HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-09-11, Page 14Page 14 — Lu :' rtow Setit tt'L Weititeeday,, * irrfibel, it, 1996 WOO* 1.1110 NOW IOW WPM PROMOTIONAL A VERTISING LUCKNOW 1 I ;74 4 DISTRICT Ml N CENTRE t0 �RE 1 I t eat opt ,/Roftfd44 4 A4 (- a 6 eaa on 144 A ____.. . to a Min of 12 ,411at r ascnal* ric101 I I Cowan Printing li Advertising Lucknow, Onto Liammo amok NEW MON MMOO Mali WPM RIM, *NNW mill. ( 1) 528-273 Fax, 019 528.4348 • kIN''GO uaiday Sept. 25 %Way, ay, & pt.14 DiosmeWilma.& Ly ay -auday, &pt.21 ilathu-d4Ovayam t3z ecodpa rush CALL -52 -3429 9. m. -5p.m, Pur le Grove 4-H cattle dubs r members earn honors aat area fairs Edna Stanley enjoyed "Coffee break" with Bob and Mien Farrell at their trailer at Aintree Park on \'e fi day morning. Barl and June lii ott had lunch with Joyce and Tania' arrtll InCulross • Township on Tuesday. Ian Elliott Ketarneti from Halifax, Nova Scotia that. rig, to pick . up "William who ‘vas visiting for the weekend with Uncle John and Aunt Jyce and family. Our young: people .aro leaving for' college: Teresa Farrell is attend- ing C��:nnesto,g College in .Kitchener; J. el Greenwood - is • at Waterloo University.; Mandy ' Rhody is. at .western 0 University London; ' : Mariah'n.e Rhody has returned to. Sheridan. ►hese. Brampton after the sum;- sum- mer 2at home; :.Kelps McQillivray . is . at ,King's College London Visitors with Anne• 'cosh and Maty ' Anne Kulcoty were Isabel, Brook, 'Grady$. Arnold, 0 �fram% page"u He reminded the conn. cil ;the current provincial government .was: elected with, the mandate.the bal- ance the budget. Hesaid people generally accept the ;;need`' for the . provin- cial cuts and > download- ing measu ownload-ing.meast res "rpm.,,general public wants a balanced, budget and, believes Huron JA R? and Earl Sandy Gander, Currie C LV elite" Betty and Neil. Morrison of Huntsville, Erma MacDonald of Lucknow, Bob Geddes, Diane, Arne Clifford and family. Wray and Linda Thompson . of Mississauga visited with Wilda and Harvie Thompson son tori,the holiday weekends Don and ilarll'yRead visited'on's: Aunt Jean Kingsbury and Michael of Allist n. recently: The Don and, 'Marilyn Reid family met with the Bob and Wilda Parker family of Dorchester for dinner in Clinton.on Sunday. Margarets An Orr of Attawapiskat,Janies: Buy, had supper with Sandra Forster on Monday. Donald ;;,chard and.: aon Gamble attended the wedding' of pada ;Ree and "Rob Temple: on Saturday.. .Bili and Joe' Landon and. Bill's sister Kay a3 visited ":Marion' Gamble on Sunday, Gordo and- ,nth ;' Patterson and M'larj Fie Thompson had dinner with Keay Collins on Sunday. ' Rob Sutton left of Sept.. 4. for Taiwan with the International Link of the verseas Mission Service. He ` will be there until- mid Jan..ary and will be teaching English. and Bible s . r °.dies. :Congratulations to Afur -. Riley 4-H . Club e4 bers; Anika .,Rear . Ch npi n Showperson at• Owen, Sound Bair; Mark Goodhue, Senior Dairy. Sh 'moan at Arthur Bair4-�. Christine Parrett Grand -Champion 4 H Calf .r . Arthur Fair. Ache Purple Grove WI bad, their September meeting ; .at.. . the Community Centre. We enjoyed .a slide presents tion by Mummy Yungbl t of their trip to China. Vie. had °'excellent` pictures and gave us many inter- esting facts of the every- day verdayy life, of the Chinese:` 'hen ,he "discussed sever- al ever.al handcrafted items, they had brought home. 0 ca.. n . , County ca� , maintain roads cheaper than ,the province,"'said Cnletnan. Interviewed later, Warden Bill Clifford said Huron :County .did as well or betterµthan other 'conn ties in regards, to the a o- catidn of ° transfer' dollars hy, the .proxince.« He ',explained that the $64- million: is what: the conn- had onn had hoped ';to : get, s an otos of a cornai actM M es t your: special student wit; bscr pt o , to theLuc Sentinel is easy. to dor , Just send us the student s' name and inailin 'NEY FOUNDKKI00 OF CANADA DENTURIST acd rEss with .yoit r chegtte jot $ p , r D anal: we'll' do tho r pt: . 1101111111.1011.111111L.111011 " I - - I1I•i1Mt' -• IMO 11011.:•.1111:•.•.1011,. P10.000.:en Ai student subscription T : Name City Postal. Code Subscription to start an clay Please mall cheque payable tq The Lucknow Sentinel • :Ra Box 400, Lucknow; ON NOG 2H0' ALL suaSCRIPTIONS MUST' BE'PAID IN ADVANCE .'www M• N Wig — MOO IMO ' — NM worm — Iowa RR r ' or drop into the office. 11 dab w. 9phos.Years Experience NO G.S.T. oR SALES TAX DENTURE MANUFACTURER* DIRECT 'TO THE PUBLid. ” No charge for Crnstltation orEvaluatiorr . DENTURES • REPAIRS I. RELINES ' Ali Denture Work is Bono in" a Derituriste Dental Laboratory on tha Iremisos This DENTURE CLINIC West Street across from Culbert's0skery; Beside the Chiropractor w.y..e :wheteas the :$4:.4 nilliian: vas a. result pof a pr ►vin-. y r sial''compensat on :for to Ia applie :to all oU hies. e sand in...a perfect world the grunt money cpuld b invested. and the return on that' 'money each 'yeas'* would be 'used to rinintain the'roads> ,s it : however, b+ agrees with` the county engin, neer'.s plan .to invest what they =can 'of {tie money. hil'e they can of: the: money ' ile.nrtderttak g road':, itmpro4e r ents on a> gradual basis.. The; highways .to be. transferred rrtclud.e Highway: g from Higbiway .1 to: the Perth. boundary; rghvvay g4, firuri Highway 2,1. tb. Bensall; andys�Nigl way 87 ,trolls ll ghway` .,g6 �t6,the ' eilr,ngton County ' hotnda 'The additional . highway$ represent a. Q kilometer' increase. • toyyy+ th cot my road sys •.. ' .iaiantenance en .these liigb+way's is, expected .to . cyst -the .cutinty an addi : tio0al36`l pct yeb The chnncii' deferred f utther dracussiou of the %igl�r aysr transfer tttrtt1 after the annual-roadtont scheduledfor Sept„ Ida HEARING AID & DENTURE CLINIC r