HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-07-31, Page 5A
Stratford's Alanna Anderson; 15, had some-
thing to keep her busy Friday. She was help-
ing her father to resurfacelhe driveway of the
apartmentbuilding' she -owns on Campbell
Street in, Lucknow. Alanna. was grateful the
' - weather had cooled off before she started the
daunting task. (Vandermeer photo)'
Community Lvin
residents busy at jobs
:Lucknow co u n y
from page t
Howard farm, bowlsfor
that perfect score, or sad-
dles up a horse. at
Samarkand Stables.
Dint' Veldherst
Pinecrest Nursing
Home laundry depart-
. ment is where you. can
find Diny Veldhorst on
one whole and two,4half
days per week. Along
side her trusty co-work-
o-workers, she, folds laundry to
keep the supply and
'demand on track. From
here she heads' to
Lucknow Cut and Curl
where Delores and
Debbie keep her hopping
with a mixture of work
and fun, and interesting
Although Diny enjoys
her time working', she
also looks forward to her
time, spent, out at Maple
Breezes just listening in
'on conversation and . sip-
ping on some, great tast-
- ing tea made specially by
Pinecrest activity hours
are also a favorite past
time o''Diny's, and 'if
time is left over, we take
a, leisurely stroll to the
library to listen to talking.
Nellie Veldhorst •
Last, but certainly not
Least} is. Nellie Veldhorst.
Enjoying her new found
home in 'Lucknow with •
her aeon' and *sister,
Nellie is eager to. *meet
with good friends - Lloya
Nicholson, Bev
Thompson and Phyllis
Helm as she goes to and
from to her weekly jobs
at Lloya's Dolls Plus,
Thompson. Investments,
and ; th'c Lucknow
Sentinel. Nellie -;also has
enjoyed •working along.
side loan Black, daring
the school year assisting
het in the library. Look
for Nellie at her newest
jobs at' t rrrba fr
Pharmacy and
Impressions where she
will be starting shortly.
1 would also like to
mention that much of this
, could hot .; be ac+ om-
pillared: without the ongo-
in& support, o f family,.
volunteers (Lynn and
Terri Wall and Shelly
ritnault); andalt :other
eoarnanuftity rnetubers
Ah°. take tide to include .`
Its in Many Ways. .•
Pinecrest Manor residents
busy with activiie
Pinecrest 'Manor has
had a busy schedule for
the month of July.
,r- ;enjoyed' a
trip `to the Blyth Theatre
Jiffy. 4' and walked with
the bikers.. for Cystic
Firdsis. July 9. •
On the ltb, there was
a teddy bear. parade and
the farm club. was held oth.1. -
n e 9th.
• staff`ball game' e'. wa
held July
25 with
th a birth-
day Ratty featuring the
Ail sic
Orchestra on the 26th.
July's birthdays include
Joe, Dickinson, noneida
Smith • and aordon
July f residents made
a visit to the farm and
held .a picnic on the 30th.
Horse and wagon rides
have been scheduled' for
the 31st,
New residents
e at
Pinecrest Manor include
Lillian io tl l
P r amd, Elmer
Trommer, Freda Reid,
Jemima:' Hughes and
Mayne Calvert,
Car. ���w at Beumilier
on hciidEy weekend
Falls • Reserve ed last year.
Conservation • Area is the
place to be for the annual
car show and arts and
crafts sale August 3 • and
The show is open from
11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday at
the Falls - Reserve
Conser►ation Area at
The Maitland. Valley
Conseirvation. Authority
expects ';a good showing
of 'craft vendors and Blas-
sic• autos throughout the
Ther event isbeing
supported by the Radar
Circle., Region : of. the
Historical Automobile'' -
Society of eanada. Over
100 car exhibitors 'attend=
Exhibitors and visitors
will have a chance to win
an assortment of draw
prizes provided by
Goderich and area: mer-
erchants." Spectators will
also have the opportunity
to vote for their favorite
car as part of the People's
Choice Award.
Throughout the week-
,there will be activi-
ties , for children. Music
.for the event is being
provided by a D.J.
