HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-11-1, Page 3ZAM BUR 44. Viek's Vapo Rob r Drap..414 FLAXSEED, whsle lye and itie pkgs. 401 LET TBS BIYEE is loot kit balsa : r tot - dead/ ing ecri phone 0oaltng ahoy r Askp.t eve •..u. ;cam -et :.:. • re • •••••••••••••....+yi BE PREPARED FOR TEE RUSE The busy Christmas reason L only a few weeks away and you may need some Print- ing dote. Look over yous requirements now sad leave your order with Tho Stgual or phone 35. We aim for better printing with each order. Fur Bettor Jab Work Try The Signal .4 4 'PHI SIGNAL PRINTIIIA 00. LIMITED. i<YMMapsrs • Belk F. Carey lea Ftgy wt Motes Car gsss� l ielkyllart Tlskapham.� Ma Wa.c i0 44'41W. Cr:Ye '- ler l sodMunicipal s PROPS 14 1,1 oODERICB 4 Giga i i�lms &Soo DOMINION, PROVINCLAL and lifUNICIPAL BONDS Vire, Accident, An/emebYs and emend iasurame Agents OFFICE, NEXT TO BANK of COMMERCE gine IIS h GENERAL INSURANCE t11�1U lilMACE A��� AiY 1 MOETTAP ON OSOB ? Vi. a POI/ELL' W. J. POThL' Ms= $2 r... i. 4 Fertilizer Tests in' Huron County itipepe'bounts p Valle 005 Q tat Hasa, On the farm et Mr. Coen the vicinity d daring the past son -tet, the eg Chenille WY, Ontario arta Celhge. 1a aM e•operldea with the moat et Nricatture, ,._ .� tasaatratiela test In tariff** •iW!ew` Naturally, the manse •t. Vi as/Tibial bat favorable VII prolonged drougbt, yet res very intimating findings. The yields of green alfalfa ` at Idem of cutting are as follows: , 0-140 at 175 Iba per acre 7i 12,040 lbs. per acre. . 0-10-10 at 175 lir. per acre vie fed 12,460 lbs. per awe. O . ibs,,r�pere yielded 12,400 Is. per acre. 0- yielded 8,160 lbs. per acre. This shows an Increase from fertilis- er of about fifty per cent.. In green yield or about sue ton, eur d..hlfalfa levoti, ars h of fertiliser. beneat from fertiliser t all realised the gest Vete. )r hence shows that set year's hay will stow very clearly where- the fertiliser was ■pptted In MM. Mt. Cook and his nelgbbere will be leterseled to watch these test blocks sten sersmer. - On the farm et Mr. R. W. McKen- aM teat flocks ea barley sit one-half acre sack were likewise fit liked. The resoles obtained from this test are as follows: 540.5 at 230 lee. per acre yielded 1th WOW per ■Ste. ..1240 at 2110 lbs. per acre yielded 24.5 Oe�els per acre -0- >Ij�a0 1E.7 bushels per acre. hay. Iavastmoot pro:lnrfsly Howes , on alfalfa We have a aIs s11111elt- ment of Radio Benches and Footstools IN ASSORTED OOVSE- INGS Also Ottomans suitable for needlepoint. We make them the right size for your cov- en. J. R. Wheeler. Funeral Ditsigsr otrd Furrniture Dhabi . - Minikes Street, Csilerieb P'10N19e : story is GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1934 the full picture. This 1s not available at the moment, but the results show interesting possibilities, and lines along which they Iwo be attained. Ltaeasing Soybean Yields On tea farm of bit. Ernest P 7ea. Il ettfy Interesting crop of w growu this summer. vigorous growth, yet Cho recrive0p4ditlosal ferelty Iver a feet is tee MertUtomm wet` m art ea teams; ` bi .. at MO lbs per Igg.b.shel• per eat. 0-12-10 et 150 lbs. per acre U./ ba*bals pit *era. at 1St I. per acre yield elettell YOUNG PEOPLE'S SALLY Gathering d' Pre.k M S Chunk Workers at 8t het +ay Evening Thirty-uve young people from Kase jresbytertatt- church *tended the ting-peopter rally of U* Pro 8 tier I i u ron es Carmel eAntrlb. Bemall, ou lionttaya?Mrg. The annual rally was attr0ed bl 1*) people from