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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-09-11, Page 18
Page i ti tuck -now Sen 48 Coming Eyents tinel91 cdtitsd-aye September i' li 1996 oltiw Coming Events 4 PORK CARCASS COMPETITION myons waSl ira9 to enter the Lugknow p'a'l, stir carcass competition please contact Lloyd Morrison, 628-6045 before,Sept° 1. --War HOLYROGU PLAYSCHOOL ~ • • every Tuesday morning from 9:3Q to 11.30. Ail preschool children are wel- come., For more information ©A 396.3409 or 52145754. e37',38X SQUASH/CROSS COUNTRY , Men's squash Wednesday p,tn. Ladies squash.. Mondays.. 3 . para Cress ooritry Tuesdays at LOPS • 6°30 p.m. n937ar' CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Start Christmas' shopping early. Opine to the 1;0th, Annual .dile ,(lu:b • raft`' Show°. and. Sale at the•. Monkton. Arena,Saturday y and .Sundaes Sept. -21 and q!q/�.- . Over � _ p 22. X60. Y:endors: Admission :$2. Firemen's 'B nch, o n u on Sunday.. r Su�n�d y Child.,. care is.available. }-S7cc KINCARDINE -KLASSICS GYMNASTICS . Registration r $tr� p bo i and. .. .p y girls ages .; 3 and up,• plus toddler. and a ul "ra rams. dip g More information' cail 395- 353o Qr390-?6.0. COMMUNITY SERVICE' AWARD Nominations : are being accepted torr the `Liicknow and District. Chamber of; C `rinmer. e' Annual,. o rc ' Aria I C i ni Service , fwar rrimu rvi A o S lv d. Forms available at the Forms 1 Lucknow :Sentinel; Pasl. nominees can: be renom,- nated by completing 'anoth er•` f orm''Submit to COC' C mmuni� and o �Service `Aw , Box .313, Lucknovi 'NOG 2H0. 'Deadline Sept:` 27. - . 36-39ar 49TH WEDDING'. ANNIVERSARY . The` fam lye. of Donald and Dorothy ' ::Fartslz with to` invite relatives:,fri nds 'vie friends and. neighbors to hel'celebrate'b their 40th wedding anniver- sary et the Lucknow: Legion horn en Saturday, yy�y'Sept..y14 f rorn 9'., p.m. to 1 a.m. Best. wishes. only. -y37cc STORY 1iotiH Sept, 20 d Nov. 29 l:.uekrrow Library. Ages 8 - E.5, one pair of read d alcoud stories, games, rrausie, crofts and flims. Pre.register at Library 528.3011. ==37x LUCKNOW FALL Sept. e 22. Featuring larger Midway, 1w?ay, Graham: Eleanor Townsend, parade, exhibits, Saturday night dance ($5 adinissi'-r easy bear), fouler all.—37:38ar DUNGANNON • PLAYSCHOOL. Registration ' Thursday, Sept. 12 from 9a.m. p 11 as m. at . the Dungan.noi Seniors Hall. Further infor- mation, , phone Donna 529- 3704. --37cc • HISTORICAL. SOCIETY Huron : County Historical .Society meeting, in Exeter • Town Hall' Thursday, Sept.. p , 19 at 8 p.m.: Al Noon,. London historian on restor- ing old hoto ra �.he. d-37cc UAND ..S�}_'IA TY tSESTA Our last 1996 all inclusive trip'. rse s, �11 5. great af,, Sunday Qct. 2q, 6:30 'pan This', ,will,. °,sell .,quickly!; - ., 881-1953: � JQe/.plane R s y 37cc BASKET l.00k . _orneh t d n B . if 9 >lor, ferent tp do.; Eiy. n`o•the art of basket weaving. Book 1 '. week oe snore, your choice. Day Or evenings. Starting Sept.'30.. Call Kathy 528- .2492.. 37,36x COUNTRY. CRAFT FESTIVAL T VA L C�ctober 4 = 6,Goderic Friday, 1 - 8, Saturday, ' 1 8, Sunday °:10' I Columbus Hall, Siuncoast or. E.An even better show with many new vendors and ideas, Proceeds to charity There was a.lineiup from the arena.floor to{ the meeting poor at the Compile* of 'people. Waiting to get an autograph from Red Green Friday night at the. Kinsmen% .wild game night Red signed everything : from T-shirts to pictures of himself framedin duct - tape; (Vandermeer photo) oluuteers tic Ontario Provincial , .1:3U perky to 3:30 p.m, designated iiia rsectiOns Police rKincardine and : The Ministr' of To -volunteer contact Walkerton arc looking.. Transportation will Pro:Sgt.. Bob Pr gger .9PP: for volunteers tel make vide a: T shirt: and foarni.s. Box. 40 Kincardine' ,. Ont, upsurvey t t he , �.v uxv ,ills fQr t Tfie p� will r ids a. ;`N2Z 2Y6, telephone seatbelt* Yofet vest andcones es,for 6 X341ax 3 9 -45 6• ► y uck c, - r ann�rw .. Kincardine e t~ r�, d° t t. �u itn �x in ..x ,fix . alon • wi h. he or �' .:" :. Mail. � . a�. l Chesley. l eY .o fiGe aa c.