HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-11-1, Page 54......_-_ _....,....,,...., • 401.. I ` 11,111. 4111185.,,e1••••1.04. is. ogroplelee.....111111.1," 7 ' • -11.7•1•1111111r • St CW Is e adio D STC!RE V2 The Square Cioderieh GOD/IGH,. ONT. CHURCH NOTES Icounty Contests in The golden jubilee of the WAILS. of Timedily evening, November 13. Knox church will be celebrated Speaking, Spelling In North street United chureh Sanday the Berviers, both morning and evening, will be conducted by Rev. 1T. 'nicker., of Lucksow. LieD utenant . iltrachan. olden in charge of the local Salvation Army corps, announced special evangelistic ineetiamt;-4.- be - hold- oca t Otl.oday ot ! 11 am. and 7 otu. Serving in the ilaptiot church nest Sunday -win be conducted by the pas- tor. Ng. W. T. Bunt. The Decre- ment of the Lord's Supper will be ob- served -at the close of the morning aer- vice. Bible school at 10 Re Ernest !bipeds, until recently talk tiff toar'en-ingree Skus Winge•••• • AN AUTOMATIC DEVICE that will repasts the 4raft of Coe furnace or boiler and keep your house eit 4•1101 temperature, alloseguently making a lig saving in your tad MIL It will pre- vent the ire from netting ,..put 01. eon. fro mterbeating the and wasting Your Furnace, Boiler •r Stove. Winners at Illabool Pairs 1foot at Clinton to Oompete for Yttretior Honors The sevouth *naafi county chain- oioneiulpi.ossLi..k.. 4...,...#_kit_sg v...uttent oat! the fourth anneal spelling match were .onducted in the auditorium of the tilutou congests isstituie ". Bator - IA day afternoon. it7tto A recite- twl:Lhcotto7 woonenduswoucted olat second- oiaza= in yelling ‘ilitlikell.0141111._5915alni. eliteaKik• tattoos seagmCgial eleven In the sped- * ism gam coispeciciose •tee direction of of the Ow meted= ereuszilittotesbiurea.standpu: • sadsi of 50e too. iing" three poscon- k prise to canna. Mr. •North Huron. d pre/main" a to the winning speaking (votes!. M.P. for Sou towards q it will pre- vent the are from becoming toe /Jew. allowing the house to become chilly and calling for a further. wade et fuel before tt can be warmed up agaln. Tidrdiy, It will enor- mously reduee the lees of beat up the chimney - another frequent source of foci waste. There are several other reasons why. you should have one put on "our beating system. Call and en tkla devlee or phone and we wilt gladly mod one to your place iiVir to 1111 A mAZAIR:RY A FULL LINZ NIV01106 ;ND CAN etstley rev Hardware.' rtiymBig. end. , give On • oil. CHAS. C. LEE The Hardware Store and Coal Yard at the Harbor Phones -Store 22, House 112. Oodertcb, Ont. dean Lisilt Friends vited. ",Thb Knox 8 o'cl given be shown and her work encs are in eiildren. The Good Hope English Lot loeran M losloa holds ibr worship (Reformation feativalION• on Sunday next. November .4th, 11 a.m. In MacKay Hall. Sn "Martin Luther Across the Pages of History," with briefs from the ten stomata of Imther's salvation hymn (an exhibition of his own eonversion and theology. gradtially gained), "Now be joyful, all that worship Christ." The peter, Rev. Ziegler, .111 be In cluirge of this service. utgoriNG SEASON' OPENS With the opening of the hunting M- OO° 011 1.101010Y, local hunters are pack- ing their equipment and beetling for the well-known batiste of the deer in Ontario. Dr. L. M. Mabee left for hie favorite stamping ground+ on Weilnee. day, and a party la planning to leave • 'nu flatos.hry. 'Phis K1104/11,, composed of Forbes Miller, Arthur Baxter, -George Beater and Frank Jeffrey. intend to make Comma nda t heir headqua rters. rUlrnaildthe tt •ockse eet. Ow io Agricola:01 111frollaile.rior let Thariday, November tilt, aigg.,.4 UNDO IN OORNEIZLD Ow slummy to Air Pilot Whe Has Brother in Goebert& Loudon, Oct. 25.-Tbe gobilas mak- ing ready for Hailowe'en in ate, acid near Mt. lirydoes must ham been ate- eu a rude surprise Tuesday sight, when an airplane gone crashing* on them eag--114-4141- darken's, toppling - over four abocks of corn, and leaving the pilot perched *oho one of them. Marshall O'Neil, poem Chicago pt. atid h1s po,Oenger, Emerson Nor: tou, of COO -ago. .utiotalosed but little injury in tbe mishap. "Our motor cut three orlout timal," Mr. O'Neil mid. "We knew we would have* make a landing. 