HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-08-14, Page 20loucknew tine4 Wednesday, Mors' 4 gage 19 01. A�rticies ;fur ;silk 82.Yard Sale 033.' Garage 'sale 04, ...Antiques 04a. Crafts 05. Cats for Sale 06•.- Trucksfor"Sale :SPORTS 6t. • RECREATION 7a. Forrrsale General '1b.Wonted to Buy 7c.' Wanted to Resit ?d. Bicycles 7e. Motorcycles 7f. , Sflo mobiles. 7g. Regi;. Vehicles. 7h.._Boats ,'Motors etc. 7J, Service di Parts 7Ka..kwanim ng Pools 08� Cpmprtets 10. Pets 10a.. orses FARM .MARKET 11a.: For sales General lib. Wanted to Buy. • ::11c. Wantedyto Hire hd, ;Ernst; Wanted - 11e. Livestock ...Farm Produce 11g. Equ ipinent: 11h. Services 111 FLana 11k.:: RealEstate 11).' Wanted.toRent Jim. Portent '- 12. " Real Estate 13. Mobile Home$'. 14. Vacations 16. r ` FoRenr4 • 17. ,Apartments:,..., 18 ...' leo n see' foRr eat- f 19a. • Bed & Br akf .� est" 20. Room &'Board 23. Commercial Wanted to.Rent Wanted to Buy 26. -*Si) Wanted 27. Wanted General 20. 'Business Opp 29. Tenders 30. Empl. Wanted' 31. Service :Directory 32.Babysitting 33... Miscellinieous 3 . Personal 3$w ' Legal Notices 36+ ` Announcements Mortgages 3• Auctions; :3. Educational 40.: host & found • 41.. To Giv;e.'Awa+y 42. Obituaries, 43.. Births 44. Engagements 5. Marriages 46, to Meiroxiaainit 47. . Card -of This Cowing: Events U . .. RATES AND -DA" A 1 4 >�reek -,$4.25 2 weeks weeks or,mote 43.27 each.week :extra words at ;16 each • +bards of Thanks - $4.25•for 25 ,Words 'extra Words. at .06 each .1n _Mem oriarm. $4,25 + .35.foreach line of verse 5 i�Qe Bi Announcement -$10.00 flat fee S +.3 ads $1.,154 -pre -paid. for 25 words extra words at .16' each :t Thursday Special'- $3,25 for 25 Words . Must be:placed and paid-on'T.hursday' Save a $4.00 billing .charge'b►pre-paying G.S.T.G.S.T.thatincIuded In above prices .mast -e, �a male or Sale. STEEL INGS , +CONFi ENTIAt:' TYPING -� _ ` , The ,Lucknow :Sentinel does BUILDING SALE "RO.CK. confidenti t custom typing BOTTOM' PRICES,:Wh When for custo ers resume's, they're gone - they're gone. tm m's, letters etc. We can offer you ,25: x 40'32,879,00. 32•XJ44, a number of different print $3,79&,00, 30 x 50 types and 'sizes:'Cali our $4;316.00. 38. x X. •60 office or drop' in -for more $6;438.00.48 .x '66 details. -- tfnx '$8,466.•00.; Others. Ends FIREWOOD Optional. Pioneer 1.-800- Dry and green hard maple, ss, 6422. 33t'c ashTHE LUCKN.OW SENTINEL ��aod;sla'bs. Cut; to . stove `Ierr .. h..Delive� +. avail is .available at the'following � .ry able by',the -truckload. Call locations 'out: of,, ' town; ' .$24104. or1-4100411,-:- Holyrood'Genera! Store; ,1401Y road: .distance -after 6 Ripiey • Superior Market; F. p.m 5y'tfgp Dawson ..s,. Store, Dun, a.nnon; - MacNays• g. , Y MATTR�S�:S. AND,.' Box : .. � . spring sets: Schuett s bf Store, Amberley; :Triangle i . . :. Discount,: G4dench;: ; Brians lVliidl!rtay offer full size sets Valu. Mart, • . ' W in. ham *249 to $7:88 this -week:: M:rt,toeoed.mait'':Ph1DWingham, Also Queen and. King: size HT ''e vua er:petsSchuett's of:Mildrna • e s .. t . ' � Mac . am; Mini Mart, Ripley, dieGver,free, in a'�large.a`rea.. . Port: Albert General'Store, acrd Keith's Repair Service; Whitechurch. - 9tfnx ` OVEN ° READY roasters for : '• sa e, $1.;50 per' pound. Phone 395-2733. 33,34x ` S Gra p,beH '.1.... l.�!CKi O. 528m2242: Lean '- ,Pratt') 'Beef r' pool,. R " Sou fig_ of Hear, Tongues or Tails �Ir; Ib. PUSH LAWN MOWER, .with rear bagger- attachment, 3.5 Teuulrrmseh motor. Like new. 'Cali 526-240.-31- 10+:3 26-2400.' --31- 33,3;4-3firlc 8116 Qamrpbsll St. .UOKNOW 528-3341Y: or ;Sale. D OAK TABI.,ES Single pedestal 42" round with 2 - 12 leaves .plus -4 Arrowback oak. chairs. New! Value $1;40Q, ~sell ,-for $1,090:; Double P `:.edestals0 with -2 12" leaves plus 6 oak bowbaclt. chairs, New! Value- $2:x200, sell. for $1,490. Delivered;. Info line 019)651.'6035. --26tfc6 BARGAIN PRICES on Lucknow t shirts and hats; shirts $9.95, hats $2.95, or .. both for $11.95, Available at AEG Appliances, ' Your: Favorite Things, Lucknow Sentinel.