HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-09-04, Page 7e LA 'know Se duel, Wednesday, Septeu er 4,1996 '+ebles Yi, cert .cordially niter . rieinai and t lativea to. join th�11h q # celebration of their martjage•on:. Saturday, Septe bei Reception and, Dance mill be, held at the:Elma Memorial Counity' Genu, AtivoQ: at 800 ErigctgOrrient MACKI :44. STEWART Russell and .Mar - Mackie ofioiroocl- e�Mp ar leased to riounce'the fortrcoming marriage of theirdaughter,' .Sharon Ooreeri to ' . Andrew lan Stewart of s fork lgin on $epteriiber 1, -1.996 at Kincardine Vnited Church; Open reception to, follow. at• Davidson Centre, Thanks for coverage Dear editor: o Thank you for the cdvvera e of the Lucknow ;and District Joint Recreation Board meeting of Aug. 2L It is great to have a published repot of the activilies of this board f elected officials, ;and the opinions of its' members. Hopefully there will be continued coverage of the Lucknow and Disttct Joint Recreation Board's activities, Everyone in thecommunity will have the opportu, nnty to become awe of who represents them on the board, and have, a clear picture ,of all the program- ming ,offered, what portions of each of those pro- grams are funded by the board, and the cost to the users and the conunttyy, particularly with the cuts i provincial funding for sport. The electorate can then form . opinions based on fact, and let their electedofficials know what they think. Thank yin. Mauna Lynti & Dare Thompson along with Oat & Oord Hunt wish to announce the forthcomu g marriage of their children Stephanie The wedding will take place, at Teeswater': United Churci oan September..7th,W 1996 Lori Cox, R.R. 2, Lucknow. Consider importance. of Can *from. page 5:. of opaline. Suggestions should be sent to my Parliament Hill Office, 152- Confederation Bnildng, Ottawa,. Gnt,ario, 11 A . 0A64. Postage is not ;required.: At this critical time m our .history, it is impor- tant for Canadians to consider the importance flag;'.' of the flagin. our Rives. An Oath could he used at schools; before'meetuigs, .or anywherethat the flag is . prominent. l have already ,received sugges- tions fromevery part of Canada, including over 100 conampnities_=from coast taco*. . l ren►da. Clhaniberlaixn MP. Guelphs- ttellington.. ITuronPerth ' DECnews No funding for co munity projects the Huron, 'Perth District :Health' Council: (HPDHC) -was notified., by the. mtstry of. ealth ons July. 26 that the ealtliy ommunity Grants program has teen suspended and that the. five projects: which the 1-IPDHC reeornrnended for funding in December,- 1995 ece ber1995 will not be funded. council. discussed the . impact of this decision at the Aug. 22. meeting and expressed disappoint meat in the timing of this decision, Many ,floe a ° groups spent a consider- able amount • of time, developing. their project proposals and had been expecting • to _receive fundirlg iri April 1996. Council recognizes. the: vital role) that health pro- motion plays: in. keeping. our eotintnunities healthy, The HPDIIC will be con-_ tacting the. Minister 'Of Health to express their concerns. regarding .the :Haply io Anuli rsa & loris:, ‘Maelcitinpo, • yriends ,tkrteiglhbours are invited to help .. celebrate at the Lueknow ,Legion . ptennrtier, 8, 1996 from. 2:Oo p►:ri. - x.30 p.m. Hest Wishes Only Love, Four chlt,rertEgt !rttndchild' err' by Heather Boa a Educators in Truce.• ..and .Grey will 'add. 'anoth- er teaching, component to their curriculum: Responsibility; Along with reading,. writing and arithmetic, 2$ 'educators will be talo ing` "responsibility" to, the elementary class- rooms lassro ms . after, a three-day workshop held : in Chesley recently. Torii Gordon, a •trainer for the. Lio.ns-Quest. Progratn which isfunded. in part by Lioni Club International, says, the rifle of teachers has; changedas youths face intensified problems in the ",90s. The -skills to' :overcome lack of self cozl f idence, alienation from fa pity.,; poor si;on .Making' and poor :cc tnmunrcation aren't. being taught the com- munity, he said. A. break down in the .family .unit and.. decreased: family` sizes afire causing social problems that have to be overcome before- pauth•` can learn .effectively;.. . Children no longer• have nearby'grandparents or. . numerous siblings froth: whom to learn social • skills. In. the --Lion_s-Quest Skills for.,Adolescence (Grades .6, 7 ando 8) and, , Skills for Growing (Early. years .to •Oracle 5)stu- dents `will learn to say, no to: alcohol.:,artd <drut s, � 11 decision to suspend: the grants program and to acknowledge the impor- tance of maintaining a balance- between promo- tion,., prevention and treatment in rder to Maximize health: . Five Per vent Budgeet . Cut . . Similar to all DRGs across 'the .province, the HPDHC is faced with a fiveper centbudget cut for'. the 1996/97 ;.fiscal year. DHCs have also been informed :by the.IViinister of Health that their provincial association is. tc fold biy' Septeznlzer • 1996. -Howey-ear, DHCs have been assured that the funding for the asso- ciation will. be redirected for planning at the local level... The Minister -of Health continues, to express his support for the work that DHCs ;do in their comniunities. atures evolve nt eve o healthrelation- ships d Tp ... y tel ation ships;:and set goals for lifelong. success. The .program has three features curriculum,, training, and parent and community involvement. It was developed, by. a: , team of more than 75 experts in education, mentalhealth,• prevention and development psy-- ' chology. • Centra .to the program. is the belief 'that the involvement of parents and` the community is vital to the .development, of capable young people: - As part of the work- shop, each educator was - matched -with a secret pat for the three days, The secrete' pal'left such.good-' • ies as Turtles, MecMs and 'poems for each Other:; On the final day, the edu cators signed a banner thanking their secret pals; The program,, devel- oped by Quest International in partner- ship with Lions Club International, is one of the .most widely' used drug _ prevetrtion.' pro- grams ro-grams in :the world. Each year itreaches more than 800000 young people in 25 countries, including Australia, Bermuda, Canada Grand Cayrnen Island, Iceland, the Netherlands, • New Zealand, Puerto ';R.ico, Sweden the United Kingdom and the qs. gtIs0A1■A111111111111tei Sept*'6& 7 at 9wO9:pint; Sept, 9 to .1 ro►tRlt: . ; M4ATEM.* P esby eri Churches tb Kr`nIo "': 0" Lucknow 11:0" r l See You er el Adam, Lura and atie Daheay would likept0. ` s1i their • Gramma & Gai0k4Inike av:4yspocial `appy'45th Wedding Annive try 1>It*and y Clare RECREATIONAL BOATER? OLD -HAND oR NoVICE, YOU`LL. FIND bUi'AtoT YoU DON'T KNOW TO MAKK8OA'rtNG MORE FUN, AND SAFE AT THE G DERICH, POWER & SAIL SQUADRON Course start on Tuesday Soptember 10, 1996 at: CentraIlWctronSecondary • &pool, Cinton., Parinoinform t >ion :ear; 4 96$ Wt br 7-586