The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-08-14, Page 3rum_ 0 . °
by Tracey Doerr
Bruce County's . 's social assistant
,caseload has pluiaetedd.
Dick Verrips, CommisSioner of
Social Services said the county's good
news .is even better than, thatof the
Last week, Minister of Social
Services David Tsubouchi announced
that 11,234 in Ontario people stopped'
relying on social assistance in July.
"Ours is even better," said ' Verrips.
"I haven't seen a drop .like that in
In July, county caseloads dropped
by 15 per cent. The number of people
receiving assistance in May was 934.
That figure dropped to 857 in June -and
again, by another 130, to 727 in July.
Verrips said the reason for the
decline is that employable people are
finding work most likely in seasonal
jobs. He said some are, moving to the
city assome, of the urban Centers are
e 7eriencing an economic turn-
The long coldwinter and delayed
spring weather has affected the case-
load. Verrips said seasonal employ-
ment got a slow start and as a result,
the numbers haven't declined much
until now.
There are also many people who are
accepting less from social services .as
they are working part-time jobs. He
said there's no doubt that the .caseloads
will increase again° in late fall once
seasonal work begins sifting down.
"The numbers will go up, they
always have in the 20 years. I've been
here. It's very dependent -on the econo-.
my, the year and the weather," said
The caseload in January of this year
was 949 but Verrips believes it won't
reach that{level this coming winter:.
Getting the proper permit
•from page 2
cific management units..
Examples bf manage-
ment :: units in the
Huron/Perth area• with
'selective harvest ;draws,
for the gun. season are 84-
and &
2: Acomplete lete ` list
of Wildlife Management
Units With selective ,har-
vests can be found in . the
provincial deer hunt fact
There. are 'also -oppor-
tunities for selective liar -
vest deer hunts in areas
with an archery hunt:
Locally, this would
include areas 85 and 86
during.. the archery sea=
son. Again ,the complete
list of wildlife
Management ' Units for
the archery season cap be,
found in the
deer bunt fact sheet,
Controlled Deer Hunt
' The controlled deer
hunt is locale.y. referred to
as the "gun hunt." In
orderto enter the con-
trolled dee rhunt draw,
hunters must complete an
"Application for.
Controlled Peer Hunt"
form and submit •this to
an MNR office ' by no
later than 4:30 p.m Sept,
3. You cannot apply, for
-this hunt by using the
new telephone applica-
hist�ry; bur-?
looks at county
in three sections
Shirley McLure was
the guest speaker 'at the
July meeting of the
Bruce Grey Branch of
The , Ontario
Genealogical Society.
She .spokeabout the
Bruce County Historical
Society's new publica-
tion entitled "Historical
Plaques and Cairrns'of the,n
Bruce County," which'
she helped to co-author
For this publication
the county is .broken into.
'three distinct sections,;:
Peninsula (off highway
6), East, and West. The
sights, .for each township,
have been mapped out
with pinpoint accuracy.
When Bruce County.
was opened tip, this area.
offered new and varied.
experiences. Most -of the
setters. came from
Europe or from previous-
ly settledarts of North'
America. Here they were
opening up new land,
marking new_ trails and
startingnew settlements. •
• These markers are to
honorr,,the pioneers from
yester year, for ,the coil-
trributions, they made in
developing and openng.
up our area, Much. .
what' they laboured so
hard to develop is' gone,
swallowed up. by
•progress, and by new
tion systerri.
Hunters Who qualify
as a farmer or landowner
donot have to enter -the
controlled •deer hunt
draw, but must submit
.their farmer/landowner
.affidavit.:to . an MNR
office by no later •than
October 16 at 4:30 p.m.
For further informa-
.tion please contact your
local MLR office.'
Ibueltnew .Sentinel, Wednesday, August 14,.1 —'age
West w' wane sb
West Wawanosh
Townghp council has,
decided to defer a deci-
eersion on •a proposed zon-
ing bylaw amendment
that , would allow a
,portable unit as another
type,, of secondary
dwelling within general
and restricted agriculture
• Council has some coir
'cerns regarding the
appropriate distance of
secondary dwellings to
adjacent original build-
ings, and the method and
time frame of reviewing
the necessityof the sec-
ondary dwelling.
The decision' was
reached at council's Aug.
6 .meeting,
History Book
Rhea - Seeger gave
Council an overview of
the 'West Wawanosh
History Book that has
now gone to print. One
thousand copies will be
printed; 350 of those
have been pre -sold.
Council agreed to give
some financial support to
the committee with no
dollar value having been
Did you know?
In 1994/95 80.4 per cent
of Grey -Bruce residents
received their :hospital:
care within grey -Bruce.
set yet.
A rant of $50 was
given to the Dungannon
Agriculture-. Society in
support of the 'annual faro
Pending finding, a tile
drainage loan was
approved ,for Atlee
The services of
Kempton Construction
Ltd. will be used to bury
garbage on a weekly, reg
:star basis with suitable
times coordinated with
the landfill site supervi,
ser Gq Dodds.
A member of the
Winghant and District
Hospital Board will be
invited to the .Sept. 3
meeting to give a presen-
tation on the fund-raising
campaign or the con-
struction of a medical
:Marianne Hoganof Ashfield .Township (right)
was -one of a host of singers entertaining at
last weekend's; Celtic Roots Festival, in
Goderich. with. Marianne is, Evie Shand of
Goderich. The event -continues to grow in
leaps and bounds since its inception
FINALS ON S AY' ,,:, � .7
sr' Xy`,.0.Z
;11)N11S 1ON:
SAI URI):AY • ADULTS S10, 12 & 1'NI)1 R S8, pre sehoolcrti fisc'!
til'Nt)AY - AI)1 urs S12, 12 & UNDER $10, pre-schoolers free!
WEEK1•,NI) PASS - AU1ILI S $20, 12 & CINDER SI pre- cho lcrs free!