HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-08-14, Page 21002:0 - Luau0� inel, Wednesday, August z , Yard VAR() SALE at old: St Helens Store. t ucknbw Saturday, Aug. 17 at 6 a.m, '519 - � 626 2797N Dishes, books, bike, excel- lent clothes, convertor, games, oil tank etc. .-33x. - ?ARE) SA LE ur.d Sat ay, Aug. 17 4 snit .-.east ,of !unknow onHighway 86. f iprght freezer, dishwasher' ., s Chesterfield; 2 mens 'sups duds size 52 and 54 (nearly new), Other items to numerous to mention; --$3xc Squirt Cara - 1.979 LINCOLN". CONTI- NENTAL Mark 5 for parts, entire car; Best; offer. Phone 529-7581 after 5 p.m. 32,33x AUTO PARTS LTD. -1, Kincardine Lamm FOR CARS Phone 395-2947 Lucknow & Ripley. 7G. Rec. . Vehicles 23' IMPALA Travel trailer; awning, new tires,'sleeps 6. Excellent condition. Asking , $5800., Includes 'equalizer, and stabilizer hitch. A must to see. Located at at FordH Mercury inSeafortkiC$ 519-527.1010 or 519-527:- 1814. 7 19-52711814 .33nxe SIX TON farm wagon with small V -box $300, wall girl without The wagon; two steel I beams 'toy x 5" x 20':. Phone 5244728: F-31-3.3eo 1" l h. SelitiCeS 'GILCHRIST FARM Sll:l PLY Belting and repairs°tib all makes. of . balers,, swathers, and combine.pick ups. "Pat saIes.and service,. Luckrww Grain buggies,. Mixers" -etc, R. R.6, Lucknow, 395-2851. "— 27tfar CUSTOM COMBINING, late rnod'elMassey Ferguson', Reasonable rates, job guar- anteed. Phone _39.5-2801.. 31-.,33x -. TARPS AND INDUSTRIAL COVERINGS,- rnade to. s'ze, for Jrucks,, trailers, -gravity; boxes, etc.. Vinyl, ' • canvasspory. New/Repairs; Party. tent rentals Tesma f industr-a: • 'Coverings, ' Baytield.:482-3540, ' 26tf g -; .peol.nr ., CUSTOM COMBINING with Case. I1-1 1640, 30 years experience, reasonable rates. Phone Perben.Wypja- 529-3446. =-3i-33'x.'• CUSTOM. COMBINING cereal grains. Ripley 'area:. Phone,3955656 -4241 ' e110 : Estate 10.0 is COCKER SPANIEL puppies- for uppiesfor sale, blonde, first shots , :and dewormed. $200.- Calle anytime 529.719.0. --31. • 3$,34-36nac TO GIVE AWAY young cats urgentlyneed homes: Phone 519-357-26.17: 32,33x; N.B.KENNELS C.K.C. registered : Gorman Shepherd pups for -sale, Dewormed and first shots, ready to go. Calf 519-524-4 ' 8587:--32,33Od ONE FEMALE Day Gecko, '5 Cuban Andes, one green Andle, Make great pets.. Call. Ryan anytime -- ,. 33-3$nke ; • E3 A. MCDONAGH REAL ESTATE F. INSURANCE LTD. 12. Reel Estate BUILDING LOTS ,r .. un Estates, 1/2 -acre, well treed, fully serviced, Clarkes Humes 395-6454.., 419tfar " o "PON' .LARGE TWO . 'bedroom apartment, Available lime-. diately, :$350/month plus .. utilities. ..,..til ti es. Abave main street. Call .Paul.528 2411. --14t# ONE `BEDRO •..M. A 640' • .O Outram Street $295/rnontb plus utilities. Call` Paul; S28- 2411, - 28-2411,- •31tfar GROUND FLOOR'2:be.d- rooin heated. apartment, newly renovated; twobed- rOorri roomupper apartment, both. close wn.. to downtoPhone 528-2031. -.-18tfar ONE BEDROOM heated apartment on main street, close to Available Juy'downtown. vailable l.1y Phone : 828.3948:--1�9tfar • 'UNDER .NEW MANAGE- ' ANNAGE-• 'MENTI. Walkerton Yonge St. Apartments' has one, ` two and ,three- bedroom= apartments available for rent. Swimming p,00i, garage; :quiet exclusive complex, :across from Bruce County Buildings, OPP, 'near -school. Apply to: Adrian, Apt 7, 1012 Yonge St. 881-2790.--13tfcc 'LARGE TWO bedroom- apartment with .private • round level ,entrance. Park rk: like atmosphere and Close to downtown Cresthaven ;- Apartments tail after 6 p.m. 519.648-22i 522t2t far a. ow * 213. i13In1 HOOUSE FOR Rent 4 w, bedrooms. North-West of . Teeswater. .Barn and work shed cption t51X.66- 8q8 8 1_ 19-336.656t.'No pets eferences«660: per month,--26tfoo anted" 'to Bey L w BARNS •'BRI .