HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-11-1, Page 4raw
Qithii Tpparel
Gives Lasting Satisfaction
Tails a look at your wardrobe. That Suit or Overcoat
you bendht Mat year.... those Tiea....that Hat....your
_$hiE>li.a Hosier'y....are they still shapely, sightly, satis-
'^r were tisass-V-eseeptissaklasarkiikUhmagnik
Mee enough thou, but now snakes ypu wish that you .had
your money back! If so, you doubtless t'61lvy mane JWI5
costly and wasteful "cheap" realty lea....
cheap" clothing, real
Be/ fewer clothes if you neat, bat eboose them with
the alkost care for quality, style and service.
,All these latter requirements you can get at this store.
W. C. Pridham & Son
• Phone 67
The Square, Goderich
Specials at
'Jill -Red Label Tea..
2 le -Ib. pugs. 63e
elielee goal* Teemilea'
.3 large thea 23e
Halphr Leal Raided
Woe ths 17e
hie Black Pepper. per m. ape
hewn or Orawalated Sager
le lbs. i/e
B er'a
-Coder -..2 Ws. tae
laked ,..14b. bag 'lc
Fresh Iisw —Pr
Ailldee l V .5 -ea. bottle I fie
CarmAliste, an kinds sbgw fie
Ike O>ad•i lee
Infant's Delight Tenet • ..5 cakes .
Have Your Commercial Printing Done at The Signal Office
Phone 47
Now Playlet—Eddie Cantor, in "Roman Scandals," a meccas hit:
11Nwdy. Test ; and Wednesday—Tw• selected feature ataaetlons:
Lillian Harvey, Gene Raymond and Leslie Banks
appear In a melodious and uun4m,l attraction with the famous
!'I(YYILI MARIONETTES fl v a novelty feature.
Rkbard Cromwell and Hsntlplta Cement=
dramatise a widely read and successful Air :
Tbmsdo , Friday and Saturday --
Tim McCoy, grays_ Kase, sad Bill Bakewell
Two men- one girl and a world's algplene speed record In the
making It's a thrill show! - ".
Matinees Wednesday and Saturday at 3 pm
Coming -" Cleopatra.- Cecil A. DeMille's apeetatle--
e " :. . a� earls
iatttre e' covermere
r dant with the et coal rattli*4 tad
long wtnt.r.,,Yl a tin tlaely book
Moo to travtll.�bMd people has just
_and .ealing_ by Alan Maurice
Lai/ leas the sS er. who le
around the wprld to teed
and this book: • is a
fadigetee sort of
sari alieglity thaw;
argue 1a
WY and are
TheP�naRta, �
a eomtdy that hal
rather colds►
a. , abmp s. homely
am knowI,dge that the
MI. Poweasked 11
w az", t 'lIr. I bat the
enabl tm not call tarit also a meet
erto been epaspetlad tar
On January 10 taw
Porta that prodded Pie
scenes described in thaegrok
during the 120 days they are IRa1.
Fur those wbo de int make the
for tboss-Wrbo do it 1/ w'lractloal
Ilj4tl lint. Pain _-41
Sea far costa are
cellars in pr'eparatloa fibs
time will be d (treat
4 It 1s
last le•eh
son of
=tint aid
No. 6
tstaf'$sy- ,
Loektww, Oct. 81.—Lac-know has 31 (,Q
voters fur the next Federal election. !rise.
this being the total number of names epee
on the lista prepared by the eonmera- Ix
Donalda fb•mp.on, del -esteem -year-
old daughter of Yr. and Mrs. R. 11.
Thompeon, Ls in Ringbolts beeptnl,
the illness with which sbe was wide
dimly attacked last week having de-
veloped Into au acute nee of peritun-
oases 'aid'
pates Or costume were awarded
•ries Hasa McManus as a Terkleb
Itis lege and lir. rrauk Clark as a Span- 1
Mr. and Yrs. George Hunter, who la There were about fifty Preecnt.I
live a mile south . ou Fri- Mr: "ssd Mrs. Wilfred Ita:aesd of
Toronto 'peat the creek -end at their,
Dome here.
YI— II : zel Young agent a lbw days
Iasi I. .vItb her friend. Miss Ethel
Wigs n•af Auburn.
