HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-09-04, Page 8• • • • , • The ball sea- son is coin* ling to a close and the 11+ age group held a rnini4ourna0 meat on Friday night. .Here , Port Albert" back catch- er, Bill Johnston catches from - his pitoher Brown. (Livingston Photo) • Lue o Seuthiel, Weduesday, Sei mber 4, 1996 Page 7 • ttrell stars ergus production The month of October was designated as Women's A dynamic nib( of comedy -and music, LoVill' and•tbavin!.. tells ,its story of modern relation- ships in a highly charged, entertaining way and fOa- tuxes more than, 25: smash hit songs by top country • . artists. The production funs Sept. 4 - 14 at Theatre on , - the Grand, Fergus, starring Marie Bottrell and Don • Moore. FOrtickeis call 519487-1981 ' Branch 309 welcornes five new members - The August meeting is the new Brandh_Padre„ of the Royal Canadian Appr6val Was'tiven-,to Legion,.Branch 309 was support'seyeraI donima- 0,114_,,goP0i1Y with 32 -inity. groups, as well as e, • membert in attendance: the Legion Pipe Band. Five new members were 11 -fere was a discus -- initiated, Mac:Hackeit, sign on upcoming events Hackett, Marg for Legion' Week, Sept.., - Brenner, Alma Sykes and 15 to 21. Watch your ;Doug Stever.. Welcome to paper for,details. these new members. - There was a successful An honorary member- Seniors Bus Trip hold ship was presented to. last week, and we will be. Rev. Dill Bresnahan, 'vho - looking at more of these. History Month in 1992 by the federal government to recognize women's achievements as a vital part ,of Canadian heritage. The goal of Women's History, Month is to write women back into Canadian history. The theme this year is Women and the Arts: A Cultural 'Legacy Worneres unique perspectiyes and creative achievements are an integral part of national history and identity: - • Over the years, women have faced special obsta- cles as creative artists and performers. Historically, few women could successfulty combine motherhood and an artistic career. In addition, women's artistic . , creations were often viewed as crafts rather than art, XX' , ' ... • . ; . • , • Pleasec�ntact 3 elores Before September 12t LONG DISTANCE' CALL 1-800-265-3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO • rts .which served to -devalue their ellorts. Today, women in the arts work ..as creators; inter-. Fireters, administrators; supporters and teachers;. • .Women • ofextraordinary 'talent have pradticed • ing•$? sculpture, and carvings, 'Canadian wOinen Who are, novelists and:poets have been recognized In this country and around the world Women's History Month serves to highlight women, s•contributions that have. beeti,too often overlooked in Canada's bistory• For more informationfoirWomeii's History Month, contact: Status -of Watten,,Canada, 700-360 ,Albert '-Street, Ottawa,Oltat0:A C3, (613) 09577835, fax (613)-945-2586, TDD (013)996432 2, Internetviiaseswc_c:1.: • - , • : • . • elcomoq P., th. This Weekend: September .677-8 -at-the Blyth Fairgrounds rids Elementary Student Activity Day, ,,.Senior Citizens DaSi Admission for Senior Citizens-- • $2.00 (Friday Qnly). ttturday . .Sunday. :OOam. a:oo any /kilinission:$4.00,porperSon ',Children 12 'under' . Children 12 *Under,-..Nifhen accompanied by an adult.- FgEE)... . ,Menibers,mpst have, •/#96'. -inotnbership,` • Speej41,•Evpts.'&0prriptitiono • Saturday St. Sunday • :* Bag COOpetitlite* • Tractor P134 Compotittna and gestaam,tmetteo.arid portablq,Engine§ Model.Stenor Ergines ." • Antique Ple'Market:. ,• _Loge Saw Mill 41Mlidature Sa*Vair s-Stiingle riOtei Part • • , 4! mukstritt.h.:$114).; • Gas Englncs 0.'06,1idreWS:Acti:41004 atgli4e6ritkitS • SqtvOrlits • • Cr 8 • •