HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-08-14, Page 8Page g - Lueksow Sentinel, Wednesday, . ►u�gus' SIM MN aim imail NM., JOIN PROMOTIONAL ADVERTISING atel4444# woe 0044 eis 4, 1996 1 0 >AA xa I r 2 Offinvitations t. tiseiul WEpg1fG G FT$ fpr eu Gusts 5f'ti►on e I fall Nr our; fro Catalogue Pens, Colfee Mugs, Caps ,Calendars & morel Cowan Otinling 8t myertisint Ockno* pnl. ' i L - (519) 529^2730 r Fax: (519).528;3340 c► by LEA SPO' Mark Coulthard, If your, lawn is being watered and fertilizedcorrectly but stili seems • yellowish, 'this yellowing could be due to LeafSpot disease. This disease is a. fungus that attacks the blades of the grass. Leaf Spots are small circles with yellow centres and dark borders: These spots are dotted along the.leaf'blade. Thi$ disease can be a problem, w..hen,•the weather is ,cool and moist. Leaf Spot occurs `most often in lawns that.are mowed quite short.. 'A fungicide application is usually not necessary 'cin a home fawn,- Most. awn,-Most. modern --bluegrass lawns are resistant .to this disease: If your dawn is affected; Increase your mowing heightt water deeply and less_ frequently. Apply your. -fertilizer a little later in the spring. An additional application of fertilizer can'help stimulate the lawn to heal faster. .Most lawns grow out of this problem as the days get hotter 'Next Focus: Why Aerate Your Lawn See.. this space each Focus for a; valuable, Weed Man Turf Tip. • G'bdorich 1/11ECARE' FOR YQUiR LAWN Proprietors TOLL-FREE, Christine & Mark. -Q(� ;nn Coulthard . •e a+ Ogee igioarte" A family gathering at the Caesar homestead, on the sixth concession: of ,Ashfield, celebrated.150 years. Hosts were Stewart, Gary and Janet Caesar. • In 1846, their `great,, great grandfather James Caesar, Sr,, purchased this property from the Crown. Great grandfather James, Jr., was next in line:William Caesar (youngest sari of James Jr. ), - grandfather of the current owners, ,pur- chased the farm in. 1935. Fourth ,generation. Paul and wife Joyce. (Stewart) - Caesar were the owners until Paul'suntimely death in 1972, when sons Gary . and- - ;Stewart. assumed ownership. _Reminiscing and out- door games . was enjoyed by the 40 to 50 'descen- dants present before 'a bounteous supper was. served. • Ray Dalton 'of Huronlea, Brussels, who broke his hip the end of `July, returnedto wingham hospital on Aug. 2. Eric and Anna Courtney_ and family vis- ited with :his ; parents Joe and Teresa on the holiday weekend. Bill and Arthemise Lalonde, Kingsbridge, visited family in : Orillia on the civic holiday weekend. Bill and Helen Angus, Cambridge, visited With his cousin, Bob and Bert Hogervorsti of Lucknow Farm Supply -: is pleased to introduce DoreenMcCormick on . the holiday weekend. • ungannon's TOM Culbertplayed his violin' and.sang at the annual. Fiddler's Jamboree in LUQknow. Many area res.; idents enjoyed ;the pro- grant Jean'. • (Nelson) Winnipeg, . f McGrath o Llan pegs Manitoba, arrived .n Aug. , '6 to spend two weeks vacation: at the home of her brother Jim 'Nelson, and to renew , acquaintances . with friends from school days, Sincere sympathy to Marjorie Maclntyre on -thedeath of her sister-in- law, Thelma (Maclntyre) Carter, of .Goderroh on Aug. 9, in her'$5th year; Funeral Mass was :-cele- brated by Rev. John Plum at St Peter's Roman Catholic. Church,. Go ', detich, with interment e in Maitland Cemetery: The Morgan and :Mary. Daltonfamily reunion was held on the weekend. Bride-to-be Donna Van Osch received many; lovely • and useful gifts 'at --the community shower on Friday at ;he Kingsbridge Parish Hall. Edwin Meyer was taken to the. Goderich hospital by ambulance on Aug. 7, .following a severe heart attack: We .wish him a'speedy recov- • ery Sincere sympathy to Walter Kelly on the death of his brother Joe Kelly who ,died in. , California. SUMMER CLEARANCE POOL & PATIO FURNITURE ALL IN -STOCK PRODUCTS Iwlflllr 01.1er;1rlMSlgitllr+ 4100,00000 CT T YOU" HEAD O:'G . $3 E amilos the w ivpipriti i r.