� marked ailY.,•.a Oarnt :CO before Vofuiteers .�ill be cruiser, September 'working with .Members :Volunteers will Count name and , bane n um b r • .of;the'GPP at these locohenumber o ;drivers ,and the oltcewcona " -:ttQn . a °? Oct. 5 f�weaxan seat:beltsat the tact oui There i were Six: • e T swan se.. a Presbyterians visitingswith • tevr Peggy ggy: Ki`itis�anastweek Rev.Steph; e;'.r . hen,: who s he minister of Toronto: Central Taiwanese terian.Church, and his Wife, two from Neve York and;two from, T i. in o . ripe They were Tor nto attending: a conference:-All',came up to.'South Kinloss to visit the graveside of Rev, -Hugh MacMillan and 'to place. flowers- , on the grave and.offer pryers. Hugh ,MacMillan 'and his. wife were ELVIS STCJJKO - ELIZABETH MANLEY - rian Orser,. Brasseur' and Eisler ,and. many, marly, many more World Olympic and 'National Champions. Thursday, Oct 3rd , at Thursday, r �l Copps Coliseurri.. X65 all inclusive rice.'Onl � 32 tick- p Y, eta- available<:I)anc/Joe :. 881.1953. - 3icc HOMECOMING REUNION South ' Kinloss ,Presbyterian Church Homecomi n Reunion Sept. a$, 3 P.. Lueknow Public School - Swimming, barbecue and sports '5' puma Sunday Service at church Septa 29th;, 11 a.m. Special. speakers Baulch family Bill, Joyce, Margaret and Anne.. All welcome.--37439ar ublic workshops are l cin: held in :Huron County to develop the New County Plan. Tis" is an' a iortu>n it for pivot' residents to Shape the future of their community, The first set.; of workshops wiill focus on agricultural issues: Ass this is the primary land use of ,Huron County, p ag tictiltural policies lave significant, impact on the whole county, The first set of work- • shops are jointly spon- sored p:on•sored . by . the Huron Federation of Agriculture rand, the Huron County. Planning Department. Everyone is welcome, All workshops start at 8 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 3 at' Goderich Township Connn'itinty Centre and Mono, Novo 25' at Hcnsall Community Centre. missionaries of the'Presbyterian'Church of Canada for man); ar ' da any ye , s in:Pcnrittasa; which' n : c l is now called the country of aiwan� Ile had a very m ortant influ- ence of these peoples p les lives. , .Ruth el ):. Pe • Kir sena B and. enjoyed a helidayy at tobennOry the last week of August. tie Au ° t. OnFriday,:Aug.� the'neighbors f ieh d .''o oft he ar u s r�'LL tic 4tii on '' +� cession helped celebrated,rhe�th wed ding anniversary of ;Fraser andDori is y MacKinnon and 25th wedding anniver- sary NH d Donna Moffat. of l tart era Mo . ., It's that"tirne of year again when' stu- dents are` back` in School. Someof thein from South Kinloss that are away to Hriiversity are: Manta MacDougall has returned to linivversi of 'waterloo in her fourth year of Kinesiology. Sandy iacfnt re has y returned to University of Toronto 1 his third year of law. Kristen O'Neill ds. entering her first year in University o Waterlog taking Kinesiology. Alcsha Moffat bas returned to" York University in Toronto. for her second year