Go0ertch. .. Mitten and Seafortb. I saecesstul rs, as lawdal- a con - the young • swtred' On • Ili a : time. seltl to iaave ed well. floportoil 1100011111 balsam cans panties. ice yws M fur r II See ehatek this miss. Inc /Iamb inters( is societies is inn Olt{eeob. dropped 140 at last with 120 this basis per ace. ILO ones par acre. as lea the -. a gaU o>} A WM- A iso .Ace RM � 1R"111r, 'it jer. sera ybeaf Interested le usually of this it Is be ha taw', sigma neves bushel* gain from the addition of 200 les. per nape ot.j)jg-10. With barlty at its gres5St prlae this would show • nice profit la that the fertiliser -would coat allgM&Y lees than (l5 end the Increase would be worth $8.2s" Again, the result. are not cooly found In the grain crop to which the fertilis- er was applied, but 1f It 1s seeded to clover or alfalfa this crop will be greatly benefitted by the additional fertility. Farmers In the vicinity of Clinton who base been watching these teats will be Interested In this report. A Potato Este Test The most -profitable rate at which fertiliser& may be applied to potatoes fa always a question of interest to o•aamerelal _potato.- growers. Os the farm of Mr. George Moos of Londes- hero dories the peat summer, tbe De- partment of Chemistry, Ontario Agrt- caltural tJollege, in co-operation with the I8.pattmest of Agriculture of Hur- on, conducted a teat of four dltfsrest rates of fertilising potatoes. , AD ass. ilea whisk has shown Itself • particu- larly well adapted to potatoes was chosen, namely, 4.810. The results tell the story. They are as follows: 4$10 at 000 lbs. per acre yielded 410.6 be.heis par acre. 4-811 at 750 lbs. per acre yielded 447.3 bushels per aese. 4-8-10 at 1000 lbs. per acre yielded 416.3 bushels per acre. 4$10 at 1500 lbs. per acre yielded 464 bushels per acre. $ yielded 1166.1 bushels per acre. Gem OlI ,dlisalt)ee in with' ties sea that 114 forte so Qat the in- got iDpnre the vitality Lti We wonderful of what and Sparg5O5 Then there are accomplished aha Ian, et tory, was the belt aroand the world. Leonardo was llstp-.Ix when be painted Last *Soper." Sir Waiter Scott wan ferty-ei�t when he wrote "Ivanhoe." 'rhea. again. we have the great works at std men. Cervantes, is prison at fifty-eight and atter losing an arm is battle, wrote "Dos Quixote.' Rlncher was seventy-three when be came to the aid of Wellington pt Waterloo. Hum - bolt finished 81* reet %rook. •'(-ogl ed at •areDty-six. James Rrv.e put his "Modern Democracies" when Deer elglte% It would seers thas one may do great and good work as any age. n AM: - ander the Great Donn win- a famous victory wbea be was eighteen, (:lemen- ceau meld preside at the !nee Con - foresee Dr ren_ But bene is a point: scarcity a single man >m the hinny of the world ever did a notable deed le after life wbo threw away lis opportunities when yang. Each one laid foundations, mase plans, dreamed dreams, pre- pared in some way for the years of the fuiare.-Tbe New Outlook. Hydro Stgre BUY AN Electric St • a ' ,• . . • Yj C treated of 6,815 soarss n sze kir Golding Named for Huron -Perth Seat Saws; Osage ali0a..tag-U R.. •isi Riding Held at I,,Mll -Victory Predicted ted for Mr, oriel), wee been prose: oak, hav- etat years 'tee chose once of se- wed. the executive Prude. Era - Pre nk Stark, ilio Mary t5. )gap Mc- of o- of the betaiittes went given by 1, ei Clinton. The rep of Dr. Dou- �teter, lets I �� Yr. Nktlotls of R. Pryde.gflve a report w gee 60 r o Provincial Young People's ferenc-e at