��.K HOUSES - wanted °to buy. Phone after 2 p.m., 233.. 5539. -1 ltfgp . G Hoto Wanted PERSON TO CUT -p. approximately 450 tops for 'firewood in u ,;y -bush, •.Kintail area Phone 529-7017 evenings. --32,33' • TRANSPORT DRIV.ERS. NEEDED. Now iS• the time • to train' for your class AZ • Iicepse.;par;interview or application contact. Ontarir • Truck- Driver Trainitlg;` - London - 1-400.263-4777. (job'placernent assistance available): -33ba INTERNATIONAL AGRI- CULTURAL EXCHANGE - Ages 18-10 With agricultural experience' to livelwork with family in Australia, New Zealand, E.u;rope, Japan.' Costa/details - t-800-263- 182'7. #.105, . 7710-5 Street S.E., Calgary, AB; T2l-1 2L9.--33bc , UST,LISTED - 4 bedroom' borne,, 2 3 & 4 pc, .,bath, attached' -garage: , Asking . $74,500; . - HURON TWP - 25 acres $26,500. ' LUCKNOW. BUNGALOW 3 bedroom brick with extra lot. Asking only $115,000., 40' SEAT RESTAURANT Newly decorated new -roof, 3.Ilots, equipment included. By highway, priced to sell. ' ASHFIELD - -too acres, 80 - workable; 20 _ bush; serge —beef or dairy barn,, -silo, hog, barn, implement shed,: 3 bedroom home, 4 poi} & 2 pc. bath, fireplace TEESWAi`ER 4 -bedroom brick .bungalow, 2 baths; finished sec room, heated, garage. Asking $96,000 :Pincer Mac Kinnon 528-3013 Barry McDonagh 528.26,31` Houses DOA 'HAM 'V'VALSH . • Towhhvuses in K ncardine. Under new management. Freshly -painted and reno- vated. Two and three bed-- - ()Dorn, 1 month free rent. Aiailabte` • immediately., Phone 396-9332.=-63tfar `. ;NEWLY RENOVATED farm house for rent 2 1/2 miles, north of • Lucknow. References required,; nn .: pets' $425 per month plus hydro:: Apply to -drawer #1.6 . ,' do The; Lucknow Sentinel; Box 400, Lucknew, NOP 2H0 �l4tfar HOUSE FOR rent -16 ped - room; wheel `Chair accessi- ble, North -`of Teeswater. References:. First and last month rent..519-665.7818 or 510-336.6581--32ttcc: $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Makea lot of money selling chocolate bars. New ,prod- mailable, Nothing to, advance, Fast dolly- ery 1406-383-3589. --33bp: LITROL 'HQ!.ocal prCONoducer , of ardwIAooTVd Products .:requires. a duality C@ntrol. PersQp; The preferred.can, didate will. be a motivated serf-s#ar_.fer with .,rtor expert, encs in,initiating quality sys- tems,.:Completion of a rec. ognize'd • post -secondary program .in Quality: Control will position the 'individual •fC r future growth• in the Com- pany. Qualified applicilnts are,,,invited. to forward a resume to: RKM. Woad• Products Ltd, • R.R. ~ #t. Tiverton, Ont. NOG. 2T0. Fax: 5.1.9-36$-7012 ' Attn: "Duane Koebel: --33cc °. LEASING; .- DANOE•'Bar Hotel and Restaurant or Just Restaurant. Turn: Key `. Operation, Hensall. 519 282-2314.-=07tfcc GOVERNMENT FUNDS..: Government assistance prograrrls information avail able. For.Your new or exist, . . in business Take advan-, . + a e a Ven, tag;eof the government brante and leans, 800-9f5r3615.--331st' TRAVEL ... _......_- BUSINESS Investment .$1.2;495. Full training and ongoing .sup- port. Full-time/part-time - Home Or Office. Many .Travel Benefits. LIMITED a AVAILABILITY. Canada Inc., ,1-204-987- 3322.--331 rA, wNw�,Nw�.rR,Rnw�.. •,b1,!1,,, }•II.,N M.,'��II4RNP� .., c:HQME BAS15D itt�• iNBSS'r 1 THAT REALLY WORKS j579) 524-1634 i..,. For FREE II�IFQ�PACK NJ LARGE. FINANCIAL. $R - VICES Company accepting applications from honest, motivated individuals with entrepreneurial spirit. All training, available. Send resume. to Exeter Post Office, Box 83, NOM 186. -- 32, cc -32;33cc " HERBAL MAGIC Systems opening;. soon in Goderich, Now accepting applications for •• full . time Health Counsellors. Sales' experi- elude essential..,` -800-363 6790. •-3A.34nn Community. Care Access .C.entre (CQ,C; in CIinton.4re uires sin a WANTED 1996 - rnied grain, 30= 50 tons, Phone 5294640.4.31-33 WANTED: Wheat strata,. 