of General Arts. Julie Carter is off to Queen's University in Kingston where she will be taking her first year of Arts Michael Mali travelled to;Queens Park in` Toronto Monday :f for orientation it rn ay +� to be a page*, in ° Parliament. e was cho- sen h - p! g Par ti r H o .sen. to be u. eand dcr d t�'es pig u � for six 1 w:e S t lC n.Se e , `(fie • rb September. l robe WIVIS South Kinloss be e � t Iii 1 w��� wi s e d at th church 'VV°eunesda ' evening`.with Sharon; MacDougall as hostess. Nancy Maclnt yrc opened the. meeting, � with' a , few words,' then Rocl y�. VanderKlippe gave, Bibleon Doris and ,Science. And Guay'.. '.has' started' s. we tern ,College in Londoari:where' she` i taking. her - teachers -course. � ..' s g t her ..Heath r. w d Ho al. is returnitt • to her fourth: �",sir g Y at'..:-,, nive si .. of To o ata LT x` ty x n taking Middle astern an, Islamic studies. Karissa Dickie is Off to Hamilton .for'hair.. styling at Marvel' 'Beauty .AGad'eiazix. Lyndon: Johnston' lis' going into his fourth' Year at Niagara College; Welland • • taking manufacturing engineering tech..' nician.- n r� e � c.:a bl Study Pp . er"There s a lot of"food for Prayer,,.. wa ,a rho d 'thought" in' her study, ,There were 11 children ..froth South Kinloss attending Camp Kintaila The 'Thaiikofferring meeting ;of Oct. 6 will have • Lucknow whitechn rch and 4 Trinity .as guests.:: The :guest speaker will be Gwynth ,: W hilsrnith ' who .has:m written several, books. Haney r MacIntyre gave. the 'offering prayer. Vera Schmtidt gave a study book on f Latin Europe. The prayer circle Was Ruth Langen, Ruth Buchmeier and Rena Forester. The closing prayer was given by Roelyb An auction of garden produce closed the evening with Ruth Euchnieier as auetioncerro ay held in Lucknow churches The coming ,�'' September MOariS 'fall programs are bask In Bill swing. Rally . day services were held in both the United and Presbyterian Churches on Sunday morning to herald the. o Mence men t s.;; ' Sunday School for another year. A Dilate was present- ed tJessica Gilchrist in the. PresbYtetian church and other -presentations were Tilade t recognize the participation of stu- dents in the past year. •Yana. Gaiitmie returned 'to work at the Town Office after 1:abor Day follov. in , a three 4. week" visit:to Dawson City, Yukon, where her' �, husband, Bryan is nplo_:Y ed for the 'Su mer. m .. ~R1H1V'Eliza Cook o f -:i. r. wsogen; oyr oundtentt;e long' PeCend with her sister oveeeMRdLeaJaro2 sbbhronanshDKo,aofacdfnthheetie,v,.Bill `andReg , fami- ly: of the late.S and' 'Elizabeth ': tOl+o`' gred w. with >� ' . c n l�arbQu Pk, ler Park, �G c-. rch .:. , r on unday` Se ptom berl`f1r their annual :reunion; Youngfolkenjoyed en' d a game of.bali w -. a and irri ming. at the beach while` the, older , generation enjoyed visiting, and reminiscing. Belle'. and Chester Hackett h ave.returned home frornathree Week ,tr P.to .Alberta.whc re th�y, visited. e ffriendsand relatives,: Mrs, to. itYy MacDonald ac onald f Auchter�rder,` ..: Scotland is visitingfor three weeks with her ,p oil ii G si Jcnn'' y e o Ma Ph+ers n . Cor n .ulat o s ' i � t fl .:` o a Fraser -ad '•i'sbil`�� ri • ar Ho acKiniion who .,cele« .ratedthcir5 ViiOt wed _.. - din , anniversary(In. Sunday :affternoon with a 1 unit :� dinner and',open >�, horiiseb Funeral services were held Tuesday for Marjore Robb and on Friday • for im McNaughton who- had, passed away at ViCtoria I--lospthil iir<'' Debden, Sympathy is extended to the fancily and friends as they 100‘1111 the,passing of their loved ones.