HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-11-1, Page 2at • , " r,t trial 4-T'bareday. November 1st. 1034 • a ram -wren 1141 GOD)1411I0U : CANADA Jtesabe •! d.eaedW Weekly N•mapae•r• Puteished every Thursday !writing Subscription price $2.00 per year; One ti paid to &n$L THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LTD. Telephone y5 Goderieb, Ont. W. H. ROBERTSON, Editor and Manager Thursday, Nos'enrber let, 1934 MR. STEVENS' POSITION The political sensation of the week is the retirement of Hon. H. H. St" - ens from the Daanett Cabinet because of a falling-out with his leader over the price -spreads and maw buying in- vestigation. Because of kis work In connection with this luvestigatioo Mr. Stevens bad become easily the most popular member of the Ottawa Cab- inet, and his retirement at this junc- ture is a severe blow to the Govern- ment. It leaves the Government open to the charge of being friendly, 1I 1141 subservient, to the "big Interests" whose methods were being a:posed and attacked by Mr. Stevens. Newspaper empporters of the Government are hod pot to 1t to excuse Mr. Bennett's atti- tude and at the sum time give Mr. Steven the credit whirl popular .e- cialm ascribes to MR The Toronto Telegram (Conservative), however, takes Mr. Stevens to task and more than Iaslnuates that the "talkative 'Thlatis alderman" from Vancouver is Overrated. It says: Whether intentionally or other- wise, Mr. Stevens has pet the Conservative party in a false posi- tion. He has taken an Indefen- sible poslttoe yet has the satisfac- tion of knowing that any rebuke for els irregularitlr will be wide- ly misconstrued as an anent* to silence the investigation with which he was ldeatlled. He may console himself with the idea that whatever happen' to the Conser- retlee party. all will be well with H. H. Stevens. -He may have de- ,sided that the Government cannot hope to wether the depression storm, sad that be may come tack after the approaching elections as leader of the Conservative party. The times offer mucb to anyone who can take advantage of the tide. even to a former talkatire little alderman who was defeated. In his own riding In tit+, last gena eral elections. The Toronto Star sees the matter from *staler angle and assts what Yr. Mos - Sterena. -who remains a member of Ps; riiawent and of the investigating Women's institutes has been gtten by the Outerlo Gotenment to Miss Res- ale C. Y••:Drrwutt, who succeeds Geo. A. Putnam, retired The Goreruwent realises that fur a distinctly swamp's organisation *u. 11 a- the institute It la fitting that a uowau nheelfll be placed at IIW head • • • The C 1liitwuod t:uterprlae-BuUatin, noting Hun. Dr. Faulkner'* Ooderich addreea, approves his a•suratre of bup- port to the 'matter hospitals in the matter of their training e<•h,ols fur uur ce, and adds "He should persist to his attitude and Dot be sidetracked by •watertight' organtsatluus ever seek - lug more and more professional clam let/Isla tion." • • • In his war memoirs, a new volume of which has just been published, Lloyd George says that Field Marshal Haig was obviously unfit for his posi- tion as commander-in-chief, bat as no better substitute was available by was left In charge. 'Phis will seem is least reader* as a remark that might well not have been made. It Haig was the best to be had, be must have been pret- ty good, and why complain that be was Dot a superman'. • • • United Farmers of Manitoba are in favor of using the tariff for revenue A easiest gesture, but h naI redlines. It mere - more revenoe needed the the amount of protec- i1 yaeeon-Herald. " what It stems mean. It aarprlafug statement. The amoe+t Of revenue dorsi not run parallel vlllkh tbe degree of protection. Quit tlfeontrary. Tb. more pro - the leas revenue. A tlro- hibitlre tariff would mean no revenue at all. The United Farmer of Mani- toba knew what they *.ere talking about. purposes hieing ly greater seat reats[ y11 don. • • • Ernest Warner, formerly of The Signal, has a good story 1n last week's trine of his paper. The Bark. Falls Arrow. At the annual &w114 mat held up there the Burk's Falls editor entered 1n the "wildcat" class, for those who had not plowed for ten years. The entrants were a trucker, two barbers. a constable, a dentist, a store cleric, an electrician and a pla- ter (Mr. Warner) -and the Arleta won first plate. "The treaty of the whole thing," says the dib[ 1• IOW eluding his account, "is that that prise was fifty cigars, and we don't smoke cigars.' • •, • IAnot>fpe operators often hare to make guesses on the "copy" that is ret before them, and ometirae*they 'guess mimesis. The Yount Forest Confeder- ate tem of an *madam pendent la that °fee.An adrer1WMesat fora girl for homework was inverted, and ose ealrm to to It *tis : r• went Into opposition to the Conservative party as well aa the Conservative Government when he mode his sensational speech to the sloe manufacturers last January. There Is nothicg la the 11111017 of the Cosaervattve party which wavtasted such a grime Cana aOesaervatire cabinet minister. Liberals regarded the ap•ech as phoney. sow could a colleague of Mr. Bennett talk like that and mean it? The %expression made on Liberals was that be did not mean it or be could not have retained pace. To literals in Tor - nate and everywhere eIme it looked like a play -a rangefinder. We are still wafting to see it it is a play. Yr. Stevens has been a long time In public life and his sudden seal for the poor consumer, whir creditable to him, needs testing. Nobody ever tsled hrrdlr than he to shot Imports out of til+ omit - try; nobody was ever more obli- vious to the fact that you ca,a't port it you do not import. M Stetens.jlaa-always been sue the foremost among our economic Illiterates: What does Mr. Stevens aim to do? There Is a big job to be done, bet the way In which lir. Stevens, with a whole inquiry on his hands. went oft at halt -cock with his pam- phlet makes one feel that be lacks some of the qualifications that are needed for sae► a lob. Mr. Stev- en. Ie now free. Re may do better freed of the restraints imposed oft him by his official respwnsthllittea. THE SIGNAii W TFIELD 1'/ IZ1.D. Oct. 8i. -Mr. llel- THE CURRENT WEEK 1N CANADA'S PAST Compiled Isom Files of The Moutreal Umtata by F. J. It ale a amen tuwi Oetder 78 1651.-A form of reepuuslintr11'evrre- meet was grauted to Prince Edward Island, by which the old system ut a guverumeut by a governor who was in- structed from England was superseded. It was not, however, until the Fttand entered the Dominion In 1873 that the curse of abeeutee landlordism w AS ended. 1883.- l'ie firm Issue of The London Advertiser sppe•red. 1892. -The steamer W. II. Wither wase, lest ca- Lake Heron and tweet) postern were draw ued. . -1 • ei GODEItICH, ONT. bogtae McDowell`ef Millbrook is re- mwfig old acquatntataces las IMM deta- il" this week. Mrs. It. Buchananvisitedu t wnit with Mrs. Tipilag •t $11ta. ghani and -her 'lass - Mr. sad Mrs. J. E. (bra, Of - ber, and Jim. W. B. Ford mud son, of .ad lest week at the borne of Mr. and Yrs. W. F'. Campbell. Mr. Warren Bamford is spending MS* week las Toronto. Mr. and )Ir,. Janes Barkley of Echo Ray, .1l+owa, spent a few days at the home .,1 their niece, Mrs. W. A. Campbell. Mr. Ge.,.leffensou of Clinton visited school setttott Ne. 8 ea Friday. Ms- W. F. Campbell was a Lundoa visitor on Friday. The aneceptilgUUes of the cel of Saskatebewaa were shocked at a parade of Doukhobor* eutirely naked, who were '9n search of the Messiah." After aume trouble thn were rounded up by the Mounted Polloaand clothed. Tids'paradlag in the nude has glace become oDe of tits fav- orite outdoor aausements of some of the Doukhobor*. October 38 1642. -Jona Nicotet was drowned at amour, WSW Quebec, when hta canoe upset. A prominent figUTe in the early life of New France, as an explorer with Champlain, he was aim as toter- preter with may of the Dollen tribes. His wife was a. daughter of Lona Hp bert, the first Canadlta fanner. 1tr24.-1Mt*. Veregln, the 31141*M the Loutubors, mss Allied 1W--411114 plosion on a train in the Crow's 1 Pass, near Ferule, B.C. The cause of the expfoslon was a mystom 10.1.3---ts the result of the gelenl elections for ,the Howse of Commess, Premier Maeienale Klug lad Ig his Ministers were defeated, and the result was 118 Conservative' ; 101 L1b oral. ; 36 Progressives; 2 Labor and 1 Independent. Mr. King decided to await the "vok. of Parliament" mad held of- fice until June 76. 