The T,.:tag4Pel i ' Sa let 111
1 the returns et this municipal l a•seasfr,
Ls 1,Oftb. Tide M an 'acreage of Sl �otremher. 11, 1
over Istat year, bet 1. below ttlipOOnres .
.for..19t2. t:-hea.aha. gangosa: ion seas...gly- ---
Death of Joss *gar,—.t wsf•hfalewn Dl
day evening ens a large party,
mostly relativ.••. la celebration of the
twenty-fifth anniversary of their wed-
ding. They were the recipients of
many beautiful and appropriate
ea the oesslon.
'il"oy. .
Yr. and Yrs, D. Parks, of AsttMW,
and Mr. and Mrs. Jas Barclay. of
Echo stay, visited with Mr. and Mn.
Mason McAllister on eloaday.
Mrs. D. Callahan and )sir. and Mrs.
E. Monsen and three children, of De-
troit, veiled on friends here on Friday
last. r'
The regular monthly meeting of
$t. Augustine Women's !De tate w
be held un Wednesday et haat week•
p e s y w hold November 7th, at 2.30 *OIL pt .tIM
e on Sunday avenins. home of Mrs. J. Purdon, 9th eeseil-
e the church. -ion West Wawanoeb.
Death of Mn. W. J. rarmntit was
with feeli:tga of the deepest regret that
IRrON the people -at Rh eloPetelion, Welt
W aw•anosb, learned of the death of lire.
\::.NN(1XX. Oct. 31.- Mrs. 'hos. W. J. Fursn on Tuesday, October 23rd.
+taaiig� of A the pouffe_ et thews: • ass aetarped h.•me atter a Iu odor health for some time, Mrs.
James agar, ay M tl I St
last in his
Mimea:e, Is
UV nude, Mr.
Wilton ..1 Clifton
week after vide
alater-la-law, Mtn 'Wm.
rule •e fart
of Mr. Wm Lyon
last Wedssadsle. Good
realised, Mr. is te-
en the gaga. bet to 111
he baa derided std a test.
Chas. Start oeiaaderOse
a visitor is %1J*. tfit Tuesday
The err line St l 1l
a concert on 11a s
ihad eepecee of theregelesil oir.
ser, was a good attendance the
sews= was eseellent. T]1e eat•r-
tatn.r also asideted the ebetr at the
.dervida on Sunday.
w The Women'. true 1514
tltelr regular woo . N
lintraday of this w oriel
The Bremen held a very
Hallowe'en maRgoerade dance fa Mem-
orial Hall on T e day evening. ''l'bere
were ser very fie* eoatttaee and the
following were the Was—whiners:
ladle.' comic, Was Dorothy Holly
=am; gents' cotanle, Mr. Ben 'Millard:
fancy dews. ladles. Miss Kate Uhl-
law, sed gouts' fancy dew. Miss Boo
toe, London. Magic was aupptled by
BLytb Strew Orchestra.
all 1a
:ibis week wfp liter
ei ii d Mw- A. Me -
ABBC RN, f�•t. Dobl.
iltiLbe week -end at vtstt-
slater, Mies Margaret and his
a Yfa. Ja t 8radnoek.
The annual Hallowe'en party was
hew 1n the public school. The room
os a letdl decorated and an
veto was given by the
eh 11a. rI t drum parade
the Repot dressed girla,
*omit Hall mi Vivian Straughan:
*Mak '.-1n. Betty Craig: fleet
dssseed hey, Delbert Ewing: comic
costume, Hillis Balthby. The teacher,
Mho Norma Coasts, aad pupils of B.A.
110. 9 outset were present.
The Halbwd+ea dance, sponsored by
tis• playgrounds committee, was e
great ,netwa l'rta•s wen woe as fol-
lows: Ladies' tasty dress, M W ho -
hid Robertson : gents dory dress,
Mtn B1Mett, Ckgletka :Andie.' coats',
Miss Dorothy Crilgl gents' comic, Dar.
win Macklin.
Mies Ella Mao Wilson has refueled
teem Datroft, where she spent the
"maw seethe. Abe Is entering the
Clinton hospital to train for ■ nurse.
