HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-09-04, Page 1244,
Luc1 rka�w
Ray Dalton
+George Cardiff, his
daughter Georgcina and
Joe.. and Teresa Courtney
were dinner guests on
Aug; 26 with George's..
sister Viola Riley, R.„
A largo crowd attend-
ed the Auction sale .of
farm machinery held on
Thursday, Aug. 29 for.
Tony : and Stephanie
Miltenburg, Auctioneer
was Richard. Lobb of
West Ashfield and
West Wawano sh
Township History Books
have gone to print. In
each case 1,000 copies
will be" printed 'with
approximately one third
of these sold in advance:
Congratulations to,
Christine Miltenburg
daughter of Tony ai,d
Marilyn Miltenburg and
Anna Miltenburg daugh-
ter of Ben and Jayne
Miltenburg who were
baptized during the 10:3.0
mass at Kingsbridge on
Aug. 25.
David Joseph Franken,
son of Emilia" Franken,
and Lisa Dawn Noble,
daughter of Donald and
Helen Noble, wereunited
in marriage on Aug. 24 in
the St. Augustine Roman
Catholic 'Church. Dinner
and reception ;were held
at *the Blyth (Community
Centre. Congratulations
to the happy couple,
Raymond Dalton has
ntinel, Wednesday, September
age. 11
' -
• now returned ::: to
Hur nlca, Brussels, after
.bein in Lo'iion and
Wingharn Hos1s..
His daughter Kathy
(Dalton) MacDonald has
returned to her home in
Fredericton, Nen
Brunswick, by car, after
spending ;time here with
her: father Raymond..
Dalton, members of the.
Dalton and MacDonald
fa>liilies. ,
As. she was driving`
alone, her brothers Terry
• Dalton drove, with her,
accompanying her.° on
They toured
Fredericton and enjoyed
some time together
before Terry,flew back to
the Toronto airport where
he was picked up by fam-
ily members,
' : Sympathy .o the fami-
ly of Blanche Culbert,
who passed away on
Aug. 20, in her 89th year,
She is survived by four_.
daughters Alma, Pearl,
Joyce, Doreen and one
son Harold. .
Anne and Gilbert
Millar returned -from ,a
five week visit with her
sister Maize and. Ian '
Taylor, West Coast,
The'' foursome, °toured
throughout England
Scotland and,, Wales,
viewing the beautiful
countryside'and Many
Forty members and
friends , -from , the
Luckuow rOp-In
Centre, enjoyed a day.
trip to the Drayton
Festival Meatre, to ;enjoy
the play, "Bending attire
Open House and din,
'iter at the Masonic
Lodge, Carlow honored
'Carman and Margaret
(Phillips). Brindley on
Aug. 24, Four sons :Jim,
Ross, Lorne, "Carl and
daughter Marie, were in
attendance, ' on. the geca-
Sion of their parents"
golden wedding anniver-
Beatrice,Niv,ns and
daughter Sandra' enjoyed.
a 10 -day bays trip to
Nashville, • Branson and
Graceland. Highlights of
the tour were the. Grand
Old Opry, paying 'tribute
to Hank Williams.
Dolly Partridge, of
London, has. spent the.
past month, visiting her
.daughter Raymond
Copeland and wife
Gwen. '
Tom and Margaret
Young_ attended the wed -
ed -'ding of their nephew
Kevin Adams to .Kathryn.
Thorns; on Aug. 24, -at
.,Oakville Kevin, an :OPP
officer has been trans=
ferred to wawa...
' Dave and Sharon
Dawson were pleasantly
surprised on Aug. 24,
'when family and friends
Say goodbye tQ Joyce
Mr.' and Mgrs. Larry.
Armstrong of St. Thomas
visited with his"parents
Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. Bill
.McCier►aghan' of
Brampton, and Edith.
Suan of Brucefield were
Tuesday visitors with
Mildred McClenaghan;
Paul and, Linda Smith
returned home "last Week
from. a -two. week trip to
Vancdtiver. They took the
ferry to the Island and
enjoyed sig1tseeing in ..-
Nanaimo. They toured up
to Whistler Mountain,
then continued on
through 'Golden and to
Lake Louise, Banff and
on east. They flew to .
Vancouver ,and picked ;up
their Motorcycle which
they had previously
shipped out by transport.
They, had beautiful
weather out -there ,and on
there way :home
gathered at Dungannon
.Agriculture Hall for sup-
per and dance, honoring
them, on their 30th wed.
ding anniversary Aug=
In the. 4�H
Achievement Program
:‘,"Go for the old"the
Port ;'AIbert• htb, Under
the leadership oft Donna
Hayden: and . youth
Leader Kelly McNee;
placed second for ,the
second Consecutive year.
