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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-09-11, Page 16
t • Paige 1,6 i:tic: -rua w Sentinel) Wednesday) Se. 10w Pets Pt_T aft( gMlN v SerVi+ e Basic clip styles, nail trim, baths, ear t eueing etc. Very reasonable rates, right here iri Lueknowa Call Many 528-3129. 37-40 1 gg Equip, JD. 6600 combine for sale. Reconditioned - goad shape. $10,900. Phone -evenings 519-565.2791.9as 36,S7ce 111► Services GILCHRIST FARM' SUP. PLY . Belting ,arid repairs .to all; makesf balers,. swathers, and combirie pick ups. Patz sales, and service, Lucknow Grain bu,ggoos,:,. mixers. etc. R.R. Lucknow.. 395.2861, 2ltfar TARPS ANE., iNDUSTRIAL COVERINGS made; to_ size, for t� truoks,: traitors, r. .i, e in 1 av t%� b�es, canvas poly. 'New/Repairs. Party tent rentals `Tiesin,a Industrial:-: Coverings, .-Bayfield. 482.3540, --726tfg 'peow 12. Rest ' Estate BUI D ACTS ear Buri tr e " f I sb vicad Clks ms95,S l9tfar . .ousoa000ki43:bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, den lair s ktcf len/dinrrg Y ' room. Finished :laundry: good stove,.',1uli. basement air► 2..:. plus iets.with.fruit trees. Call P. 2529-7028 evtenings. 36370 MCD.NAGH JUST. LISTED Ripley starter hone, duplex, both t,haaving 3bedrooims, "4 ec `baaathe; oil, heat, .newv roof, , pave d. d nve'ways): $74, 900. tf�G W Nin'be ro° a . �.� 4 ed rrr home 3 4 o: bathi. attached garage?. Askin $74;500 LOCKNOW BUNGALOW , . bedroorr br'ic$ with extra. ;let -Asking only $115,000: 40 SEAT RESTAURANT x Newly decorated' new roof, •: 3 tots, eclulPmtint`iincluded..'. By highway,' priced to s,all. ASIIMELD. ice'acres,.80, -Workable, .20 bush, large beef or dairy irarn, silo; • barn, implement 'shed 3 ,bedroom home '4 pc, pc. bath, fireplace: .. TEESWATER 4 bedroom brick bungalow.2 baths, finished rec room, heated garage. Asking $96,000a Call' Fraser MaicKinnon52t84013 • Barry if labonsgb $21 goat 1;i`. AptsM GROUND :FLOOR 2. bed. room beat ,d . apartment, newly renovated; two bed- room nipper apartrrienm,,.both Close ,tp downtown.. Rhone S8-2031.-19tfelr iiibe'4 •1996 1.2 Read Estate ONE BEDROOM heated apartment on main street; close to downtown. Availafie July 1. Phone 52839480 -19ilar UNDER NEW MANAGE. MEN! Walkerton ¥ernga St. Apartreets has urie,, two and three bedroom apart. merits available for rent. Swimming pool, garage, quiet exclusive.conplex, Kicrwss fr;rig Bruce. County Buildings, OPP, near sellout. Apply to: Adrian, Apt' 71 1012 Yorge St 881- 2790. -.13tf, c LARGE TWO bedroom apartment with private ground level entrance. Park like atmosphere and close to downtown. Cresthaven. Apartments :call after 6.pprn4 519-845-2215.