ,face. shall not . *edt eV kingdom of sak of the whole Dnaordal structure.
to a shadow--tbe 1Ma of a lady be bad As' d wou'ering tone he said- These are sins' whisk, will undont� wages of mosey moat be kept level
met at your church three years irk ly *hit men °41.....t of halve.. 'rhe wo with tie wastes of labor and the *keg
vioasly-and be me to re•wdls "Are there Joggles In havens l of *,felts caer be eomfortble to of farm eommodlties. The monopoly
lor- s letter to you he had Dont1 f1Di?" • ont who themselves ,in the t1L Plea mast be broken.
aged to scribble with his damaged Tien silence (.5 for a spmce;'— sib of tM MaD; nor WIi the rlgfit- m u nuts hope Inc the peepl.
That was the letter yew M An' *a shepherd sighed, •n' a tear aa' ear orad holy Uod ever admit such in- 1e the present set-up of the Bank of
ticteoar dealt with, - - t smile to His favor and presence, notess they Canada. said Hr. Fraser He won -
"i more earnestly mita him -. Were seen on the dtber's face.are Int washed and sa.etlfird, and dared it the banks yielded their gold
home and absolutely bawst the �, the ceolle looked op on )earl.' justified In the name of our Lord to the ao+etsment at a loss of 515 a.
Temple, weekday and Daafia7a t Its name Jesus, and by the Spirit or our God." ounce without some Tort of nnderstand-
sad day, until he total the lady Ibis In verses 33-22, Paul enumerates big.
Looked up wt' a Ideal"' ee.
haJ sa deeply Imprewsed him. wad resat to its maLtePa for fruits of the Spirts g these
the kr "TV new bank has Bir Herbert
time later be came back *gala AA 1 n 6 Dewed nature. By placing these OTlf Bolt's right -head man as governor.
had decided to follow fay advice, � b�_ against the Con Mr.
tot •M f the peen �aktar mat
Sorb when prepited in this
manner. ase "different" *. well as de-
licious -0th reasons that will account
Inc the eppreetatlon and delight of
Moth family and guests.
Where Is the pantry shelf today that
does asst Cwtehee ,padre." of bran or
corn Dakse1 la themed' of homes
both of these are to he found. Hers
are four recipes catling for the use
of these particular ready -to -eat cer-
eals. Try them and I feel mire you
will apRptiate what valuable assist-
ance the crtgvhsnteat packages are.
Art -aro Brawl Bread
1 cup bran
1 cop sour milk
% cup raisins
1 tablespoon mottoes
% cup sugar
1 cep Amur
1 teapots soda
% toupees gait
Mit togetter the bran, sour milk,
and raisins, then add the molamea,
sugar, and Sour which has been gifted
with the soda and salt. Put the mix-
ture Into a greased can; corer tlgbtly,
and steam for three boars.
Cees lists Charlotte
2% cups eore lake
. Z cup sweetened apple . uce
$lad or
gtsger cake,
puffins, macaroons,
even eat
rt1W with
ae paw of works of tbe flesh Pail Bennett hoodwink the people
was on his way north to pick up at , directs us to what we are• to avoid in allying blmaed woe r the gaat}tMt
Vila, New Halides, the french steam- ..mgr ar win that Doe brava Y' kW'. and oppose, and to what we ars to
Daatacler end manipulator Is tie l-
er that plies �ItwS * ilea . As 'et an' faltbfu' an' trete." cherish and cultivate. Ana then be tryY' asked M. Thiess.
the Irlands agt� him • "aa', feytber., 11's that adds that they that are Cbriat'y they ---
While beAbe Bulk. deed,. set ;>;+!:x>1
of the steamer; l ? '11 surely take Douai tai.(' - n *Mow aril-- . but In sine!►•
Mg store theta. -
ity and truth, have crucified the flesh
with the affections and lasts. HAMMING, Oct. 311. -Rev. 1. Kli-
egnot �Rl. and Masi* p•trkk, Trowbridge, visited with his
a or eight whites Tad cbsse tote dlte.rse on the
fear native WW1 ,ala � �'dmnr treks of the spirit by warning them brother. S. J. Kilpatrick, and Mrs.
A vert targe Mtat1 t
ay, my we .,nnle, the Lord teed
prier tea ;
e 1s withoet< Its
y M beware of being desirous of vain Kilpatrkk thin week.
Agee bad, all eaknots►, -lfa :• t T. provoking one another, envying Blake's W.H.S. met is the hall w
been stored t• the ••
deal: • terlifie
the buildlsg sad blew
mag being ie atoutdr`
trate of them was
"And now be bee
wptendid Mart sad I
to tell 7!u bow very.
barbs are at our
was one vet tkt
that ever late to the
me, thew waw se IlaV) A
for Curly (we airier
1y) N every
Be lived aa
Itte, and
It. And now he has gone, sad
how grass of the radiance sena
have S000 out of the
even the birdie don't *ing as
"Agfa 1 would lite te
for your very great ki
.beotatety 'white' and
Map , an absolute stranger,
of mils away. send across
of n my heartiest
the rfn1 wort yon
the .dry Temple."
a.e another. "The glory which eomee Talo, sad quilted two quilts.
'•.say • •
1woman ala h
It and boner
'Phe netts•teitai at the
dna a-duawret with bla
thingg. became eo wary - +
cid•d to retreat as eft
possible. So, with his sponse
on his bells, he ran for safety, a
at last fotrsd refuge in a ears cora=
tallith' forty lions.
