HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-10-11, Page 8A
:,..-*Ittre,21,1-4e(1313-301711.0 • 3 s ,
11-Tblareday, October llth, 1964
Splp f
ow owing
The death occurred at Toronto on
Sunday of Rev. William A. Conway,
United Church minOter, who some
years ago was stationed at Nile and
at Aubu:n. For the late six years
he had been pastor of College &tootle
United .:hurcii, Woodwewk. He was
fifty-nine sears of age and is survived
• • •
Thome, Sturdy, for many years a
well-known resident of Godericii, died
on Saturday at Clinton; age of
eighte-five year., and waburled in
Maitland cemetery on Tuesday. Mr.
Sturdy was a native of (loderlch town-
ship and ilved_thereuntil his removal
Coun. Huckins At-
tacks Elevator Co.
(Continued from rage 1)
The motion to adopt the report of
committee of the whole calling for
an hoestigation ear carried.
Other Cesuattee liolsort•
Jotecitili.emiulttee recommended
no action at present on the reettelat
from Mr. J. W. Trustier that a tax
be vat -ed taz outside photographers
and that the Huron Amateur Athletic
Associatie-v be granted 41411-4d Agri
cultural Pork on Friday, October 12th,
for the anuual meet.
The fire committee reported that
all apple -Ilion" for building permits
• -1 6 • • • AMaing&Lee at the per
Ile was not marri . fr"ledl If
Sturdy et Goderich township is a the exceptiou of the application from
Cole's Book Store
dealt with as (-Lou as pious acre the Shell Company, elite!' would be
re -
Mere reoommended that the letter
of Mrs. m. W. Rouyn. ge. vincent of the Company with
Tbe W.C.T.t. will meet at Abe home Goderkt Solt
regard to the nuisance and danger
Thurpdgy afternoon, Octo- loom 4t.4.mht....un. the_isbarf duriee sittp-
with.( North- street United church next - Harbor -twister M4Donald; and that ; pretty garden flowers,. The honeymoon
rooms wereoteeorated ber Pk at 1 o'elesek. 1 loadiug operation(' be forwarded tot/1110re the
COLLEGIATE SOCCER Sunday tee sacrament of the Lord's 1
the matter of reptiirs to the door and itrip will include Chicago and other
On Tow.mhu, eremmg a but evelk4Supper will be obeerved at the morn- _I
doors of the west freight shed be left , point., and on return Mr. and Mrs.
the Collegiate football team visited VW liervirr;'-eltd-hr-itili-ovasiall-Bax..-e-trn. „the _rimirm,m, ...n.., ....gamuts.: Tilighorn will reside in Leamington.
Clinton to engage in their tiret ame
W. 1'. Lane's sermon subject will be reported Celt the flouring of the east • • •
of soccer with the Clintoo,C. 1. team. "Praetical Righteousness." freight abed had again been repaired NEALE-STACKHOUSE
The Goderich team succeeded In hold- The evangelistic party conducting and it eos me in good condition for A loveiy autumn wedding was sol-
ing the score to a 1-1 tie. As it was storage, -providing It is not over- 'ionized at 5.80 Saturday, October 6th,
service,, ...web evening in McKay
will hold :ervices on Sunday at 3 and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Btackhouse, Brucefield, when their eld-
eet daughter, Leila Grace, became the
bride of Mr. Tom Stanley Neale, of
Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Neste, of Tborold. The ceremony was
......-Eievatar Co. Asseesment ..conducted by Rev. W. A. Bremner.
Councillors Seabrook and Iluckins To the strains of the Lofton -rim sod -
developed some curiosity as to what ding mama played by Miss l'earl Wood,
had been done in the matter of the of Exeter, the bride entered the room
E.evstor Company's assessment since un the arm of her father and looked
one of the bylaws affecting the Com- charming in a dress of wine opera
pang had expired. After a long die *ilk velvet with white satin aliPPere
with silver trimming. rhinestone brace-
let, a gift of the groom, and bandeau
to mate, and carrying a beautiful
bouquet of Johanna Hill roses and
Tble wee earried, although the chair- Illy of the valley. Miee Eva Stack -
The %tiler, light and harbor cone
Au autumn wedding of Interest took
place at the United church parsonage,
Leamington. Ont., on Friday evening,
October 5th, when Mies Alice Jean
Mutt+, only daughter of Mrs. R. J.