--22tfar °TWQ - 2BEDROOMapart- ments and one .1 bedroom apartment: for rent on. main street, Lucknow. Phone • 528-3932: n=35tfar ONE, T • ebed- room e N�a � lO end three b d room apartments available immediately on Lucknow s_ lain street. $100,$200 and. $300/month plus utilities respectivel . References . y, required. Call 5282110 or after0 ' 528-3910 ' 6 ; �9 3 �Ern 37#ar f TWO BEDROt, M with appIi $300/month plus util- ities; Ca tY!ili~s,:Ga IPau4-52824tl. 37tf ar, IN L11CKNOW,. tnewiy`, vated 4 bedroom ground floor;apartment, $630/month v. including heat and `hot. Water, Also, 800 s «` . store � ri t# on :_., main street ret 0 mont to � $35 �`. _ h Ius ,utilities. Call Sue Wal P 19-357-2732.,-7,38ee; Ou E in 3.BEf�l�OM t3U�► o i 'heat. fu" Lua�knovrr,�,;u+ro d/o l , iI basement: walk out patio.' Call Penny 392-8261.` _+35. 37x. EWLY' 'RENOVATED farm louse for ::rent 2 .V2 ,miles' north of Luoknovrm. i "ed no . References re.. n r' _ ) s. � � 425per month. itis. " of �: Pp. #1 ;dr wer hydro; Pp'.T7; ,h 1.; ':uckn , Sentinel x,c�o�;.o t, bVr► , Bax` 400, .Lucknow',- NOG: 2 HH0 --i4tfar ' •H U�E .FOR rent 6 bod a F r� ...,, room Wheel'. chair ace er .{syyi bie :.North of Teeswater., Rsferences. FirSt and last .mn fth rent, .54976654818. Or 519.336-6581. `-32tf cc 'DUPLEX IN AUBURN .R` r ll e t•1 . .'targe " vrrrgra�n fir and a rt kitchen, two bedrooms, close to 'ball park and play- grounds. $380 plus utilities Call 526-7355;--34tfcc 3 BEDROOM RANCH style house) finished basement ideal for in-law suite,. 2 km„ from t,ucknow $675 per month plus utilities, Available Sept. 1. Phone 819-623.5572. -36.39 TWO BEDROOM house for• . rent in Lucknow close to ICnochtel store on Stauffer Street* heat included. $390 a month. Call 524.9912, «m Mice 1 a Houses DURHAM-WA1.-SH Townhouses in Kincar iiee. Under new nnanageineet. Freshly painted and rerio- vate€ . Two and three bed - NOM, 1 month' free rent. Available immediately. Phone 296-9332.-43ifar t23Cornmorcial LARGE STORE, front for rent on Luekn©w's main street. Well maintained and excellent location Available Nova 1/96. Cali 528-2110 or 528-3910 after 6.p.m. -- 37tfar SPACE FOR RENT hi Ripley, 400 sq. ft.$' suitable. for small store or office. Available Oct. 1. Phone 3954225 or 395.3435. 37 39xc. 25„ Wanted Q c. to Buy QLD BARNS BR1.CK a .HOUSES 4 wanted to buy. Phone after 2P .um.; 233- 55394 1 tf9P WANTED'. BEAVER: uni- form, size 8, good condition Phone 529-7560...37 PAYING. CASH > . FOIA, H YAD :.�L ON Moorcrort, .'' Bunnykirsa B: s .ick • Wade Royal Winton floral- china and other collectibles: Will. Make h ouse calls., 1 800 769- 8330.--37bc ': _. R TR.. aj EA a ,. N" A M �� $$ r $••• lingerie and:'daywear' coma an ex andin greeds 5 e,.. cnatut~e. a gQrw#s, ,Nc�stslr. ivery• );.�. dntlec n ,.: ` . Investment; .�l re uired..Jriin our,`successi �uI team l�ntlercpve. e Women .. :.503 -gra :y37cc TRA � P : RT Di. RS NS �? �IiVE ,NEEDED. Now is,the time to train'for 'your."class;-AZ license: For'intervieW'or Application 'contact' Ontario, Truck .:Driver, Training 'London,- 1-800-263-4177 `ob Iace'me a si stance, P :.,..,rim s. ,: . avai l .