Toronto: Moss Greene, of Goderlch, rave as 1 Ong account of Camp Lintel, firs Pres- byterian summer camp, and ■ program of musk by the choir of Car- mel ehnrch, Hensel, a most interest- ing nti ing address was given by Rev. G Johnston, of Central .butch, Banat - ford. The address was based on unconventionality of Christ, with re- gard to His life, teaching* i The rally . was Bond Ili W. A. Toting, of Hensen. Refreshments were served by he Hensall young people at tbe :fon ofT 8• weltlna. Al lnvitation to hold the 1t6tf toClinton was accepted. Liberals of the new itaroh-Perth Federal rising held an ormehretoa and nominating convention on Wednes- day October rill. at Hsaeall and un- aalmously mum' William H. OoId14 OODEEICH BRIDGE CLUB At the weekly duplicate tournament held Monday evening, the following were winners: North and South -1st, Mr. P. F. Oarey and Mr. A. I. Cole, plus 8%; 2nd. Mrs. H. Edwards and Mrs. John- gtl;4, )fir. and Mra. J. H. Taylor, plus 1',. .a,.. East and West -let, lir. and Mrs. W. F. Saunders, phis 9% ; 211d, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Eastman, plus 5; Srd, Mn. N. C. Lenaway and Mrs. P. F. Carey, plus 1%. .--.. Another game will be held next Monday evening, and commeoctng then a special prise will be given to the four tootle having the highest aggregate •f Seafood, the 11th member for score for the season. -_. Moth Berea. as thds w9/ldate In the "America great u our naties •O- oext Federal et•et� lo re was no doubt&. m, does and cannot shad •�eelt In Gleams- EIGHTY-t4EVENTH TEAR. NO. 44 H. CLEMENTS MASSET-HARRIS SHOP Laid" Street • Ceding* Ire'r ors* motion n of any n rlinal O'Connell. motion to Yr. Golding, wbo stored alone•"-� reel a notable victory In Ole bye•eleo- "Bacon sold that floe of am Fre, 19nf1 often as be lose• • William Fearer, Y.P. for Noethunmd- gain new lite by b•tiKnd, was the chief speaker, intends."-wumem who spoke were Mr. Golding T. G. Sanderson, M.P. for South Hon. Nelson Parliament, On- asMito Liberal organiser, also was pre- new riding Includes all ut the riding of South Hares except the town of Clinton and the township of Goderiee, and In addition the town - slips of Hibbert and Fullerton from Perth county. De J. W. Shaw Of Clinton, who served several terms es pre•Idest of the South Huron Association, retired from the Dicke, es be not In the rid- ing as now constituted. He was giv- en a hearty vote of thanks for hie Ber- ries daring many yeers. a nip ard creased o! the Ike 4e fertiliser ids tam ha ;es ..r 5 albeit r7,•iletarls Agricnitsral ration web the Hnroa rtahret of Agriculture. , teat of three tW'tlllsrs an. sown at Om sagas rate. somas AeW was wen g le anti iso meant heart ?a iea /itch normally ptndece. high et sea- r quality crops The Da t was anything but favorable+, ger- Yields proctored in this test laterwf.1ag poesibllitie. The results obtained are as follows: 2-144 at 500 165. per acts yielded 141.2 toss per acre 1-1',110 at fl IS 11o. per sero yielded 14.5 tens per alae. 23040 et 1N 1bet. per •sere . yiekted 11.6 tar sere. • .0- fyrsfm. 10.A Mss per mere. K ts alt4eat the 2.12"49 tretilioer 014 rids WOW sham tie Ih get yield. a at ,1.114 Maipre-�(+e. 7ekti au awM Mae a6+. at tqc a+ ., - � lit of aprpgRtgaa lirairS ton, •aeelw wr, • "No THE. Is•saeOssMal ts.jq . • 1117 WNW jrre ger Ore a1 antar 4484 In mom aeit.eti •f Seems Elided '1'!1• president of the new Huron - Perth Association V Charles Zwkker D 01 (Helicon. Other alters are: First vice-president, Ross Taylor, Fullarton township; second vice-president, Owen Geiger, Heasall: third vice-president, L a Mrs. I.es1I. WUli�.. Zurich; seer.