Mutch of Leamington, granddaughter
-of -Sere U. 3. Idotzb of Oneerleb ad
niece of Mr. J. E. lgutch of Goderich,
was united In marriage to Mr. James
Alan Waghorn of Leamington, oldest
son of lire. M. J. Nevins, also of
Leamington. The ceremony WU per-
formed by Rev. '1'. W. Haslewood In
the presence of the immediate rela-
tives. The bride was daintily gowned
112 wine chitlfon velvet, with Ogee of
mattratim, OFRetilL/41.-14,.
q net of poach and yelOw dahlias he
in place with peach tut e The brides-
maid was Mrs. J. Cochran, who
wore navy triple sheer crepe with
white aatin trimming. and her flowers
corresponded to those of the bride.
Mr. Jas. Cochran supported the groom.
A reception was held at the home of
the bride'e mother on John street,
play was very sloppy, especially in .45 p.m. Re. It. 11. Hamilton of
tbe first fame of the st u e, 100
tbe first perioel. It was in this period Brantfori will speak at both services.
that Clinton scored their goal on a I Miss Allan and Miss F.arl will have
misplay oy Donald Lane, star fullback charge of tbs. slating. 1
The aneual thankoffering of the W.
171heirPOTIOnlerifilr -barir-sidernaLS-a-liana chb- will be held on
--.............-,_Jr Goderich.
Tueday, 4s-tober la, Ara' jciit- lire
played much better football and it
was in the middle of this period. that Moore 4:onion, of Exeter, %sill be the
special owliker. A cordial invitation
Goderich wored. It was a hardoarned
I. extendoi to all tbe ladle- to attend
goal, Keith Cutt ',coring on a pass 1
from Tom Page. There were several thi4 meeing
Serviees in Victoria street United
more scoring chances, but Moine the
church on Sunday next will be eon -
Clinton ',mete, always came to his cussion they moved that the matter
ducted bv the pastor. Sermon sub -
teams rscue. Howard Wilkins play- of the aseesement of the Goderich Ele-
jects: 11 a.m., "Recapturing the Ra-
ins goal tor Goderich also turned hi vator & Transit Co. be referred to
7 p.m., The Voice of
a good 0; ime, saving Goderich many iiiinee;" finance coinmittee with power to act."
Praise." The Carolina Jubilee Singers
These loports were all adopted.
The water of leasing the skating
rink for the cowing season was re-
ferred to the public works comutittee
for a report.
BELFAST, Oct. 9. -Mr. and lire
Will Alton and Moo Hasty spent
Thanksgivum with Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
lace Twasley, Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs. Harmsworth and fam-
ily, of Toronto, spent the week -end
with the lady's sister, Mrs. Ruy Alton,
and Mrs Geo. 1A114 --(-
Many from Ilstillended Despanass
fall fair.
Mrs. Vero., Gramm, Mariesa......Ing
and Bert Alton spent Sunday with
their mother In Winghazu bowpital.
Mr. Norman Davis of litre spent
Sunday with his brother, M. Wat-
son Davi", and Mrs. Dors.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton and babe
spent the week -end in Lendela.
Mrs. John Campbell has retuned
alter spending
IIM•bes-eoosin. Mise--7115/W-
bell, who was quite 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Hort of Guelph spent
the week-ebd with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. WIfred Hackett is spending a
few weeks at Ingersoil.
Mies idacDonald, Miss Lena Hack-
ett and lir. Watson Davis attended
housework. Amer to 1'. 0. BOX CHARLES A. WALTIORS wish to
friende for synipatby extended to them
thank the Goderich hospital and
ill route of 890 famillea. Write hams- in their recent he"avemellt l Coo
those who o kindly dated at the
diately. RAWLEIOH, Dept. CN -20-
funeral service, and for the loan of
8A, Montreal. Canada.
