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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-09-11, Page 11
Lu kn ow Seuti ie1, We fneslat x eptembiei 1996 Page 11 1994 DQE STRATUS ?t^ackii2axrP. out>t Qveltichr Eloy, • equipped with cis .r; d ti`rfr0cutorctie; .. • steico, duct air b.„ al &;^tarsolNw,.:rywarrar,ryl gads140 ILIUM •1414011,1" Welt 1996 DODGE STRATUS • 2ara'dobls,Vary wailequipped i, 44419rAiaa Ill'47.A P?H•e - 4. •C Steraq, G acTMSii, 'dud a'r1:4 1., t _r 0 , i, cols.• tAtirr,.r. . .FACVORTUTC X W4 i996. HRYSIER iNTil1EPID Gvosilaba Just orrirredi%Ariaequ• a1Qnr)l;;v 1amt. Evans) irsludis c r, p.,. er toadow ,Ro ks, tilt,craw, V.6,c,:to,dualairi:agscod ros-0. INKTOROUT C t' Mill.31r1.9.40, 1996DODGENEON, 2 arcifc4p.1.o,,_.IP1 HOUSi REN A.I.Si. 0 r .1c1ia oci with (•a Y,V{a� f ruipperhoritn c;r,as:Son:41 stereadOW1cro.h1111 ath oer:ecffacrry�wox-r•td • COMPAlif 1" +'s't'et ra i'1�is ,#171r 1r l tees Stock 022E3P. •Foily lwr,de1 it '.dire A[1 Wheel ri:et.Ail!ha cram, ,Fkendeduon.Ba"� zacf Fa�IATORS rk.4po d:cap.tense ct8,s�r. M ‘1112$111" truer 11IMI 4+11 1 1995 FORD RANGER,XL1 CLUB WAR • sod: #6421A.Outston41Ra cand;tioo,toodsoistons af ndu4gVbVOW/ ld,~s 061134p, playercani1oti) tow KM, ;WW1 . 41449117$01 ' •' • ` � r ; ae� trio si5 *eh #6288A. ONLY 151100 km Ni; ely.ajuipped Si"..Emodel. Fentatres srJude air, tilt, vete; V6, boast rims, co*, 400401.4mom " moi$` , 1994 CHRYSLER LEBARON LANDAU. Stack #6177A: This eytr is areal iseauti.9caw lana{ upsoula ikteri' equip , w�alli V6, aura. ie, lair, • till, mfse,'txswerwi s ocfa; cosset*. 1994 OLDSMOBILE CUTiASS',CIERA Stock#692dA.ONLY S0010fm. Mint condition ashou iclil equipped w;ioi Daus& windows, povnst fiKk4, cru,se,pH stereo,pv irr'e�dtnsr,'&rghtWhittr ' . . �A1-10 � 1994 CHRYSLER INTREPID ES Slack #6390. 604 looting, evefl:nquip(. .Ea modal. feature) irdcxla air, Kett windows/ lush), cog rims, bpiotwr, facl'ary wanootyand lots mom. *' Air n 1994 DODGE. GRAND CARAVAN SE SteckOMR Fobrlousvan,equi wthSEfeahgas, _0.17 .poue ipeas':ses,ting< ex1(a &Aloe condition, pow strati/ha excelentwaronty pocliage... AVflrif + ►, /9710. ,no,' e1P7 Stock #7008A. Groot fumiyvehick Equipe& with 7 ppssengerwattsn,gg,automatic, V6, air; lase coa►rol.l xtka dean a td8ian Fuclaiy+`"urtriny.. ti;5* 1993 MERCURY.TOPAZ "ISL" Stock*42Q4A. EiceIkn,rmhikeoveiywell, aquipped including V6"engine, avtonwhc, power, windowtflocks, air cruoe; tilt and tater more, C 4111 If ' 1993 CHRYSLER DYNASTY LE Slockt6240a.Greatcar with tutx ityedition feafijre including power windowsand power locks; cruise '• , 40 ng, Aviv and autaroc* 1993 TOYOTA COROLLA %ads 4163.86A. Very, Special vehicle. Exrya clean condition:and tauipped'with ouloniatic traitiissssion. Date red[gray text rior. $upas' buy, 10211 i',�t 1993 CHEVROLET BERETTA GT Stack -0.6085A.:Superiohicle in great tandoori EquipPed with V6 enims,.aulam'atic, air and macs: Fu 1�4rtified and excs1lent warrahly • #6434,Iustarrmdlibpgfy Grslicar rilea$lheqations',inc,doorp,sating;rtnlshed.; m antis White 614 in i ptnpiajl3kl radion.' , Stair #6433A Gagait:eert Exallpnf corldl' ion 1aw< I Eg41 with air,' V6. tit,crui , autamotict and marrc Ouali ' a veh' hl. , y s I. 1993}; HnYSLER:•r 111S'_ Stock#70Q4A.Beautiful vehicle: #JIthe'optioni for the luxury car buyer.. Finished in,piotinum silver. Excellent warranlypackag.10available.: tONuicY 1992.6UICK CEN111R�f Stock #27611.Fonktsoc 4'4.4:4/ kms and.:1ufppt air canditioningg,V6and aubnuAixekantmis tnaairlained.4doarvehicle.0i while.. 1992 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX ": Stock A'627111. Goallooicsn-2 door sport coups Nicely eauipp� w1h air, V6, ou omatie, power feo}ure's;'Da•rksad• amain lgreateonditwn. 199#62 E SPwox19A cm ` • -sfesh, do/finder ae Dark blas Uchric w*$ISAWQI� "4 41/41 11497 97. 