1 picked out a ssid. but In the darkness 1 overshot it 1111111 weal into tbe corn field. We banged through a few shocks of corn, the Veit *Mgr -I -knew we were Reffne euidifrorhoillan "lied" '1111P pumpkins." The pair were flying a J5-- Wing Travetalr from Wilson. Ilepotqf Chicago to Hamilton. Tbey intended staying over night la Loudon last night. - O'Neil and ha c.zipselbet were sir- es a lilt to the city. Mr. Norton got a ride on t• Toronto, while Mr. O'Nil e reutatoed In London to see about 're- pair* to 1.14 pease. Air Magmas Charlie emit!! "undertook the dinnaat- ling of the craft this afternoon. net 012‘ell lib Metier mf lir, T. Goma" O'Neil, teller la tbe Goderich molt of the Beek of Consitioree. OBITUARY MKS. (1410HON HOWELL The death occurred at Den Moinee, Iowa, on Tuesday evening, Oetobet ISrdp of Mn. George Howell D». ceased had • serious heart attack•on AO 25th and allowed Improvement until a week before the t•titi Before -bet Madolagenehe wee Jogephiue Poin- ter, a slater et tVe late Mrs. Harry Morris of Colborne township and a cousin of Mrs, Thomas D1sher of Dun- -gammon, wilt whom -sire tivesi for a few years before her marriage over aft; years ago. She is survived by her husband, George J. Howell tot Des Moines, two daughters, Mrs May layers, at home, and Elle, a teacher at Long Beach, Cblifornia, end one granddaughter, Ruth Myers, of Des Moines. • itleaud 'Opens! Anetta fitewast, Dungannon. Zileds Our Featlx-red Friends" (St. ens school fair). Jean 'tittle, Gorr*, "Our Canadian Berltage" (Howl& township). Annie Morgan, Bengali, "Hon. James G. Gardiner, Prima Minister of Smit- e tchewan" ( Hensel) • Stanley McNeil, Auburn., "The Rat- derler's Friends ind Imo" tkiarloWL rerne McDowell; Ts, 'InJat ions Insects" (Beira, Allan Durnin, Du , "The Benefits of School Fat (A+Itfleld township). The first three of these are men- tioned in order of merit. Revnatiet. The juniors nho competed In reci- tation were as follows, the ghat four being ranked In order of laIllleSlstetwairol2 f Stewart .1,scs_retilrkin sioray igano"nhe Wonderful ., (St. Helens school fair). Glen Ankermaii, Gowa [lateen" (Ilowlek townothi Jennie Paialey, Hensall, and the Auto," (Hengell school fa Ruth Wilkie. Grand Bend 'Geed Morning to,(1 ood Night" Bend). Le1,1suagg._, Lee ucLuow, "'Tw, ( .1sh field township)! Phyllis WIghtman, not Bur" ( 1 Nora Mci 'Vet fidn't .• ANOTHER KENO !ASTI will be another Kelso pasty eitay Hall on Wednesday eien- Ing uext week, with prizes a. ti.ual Ilor Peen game'. For the door prize goose wW be Kiser'. There was again Attendance Tuesday night of 1M weft autelteero-isppeertrelleirovre disnaltely "caught GODIRICH LADIES sixerwa At tbe recent di4rict coutentiou ot the Women's Inotltute, held at Strat- ford, Mon Gordon Bisset of Unfold Heights 11 ad elected chairman and Mrs. M. Tiotoborne of Goderich curies pending secretary. Both of thesela- d*, are actlie eorker• he In tGod trick 'wench of the wouasa'a litati Mae. The eousention accepted au In Ststion to hold the Ina& ermvention In Coderkh. • Mn. 11Pred-IMVANT. Mum. Weyvjeri:trr:Z. on Thursday last from Dayton, Oblo, where she bad attended the funeral of ber mother, Mrs. Jacob Wysong, whose death occurred In that city sud- denly. Mrs. Wysong, who was form- erly Margaret Agnes Kirkbrlde, was born In Goderteh seventy-two years Imo, the daughter of the late Alex- ander and Charlotte KIrkhride, and wee_mliticated_in the *schools here. After hermarriage to William Lo- gin she resided in Buffalo, where ber only son, William, predeceaned her by eight years: Mrs. ',imey is thsorurviv. Ing child of MIA marriage. Inter Che married Mr. Wysong and had resided In Daytou for env years, beloved and highly re*. a wide circle of friends. Besides husband sad hGererdalc.daughter Mrs. Fred Murney of od by ter sons, Linton, twobafo.s- ytou.1 andthe D"Ipassalingd utof1 em o and • mother. Two lir former rest - dente et Goderieb, survi‘e, Wil - dem Eirkhride of • nDurer and Alex. Kirkbride of runt, Ilfeb. There garmansedtrehundgrandchIldren and one wat- t_ SCHOOL REPORT HOWICK MAN CRILIKIE19 William • Iloseenmebl. Hnwlek r ship earmer, was on Thom...toy In-* sent up for trial by Magktrate J. .1. Makins on three ,erion+ charge+ in- volviog i. four-year-old Ki1'1. The hear- " Ing was et Wits/ham. n-henee the eliargi;Tiad • been taken from tlw Gods. - Heil court for the 1.ouvetilehre of wit- ne..es. Accused, who was not noire - 14.11(1 II by e Mel, pleaded Ilia guilty and eluted trial by judo' and jur). Three l'rown heard were Dr, Tha y Ir. vi Iii Env e. medical testimony, •Mbr• 1:usula Haberle 1111,1 ir+. ' lissfermehl. .A. -'timed retursis+1 to ilse 4...only- Jai. lie v Al be tried at • Ow 0-+irc. next week. Lorraine Alibi. Wluulfred McCabe, Opal Hily. Ver.uslea Laltoicque. Earl Fyagin. -151--Noreeir V.115.1 one, Eh! a 111001 Gordon 11 -her. ltsIly 1111. Donald i tot Melawith t.111g11 heitrthi and ts- Pfrimulee. der ro•••- Mid Pur -Joy No -Skate i-Doeli Allis, lieent. Westlake. lift KiVevl ess.lest. and isr.a ly ROOM Frascati. You .imply- Prinwr Is -Jean Good, Reta Laltoc- - ion route water on nor face. MeCabe. *Tine nonenti wort the razor to and fro. les Jeiskin, lia_pws some NC -SHAVE in itugace,, Thema. My. how easy whiskers go GPrlatert-Walter Moore. Verdun • Sold by your druggist and made by BEN111LLER ItePOrt Of• tot S.S. No. • 2 Colt.orar, for ber and thtober In order .1 Jr. 111 --Jean 11111. Eselyis Jenkin SPECIAL ! Thursday. Ifilds7 auy "The practical neosimities life re- lcut*egly prows ua all toward ihrther pro.'-Bdeal Ford. if lei see Blackstone ALL warrzt• obLoRs 60c quart Take advantage of. this special offer and brightifi up the property. Blackstone's ON THE BROADWAY bir GODRRICH BUSY MEN Is Your Car Ready for Cold Weather ? The first freezing day is due any time now. Don't take need- less chances with the tooling modem of yonr car. This year we are recommending Eveready Prestone, the gueraaleed anti: - Crease. anti we can pat It in right away. Eveready Preston. oe ds not evaporate or heat up • motor. Lot us install it in your car NOW. The coot of a114dis- ter. two-way protection against both freesing and corrosion Is sts rl +In gly Vs oven Fisher. 'i .,a on testi; aversser ,t. -,-Misner Mfg Co. Lid dour*, 11111.5. ' GODERIC11 HENT Tr4 Mahan of quoin) (ream. since 1910 Bayfield Road Phone 241 lithos %Votes illglivray) We can give you prompt and satisfactory service in Envelopes (all kinds) Tickets wake, la wet" Ind hewn* oratig to 14•1141/f/k 110 A4P, irons which no deviation 1.1,01 L,J,s4. Ivor, mipurfe• blow slag ...d is sigisctssi to to policy ItDat-DREAD - iumkatto.U.das c r Save Tint, Mar* Otherwise• • Better PrintlnI is otii aim Prices Reasonable The Signal frioting Co., Ltd. Nee 3S '.4t: !forth Street . Ial no •-'.:4• into (ERNA. • ales tears ago to - da at Mn. J10, Ooderielt se foremast of the'Pe.ti. roundhouse. He commeneerl servil‘e with the rail- way as locomotive foreseen at Smith'• Falls and was In tnrn transferred to the Atlantic line at McAdam Junc- tion, N It.. then to Montreal, Tren- ton, London. Windsor and finally (me- ek.). Ile received his training in the aliway ,gliellet At ettratford. Onto Ile• Ing_repla, here hy F. Hettney. of boudkoo. On Weeine+day evening • number of Ma too -worker. at the C.P.R. yard. called ea Mr and Mra. /own at their limn., end an address expiinatag the hest wishes of the men forint. .1 one*, and regret at his departure, W011 read by Mr. Ft VIIIPIP, engineer. Mr. Jones was then presented with a tuiedwinie • . Mrs loess recelliail a bonus boomostfa-it *owl. rely fond of (h.4 erl r*0 1*. lams do not in end to stay bete. '1,117 Will leave inborn; for DO trAt melon,. Jilre• • •• , $ t.46. $2.45 'la 1.23 .trair lb .1 9 „1:rwl3 21b1. 25' D SOAP AVLIWIER-ORANGE 191 Marmalade32 os. Jour 23c VAL nom -CHOICE Malt g 16.• 1 9.1 COrn Ban"itadftial 2714)2 19e FANCY WINOLE US avuril4A 211"•2111°2 RICE 4 'b.- 19. SOAP 2941CoIee SAYE TON CatIPONS O0(1*OWPI Nimhth. 10BARS •P arl DR. JACKSON'S 444/V1'SLOW n.s M oVa lb' 29e Roman Meal PKG. 29c SOAP T.Ilet 6 Cak" 25' Soda Wafers W.' 10. thCUITStt„,. Ib. 17. B•Irrit larsocla," sec ;a:Lim Molasses Mises 216:. 25. LARGE. furF. UMW" BANANAS 3 maile