&beauty culture business. Good pro-
fits. Send your name now for full in -
'formation. W. 1t. eATelleteLLE, Z11
8th St. E., Owen Sound, Out.
or _women to distribute lex samples
and take coders for national advertised
sup'. Steady work for right par-
ty. See MR. PARR, Royal Hotel,
room 6, between 6 and 8 p.m.
SIFA FERING from foot troubles la
well. She used Cress Corn and Bun- orsooseosiso
ion Salto.. At CAMPBELL'S DRUG
. .
Notice is hereby given to all per-
sons having any claim against the es-
tate of Samuel Sheppard, Late of the
Township of Colborne in the County
of Huron, farmer, who died on or
teachrs' tesvistioa 0e6erieb OU about the 20th day of June, A.D. 1934,
The Golerich team: Forwards, T.
Page, Il.ith Cott, Kenneth Cott, A.
Shore. B. Straughan: half -backs, A.
Smith, J. Wild, D. Croft: full backs,
K. Grey,...D. Lane: goal. W. Wilkins:
sub.. D. Worthy.
The reouiar meeting of the Goderich
Town.hip Hoepital Auxilary will be
held at the home of Mrs. 1`.-11. Roadie:
Huron road, on ThurederoOetelese-11,
•t 2.30 p.m.
Bedford fce.idenee-cobourg
Phone 97 Executor.
1111 sing negro spirituals at the erne man (Reeve MunnIngs) poInted out house, sister of the bride, -feted as
Ing service. that the matter was in the hands of bridesmaid, wearing a (trews of brown
The rerear monthly meeting of the
Arthur Circle will be held In the lee-
Hie assesoor and the council could not crepe with metallic trimming and ac-
ture room of Knox chnreb
on Monday, dictate to hint aa to what the asseoo eeseories to matoh and carrying a
fklober 1518, at 8 p.m. Ilro, James mem sheik, be The matter of printing the 1934 bouquet of Talisman ro-es. Mr. El -
Hume whi hare *barge of the meeting
wood Stackhonae, brother of the bride,
and an adidress will be given be Mrs. -
v'oters' ilat was referred to the iin- supported he groom They took their
(Dr.) Barnett, Mao a olo Ot
awe eonsmittee, and the council ad- places beneath an arch decorated with
shy to _ (1.
journed to Tueaday night. evergreens and antomn flowers. Dur -
Hal -t. _it The Adjourned Meeting ing the oaning of the register Mho
Pecramett of the Lords supper wIR;,
-be-observed at Knox Presbyterian At Tues -lay evening's adjourned ges- Wood eang "At Dawning." The guests
chnreh on &mazy morning net. Pre- slon of the town council decision eas were invited to the dining -room. where
paratore 'oervice will be held on Fri- made to v.rite to Hon. Dr. L J. Shine Innelteon waft served. the room being
day evenivg with the ...onin by Rev on, Minister of Education, asking de- tastefully decorated in pink and white
W. A. Toting of Ilenall. At 7 pm. tails and th.ta on the proposal of some centred by a large white hell As -
Rev. D..1. Lane will give a spevial Per- members to have the Collegiate tn. misting in serving were Misses Pearl
mon for young PeoPlo "11 iftibiet,34- school. Ties question Riils I101 taken Wood,e
stitute rerert to tbe status of a !sigh' Meta Satter, Jean Sheere and
The Tripe that Are Set." elle Christie, of dieter. The grooms
111111LDitavrminevin eft to the beide war an aeropack. to
Munningi transport
I appreciate the businews the
citizens of Goderich and vicinity
are turning my way and will
endeavor to continue our reliable
We are prohibited hy the tie-
pamment of IlIghways from tak-
ing pa...engem. Pleat* do not
124 Mediated St.. Toronto
Goderich-W. Tebbutt 483-
• Bowie & Bell garsge
Toro/Ito-House. Junction 69211 -
Business, Adelaide 7305
to the 'Ounce of Councillor C.
ST. HELENS • Humber, the original gouger a the
motion seeking the change.
ST. HELS. Oct. 8. -Rev. •John What the council seeks to learn Is
Little and bia son John, of Rockwood, the &Who of the difference between
vreeiroarea. et itiza,..araii9lief rite stains of a collegiate institute
ARP' Mit 44 a high school, twitb-m.