1991 FORD F150 44- - Swckt6317A,Gpod"poking fad F150with dir conditioning, automatic, 4x4, box liner and vpsMfe interior: Cieeoo fittanc hxena available OAC;., 1110(1 10111rito �• r re, r 12960A Sepsr'warsequippedwithV6, reesnussion, 7 aaMtp loaf 'airiatiditioiling:Gairii :the 1> '', 1991 CHEVROLET'SJO:BIAZER` Stock 062524. iydrarsliprp &iota clean; Bright White exterior. .4 door model; eqw with V6, auto., air condilioni .'Groat uyI 4x41 ;1 , 9ff 7 • 1'991. DODGE iAiNt 1500 h $627.3A. Good ipolirg two done RED%WHITE sir lob tnxk.Equip�a�with V8 & asuto trans, . bberalas top '11)(111114melded with 1ltis vehicis fa lilt t��, 119911 DSMOBIF.ECUTLASS.CIERA Sksck #286PB E,ccelleritvalwwith thtsgood.. ' kirslcing Cistti Equipped: virift:V6, rile F.•ouso. , OtamasSion Financing avcfifol,le OAC J • (1 lock #642214. Good I ok,ng fully reconditioned on. Equipped' with V6 ' .igme,, automatic nsmisslon;air Super kmilyvehicie, jig ,n w par 991 DODGE;CARAVAN ES ' Stock #6335A. Fantc tic.value. This von is' fully,. landed and is the sop -of -the -line "ES'. Co mon. Power stats, Ofh,console, c"nfl)oiPtri$ ruise, tilt, ere.; etc. =int'iit • ' Y • TA°COROLLA 5R 5 ' j"Stock #248PC#Great condition and looksextrashorpt Finished in hrightr'edand*quipped withspeed nission Euesllentwarranfyrowaitobl ,tet.'" 11991'`CHEVROLETSPRINT ,- Stack M6335C• Grew toe forthe economy minded buyer. nth tixtlra deo) uirlscle is equipped 4vatlF auto transmiss`tan. taw psymer.pAC,,Warx ANTONIN c.1194,/►/'5da 1/90 CHEVROLET 510 BLAZER #6389A.t.00KS LUKE NEWi Etrce lent irdewilia veryrlow kin. Equipped with V6, oir, ulo;Darkred exterior and a great buy! ,R.,.$ 975 Count .far`. 1990 FORD; X)50 CLUE CAB, Stock #555PA. Good looking, good value Ctub Cab equipped utitiaVB'engine, automatic sniission; air conditioning. Fxtelleniwarrantyl • VALU i •4 7�x 199 STORM tock , Good loxkxngweII equipped 1, ehicle with very low t ans:. right red exterior dI mainto;ned'vehrtl'e. V.S. vehicle intniles. mutt Sib' giving 1996MERCURY SABLE•GS Slock:#63134A. Go,d.focki rind well trenpped Sable, Excellent ftarrn' not cont.** 1. yt no *Fincinci ' arai.,obfeOAC ,Valuecrkt • i 989 PONTIAC 6000 Stack 1,6217A. Verymean vehi+de with vert ksir• kms-Equirwithnirar{daukltransmi lion ' tii4 is n;weicle ihatmristbe seen. Excellent bty4 • 9715 1:989 ' •�' C BONNEVILLE #292P,A; EecellentValue Ado. 5lghty s; however vehicle irk excellent condition lived with V6, &r auto. Woody, ma•t :. Iglo 1'989 PLYM • • GRA -06 -VOYAGER". Stock #63'430: value with this extended V6 au�a, air onditioned Van Well maintained' • drsn• 6dtstan..ding coed. Great randy von ,A �I ►1+r f . ca 1989 MERCURY TOPAZ Mock #6100A. Fantdsticbuyl Extelfent tonditianl Equippedwfth iota). transmission and, Sita& x� ing. Tad• onesh'tiie rind gdory<.. =X0 -001i11609711 089OID LEC "suit Stack#63198,,crnett looking tar. Fjn,sbed,n T BLACK land Whoa t li theoplionr including sun roof. Wig lxmg,.well;maintainedvehicle. Sharpl 1988 FORD Fl SO XIsT 4x4 • • - Stdck #6242/4145 cylinder with :6 speed` inansmission. Earl�e}liettl vebkte. Oniateundition." 44 power! Fxtellent rirrnnly packagst available. 41.4 aE ` rW+M 19118 8UICK CENTURY Stand #6226A Oretst looking ana 411 rs' molitlotiiwl! jw kmsvehfcfa. Equi .. irrith'V6, air anti nuke: frnnstnist;1on', 0Ereat nrn'iycarl Wt.: `Iona 1988 JEEP YJ Stack #at 111, Fantastic opporiunllyl J Y, Sahara .plrg, .wi 6 cyl. and 5 speed. Most: green eexteriorCorvertibfetop Excellent liter CV111111110 1.M '6,975. 11985 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN -. Stock 1163968: this vehideis a taro find+Extelkint ...4 j condition, l,w Ws, groatopt;artt. Check oat this Iloilo condition, tx t you1P711N` +►�t" r1984 MERCURY LYNX llStoclt#6396C.Vic lion rcrro iigrrthxde'ern cerincondition, waif nta'eitoine d, one owner *hide Fgtiip,pod withtirnla iew on Slop awl h It C ll100411 $ . pAirar. AS TRADED SPECIAL AS TRADED SPECIAL FA VAN AS TRADED SPECIAL 414 Huron Rd., Goderich 524-7383 Out-of-town call 1-800-465-1780