- tory. J. A. McE�Brncedeld; treas- urer, Charles Frits, Zurich. Mr. Mc - D. Ewes and Mr. Frit: have served the auO South Huron Association In their re- ve offices for some years and Mete given high praise for their ef- ficient/12. ficieary. Rev. The chairmen and vice-chairmen for the municipal sub-divlatons are (the being of Ggr10- thetchairman): Exlat xet�B. W. V. Beeay. and . MIAs._ Jockey - Bea.aU, De. rally Campbell and MrsoovMlae7t and hili Jeanorth, John a township, F. Lala Jean 13ga1f>i1'R■y is it Kalb - Idea sad Yrs. Gideon- Koehler; 1st lett township. William Maass *ad Mre. lit Wilfred White; McKillop township, John M. Eckert township.*04M Cordon Mc Roy tnont Gavin : Hamel and Mrs. Stanley Love. Stephen toetn- *hip, Pat Sullivan, Mat England, Mrs. Fred Kerr and Mra. Charles Zwleker; Tnckeremlth tewnablp William Archi- bald and Mrs 'Leo Fortune; Osborne o n. township Ar de M'a `•b- towd+ht Chanes John*: Rhbbert p. O'Brien and F1.y5 Co&Qnlocn ; tion t*ApetMp. Ormond 1aeDong- all Mrs. Leslie Stevenses. the Ciente Ma. Saadtltasw 12 speaking. said that the ts'tga4erozce of two Perth ride was • . tPs t1. the Huron ng « ng the cards and load - the forupolitical advantage. 40 the Ontario general Aeaderaoh Bald that the • In its pr -Rection Zbad made a brows ef- �y }!► e.rrnprlon of the elettor- sentiment was aroused et j. wiped out the •Tory .., Tolle -41) FAMILY "A good citizen must be able► what is happening. not m1► thougbout the world."-' fl. 1 D. Roosevelt ,r - THE FALLS OF M9t1TMOR =r CY 'P8. Falls Miele one of ttwoes sitee which boast almost equally outstanding ladostrlal, wenn and historic Importance. Industrial?; the Falls mare prominently an Quebec (Aty's .Nettie power supply. As a opened* they are conceded tbe right to be glad *se of the ooattnent'a most hesattlld estaraets. Aad tie? are lo- cated tit the heart of a rrglon which taller speed place t• VP In Canada for wealth of mersoA.s from the stor- ied gas:. AMnt seven mile% below Quebec the fit Mawr** River N joined by a tefieetdge wkeb sakes np in turbulence had aletwelle Meth* what it lacks Is site. TM Mestmore sey, throughout of Its fDeloa rsadty rrr��eeww eVhbs Noture ,tatfote as ills Natural Steps, the 4861•11116111^reek by the . It has almost when ft , a porno- h1f1► ±a \ !y Thta tops Niagara by a good 100 fleet, hot of course the width or volnme carr not coMpare with that of the giant of the frontier. Montmorency's charm 11ta In Its beautiful setting and the transparency of Its diver flood laid well -like over grey rock. A great spray oriole from the rocky chasm, eOlorfnl In the annlight, while the ricer. find- ing peace et last,.. glides quietly to Ione Itself In a mighty waterway. So neer to tbe anetent capital, Montmorency, Darned lifter etre of the earlte■t viceroys In the days of Chani - plain, has witnessed nnmerese etlrring events during the past three centered, Tee region saw the repulse of Mile. and its New England expedition by Frontena. In 1e00. Aed Apia In isle Welfe landed troops at MonWwrrency. Its* from this approach Quebec proved imeraplabta, -web the -asset. tlse- Montse rency shore wee Add' the new otrstege Apdep..4 btongbt entree On ti• •1.6 ,a rr-- I. old Huron county Make a good claim ter ie. the matter of family the record of the Daniel family of Lucknow, all of ♦e now passed away, the last no Mitis of