1926. belt* elected for Prince Albert, San.. October 118 179itk-This day may be regarded se the birthday of ,Firedecick Town (now Fredericton) as the capital eg New Brunswick, as Hon. T. C. Carltyea, the first Uorernor of New Brunswick, dela hla fiat council there. Neg.-The Royal Canadian Regi, meet, under Colonel W. D. Otter, sailed on the Sardinian from Quebec bound for South Africar?Tbe regiment num- bered 1,141 and before the war ended 2,000 more Canadians followed. 1930. -The tirst telephone talk be- tween Canada and Australia' took place at Windsor, Ont. October 31 1174, -The Americans, under Moat- -cap salle.134 JuhU& 011. the River, In their advance on Montreal, which they captured about two weeks later. In less than a year they were id retreat, having found that they could not hold Cla*satls$ nor could they taa.seee the Preside -Ones s diens to gtre up their allsgaea nMei Britain. •', Ieap.-Hun. Milian Mc who had been appointed 'or - of the requirements, as integre( ted by error try tlw North Ct Dt -rtes the tlH'e etas eat "plain lookttag••' Pre pis but 1L1.. Gladys Good of Attbernte for a late days last week., with aunt, Mrs. Gordon Snell. Mia' Jean McDowell spent the .14 lth ant, Yrs- Phoebe Mr. a r• of Hullett MP•v ons dal aeek'C t 11 Wr. + r. • file. 11r. 117 Mr. tumuli. 'liar. ala .INT 4 34 - • - - Wotnen'e splendidly made Coats. Fur trimmed with wolf and sable. in tail -wool, suede finished weak**. Sizes 16 to 44. Specially priced.. SEATER COATS Men's heavy all pure w0 Coats made anti finished. Two pockets. s1 Grey pniy. 34 to 44. gash, • ..... .e/t1r HEAVY ROUGH Bilk bro. -- 1 l .-asechie et aNI" t .144 the services g l Snada7• r trraeek a e tl I 'ie *IIA Ikt at t ea iig thettt lesataa« e• A also at- •ttsrfhttra at 1116 nag 7alUee'' tended the Biyth trait DRESSING Hans! Ka anti with ST a F n , 1. aarryUtote 1ga1>wless Axminster Pilot quality id -good pathema. Sime 4' i" 1: T' 6.' Regular $17410, E&ch..$12.50 • link Massless TapNatry Sank Rugs. ! spy • ' id patterns itq 10O S• DiS wool e and will gin Awes sup soil oT wear. slue • Bine 3 : 8% ysrdw iictjlt r for s. 4 Yam'u-Go, $19.50 t M All wo111 g Good weight and with apnea h t -els s . Great ' s rt ety of pat0i1'tta• Sites lb to 111/=. 50c Special, pair BV?111R1O1 PATTZit118 all in stock for December. Not in years has the demand far pattiras been so great with us. 1)o your home *curing by Butterick patterns. ACKSON & SON crag. • Yr. anl,Mta•. . family. who haw men Helens, ha red Mr. yds bests. Yr. Gerdsa M.IMYT+j} sere 'eoiserr Mald:. a ! tat Mc7 Geoff* Mitchell, sob and Mir Logan were visit school at Crewe on Friday. The sympathy of the community Is e i'eded to Mr. W. J. Foran and re- latives; in the passhlg of Yrs. For- an on Tuesday. October 2i. The guessing conte.t bald at the Mutual IAN booth at Wlrsgham fair was non by Miss Greta Webb of St. Helen who received ■ fouetain pen. 'The n1 tnal length of the yarn to be guessed was. 304 inches. Mir Webb and two other persons guessed the Iengliaat.300 inches _and their names wer.• Ptaeed 1n a- bat and the draw d4•. Mir Webb being the locky one. Mos Anna Stuart of Toronto mode a week- vlait„srlth her mother. W1e,_. Alec Stuart. Visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Mc- Roberts o- Roberts and Mr. W. McQuililn recent- ij were Mrs. E. Bigger. of Grimsby, and daughter. Miss Mary Bigger. R.N.. a Buffalo: Mrs. F. Pattison. of Win- sall,•and daughter. MINI Mary PatU- munth rle>taaly. a an son• pf Toronto University. it seined rather unusual, but that's Ile Red Rarer co•ntry et !bine, • t The Harris Mission Band w -UI bold was net by a half-breed 'hurl o1 their thankoffertng meeting on Satur- what !t fres, clearly e•eegh, and It as Riel who forbade has to eros I day Nov: tuber 3rd, at the manse. Both was 1 that way. Afterwards th! tie troatlar. A month after thus defy er and young people of the com- advertiselisprotested that it was "plain lug the Qnegt'sauthority. Riot dinned stun re invited. .a..