Ilk wife stood pantie( on the nibs
side, and at l.at galled, "Come aft tic
there, yon coward."
Recently the sou of • well -knows
run for several
to follow in hie
Zed also ren for
politician Who
ogees In this
Oleo. fie w to a neighbor's(
tow. to pe.k.-• Atter the meeting an
elderly Nage lame op to him and
gid :
"Mane Sear, OA pow'fal glad to
see you and to knee► Toren • cendt-
date td Co.gree•• Ab's known yob
sertse you was a baby. K.ar your
Palen nag 'fore yet -e1 was hewn, boa.
lie loss to held the name ogee yek
Doe saw. 1 Weisberg how he held
that (See et jean an' 7Mns."
"What ..ego you mead. II1N1e?"
sated 1'te sieweehee Wage Jeb.. "i
never knee .!e) 044 say Dare,"
"Yea, WNW ate_.
Mose. "D* e0ee *'
John. lie was
years." +
sed. 'm
1501, '-
1 tent Ti wad
"Eton a, beside ft ' k a'
.beat sheep,''.
He's awfn' gentle wP lambs.
An' Ye ee n could lipped the weans ti11
his can. •
That play wl' the golden palma!"
from men Is vain glory. An endo. re-
+' % gyp or lemo.
2 tablespoon* batter
In a buttered casserole spread ILA
layer of corn flake crumbs. Cover
with apple ranee to which the fruit
Wee hat bees added. Tow with cora
flakes and dot with butter. Bake for
fifteen minutes in a moderate oven
(400 degrees 5'.). Serve with whipped
cram. Yield: 81x servtag.
mined Red Steak
1 tablespoon fat
1 tablespoon chopped onion
2 eggs (beaten slightly)
1 cop milk
- 2 teaspoon sit
1-8 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
% cup chopped parsley
P14 "mob rope* oast toroand )
'A D6»Y 'pork (ground)
2 cups cora Dake crumbs
2 dices bacon
Sante onion In Eat. Beat eggs and
add remainder of Ipgredlents. Mix
thoroughly. Form ■ fiat loaf on a
plank, shallow taking pan or platter.
Place *tripe of bacon across top. Sur -
A pleasant thee wee pent in the round loaf with boiled potatoes. Bake
gars Or tbe approhattou and applause hall on rriday evening. when the Y.P.S In a hot oven (426 degrees F.) abort
of aaa is around of the un- held • Hallowe'en social. The Crewe forty minutes. Garnish platter with
les, w
Wee Hamlab grew
H• leg ane o'
Sit aye would he
"I wee nearer to
np tae honor en'
the world's great
say o' his childish
beeves them."
hire' when he look'd Vet wi' a whale
AO -
To tbe !addle wi' bele
That rimed we M.. dog ou the steer
Tier@ areas. from lida heart this
gayer t
Grant I may be •
• TIN 4It Serb by
e leo
entlons that are Y.P.S. were invited to attend. All Thole buttered onions and carrots in
under forty Tears 70unit who were sot spinach nests. Yield : Ten servings.
when rnmmnni- in costume were taxed IOe. The even- AB -Bram Date Bats
lheelaelTea to Ing was spent In games and contests. 3 KIP
ve ager rlgdtesigst*se s. 11le Solos were given by Mr. Ernest Blake 1 cup nutmeats (chopped)
1% cups brown sugar
sat Will in int "iPt"res. Oen the Mimes Beth McConnell, Ile Maine % cup date* (rut tine)
will be a real Armintice Day. Mad Olive Kilpatrick. At the ciose of % cep flour
• • • - the evening lunch was hi % teaspoon baking powder
WOULD MEU4S1ONS Makes gang Pet* 1/2 cup bran
society. '.' 4 ' Mr. a ft sir Beat the eggs untli light, add the
11.11 Iralpit..aid beat well. Add the flour
mid ‘22_. sitilett with the baking powder. Add
eggiljgei'w* Me Wa layer one-half ineh thick
,Wli , In a greased shallow pan. Bake in a
oven (1175 degrees Ir.) for
ty to thirty minute*. Re-
ifila weft and while warm.
sr hare. Roll the
guar Or lierre *I
whipped cream. Yield:
/sS What
of set'
t lowboy MAI
literal feet, hardly a
nd not eme capable
rt in Ma aakitlel MAW
la only thIrty-throe Yeats ago!
t that Uwe thee* Wilr• 018 la on
Doke istocis quietly bet surely he-
m trained to he leaders. There war
a oar minion schools who a
rship in China."
What hat this to do wftb the (Arla-
n ltAterature Society? AO thr
hone 'sere of change. tlie gleciety
akkilly on wetting, translating
ring books for the Hake. Ws
t Halley's Cornet in IMO *ad a fee
at riots would take piece/ Then s
sine he designed to mead 111
coat over the is nd. Wals it a fear
lleleherdam' Then a beak
tibe- Gingen
• :two of the first
be beets to
ready. 1511 the
Abe. wield learn no 7,
Literature Seelety
(To be contacted)
-Montreal Star.
tested, was found be kw hi Mil sergessens
ay treatmeme And whey shaggy alma Wth
fa a men
ha a
peeve it
shore ad. 'Rea ebeek up
on atm bat is priced 50e.
Peer mirror
en slia El red -
Mae *A Oeisthtlik.---