this year) being hath W.Istse-"Asnt Lim- os* .Isws* eorseosly ksewn-at ago •t Waitrons Then sons and the daughters. their ages at /eel.' fie), Reber* (il0), %om- • - (014. Nand mala era. laMaL Wye. Al- i Diary Au (Mira David As. , M; Mas Elisabeth, 91; Mar- ne Teener), TA and Mar Su - The combined ages of Oise total 7M years, with an avenge age for each of nearly 10 years. Four of'1hs fatally -tire -eons end two bangbtsrs--averaged within a *mail fraction of sleety years. Purely this' record wild be hard to teal even in this bealtltnl 'Province. The parents of this remarkable fam- ily, Mr. and Mn. Daniel Webster, ac- companied by their ten children, drove up from Georgetown in 1864 wlt.h their worldly goods conveyed in covered wagons. Mr. Webster bad previously surveyed this section of the Province, w t Msas4 Mees.If of the desirability for settlembent, bought of the Government 400 acres of bush lend -later on ac- quitter another hundred -cleared tour and a -half scree, put up a log home and went beet for hM family. Mr. Webster was born In the tenet, of riefterare. Ireland, in 1798 and came to hand* In lfW7. He died Novem- ber 0th. 1881, aged eighty -fire. Ilia wife aantvrd him for a few years. Their remains tie ie the T.ocknow r ee00, by •she opal wbere they *Obllsh& tbeJr hlecl,I a cea- * 14 C'A8WELL. a man dies as friend. But we cis, new e - •. • .•; r -e.. -sem -- Auto INEURANOS Iltre K. Amdaent N. esti Sidusein K. WARK Gedersh, Owe. loose 646 BE ma "I am going to punish a velum* of my poems and do 1t under We name of John Smttb." "Why not?" "Jest think of the Ipoureasr of innocent men who will beu.p " -Well, that wouldn't be quite RE ED FARES I RAIDiti.M Long Week -End -Nov. 9-13, First Clines FM and Ona-QIIMrter lar Hound Tris BstyM all pada it baja - also to certain U.B. Destlutieee. Treat Nees, Friday, Return limit, leaving bestlaatilusS Nr' 1, te N� M�y,Nr, IL ap to Midnigkt Tsada7 Nov.Poll informal*. from tkhet *gods. CANADIAN NATIONAL TRAYBC r Huron Commercial Academy -A FINISHING SCHOOL WITS AN IDEAL - CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT - VOL ONAL QUIDAN1 0 COMMERCIAL A thorough Commercial Training 1. offered you In your hoar town at less Wan ese4kiri tis east of a .ia8ar coons 1* the city. QQawaliiied. greduates An gins even ai5itinoe. V atoms, good posit :a. You Muir a student at any thee. Individual a teed of 1W. a B Rev. D6StIY 0 Pemba if MONTREAL STmmlP °ODERICH, ONT. • For a Vacuum Cleaner that will do any- thing any other Cleaner will do and a lot more besides SEE OUR NEW < `VACTRI C" (British -made Vacuum Olea..721 w PRICED OOMPLETI " Yet: ALL ATTACHMENT: ON ' t . Y NOW AT S815.00 Talbot..& Cornish The Square at Kinn Street Phones --Ettore 81; Res. 500 1 ASK US Ammr WHIN TEl INFORMATION I8 ABOUT DRUGS IF WE DON'T KNOW Ws WILL MID OUT --Prloes for the Week of NOVEMBER 2nd to 9th - The 8aninry,illsat>ttereliet 1MLRRIVEX.......1 pkgs. for 41e 1,VALTINR, small 47e Coe Vs Sidney Liver Pills...14. D1)UI)' KIDNEY PILLS 1ag111ar 56e ler.. . .10. amebas W k amt. 1341114.1 .11" Pule- Bahama 1nksdi► I for *0. Pleader. 1Ma OIL RL'CALVTPV$ Sam's Owe Look M on your Irs. Bwietr else Tablets Neuss g1e, ter ap.s1*I pries 22c 5'. Ci.ar.'a NenAnd ed 4pe RReennlbb'a Cod [Aver 0i1, plain r islet --BP6CiAL- Aressd's lease Powder ..4k hod's Cretin 16s 81* 's Mew Alma Cretin >)is aha/ .da 11e loaf nee bettka We ash 11.0 ---BUY DSVOI AT 741E DRIiosTeaB- Lauder, Dunlop, Campbell, Wilde' : nominCS asuoasir . 4. • Wag • •