- e,-••.,to•, .s Mrs. doctor"' ably to the Goiw Oerrf-elad took g pesealoa the feet *tad AL wit. He held the fort unit the ' iewll _ 1*g asmtner, wises the a( Garnet Wolin*, to the United teen years latae cooking." However, the advertisement brought several replies -though wheth- er the adAetl•sr sot a "plain cook" or a "plain looker" Is not !Died. vIE6RliV1NG i.IBEIY (Chatham News) •sa:'pi,a t Peete In Hamilton was a1Nut Is•Illon bei 'yew es to be married when the magistrate 1891`+.2'ilhe sentenced him to a year in jail for making 1n 11 theft. The magistrate had no off- Gak10( 1+', tion to his stealing a girl's heart, tout 1t100.- a .ter is different_ So Instead of get- steam ti The Toronto again whooping 1t up for the greater St. Lawrelers seaway. That is what we should eel-. alder -a good eslmple of whipping a dead borne. married, the yentas man will en- ` atlotb►r year -of liberty while he M Jail. THE AMERICA'S (TP (Detroit News) Ice America's ('up stays here, ant we take what satisfaction we can led n that tact. But there 1• a bad tette to tbe mouth and lifter the tnaenar In which T. O. -fiopwltb's protest was bandied by the race committee a great elm/ Americans would as soon have OM the trophy cost tbe Atlantic - and stay there, with no attempt made to regain it. Tor there Is no sense In a so-called sportl*g event that Is Itkely to cause bad feeling between two na- • • • Clinton is looking for trig things in- dustrially. Goderfch will have no rea- son to be jealous, for the more business there is 1n the county the better It will be for Huron's lake port. • • • Scientists engaged in research wo, bare given the apple pie a Mack eye, so to speak. declaring that it lacks In vitamins. Rut they'd better not say anything agaln.t pumpkin pie. • • • What's this -the Quebec Genre, ?tient to subsidise weekly newspapers in that Province, without regard to polities! And yet they nay the nitwit - nese Government 1s not really literal • • • The Dionne •latera arc making ane Dtbgtes&. From the amount of Inter- Mil mime in them. It might be a popu- lar seep itis the Government to pro- when the VR eel the the ten - atom. v,. -Mt, •ss So. psrfttgsdlat of tions. • "Genuine and justlited dlansteat among those vim asf 'derated and aermaib w.tlemds-Mroam_eat ,areas perIl of an aIle awallabea p afield orders."-•Davd Lloyd George. r. rates.* whoa bt eft ter took sIxty-ott trip upstream push. The over all with 18 foot engine of six was wood, of w were Deed. and stege alt along the way to My. Many of the shores were mach vlrs are boat." N. 1832.-W. 1 elected to the ads far HAW - s der of the W Y ' thirty years war ' t and In the the Prwvle,ee. '21011 -••tile Pftvy •AYcil Sieben leach exempt from mitred of other "if one were to judge by some of file things that ere being mid and done nowadays. be Wright minded. there was • general belief that the world owes every men a firing." -John W. i)avi.. ifs a. '• .•4 itSitter; solo. by Mir Melt - "Halloween," by Puny Fear:' 7; "It's Hallowe'en," `• . , • "Halloweee Wish." t Ilarwood , "A Girl's C.oaposi-t ,on a Boy." by Viola TiebborDe ; 1 "For Halloweien," by idea Somer. sail: Hallowarea Olim cten," by El- va Orr. Pauline I+aaullne, Dorothea Tichborne and Lorraine Lasaaltne. After the program. sides were chosen and games sod a-outeiote entered into by everyone. Candy. donated by MIss Mellwaln and Mrs. Fred Bell, and apples by Mrs. T1. Laealene. were es- $oyed by all. A hearty vote of thanks watt extended to the teacher tel the chairman. Armand-1.•asalene. fobms Clew!. Nates. -Anniversary terriers were coadoeted at l-nl0a on Sunday. with afternoon and event* ilyde. who was ander the is Improving and was her family In Kincardine a over the week nd. SH P idr. and God - t SILVER BIRCHES Itir•he*, their dusky theses powdered with gold, Tremble and algh In a toted now emp- ty and roe.