HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-09-04, Page 13Pagt 12 litteklloW 'Weft dAyp September 4,, 1996 ••••01*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••.1.....-• • • • • • • • • • • • '• • RATES AND DATA • 01. Articles for Sale 02. ,r'iraraSale. • 03. •Garage Sslf 04: Antitries....;:,; • • 04a. Crafts.. • 05 Cars for Sale06. Trucks for Si e '5P0*Ts. Etk ItEcRENnOt, 7a.. For sale General' 7b.• Wanted to Buy '7c. Wonted to Rent 7d. Bicycles , 17e.. Motorcycles Snowmobiles 7g. Rec. Vehicles 7h. Nrats,"Motorsetc- 7.1. Service. Parts. 7K. pwinunhig Pools. 1 week $4.26 • - • ' 2 Mike -$7449 3 Weeks, or more 43,27 each week • extra words at .16 each • Cards Of Thanks $4,25 for 25 words extra words at .06 each • In. Memoriam. 44.26,-+ .35 fi);r each line of verse Birth: AMMUtiCeimit# - $10.00 flat fee +3 ads- $10.50 pre -paid for 25 words extra Wm* ati .16 each -Thursday-Special ,•,$3.26 for 25 words - ' Must be placetarid paid on Thursday • • Save a $4.60 bIllitifj.,00arge by pre-paYIng. • GSM not Included In above prices • 11 52842822 - r&stli •1.,For or'Sale • 08. Computers,. 10. Pets:. 10a.,..aorses •.'fAR11/1.)/AftliXT 11a. For sale General 11b.. Wanted to Buy 11c Wanted to Hire 11d. Empl. Wanted lle. Livestock lif. Farm Produce llg. Equipment, 11h. Services 11). Farm Land 11k. Real Estate 11L Wanted to Rent Fr*Rent 12. Real Estate 13. Mobile Homes 14•, Vacations 16. ..ForRent, 17. Apartments 18. Houses for Rent Bed & Breakfast ,. 20. "- 'Room "8i 'Board ' 13. Commercial I. 24. Wanted to Rent ZS. Wanted to Buy HelpWanted 27. Wanted General 28. Business Opp 20. "Tenders 30. .Ernid. Wanted 31. Service Directory 32. Babysitting . 33. Miscellaneous 34. Personal • 35. Legal Notices, 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages .38. Auctions " " Educational • 40., lAst &Found 41. To Give Away 42. Obituaries 41, Births 444 'Engagements 45t Marriages 46. In Memoriam 41/. Carder Thariks. 48. .Coming Events MASTERCRA.FT 75 amp :portable .mig Welder. 110 :volts, hardly used. $350. Call 524-7894 or 524-4849., -35-40nxe • STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICE'S - Steel Straitwall Type-- not quonset 32x54 $9460, • ,40x72 $14,233, 50x90 !$20,443, 60x126 $31,314 -• other sizes available'- misc. clearance. Paragon - 24 hrs 1-800-263-8499:--36bc • YOU KNOW, IF YOU BUY A NEW MATTRESS SET BEFORE CHRISTMAS PAY NO GST AND RECEIVE FREE • , A NEW ROLLER PRAlyIE- . &E FURNITURE , 5244231 111"461481. GODERICH Hwy, 21., S. 10 6 SHOP 612 Campbell St. LUCKNOW 52842242 Polish Sausagei no 1 Vqw, Plain or Garlic Pork Sausage 101.8. BOX. ORGANIC APPLES, cider, apple birder, beef & lamb 'available now. Horse, drawn wagon rides on the farm. "- Meeting' Place Organic Farm,. 519-528-2493. =-36x PySII'LAWN MOWER, with rear bagger attachment, 3.5 • * h.p. Tecumseh motor. Like . new. Call 5282490. -31- 33,34-36nx • - FIREWOOD* FOR sale. Goodtardwood. Please call 524-6716 after 6 p.m, 33- 39nxe • • • CONFIDENTIAL TYPING :The Lucknow Sentinel does confidential custom typing for customers; resume'a,, letters etc. -We can offer you a number, of diffeteht print • types and sizes. Call our office or drop in for more details. -8tinx • . • FIREWOOD - Dry. and green hard maple, •ash wood slabs. Cut to stove length. Delivery avail- able by the truck load. Call • 524-7104. or 1-800-727- 9171. (long distance) after ‘6, p.m. ----5ltfgp '" LOSE WEIGHT Without dieting. 160% all natural - Safe. Simple, to use, no counting calories, workouts or pills. Inexpensive: REALLY • WORKS. Call Mariarine • Bollinger 529;1807. *!,- • ''1035,36cc . : • MAKE 12, • MONTHLY payments of $41 •and a beautiful new living room . sofa,sulvea telios'Y:ouets: chair.including • /1 toll fro* 1-800.66746898.. Marten's • • Furniture; Kitchener.-36ar. For Solo THe LupKNOw SENTINEL is available at the following locations out •of •town: Holyrood-General Store; Ripley Superior Market; Dawsons Store, Dungannoni - MacNeys Store, Amberley. Triangle Discount, Goderich; Brian's Valu -Mart, •Wingham MbPhee' IDA, Wingham, Hart food Marti 'Teeswater,: MacAdam Mini Mart, Ripley, 'Port Albert General Store, and Keith's Repair Service; Whitechurch. --9tfnx • . LARGE CHILDREN'S Little • Tikes play gym, Vagabond Deluxe exercise bicycle and K -Tel power .stepper. 