-Fri3:3000 5100 238-2110 iSINTEE USiiNGS WANTED PAUL ZINN 5284411 6.43 ACRES_.- St.- Helens, good building site, $R3;000.- . 23,900.• HAVEi.00KST. 10 yr old' Royal Home,. 3 bedrooms, CiiI heat, 821/2 x 132 lot. $1,09,900. .,°KINLOUGH `- 3 bedroom,; -1 . storey, Shows well, $59,900. . OUTRAN! - 4 • bedranm, aluminum. sided, 2 baths, woodlfoil heat'$79,000.. - HAveLociwg oldroorti with carpet, oi500 :HAVELODie •+•4 .beAroorri garage, new kitchen, good family home. reduced• to $$9,900. WHEELER .sT 3" bedroom house on millpond: $694900. ST.HELENS - • Newer bungalow, 3.5 bedreanns, fireplace, 2 car garage,' shop,,. $114+000. 149 ACRES'; 1.30 'workable, new'ranch style 3 -,bedroom home, beef beim. $275"000:. $54,900.."3.„ bed:rebel, 'vinyl sided, iheulated, 'attached .work•shop, Hamilton;: St i -ELGIN ST. '« '9 bedroom, 1' Storeyy. With garage, 'oil heat, "air ;conditiorijng, $79,600. AtiffliTECHLIACH - $°bedroorilt double • carport,- finished red room, -14 acre lel 100 ACRES -• Stene house•,• barn, Shed, , 50 workable,- $19%900, orkable,$1x,900. 206' ACRES', Brick house, gr od beef Barns, 1,60 workable. $269,001. FARM iOPER`TIES WAN' p . tied in :St, Joses •Cemetery, Kingsbridge, 'fast Saturday. The Kingsbridge pot .,,luck supper and meeting was . held at Clarice Dalton's on Aug.. 7. • Sympathy is extended to Aileen on - the passing of bar' husband, Elmer Trommer on ' Aug, .10. Also surviving are two sons Ralph, and Bill, daughter Connie and six grandchildren. Cremation has taken place and a , memorial service will be, held a t a later date,' The Trommers were very active in the forma- tion ormation. -of the Dungannon Senior Citizen Centre: In lieu of flowers, donations will be accepted for the Senior citizen Building Fund. In Elmer's youth, he' was a very athletic per- son. Nancy Rivett and chil- dren Wesley ` and Cassandra, and: her. Moth- er-in-law, Sandra: Rivett, of. Elliott' Lake,' have returned from week 'visit in Port. Alberni, B.C. visiting with Barbara Smith. . The Cooke reunion, rejuvenated by Carol Iickling: • and Grace Wilkins,- was held at the Seniors Centre, on July 28, with an attendance of 46. . Herb McQuillin, of Lucknow - 96 years of 0 years age - had the distinction of hetng the eldest gent, while Pearl Menary had the .ladies' honor. Derek Merebanv' was the youngest, and Keith and , Irene lake the couple married the longest. Congratulations were extended to the most recent married couple,' Harold Cooke and Judy Smyth, whose marriage took place inde i Cxe► riche on July. 26, with Charlotte and Joe Sproul attending. grandparents driving the newest. cars were Marion 11/1cQuillln. and Keith Hickling. . Next 'year's event will be -under the direction of president •Pa Miskie, and Jim McQuillin and fami- ly sharing the secretarial, treasurer - and game duties. Erma and- Allan Reed frons Port Colborne joined 13' tables of euchre players at the Senior Centre .on July 31. Erma . Crich' and Euphemia Cameron tied for first prize, - with.. Mabel Lamont, Janet Mathers and Raymond haggitt also winning. On Aug: 7, nine tables participated with Lois and :'Stuart Chamney walking off with the high prize, : Doreen McCormick and Jim Errington enjoyed the evening's activities as well. 'Welcome to newcomer • Lindsey Eileen, daughter of John and Sherry, Matheson, .born July 25. a sister for .Jessica. • lV Matthew Lamb and AmandaGo el tern oho son: In ail ldomtdraw as tho prince and princess of Dungannon Fair and Family Fun Days. (tilvingstt' n p °to •