Mra. Leitch. Mr. and Mrs. BMy sult or lesults of having our Colle-
Leitch, Mr. one Mrs. Kruger and Lote elite revert to the status of a' high
of Detroit, were gue.ts during the week school, ani any relative saving, and
, what the procedure would be to have
a Hr. E. J. and Mrs. Thom.
.Thanisgiving visitors at their homes the Collegiate come under a board
here Included Mies Isobel Miller of of education"
Deputy Reeve in the Chair
Stratford Normal, Mis-es Dorothy Mc-
Quillin of Sandwich, Midred MeQuil- The council went into committee to
lin of Cladeboye, lkoine Webster of discuss the question and did not rise
Carlow, Zylda Webeter of Toronto, 1 to report 'Intl' nearly 11 o'clock. When
Dorothy Webster of London, Jean Web- adjournment was taken on Friday
.ter 01 Wingham, Irene Woods or last Reeve Munnings was in the
Waterloo, Vera Todd of Bloomingdale,lchair owing to the absence of Mayor
Dorothy Miller, Jean Thom, Norma Lee through illness. Ills Worship
Weatherises& Leurine Miller, Neely was again an absentee on Tuesday,
Todd and (Milton Mil:er of Lecknow when on motion of Councillors Hm-
High &tool. ber and Seabrook Deputy Reece Rote
Mrs. R. J. Woods and Wilson mo- ert Turner was voted to the chair.
eared on Monday to Guelph, "'betel "It is right that the Deputy Reeve
Willebh will resume hie Stedles at the I should get some experienee in the
0. A. C. ehairf be Is to he our next Mayor,"
Mr. Bob Punts of Guelph spent a said Cows -1110r Humber, ami every -
few days at his home here before go- body smiled. The Deputy Reeve, bow-
ing north for Hie trapping season. ever, would neither deny nor affirm
Mr. Georg. Meciaillin returned lut when asked later if Councillor Hum -
week to the 0.A.0. after spending bers statment could be taken u an
• the vacation -at his home election' m ow,oircement.
and Mrs. Boater Taylor mid Om- To Direct the Audit- -
don motored to Detralt for a Another action of council was to
with friend. appoint an "auditors' committee" to
Messrs. Ed. Miller of Alma, Jas. direct the municipal audit now In
Miller an4 son John of Ferrol% who progream. The committee consists of
motored up for the funeral of their Reeve Munnings andoCouncillors Ham -
uncle, Mr. Wm. Miller, visited relatives ber and Huckins.
here on Paturday. The unemployment situation was re-
! Out-of-town mode attending the viewed and it was reported that tbe
Murdie-W %od. wedding on Saturday Bell Telephone Co. had abeorbed
were Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Campbell twenty local workmen in its recon -
and Vic Taylor of Brumfield; Misses struetion program which was begun
i Vera Todd of Waterloo, Ethel Black- here on Teesslay morning.
more of Hamilton, Ada Helm of Zion,
Florenee MaclIvride of Durham, Oral
Finnigan' of Putnam, Myrtle Wilfong
of Elmira, Lib. and Belle Murdie of
Lucknow, Mrs. Clarence Idurdle of
Llatowel, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Alton of
onto. Mr, Or-141ilier,
Bridgeport and Mr. and Mrs. Aldred
Shantz a Waterloo.
in all the new shades and
color trimmings. Also plain
shades. In sizes 26 to 34
89c to $1.25
Agent for Tip Top Tailors
Made -to -measure Clothes
Phone 384 Goderioh
• to send same to the undersigned, on
or before 1318 day of October, 1934,
illesiarTht of Carolina Jubilee
Singers at Victoria street United
church, Monday, October 13, at 8 p.m.
Adults 2.5e, children under 12 years
Your stomach may not be digesting
your food properly. PARKE'S LIV-
ERTONE is a great tonic that aids in-
digestion ond stimulates a lazy 11%er.
A hot feat supper will be served
by tbe lalles of St. Augustine parish
at St. Anguatine on 'Tuesday. Octo
ber 16, commencing at 5.90 p.m. In-
teresting features. Dnce. Supper
ifle_ and 20e.