'All in excellent Condition, Contact - 39573134. -33-36rix . STEEL BUILDINGS ALL STEL •BUILDING' SALE... Go Ontario Factory Direct.. Many Sizes and. -Styles..Example: 30, x.40 now $6,998.00. 35x 50 now $9,488.00. 40 x 60 now _$11,444.00. Pioneer Steel 14306-668-5422,--866c VEAL BURGER - 10 Ibs. for $25. No growth hoririories used.,,For information call 529-7059 Siegfried .Poganatz. -34,35,36cc • WOODSTOVE & FINE - PLACE glass, will not break from heat. Cut toa y size or shape. The Chimney Sweep's Stove Parlor & Gallery inc. 3685274, 410nbcprix ,ick up your copy of THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL at , any of the following Lucknow businesses: Beckers Milk, Bell's Discount, LucknOW Village .ftiarket, Urnbadh Pharmacy, Lucknow Service -Centre and Annie's 'Gas Bar, and - Nonillion Fuels. --520 CEDAR TREES, any size, 'up to 5 ft. for hedges and wind breaks; 'alsocedar posts. Call • • Andrew Johnston 39-0231.' --latter • 'CUSTOMFAXING Need to send or receive a fax? The .Sentinel does cue - tom faxing for customers Drop in or Call 528-2822 fcsr details. -4100 " • ' *NEED A RESUME? PrOfessionally'preparett laser •printed on twenty paper. .$.1§.0o for 5 sets We keep your memo on file in oast you need changes or updates at a tater date. Call,us or drop in for -details. the: LU.OkhOW 'Sentinel, 528-2822,-04ffrix • For Salo •THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL • has the following papers .available in our Office on • Wednesday. . Goderich Signal -Star, Kincardine News, • Walkerton Herald Times,- Olinton News Record, Mitchell AdvOcate, Beatfonrtxh•t.irr ,lti STESETLEBEVI;ILBPU1NR-OPSIN: :Ile on all Steel Buildings'. Many sizes, to choOse. from Quonsets, . Straightwall- Ouonsets or ' the new Trusie'ss. Design: Call Future: 44800-668-8653.-r 360c ••• •• WOODEN CEILING'fixture with 4 *bulbs $15; 4 wall • mount .outdoor brass lights • $50•set; Phillips cable -con- , vertor $75; white' enamel double sink with taps $10;' • full box of glasses, dishes $10; double burner tabletop -range. $10; 20Q gallon oil. tank $50; Super Nintendo. hockey., $20; lona Dirt Raider $10; 25' barn beams $4 each; 80 81. Monte Carlo 1/4 panel, left doOl,. teihood,apte. ce$.6225:2*11g o - .719!n aftere • WHY . HAVE A YARD • SALE? Call us. We buy it all. Antiques, Furniture, Coins,' etc • No fuss - No Muss i; Cal1,519-363-0213. -- 49tfcc • TROUT - great fall fishing from our well stocked pond, open all winter or purchase trout wholesale from our • tanks. David Hedley, Beigrave, phone first 357- 2329. -34-35nx37-46ar • WIOE SELEPTION of used 'appliadaes, fridges, stoves, washers and dryers. All ser- viced and in/chiding a war- ranty. Cali Modern Appliance Centre; Hanover 3644011. -41ifgp go Yard Saler' • SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 at 8 a,m. at 532 Victoria' Street, ,Lucknow. Toys, and malty other iterns.'--36x- 5 Cara AUTO PARTS LTD. RR 1, Xincardine. CASH FOR CARS Phone 395.2947 Lucknow & Ripley ets COCKER SPANIEL puppies .for sale, blonde,:first shots and dewormed. $264. Pall, anytime 529-7190. --31- 33,34-36nx • ONE FEMALE Day Gecko; 6 Cuban Anoles, one green • Anole. Make great pets. -Call Ryan anytime 524-4240. - • 33-38rixe ••" GOLDEN ; RETRIEVER Puppies: C.KC registered, shots, tattooed, gentle dis- position, excellehf-Witk Phil7 dren„ ready Aug, 25th. Phone 396=5586. --34-36cc Equip,,, J.D. 6600 combine for sale. Reconditioned - good shape; $10,900. Phone ' 'evenings 519-565-2791, -- 36,37cc iih. Services GILCHRIST FARM SUP- PLY -Betting and repairs to • alt makes • of balers, swathers, and combine pick •ups. Patz sates and service, Lucknow Grain buggies, mixers ,etc. RoR. • Lucknow. 395-2851.. -- * ?7ttr • - a a • • TARPS AND1NDuSTRIAL COVERINGS made to' size, for trucks, trailers, • gravity boxes, etc. Vinyl, ' canvas poly. New/Repairs, Party tent rentals .Tiesma Industrial • Coverings, Bayfield. 482-3540.7---26ffg- . • peow • • 1985 DODGE CHARGER, -2.2 litre 'automatic. 88,000 kilometers. 6950 as is., Call (519)-524-6140. --34-39nxe • 1687 CAVALIER Z424, 6 speed, hew digital dash, low kilometers.' $1200 "or best offer, as is. Call (519)-524 6140. 4-34.09rixe • 12. Roal Estate • HOUSE FOR SALE in • Dungannon 3. bedrooms, . bathrooms,: den,':'„.;large kitchen/dillirtg ,:room. Finished laundry, wood stove, full basement on 2 plus lots with fruit trees...pan, sap -logs evenings. • • . : . , • • • . • .