Yic • Formula Is
#. Milli6Yii iu
Preventing Many Colds
Lmeknow's population, •accord a tReetal -edits
ceased spent a year,
Wert, where Me dost-ti►Ite
Elisa DVrfiat, cited In 1912:
Ily of fear tons and f. -
still reside d Western Canada.
his wife's death lal. Agar set=tee
Ashtteld aa4,ln Altvls
by of 8111001) • who
Ke parol for bel teed
I 12th eon e.dgq r(
I been sold. aftr Ddir
years had ltitlid •a the
boyhood. Ths�p
dtyee �
tJ.tPatten - •
Merchandise offered
this dei
Ladies' Winter
k'• ,i -it with- friend- rt Itivth Forin nnderwent an opera on o -
kerne This gave her relief for a for nose and ,throat, where most cold,
start. Vs -tete -DM phonic! be need at
r. anti Yrs. Jas- Wilson have re- Joseph's h>.-pltal London, In early
i'teks• tit -tee -not -tire v
e rigne aid to
preventing colds, l now helping mil-
lions Of adult.' and children t0 enjoy
greater freedom from colds.
Va-tro-not 11 edpectally designed
termed e k. their wedding trip
and ere ww 1 slding at tbeir home ou
illistemodos et West Wawauuah.
Popp, wile wbRtlalting her
aan rs. Jas. Yrilgrbers, London, for
:twowe. 4+, rcWoad ms Hat Friday.
/- A large number anvil, the Salva-
tion Abuse cottagE+,pMtyer meeting at
tie home of Met. Wm. Thompson last
May er At the close of the
raeetltte a illation was held in
r of Capt; iliooke, who la laedge
Who Y Cella Pestl read.
and nay p
pt. •
M i
sale prices.. Take,,,4d.
and save money
A wide range of smart COATS in many
different fabrics and lavishly fur -trimmed.
$16.95 $14.95
New and smart Dresses, in +tyles for
afternoon, evening or sport Wear, in many
new shades and materials.
'Woollen Dresses, too. Made of smart
woollen fabriricss.y - -
;8.95, $5.95, $4.95, $2.95
Men's and Young Men's•
Nu -Elysian cloth, navy blue
Melton lterringbose Tire
work= ip and, style. 'fir
trate tel �ppyy• yo , inter Ovsro5t
is a good nppo icy,. •1'a
this speelal offer Chia w
$19.50, $14.
el" I
1: w
Two -trouser Suit of all -wool worsteds in
navy.' and browns. Ispeeially fine qualities
and in good designs.
WARY prtoed for 1111~ week -end
$19.50 and $14.50
sent for Ro 1 York Made -to -Measure Clothes
where ' : ore invited to shop" Phone 4184-
t! �. -
time and nue was ■ that firstr 1 I rlt tl
til a week before her death, when she
waw again j-ontlned to bed sad failed
quickly. Mrs. Foran. whose maiden
name wee Kate Buckley, was a daugh-
ter of the late Mr-. and Mrs. John
Buckley, nod was, born slay -three
year. ago In the tOe'bidipP'I.s'. s :h1.3d. {t
where she reveled- oatil bar marline almost thirty years ago to her now be-
reft•partuer. Mr. W. J. Foran. Two
brother- lu A•0040.41 and a slater, Yrs. I
11. Der.•r.•at of Nest Ways/nosh. aim
hle to Ro about nn-
rneme o newt r a ow --
Piet • few drops up each nostril. It,
lamely use helps to prevent mag/ colds
and to throw oR colda in the early
Where irritation has led to a
clogged -0# :wee (a stuffy head cold or
nasal cat 'arts )tVa•tread penetrates
deep into the nasal paesiges--rednees
swollen membranes --sten away clog-
ging mucus—bringe comforting relief.
au adopted sitter. Mrs. W. P. Red
mond, survive. The funeral, which
Was beld to Itt. Augu4tlDe church on
Thursday morning, was very largely
attended. Services were coedweted by
tier. Father Gaffney tad interment was
made in it. reatlne cemetery. The
e *sears. C. Foran, J. -
Pa Os. D. McDeaald,
G. F.. Foley. The sya-
eammnatiy Is eslsoded to
sled bet'eved bMh■nd sad otbee aS1a,
Late Pees Redteontlr-Auer a
"t111D lUn.e. thele parried sway at hie
a herr on meadsy n1Fht, (etcher
rd, a highly esteemed resident La the
of Mr. .dead. Mr.