--28-3$ar ........ '....4.. n .... ,;:.. a.r •...vr•...'..: :. .: r.. m.rr. rx ..,.. r: '. .....r ::}. '.:..:. in. ..::..✓...: }.:.. FIREWOOD FOR sale. Good hardwood. Please caf 524-671.6, after 6 p.m. ;33- 39nxe GARLIC ,FOR sale, music variety: =Phone: 5`19-;5n8- r -3x - 2... ti . 3 ATTENTION HUNTERS - Suer selection of rifles, shotguns, ' scopes and crossbows at' Lake Huron 4 Rod Gun and -Marine, Underwood. Open Monday - Saturday. Phone 268-7182. iR gr Se FOAM MATTRESSES Any Bed! Any Size! Any. Thickness! Firm and com- fortable quilts+ ;fabric cove: :Factory direct to your ,home. 1nfaic26tfck7 (519) 551.-6075; • LARGE CHiLDRENS Little TikesN play gym,. Vagabond: Deluxe exercise bicycle and K -Tel power •Stepper.' Allin excellent condition. Contact. 395-3134. --33-a6nx J. R. FEAR Apiaries., now have fresh honey for sale. Open Mon:. Sat. 8 -aim. 6 p.m Closed-Thurs., open evenings and . Sun. by appointment ot chance. Phone 357-3656. --32,33x CUCUMIERS TOMA TOES Vegetables' at the Daniel Stutzman Farm 1 oc ': bi k south of. St. Helens,, 1/4 mile east. -=32,33x WOODSTOVE & FIRE- PLACE glass, will not break frorn sheat. Cut to any size.or • -shape:- The , Chimney Sweep's Stove Parlor & GailerY inc '36 -- .8-5274. 41 tfnbcpnx --28 35Ec � � : , . STEEL BUILDINGS BEST 'BUiLDING .PRICES Steel Straitwall Type not MATTRESSF& `' BOXSPRING queen size, medical :no,. luxury Ostio dic topuali- Y. Peq -ty, 2.5 yrs. warranty.,; -.Superior :.erior '`Damask fabric. ,. Double foamaddin , firriit. p g . and comfortable. Label rice $1,6994 sell . for .485.' Delivered. Phone :1519 6516075. 26tfcC WOODS FACTORY recon- ditioned dehumidifiers:clear- ance priced :Call Pollock, Electric 395-2982.--21tfaar FURNITURE FOR 'students . , at' Schuet#'s Mildmay. Includes desks $1.69 and drawers:;1:29 up. Chest o f , $ and up. Mattresses $94 -and up. Futons `.tarn i,S; tables; � P etc. Schu+tt's :furniture showrooms Mildmay. Phone 367-2308. --33oc , . THREE COAD Maple fire- woad: Best offer 'Phone 524-8150.---33x VIDEO ' GAlAES• We buy, sell,' new, used: games .' SuPer-Nintendo, Nintendo, Genesis, S:aturn, Play 'Station, 3D0, Game -Gear;. Game -Boy -Free •price* list! "Toll 'free1-800 463 7828... A.,l.. Video °Games,<. ,Saskatoon 33bc•:: VCR'a• WEA are over- stocked and must clear VOR's from stook starting, ,from $219. -Call Pollock Electnc`395.2982. -:21tfar, CU5'1`OM FAXING Need to send or receive ;.a tax? The :senntinel does cue- tom faxing for customers: Drop in or call ,525.2822 for details, :---4ltfnx: WIDE SELECTION of used. appliances, fridges, stoves, washersand dryers. All .ser- viced and including: a War- ranty., Galt.. Modern Appliance Centre, Hanover 36461011: ,51 tf9P THB �LUCKNOW SENTINEL has the following. paper* available in our office on Wednesday, Goderich Signal Star, Kincardine News Walkerton -Herald Ti'mes', Clinton New . � s Record, Mitchell Advocate,. Seaforth;Huron :gxpositor. -16tfnx WHY HAVE. .A' YARD SALE? Call us. We buy it all. Antiqires,:.Furniture, Coins, . etc. No fuss - No Muss. Call 519-3.63-0213:: -- 49tfcc . " NEED A RESUME? Professionally, prepared;, laserrinted on. quality. 'paper. $15.00 for 5 sets We keep; your resume . on file in case you need Y. changes or updates at a later. date.. 'Call-:us.or .drop in for details; The Lucknow Sentinel, 528-2822-04tfnx CEDAR TREES' 'any size , -' to�51'.t: for hedges .n uP'Jesa wind breaks; also cedar posts. deli Andrew Johnston 395-523i--18tfar 1983 CHEV Celebrity, as. is,7 • $250; Kelvinator freezerR, 7 . cu.. f . $•15,0;' :Filter Queen Vac ;and:shampooer $300. 'hone.5`19-35 ,17 --'' 32,33�c Stout. ►t Fergus Itilarkot,`OPEN WaEKENDS:.,Call'AA mfr':. . us Sat Sun. too.m,.5 `• rrr. 51#i :.tl't»Ot17 APARTMENT : 'SIZE white-" refrigerator best offer. Phone 520881 after 5 p int --32,33x DOI YOU.KNovr • Ir, ,YOU BUYA NE MM114 SS SET, BEFORE C11RISTMA5.• ' PAY NO GST AND RECEIVE FREE A NEW ROLLER FRAME,. C&E,F URE HWY. 21, S. OODERICH ,534-7231'; power Of ,b rgaInsl In the