• , Sadly they romember April's fluttering green Wimple of shimmering fabric meet for a Queen ; Her port.nma*, her winged p*gos. her minatrel choir: Jewels that flashed In the snnabine like spark* of fire ller train that swept like a peacock's over the grate: The lat.'s pellucid water. bet Moth glass. The bluer M robes Iaa11111intng throneh the still air, The teat gold leaf of November falls from their hair. 1106. -By the Britain had lad to the torts of Peet Port Floyd. meek the people of Neer 11f1k1. -1'he Aria natio Me tnaa proclaimed at York (Toronto) and two days later It was opened. The sato has been used MDtlnaonsly as a market ever mince and for many years the aaabuilding was alio the town hall. iritat --T'he National Connell of Wo- men was termed In September at Ot- tawa, but es this date the Art local eenoell. that at Toronto. woo founded. 11187.--A esaMrvnro between rept-e- mendable; be; of the ilnminion and M the different provinces loss convened at Ottnes. aervtces fairly well crenation 1n the arta drooped by Rev. W. P street 1'nited church. spoke froom the text "Then faith the Lord. Let not the wise man glory In his wbdona, neither tet the mlgbty man glory -In his might, let not the rick man glory In his riches, bot let bla that gloried' glory 1n this, that he as dents ndeth 'ami knotseth Me" I Jere- miah 9:23.i During the afternoon aer- lee, two anthem.- "Ice a Itea,-on of Igbteaosue.,... awl -Go ■nd Tell," vim sang by the choir. which was as- d.ted Wiliest Jean Price and Mr I.eo- 1Ie Hanna of Goderieb. Mr. Hanna *nag a very pleasing solo 'Alone with Goo." Y the eferter=. - Mrs. Rar- woeir A1MRro" f Hady n r . The evening tali[av rowlock/6 by= 1'. De Comae of Wesley- charrk. (71Dtoa, who spoke from the 1.. TM coa- w s ad - North 14 who test. "urea ye Moron, said the angel of the Lord, curse ye bitterly the In habitants thereof: because they came not to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty' (JNges 1 1111). At the evening service, a male choir rendered two anthems, "Sian You? Shall 1 r and "Pia Church in the Wild wood." and the male quartette from I3olerich composed of Mere. H- Witmer, C. Breckow, J. Sproul and J. SDell sang two selec- tions. '.Speed Away.•- and "tet Tour iwrwer Llgbts Be Burning." As an ot- tertory. Mr- Harwood played ('ujus Antmam (Rosainl i The sacrament of the lord's Supper w111 b.,dlspetased at Union next Sunday. Air members and adbereota ate cordially Invited... On Sunday. November 11th, an argils - tire mud.* wI11 be combo -led d at Polon. Special mettle In keeping with the oe- casloa will be rendered. he SignalUffersYou /1//1,10/,,,„n„,„,„„MO N MlEY,0' uR MAI LBOX Here h a real offer that will r'p .fwire you money ... Give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment and entertainment the whole .year through ...This is all you hay ode. "1t Is not Ines that woman was made from man's rib; ahs IMP la lN from ids fenny tsseRe " .w...- « letuw eteaele lbw that the between s Ford alba a bow le nava; made to f•for Vont"- --n L pains. I nevelt& rms. •. Va '• ••1 e • tit. - cy era: Mr. . .. War Ralph $lIgoe, Wr. sad Yrs. It. Ritchie and ]ire. A. McKay of Tibekaew. sad Me. W. Johnston of (haft- *shit. - Mr. Rem McAllister of bMrolt is vlaiting In the a mmnalti. Sirs \S m McAllister of Detroit la vlalttng it the home a her parents, Mr. and Mr. (lou. Hewitt. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin McAllister of Mld.tteton's apesit Sunday et the hoses of Mr and Men liobt. McAllister. fteheel enjoyable (11Ie was spent a.Pdda, afternoon when the teacher arl=pnplla of R.K. No. s iseld a Hallowe'en enessert sad parte. to which the parent.. were lev1ted. The school osis nicety decorated with or - sae and bl.ek paper. The geode w presented wpbs a pnespats-face Tia Marro, M tbe 44t11/see dans et .*tessera. "'lyre ON IOW- btng Whore' *111 slier i1_j Wtte "- Apples oetla 1 *c►t l.•.by Mare Hamod ; reads*. " Meaning eang of 'ria,_ d >~ :11 ry ' miJ4 - Mt.' 1F r f}- ere in mapdns Greediest 11 yr. tall term intim [] N.MMeI Haan. 1.4Mlf1111f 1 r• ❑$diriil eilibillast*Heeiismilasre arlJ H• mai Ma,s si - • • '+ 7 1 s, MAil• coloroll • mid Ineurence offer 11 ted. Ro- ter Please iSp alis► eheektwg 3)"1tb e dons • 915 gri ee.pMn sara}s ig, Thrs. se splsitwducked with • Piens wa e in at year neWagerer• irjAM MEM' 0111 2.7.D TOWN AND !l0w11011 : c • • • • Send remittance, with coupon fi11cd 3n, to THE $ *ch t 1c, ••• t iri , }