len of
Where kir mows ,11111:telseftwiscee
into eaftfdrat 4.. at Cllatw
on liktttsldae; glen se "Mareser Rtlly
Mtewart, wbe earn* drat In pnbhle .peak-
ing for those in junior secopd ARV'
and nnder, sad to Annetta 'Atewart,
who came second In public speaking
In the Weir elea.es, Then. are all
paella .f the Aungannon school and
alt e. *rot in their varMwv A...e.
IR the Helen. school fair .vhlrh
alas hat in September
--a#sata'in h l Wemen'a
• belA� t 17 ea.eting •t
of Met. *'Moeiensl• on
In -UMThe meeting ng was
'Irathe aln3I*i the 'Yid.."
R was an.w•f a by erre
for Onion" Yrs. Adrt. Nieto-
zit • il abort report 4( the (ronose-
'`int Stratford 'meetly. Mrs
slash 'tet a ren fa With_s-
ej�o• The moat i std �e�
g�gte� of the Nat Rifer
WW1, leach was soros. Mrs. Trainer -
ea. me,. 1..r. sad ir". AiH. hMse
it W"
nasal. ►�' was legieft at-
tended, we* held on lbernIng,
rTlctoher An. to St. reurcb.
he service bath at the reek and at
he were wee be charge of elev. Path-
eGaffney. afney. Interment Itateisee la tit
AngweIlee el` eta Mamma be-
nR Worry And/ lard latently 131._
s, A. -It Johnataii. lnpeen.
11110. a Iv i t. 4,1/1The
ate Mr. Redmond Was -a gebt Alm
Moo. a goal ae,ghbal. it date reedy
willing to sire •heed
Gyre ieseled, end do .It i of fb•
:r gels nit to tlfe bee•avetl
hotly. Attttess thou1lisfaac,
eats Mewled the funeral, MAM
•a, j. ft ftron, of RI Yr. /
MI Rete vent, Me. tine Mrs. A.
Ivor Andersch :el and ten
cwt a nd Mr: Min �lnntwe# of
'The trouble Is
t oAereo
• Ytrre .lw tel. yet ybeo ,•
ly rite -for both children and adult.
It has been ctlnln117 tested by physi-
claus—mad proved .1a everyday home
use by .smogs. -
(Note : The remarkable mimes of
Vicks Drops --tor nose and throat—
has brought worse of Imitations.
The trademark Vs -Ito -Doi Is your
protection In getting thin exciupive
Vkka formula. AJways sok Ior-Vista
Vs-tro-nol )
Va•tn.nol and Its companion pro-
duct, Vicks VapoRub (the !modern ex-
ternal treatment for colds), cora the
brats of Viet* Plan for Better Coa-
ted of ('olds—fully explained In eaeb
Vides pie -liege.
we can supply you with the same
Shoes that Dr. Locke pre-
scribes for his patients
It you •re unable to vlslt the
woe►delemowned clinic at Wil-
liamsburg, Cmnade. where US.
111. W. LOCKE perform. his mar -
venom' cures of freeiree
ean •t least attd kit
us et .yeet1 .01 his
OO1 •?HE-
. ,opsit-i1d .
TO cosec
•a -
• J
Oboe was desisted by Dr. Leake
himself. hnllt according to hie
Ib•e18t8tions, and la the only shoe
carrells his.. er.00al ewdOrRe-
We sae ofacial distributors for
tate M, W. LOCKE She In (lode -
rids, gad Me bed. to Ill you eer-
y with Rae last that is best
le your feet.
Nate 'U a missy Va s »
eineseee le larfag >Q a'sao.t
and geed cheer. The nisi
are aaeer so Um, ntritill
Wise s rasa llamamtakift,
�lsy ore tJtwtlill cit the
1'tr•l lochs l ki• nag
Wit mea Thar is
sob wlpaaa flea -se Idsat
kr* that yea gat rtttht
WinImml .f .dc •
Tilt ti
V a