HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-09-11, Page 6Page g Lucknow Sentinel, Weduesd
Kinlossto pay $15,967
Kinloss Township has decided to Fir -
chase its insurance from Jardine OME
Limited for a total premium of
$15,967.32 this year.
Council received two insurance cov-
rage proposals at its Sept. 3 meeting.
One came' from Rod McDonagh, of
McDonagh Insurance Brokers, and
Steve Smith of the Frank. Cowan
Insurance Company. The second came.
from Michael Duhig . of Jardine OME
Limited Insurance Brokers,
`The McDonaghproposal for the
19964997 years was a total premium
of $22,809 plus tax. 'he Jardine premi-
um was 14,829., plus tax.
Water problems •
township resident will have h. s.
water .problem fixed: by the municipal
roads department.
merman , .Fischer attended the
ay, September 11,1996
for insurance
September 3 council meeting to discuss
his water problem of spring flooding on
his Concession 6 far.
Council agreed to have the road
superintendent correct the problem and
have Fid pay for half of the cost of
the wo
,Road allowance fee
Kincardine Cable TV will have to
a user fee to service "customers on
Havelock Street.
The cable company ccara►ttapte-d the
road superintendent rinteendent. to ask for p . rrnrs-
-slona to bring cable to Havelock Street.
Council decided the company must pay.
a Users fee for burying its cables on the
township road allowance. The amount
e .
of the fee was not deteara�ian drt'
iVa more...
Township couil ag
: with another cut of'thegrassthis
fall along township roads..
by Blake Patterson
qpit County short changed'
vincial highway transfer
'Give us more money, -
or you can keep your
That was the Message
some members of Huron-
County Council want to
make clear to the provin-
cial government regard.
; the t s r�f
o ,
Highways 83, 84 and $7.
to the county.
ti ot'iy
;fit the lar rrt Halt
Meeting of Huron Count
Council Septi 5, council
o t'.
was told he eounty
receivereceiveaone..trme: only .
grant of $4,4 -million
from the province tohelp,
compensate for the April
1 transfer of the high-
Some ofthe council-
lors,however, think the
county is 'being short
1995,o: t �c
In, a +e un y .ern ,
. nn,ssioncd study of the .'
high ways ind
that .64 -million would
.he needed to:addxess
immediate needs of the
f. an
transferred roads, and
council wanted. to
where the,cOunty pIans.to,.
findstheextra $2..rnr><lia<un't
'Court, Bill Mici a from
Exeter said "ncreasing
Good -Buys on All
'96 Aerostars
Good -Buys on All
'96 Contours &
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'96 !LNindstars
SAS it4i.Charge CD Player on Selected Models.-
Good -Buys on All
'96 Taurus & Sables
Good -Buys on All
'96 Villagers
- half': i•.ttrrt i roo.,T 3ee.g
Tft�r.Ce rirrtPro.,
Crown Vietnrr.r
Good -Buys on All
'96 Escorts
Safer Sporty and Ltatuilaas
he Pin'
tor ' Lea. .C� *dotted,
nisi yrht'oaf: Mayr Wfttrf
M IFI Sterno Sounds
pit totintinino now '$ vehklrs.'hate payable ort #ulf tertaernt of fyurchave tak a before lair d iltitil►d. toolukhatoorke of SI7 S97, a ti r
.frote NW' aim ea -030A add Sport Ap rOra.trP k `' Offer excu ft r.y• Y�b`�,(�.WS)I.,li.otice.ie owt(ci.and 1aM�te, t1ru*yWittforfest ?New INS Feted LX$
dere* *OW fIldi.Ntt It . 'iRf 11 f>rMR•R R1t Mt t�/Irid0ClithIret AM / "ole Limited tit** �year 01610011 restriction . ,t t
1,000catbetk k bikk ter fleeter t valiabre nn newt 1046 Ater t
in3.00or with f'�0tthl payrnertt of $110b;es0024reorith
ift1 after 1500 caohbad 13eilcNealerfordelials. yntmlO M0PO, 1 $ t 2000, OakeillkhOntario 1615E4„ a
property taxes to support
the transfer of provincial
highways to the county is
unacceptable. •
a "f think we Should,
fight the ncrs�easse, he
aid: "Tax payers 'are
already up to the tops of
rei .
heads -wit taxa
Earitr his yar,, the •
c. _ me ` .senna a letter to
Huron -Perth Pp' Helen
Johns expressing concern
about. the highway trans.:
fear,, but Mickle.`said'
time e -for words i� Past,
" thinkit goes' beYond
written objections," Said.,
Mickle, 66we need to take
action, It's time for some-'
body to stand up and say,
No,::find=,another way.'
It's time totake a stand."
Mickle's comments
opened ,a flood' gate:: of
comment from the other
Coun. "Mason Bailey
saidthe was delighted that
someone had" finally
stood up and called for
"It's time svie' stopped
saying' please," he said
'court. Tom
Cunningham from
Mullett Twp. sai4. the
public .needs to know
provincial downloading
:means tax.; payers in :the.
municipalities‘ will shout'
der.the burden of provin-
cial `debt, through h tgher�
taxes and more 'inconve-
e province will bal
ance' their .:books," said.
;Cun>ninghaYn;'.,"but the
municipalities are going',
to have to pick it up.
If'tl e province insists
on transferring the' high-
ways, he said, the county
should consider posting
roadsigns' to;warn. dri-
vers `Use this. `road: at
your', own.,risk' because
the province can't afford •
to` maintai n
Chun. Bill Vanstone. `of ,.
Colboirrie 'puvp suggested
one 'Way to get the
province's"' . attention'
f, ig'ht be -to leave the
roads unplowed. 'He, said
the county -should look
into' the legality' of not
maintaining, roads'
you, leave ' them
unplowed, it Will get ped-
pie's` attention
hurry,'!L he said.
Collar. Pat Down ,from. .
1 $borne Twp. joking y.
suggested the :county may
have to "eonsidei putting
toils an roads, leadin
unto oderich and Exeter»
The only disebrd,Crinie
from • Coup. Jack
Coleman of Stanley Twp.
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