Park visitors are
encouraged to take a: m.
walk through the conser-
area ,aton•g the
river trail' and enjoy ,,the'
scenic waterfalls.
Entry into the park is
$5 for a day pass per car:
The Maitland River
The southerner sings of the broad` Mississippi,
.The Irishman praises the Shannon and Lee,
The Mersey -and
• Severn are dear to old England
'Where tfingsley sang sadly the song of, the Dee.
The Scots say that braw are the Doan and the Avon,
And bonnie the banks of the beautiful Clyde,
But fairer than all is a stream called the: Maitland
Ah,. happy the days that I spent by its side.
Ontario rivers are brimming with beauty,
The Don and the Huarnber, the Credit and Grand,
The glittering Thamesis a ribbon of silver,
But still I shall dream -of that picturesque: land
Where the Maitland steals out from the highlands of
FromWellington:County and uppe
• rmost Perth,
To leisurely wander throughwingham and Auburfn,
Through fields that are fair'as the fairest on earth.
You may love the St. Lawrence, the roaring Niagara_
Whose turbulent waters rush mile after mile;
You may praise the Blue Danube in poem and
music; •
The Hudson, the Tiber, the Rhine and the Nile;
There are rivers aplenty, :historic, romantic,
But all of them glades I'd gladly foisake
To stand once again an the cliff -top at Goderich
And Watch the old Maitland roll into the lake.
—Michael Foran, ``Ibronto, May 1046,
submitted by Catherine Andrew
.tin, Weduesda:
July 1 1990
Effective immediately.
Household garbage $1.00/bag
Dispose of wasteatherAhan household'
garbage that cannot be burned according
V10E standards - or otherwise recycled. • •a
Oars *v r .x$5.00/load'*:
Pickup Ts &- Single Axle
Pickup o g
Utility Trailers $.10.00/load
Wagons & Larger Trailers .,..........:$25:00/load
_Single Axle Stake T`rucks...........:$.35.04/load
Tandem Axle Trucks • ' $50.00/load
Tandem Packers ".$400.00/Load
Untagged Refrigeration Units $25.00/unit:
Tires under 20" $5:00/tire
Tires 20" $1. over. ;..:..:.........$20.00/tire.
**No rims accepted**
($3.,0.00 charge after hours approved. by
Landfill site Supervisor)
e Veterinary Clinic
$helley ilawkins
'to essional Groomer
BD°avi1ng ruler O r iLi�,
floss pPorr€ii to WAR ALL TE r ekocongfinoncl p, 142.
I . ,..
--.cXo�ortnifoglIS,1r ritoivic3 ,
tiA,N��"QVa�, WAueEHTON 40,41T FOREST p�PORpT. pRAIN
J. lders)tyr FB.F. QT" i6 P FCA. .• 4. rk�. ��ir'l• 1, '. 9 vL ... 4014 O, OA.,
A.1 ---t VailOg• c a'. M;; ' CA • H1 E. 4Mer. CA
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Need something for your present eornp:uter?
JUST ASK! We are here to help you with all
your ho:rne and business needs. r ,
*Sales *Service *Tutoring *upgrading
Hours: .Mon, -Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-1.
Effective immediately.
Household garbage $1.00/bag
Dispose of wasteatherAhan household'
garbage that cannot be burned according
V10E standards - or otherwise recycled. • •a
Oars *v r .x$5.00/load'*:
Pickup Ts &- Single Axle
Pickup o g
Utility Trailers $.10.00/load
Wagons & Larger Trailers .,..........:$25:00/load
_Single Axle Stake T`rucks...........:$.35.04/load
Tandem Axle Trucks • ' $50.00/load
Tandem Packers ".$400.00/Load
Untagged Refrigeration Units $25.00/unit:
Tires under 20" $5:00/tire
Tires 20" $1. over. ;..:..:.........$20.00/tire.
**No rims accepted**
($3.,0.00 charge after hours approved. by
Landfill site Supervisor)
e Veterinary Clinic
$helley ilawkins
'to essional Groomer