.Reep in mind Saturday afternoon,
October 111, for afternoon tea and
homemade baking sale under the an-
epices of Victoria Home and School
Club to be held in McLeons vaeant
store, Kingston street.
Mrs. E. E. Herald is in charge of
the sale in town of membership
tickets for the Alexandra, Marine and
Ger.eral hospital. Anyone wishing to
communicate with her will flnd her at
Mr.. Fronk lAwrence e. Telephone
Mr. awl Mrs. Frank H. Martin,
!Acetics Boulevard, Toronto, former-
ly of Goderich; announce the engage-
ment of their daughter. Ruth Reid.
to Mr. William Roes Thomson, son
of Mr. and Mr.. William J. Thomp.on
of Petertorough Ontario The mar-
riage will take place quietly early in
Pereh fishing ha. been particolarly
good at tIte harbor the( eeek and porne
a Env" brs°77°t, t° treat arches are reported. Tt
the illroomsmall • oillitarY brush and from the breakwater on Tneaday. two
comb set and to tbe pianist • silver Rodney anglers. .1. Illasterend and F..
Lashbrook. polled in enough perch to
fill twoorock. eetimated to weigh 100
pound's eoch when filled with the fish.
-ompact. The bride and groom left
on a motor trip to Ottawa. Quebec and
Northern pointe, 1.8. 8.14. wearing a
black tterberlf suee:stio4% s
tl. Permian lamb The oehernom ..were on thee job from
triMMIng and a •, mat.'. On daybreak to darkneee+
their return they will reside In Ilam-
Two men who bad been bachelor
cronies met for the dist time in An
Firat-"Tell me, Tom, did you marry
that gil, or do you still darn your own
socks and do your cdOkingr
ilecend-"Teo.” -
1 osmg Steer and Heifer Beef
Itortnd Steak 14r
Sirloin Steaks 17.
Wing Steak's
'' .....15.
Pertorimune Steaks
Manshorg Steak 10.
or 2 lbs. for 15e
diem Peof Resist 'Pc
Ehistaidsr Raid • 12e
Nib,_ .2 lbs. he llbe
Fehtere Pat he
Estee f‘perial kering lamb
lb -ewe to Stew or Rake 9e
Leg. 17e
Shoulder Reset 14e
Front Quarter, rolled free12e
Lamb Chaco, off ahoulder1k
Rib or loin Chop. lee
2 lbs. for 35e
- 4T1ON siescIALs-
4-18. Nide Boson, 1 lb. Liver .21.
1 18. Pe* Sausage, 1 Tin Testate
room is on the .1
of the Bauk of Montreal. The beRafft
11ton, where the gGODERICH TOWNSHIP
wishes of many friend* are extended
to the happy couple. GODERICH TOWNSHIP, Oct. 9.-
• • • Mr. and Mrs. II. Baer and Miss Betty,
MeMORRAN-BURGESS of Detroit, spent the week -end at the
Guderieli readers will be interested home of their uncle, Mr. W. 11. Lobb.
hi the following account of a wedding On Thursday a sale of bousehold
in Toront) on Saturday last, the bride effects, farm machinery, grain and
being the laughter of a former Goder- many other thing* was held •t the
ich girl, LOA Barry, now Mrs. Harry Tebbutt residence OD the 14th con -
C. Burgett. This account is from The I.ession. A large crowd gathered and
Toronto Telegram: Auctioneer
Oeorge Elllott was busy
An Octiber wedding took place at until almost dark. Everything was
3 o'clock this afternoon in St. • diepowed of except the farm Itself.