The , seniors- enjoyed
.12 "tables of euchre °an
;Aug., 28. Frank Pentland,*
wh`b celebrates his 87th.
-birthday on Sept. 1, was.
high man. Other winners
were Erna McNall,:.
Margaret Young and;
It was announced that
Harold Johnstone 'was;
• temporarily. a resident at
Bray •:Lodge, _ Wingham.
Get well wishes . were
extended to Jean Keller.
• .Bey' Machines, Lynda
and Kelly.MeNee visited
•,friends.at�,,West Lorne,
and Leamington this past
week. Kelly visited two
friends, she,rret at CGIT
and 4-H camps, Alissa
Douglas and Beth Terron.
:They in turn' visited
Marcie Dawson, daugh-
ter sof ,former Dungannon,
residents Dave{and -Janet,:
tri ,Leamington, . while
Lypda and Bev ,visited •
Brian Coutites (a - former
.G Thompson•emplay-
• ee,)
Est. singe 1903
3 Dul iarn t,, VVAerton
Lave Display ef•Monurnorat 4 Markers
For niorr information: oali Sam. or Orant
.3YAN [. V.6. .4G kit)V
Buy Two Meters of
Fabric at Regular Price
Get the Third Meter
Botts: of Fabric .
iat SPEC1AL Prices.
6"ro dGro. th Excluded to this Sade
Sate enols Sept, 14, 1996
Wingh. ,aorShopping Plaza
Harry and ;Helen.
Smethurst of Barrie were
weekend visitors with
Don and Jean Ross as
were Brian and Laura
Ross, Stratford.. and
Michael Ross B elgraave
Sunday evening,
neighbors and friends..
gathered, at thehome of
Doti] and Jean Ross for a
surprise party for Joyce
Pickard who is leaving
the second of. Kinloss to
live in' the Benrniller
Hwnn 0ounty'stotnplete E
Q [I
Headquarters. E
31 Small & Mid -seed Cars
0 Passenger & Cargo [3:`
0 Vans, Pickup Trucks '
• °Cl Daily,.Wceldy, Monthly win
1J Insurance Rei talc•
tY More . •
1 Fred Delivery
...and yeu'1t find both .quality designs and
plant matetiat at Huron Landieaping Limited
J '.
lig,frit lubuth of Lucknow,
510429 247
Suntoit.SIgember r
$1000 Manner
Marie' IIonch
Community Centre.:
opens at 6:30 p.m.
& TRUCK itf L
Division. of Sttricoast Ford
Huron:Rd., goderieh
CAL COLLECT Ask farltelen p
The Corporation of The County of Huron
Take. Notice that the'land(s) .described '
below wild be offered for ;sale by '
public auction at 10:00 o'clock;in
the forenoon on the tat day Of
October, 1996-ath'uron.Courity
Court House, 1' Court House Square,
Godes ch Ontario N7A 1M2
Description of Land(s)Minimum Bid $
(set out the cancellation price
as oT the first day of advertising)
1: Lots 266,267 and 278; Plap 276_ s
As, per Instrument Number 213'617
Township of:Howick, County of Huron
Province of Ontario $2,02 .59
2. Bloch A'B",. PIan.109
As:per Instrument Ntimber 224135
Tow.nship'of Stanley,` County of Huron' ,
Province of Ontario' $2,288.20
3. Part Mitchell's Block; Plan 211
As per Instrument Number 221470
Township of Stephen, County of Huron
''rProvince of 'Ontario $7,752.22
4. Lots 23 ,and 24; Pla'h 164
As per Instrument Numl er.27905.0.
• Township of Turnberry , County of Huron
Provitrce of Ontario $8,947:55
All aiiounts payable by the successful purc`6aser shall be payable in
full at the time Of the sale by cash ot:'money order or by a bank draft
or cheque certified by a bank, trust. corporation or Province of,
Ontario Savings Office.
'lhe municipality or board makes no representation regarding the title
to or any' other• matters relating to the land to bd sold. Responsibility
for ascertaining those matters rests with the potential purchasers.
This sale is governed by the Municipal Tax Sates .Act and the
Municipal Tax Sales Rules. The successful purchaser will be rerfuired
to pay the amount bid plus"accumulated taxes and the 'relevant land
transfer tax.
For further information regarding this sale contacts
Court Square, Goderic) , Ontario MIA.=
;Personal information contained on this form, collected Pursuant'to
'the'Curiicllral Tax Sales Acr will be used for the proposes of that Act.
Question :should be directed to the Freedom of Information and
Privacy Coordinator Coordinator at tlie institution responsible for the procedures
unacr that Act;