--37labe bc. EXPANDINGN 1*VV_ , AND dealership n. North, Peace,, River Area' of BC, 'is the Iola' ',has vaGanc . � ,for the lowing Accountant, with agricultural dealershi P epe'ence irt. gip r We use.e IEa. ;based DIS computer, *stem With P.C.'s as'"moni• . . •#es, Specialized training ng available ifrequired. -. . , Journeyman parts person with. NOW. ;Holland, experi- ence. Licensed journeyman mechanic with 'New Holland experience We. are a New Holland parts excellence)' • service excellence, dealer. We offer attractive salaries and eu -opportunity to grow. Please fax resume stating. salary expoctod to: 604-. 785.9771--37bc $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New prod- ucts available., Nothing to pay in advance. Fast deliver ery 1-800-383.3589. --37bc 26, kelp Viantitici MAKE', MONEY -& G -HE NtW FAFAIIONFD WAY WITH OP t"iON1..0 Join a gnawing national netwbrk of consul- tants marketing a quality, Canadian made bine of ladies fashions from home, Excellent incentives and profit margins, immediate payment, Call for free cata- logue. 1.800-810-3186.-- 37bc 270 Wanted General ASSISTANCE REQUEST- ED: Purchasing good clean W.W.I. •�, .I.. and W.W.II corre- spondence p .letters, envelopes viith stamps, and. postcards. Queens Bush. Stamps and Postcards. Holyrood,:'Ont. NOG 2S0a Phone 519-395-3545. -.35- 37x $5-37x NEEDED VOLUNTEERS' to help with painti.ng at the Lucknow end Distriet„Sports Complex 'call ' Dave at 528- 3002. -437ar 200' Busines': ' Opp, LEASING -' DANCE Bar Hefei sau a ' o. I and; Ret r nt or Just Restaurant, Turn ° Key Operation, He P nsal l.: 519- i24314, '--07tfcc_ `PART. -TIME .IDEA. Merrier.' Business . fax advantaged, Vitamin,' herbal' ' and �''�Retal I speciality "health. products, Canadian .brand named,: 'company supported adver- tising- and' marketing' 819- E132-3182. 1 9 832=3182 *-34tfcc GOVERNMENT FUND overnment assistance.: programs:: information avail- able. ;.For your new or exist Y ing .busineeS Take divan" e``the*. er; a of . government nment ,9g . grants and loans, 'Cali $ 5 38: 37 QQ �1 ,15. r bc, TRAVEL, :..BUSINESS investment $12,498;1; Full training and ongoing sup- port. ' F411-tirrm/part-bine - Home or ; Office. Many ravel. Ben fits:; LIMITED T ,e,, ' LA 1L TY VAI � I, .< .: w: CanadaIn1.294:487. dw►, 3322--37. f�R EmpI.' Want '.. CERTIFIED" HEALTH Care Aide, with h 12years nursing', . home :experience, available, to 'asst elderly with' daily acts` of living, Ion§ or short, term. Have ` acquired basic first aid; CPR training and Palliative Care. For inquiries call after.4 p.m. at 529-`' 7068. -37 ' UO YOU WANT your house toesparkte? Call Mary at 528.3206 anytime. --37x 31; Sondes Directory .. _ KINLOSS EXCAVATING and Gravel For your0excam voting needs, hi hoe trim dozer and scraper available. Call Barry Johnston 395. 5231.8tfar . Service Directory MOVING Complete Droving seroices, l> cal or long distance for residential or commercial. Free estimates, or do it yourself with our rental trucks and equipments Listowel Rental and Moving System. Fully insuredand licensed. 291-1202 or toll free 1-800-63946896.: 34tfar DON IRHOMPSON T.V. and Appliancef',repair, refrigera- tion 24 hour service. Phone 395-3417 or 3983393, -34- 39c AGNEW JEWELLERY' REPAIR - watch, clock, jaw- ellery, Free estimates. Pickup.and delivery can be arranged. 