1996 crop in the swath. `Cali, • (519)-395 4559 n.r t51 g) 233-7`299.--31-33cc ROIMAT- W'ANTECO,. APPX:E � . 3 sot k e .ball .e. n Call . eteva or. td,Or re t � B , r Ka n at ..519,;395..4623 , 31 34hrxo, i ,ANTED s,T ih" the swath 'in the 1, uckrtow awes. i29--1167,after-6. 5r'rx'^'7 • 98 Goa .COUNTRY LIVII between Lake Huron rnd Lui kno . 'Four bedroe� m ranch 5 2 35f i x arrr. i . room;eat-lit 'kitoheh .rriain floor la�und roo , o r' ry m f ve 2,+�9a s0: ttw ren each •reveh, n'. d' b serrreri#-- Cent . l rr " � oar � � . , ra a ,•, � � garages 3 ,plus °large W,r�'1'lCStlC1�l, 2(fU"�arrlp SBrviCe'0t1 .heat, ..��: acre with .fenc ' ., ; . �d paridarrtd 2 ;i�ther. burrdill s, ,`Noll landscaped Said 1-(519)-529-31:87 • `IVErSECRETS Temporary 4 months, Part time Hours •a years experience iii healthfield required. Abilities- transcribe and •distribute. minutes computer•literate -draft correspondence good written and oral communication skills -- assist with scheduling meetings, etc. Knowledge of -.Word Perfect • long term. care program - all standard office practices and procedures References required Only these to be interviewed will be contacted Closing date August. 20, 1996 Send Resume to: Drawer #225 _ Clinton News: Record P.O. Box 39 . Clinton, 'Ontario NOM 1 LO Are You. Intorested�����Stewardship .of our Natural Resou'rces , The. Huron. Stewardship, Co r d1 'Eotinding conirriittie,is seeking additional."- , w votuiirter council members re resentati e of the diversity of land ownership and land interests in Huron County Consid Her adding yourskillsand expertise::t0 this conunity-based ` stewardship programs. 1. Service* niNreCtorsr MOVING Complete moving services; ;local or long-distance for, • residential or commercial. Free estimate"' or do' it yourself with, our rental, trucks and equipment. • Listowel Rental and . Moving Systems. Fully insured and licensed. 291-1202 or .toll free 1-800-639-68:9.6.-- 34tfar KINLOSS EXCAVATING and Gravel. Fpr your exca - `'4ating needs,hi hoe, trim dozer and scraper avail-: Johnston Barry�. able. Call 395 -5231. --latter, AG.NEW JEWELLERY REPAIR r watch, clock, jew- ellery, 'Free estimates, Pickup and delivery can be arranged. 698 Havelock Street, across from . Medical Centre. Cali 528-3632 or 528-3940. _-18tter R.A. HAVENS ELECTRIC *Residential - *Fenn *Commercial Electrical. Contractors FREE ESTIMATES Rod Havens LUCKNOW 528-2301 CARL SLOETJES Sales, installation, Renovations Re lacetnentWindows`+ Dol)ra, • Kitchen Cabinets • VanitteS. • Carpetend Linoleum • Roofing' Free Estimates LUCKNOW 5i9-3164 ` "h6 :Huron Stewardship Council rnssiionis "To advocate and• mplement responsible Management of our`so 1, water andother natural: resources• through cooperative: efforts of the Huron County :coimmuni y". Its goals. include raising awareness of •.resp:.eonsibe'stewardsh. ip :iiractices and stewardship w, ardsh unili ' e g'i cad factatin=COSS' resource ana ement assistance A ltcatxons are invitedi from aeon Co int. 'residents Or landowners, V The -a lication deadline is Se p te' ber: 2S 1' '.yup q��{/� .1 for, JL .I Please Contact Steve- Bn'Civets at (19) more, information. ,. Dave SeabroOk Excavating 'Gravel • Top Soil. • Elria Grading v Large .afar o� erOdgers' , trucks,, t ;gid`::� ear na bl rates sc� ,� a t • 20-20 / ., 528 144 l 5; Lucknow