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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-07-31, Page 15
• ' 1;4Lt}, 4 7 klicknow Sentinels Wednesday Jubr 31919" age 15 From Our M AT DEPARTMENT Cut Froth Canada.A' Oracles of Beef "The Best" SIRLOIN TIP STEAKS...;.....,113. 4.29 CENTRE CUT LOIN HOPS as. 4.39 BEEF AND PORK KABOBS EACH.11.99 BIG BARBECUE SAUSAGE mow, Ho'ney Garlic, and Mild Italian ........... ...... ...... LB.2 .89 Back, The Famous Beefway BACON 0140'6.2.99 From Our DELI DEPARTMENT Famous : uddig Cold Cuts, 9 Assorted Varieties only et/ per pkg. Sandwich of the Month "Mini Sub" i pnly 1. • Check out our Homemade Salads , • I - SCHNEIDERS MEATS 41)1114 pkg.•RED agr_. 41r: Airo!tri • WIENERS 1L4 53.00 off Sdinelders BUCKET OF CHICKFNollx5 .90 Regular or Honey. 900 g. HESE ARE DEFINITELY DOOR CRASHERS 7.ities, , 'waft L.rx..ozre shwa fooil . ToRrul.A ciu . , $04 OOP 9000090,969091.90999949990960.p9# 600000,00.90000000.04, I 6,hiurev-410 .. , ./'- SALS., AaA. '. • ' . 6 ..' . . ' , r , 315 Min, KW, t4eliOniii;$94,t.qp-; polo,095009009,94qapootoopapator,00DaDoovlopo , • .„ -. •: „ , stPEri,.SI: . .. .79 llocoLATE max 4• .4.• LEMON me TEA 69 , 413014 aagit,pao9o4a,t4mi,,”4*444scRirst;o4R-a e4P040Q.400,,,o.0* 00...**00q06”00.00 0 neinz TOMATO -SOUP 3/ .. / •• ' RIVERS_ CRACKERS • Asxx,pici . .. i•orpoppoov....eppoocrpoop.ape•eogage••09.0.02 19 Built Pack • POPSICLES . ONLY From Our GROCERY DEPARTMENT Prenthan WATER SOFTENER nth SALT 20 kg. twig ...... ONLY • 7 7 Cnitital II SUM WATER SOFTENER SALT 20 kg. Shure Floe ONLY 4.99 COFFEE 300 0. Regulat and Fine Grind 1.••• 2..99 . Christie CRISPERS 225 g.. Asiorted Flavours 2.19 IRHAGHETTI OR ZOODLES • UP 7 ubbo BEANS -• 388 nit Po* and Beans, Tomato Uwe ••••7•••• • 69 Heinz TOMATO SOUP 3/. 0- .284n.., upson's NOODLES AND SAUCE 1L19- 130s, Assorted Varieties WO Choke ICE CREAM CONES 29 20's • Falrlee JUICES • 1 L Glass, Apple, FruitPunch, Orange Juice,'Grapefruit, I " 1 9. and PinliGraPefruit •••• •••A§f 0NLY n • Rid.;* Choice DRINK CRYSTALS .500 g. Tub, Cherry, Grape, Orange , Coronation PICKLES IL, Baby Oil Bread and Butter. and Gatlin Din Shure Fresh 2.29 TORTILLA CHIPS 1.19 00_g, Shure Fine SALSA 3151 Hot, Medfiktn, Mild .79 Siveet RIPe - TETRAS Apple, Orange and 3 pack, Fruit Punch- .69 AtIndral TUNA 170 g., In water .89 swan Ho.use FOIL WRAP 76m. 1 69 Shure Fine, COOKIES 400.b. Fudge; Raisin Oatmeal 6 ONLY .69 Butter Oatmeal, Chocolate Chip, Chocolate 2 FROM OUR HEALTH & B 01811111.1 glir 01110,00.111111 ARRIO DEODORANTS Solids• Roll-ons and Aerosols Assorted Scents .... ONLY 2.99 - Tame swimPOO AND CONDITIONER 500 mi. Bonus ." .. , . . . ......... ONLY 1. 9 Johospil "iJoh,A90 nAsy SHAMPOO 200 nif ..",".............:..., 1.9 ADORN 1111AIRSPRAY 400nd: " ' ' ' ' ".","..i. , •••op 3.1 9 'SAND ,DS- ‘solinsi?n and'dohlison 25'a ................;•."."..."."•**••••••....... ONLY 1,99: . -• • 4.19 reeMAXI PADS is pack.;,.. •__..e. . * ...... ,,,,,,,..”.,-...,,,,,,•.4., . TANIPEX,TAWONS . ' • -'.: ' ' : ' . " ' ' 4 ebn &pkg., Reg., Sien. Unscented, Super Plus Unscented, Super Unscented; and Stalin Touch ... . . . ONLY 1. 77' Hawaiian Tropics SUNTAN LOTION Baty Face #50, &RE Dark Tanning Lotion .4, S.P.F. Day!, Tann!ng Oil, U.V.A. Sun Olocit .15, 12 ml.......".....; .... ... ..... .... ALL ONLY e.P • 7 combat INSECT. REPELLENT AND LOTION 126 la ' - 3..99 IllanybravkapszsAiditgen sin.' LAUNDRY DETERGENT 4i. - 2.69 BOUNCE ULTRA Fabric Softener Sheets 15 pack, Reg. or Gentle . 2.29 suntUQ DISH DETERGENT 500q... .1.49 WIlsIDEX-itigger Spom? 950 ... ... .00.0.0 4 J. 1. • 99 • 1.29 vh.PAPER TOWELS 2 ROO 4..44, l• • Jubilee BATHIFtOOM TISSUE SERVIE'TTES 1.20$ 04�S•0 1..29 CHECK OUT THESE LOW PRICES! Petro -Canada gas prices. It's worth the ,drive to gas up. Check out our low Film and photo finishing prices. 2nd Set FREE Unbelievable. Kodak Film , ' ONLY 4.19 • LOCAL GOSSIP me River is very busy. There 1 a new boy in town. Drew's his name, catpentry and farming are his game.' Congratulations Kenny and Kim. Also congratulations go out to Todd and Stephanie on the •artivai of theirboy Gordy. 1."Pett (NO OVNN (KIK) NWN' (Ki1/47.4' C.W:fii (00 ZOO, oiNY -cr.= 19•••••••••,, ...., 199•••••••"-_, 91' ""•••M 7-e!"--.-t'l -;,-7 - 77 "114,iiiii 411Kiii- AW1 1141Y47' (W)i` 1'00'1' "ai1/2fii 144,--04" a+00 CWW.kil CKVY.k ( . , ,. r:••••/.4:4:4< t .40:1•::44,9; • 4.