698 HavelOCk Street, across from Medical Centre. entre Ca5 -3532 or •. 528.3940. o-l8tfar d 32v Vaby*ittdny ABYSi -0 TER REQUIRED UIG EDD for before school Ghours, 2 5 days per week. Lucknow area. Transportation required to drop off pre- schooler at d4j care. Plhcne .395-3443.-3 ,38 33 Mises 20/20: WITHOUT GLASS- ES? Safe, rapid, noir-surgi- cal, permanent restoration in 6 4 8 weeks. Airline pilot developed, doctor approved.. Free information by mail: 4Q6.961-5570. ext. 253; fax 40€ .961.5577.. h t t p www,visionfreedom.com' Satisfaction: guaranteed. '37bc DAVE'S: OAR Oi 11110. ,[rurnnjond St. Blyth, S23Q 4343, We use riew acid free hot .®il. Cara . and:light trucks, Novi/ yidy open Monday • -r a • 9 m, Saturday 12. n.00nf until, .,Sept. ;15th, " after' Sept. 16. Monday. - .Friday 1: p rn: -9 .m., Saturday, 13 noon. "'weather perrnittirtg 44 cc CARL. SLOETJES .Sales, Installation. Renovations i Repla..c uien Windows Doors.. Doors. , kite;heCobihotsVann: &ie s ' C t end Linoleum R .r ' ...r e oafi F ee'Est at s: RR7 to ow " 5 _ 1$ #Residential ' `Farm• *'Co merciai ;Ir>mr i Electrical Contractors a 1 a4 FREE,ES:'M .TES � "'Rod Havans i UCKNp1N 5528 2301 . r �t�ind�s tritnwo►k farm kikinOkleat, kit -0410 IlaeC Q 1976 'Itriarkl .:air naaar► Dave Seabrook Exeavating »Gr ' Top oli * Fine Grading Large excavator trucks, loader. dozers. Reasonable rates 828-2047 . . 528-3144 RR. 5, tucknow ON THE afiSSIPIEDS 340 Personal CAISIS PREGNANCY CENTRE Are you.• preg- nant?. Need help? .Call our 2�4 hour hotline collect .321- 3751 er drop in et1 ?8`Maiii St, . Mount Forest for free pregnancy testing, :daurr4 selling and ;support, -. child- birth coaches; clothing -4 37ar *A Cost rill..be incurred. U; . C • C. DHEA � ENLV . �:�RSY H! Answers serving Oyer Sit. ,readers nt. • to1 nted :p ° t .Fe rre 1 t ie st a r char�.� , �` O :r�-f st. o t w tlry u rr. �` r u n ! ,.ea r g .F�.e� u re. C e00:2- F.tu ar er.: '' �:991' 18 +'24 R+eure 1.9o0;451- :373, $ --x7 .. b�c. SHGRCaV'� GHFIIST AN SINGLES.: Far companion . 's of m ar 8- hip mage:a Ages .1. 5. Si i ea: • .wdl d r w is o s , ,d vorcecl Canada, US . global O. . A Ip n''Internet. ►9 Write Asr o e ..: ;F'.Otex. llasa�,; C ,;B Ct tt X05, x'.'U. t1E fill . :Free : nformatiorrt; 1-604 i79-3543 y-.37bc NOTIC T`. �CR� IR feet t+a h rr o sa ,f r NE HItlS�$ER' :la a f .Ry.'#3 L ckn t u ovu t ro, f; On r rn h � Coiu ` o ,CR ae t e rnt�t Bruce ' '.deceased. 1 Oil ar'r otho,rs 'havi� l i. -_s against rrt'g .o atiiri[r=the Estate ofw he;ab ve Hanne d, deceased; ° who died on or about t of _, he IM 28 th► day May,.�. 1996, are required to .send, full .particulars of such claims to :the undersigned' on or. before the 30th day of September, : `t 996) atter � which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims of which notice has then be -en .received. Dated at Listowel, Ontario, -this 21st day of August, 1996. ROBERT $ JOHNS, Barrister and Solicitor, �`l P.O., Box 248, Listowel, Ontario N4VY 3H4. Solicitor for the Executors. 35,36,31`