John's church, Norway, when Mar- The Mlives Tebbutt have rented the
garet Batty, daughter of Mr. and Copp house in Clinton and removed
Mr.. Harry O. Burgeon, was married their effects by truck on Monday and
son of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. lieldorran. Tuesday. Their neighbors are sorry
to Mr. 1Villam Harold McMorran, to lee them go, as they have !Tent
Canon W. L. Barnes -Reed officiated their whole lives on the homestead,
and Mr. Herbert Falconer presided and seem an integral part of the neigh -
at the organ. Tall standards of marl- borhood,
golds, daailas snd zinnias marked Saying Farewell. -Last Wednesday
the trued pewa and the altar was evening friends and neighbors number -
banked wth palm" and autumn flowrs. hit about ninety gathered at the home
The bride, given in marriage by of Mr....A..amble, of the Nth concei-
ber father, wore a gown Of white sion, to do honor to Mr, and girs.
tran.parent velvet with Empire train James Ferguson, who are removing tO
anti made with WO calla lily neck- Clinton to reside. An address was
line and long tapering sleeves. Her read by Arthur Forbeit espressing the
veil of hille was . shoulder length regret a the aanembled friends in los-
and fell from a hilo of velvet. Sbe ing neighbors whom they had learned
to respect and admire for their up-
rightneel aud willingnesa to help thou
with whem they came in contaet in
their daily life and as a token of their
regard 'event electrical eonveniencee.
namely toaster, lamp and iron. were
preetentee to the eouple hy Beet Lobb
and Will Churchill. Mr. and Mrs.
Fergnaon had been enterely tinaware
that there wax to be a gathering and
were quite overcome with emotion,
althongh Mrs. Ferguson reeovered her -
welt enoneh to exprese something of
the thanks they felt and their regret
In leaving the neighborhood. It was
owing to the ill-heolth of Mr. Frmi-
mon that he decided to 11111110.1P of hitt
farm and reeldenee; but they still own
106 -acre farm nn the 14t8 concretion
which they will continue to manage,
althongh reeding in Clinton.
Addressee Given on Work of Home
and Helmet Clubs
On Fri.lay afternoon last the &a-
nti Home and School (*sab heid a
gathering of unusual Interest which
was "Omeled by large delegations
as on and after that date the executors
herein &ball proceed to make distribu-
tion of the IOW estate, having regard
ouly to the claims then flled.
HAYS & HAYS. Goderich, Ontario.
Solicitors for the Executors.
Nolte* 1. hereby giren to all per-
sons having •ny claim against tbe
estate of Charles A. Walters. late of
the Town of Goderich. in the County
of Huron, gentleman, who died on or
about Use first day of October, 1964,
to send same to the undersigned on
or before Otiober 2718. 1934, as on and
TION of Assessor and Tax Collector
of the Town of Goderich will be re -
(*iced up to 8 o'clock p.m. of Thurs-
day, October 18th, 1934.
L L. KNOX, Town Clerk.
, 81111' OF COLBORNE.
Notko is hereby given that 1 have
complied with seetion 7 of the Vet-
ere' Lim Act and that I have posted
up at my otthe In Colborne tbe
1001 day of October, 1934, the Ilst
of all persons entitled to vote in said
municipality at munielps1 election',
and that sueb remains there for
And I hereby call upon all voters
to tag immediate proceedings to
have any errors or.omissions corrected
according to law, the last day for ap-
peal belno the 31(st day of October,
after that date the administratrix of moo
the said estate will proceed to make WM. SALLOW&
distributiou thereof, having regard only Township Clerk.
R.R. No. 6, Goderieh.
to the claims theu flied.
Dated at Goderith this 4t8 day of
October, A 10 1934.
HAYS HAYS, Ooderick Ontario.
Solicitors for the Admielatratrix.
All persons having claims against the
estate of Arthur Wardiaw Curzon, late
of the township of Goderich, in the
toasty of Huron. Esquire. deceased.
who died on or about the 24rd day
of Februaly. 1934. are hereby notified
to mend in to the undersigned on or
before the 9th day of Norember full
particulars of their claims dal, veil -
lied by rtotutory declaration, as after
the saki date the executors will pro-
ceed to dIstribute the assets of the
!titrfrATT11Tlesdrtil 4WITy so"
the claim., of which they Ann then
have tweice. and they will not be
liable to any person of whose claim
they have not received notiee.
Dated at Goderith this 9th day et
October. AD. 1934.
DONY'LLY.,,Goderich. Oge
tar(., Seleitor for the Execntore
Ohartered Accountant
280 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont,
1310 Star Building, Toronto, Ont.
carried a cascade bouquet of Talis
man roses and heather sent from
Seotland. (the also carried her
mothers wedding handkerehlef.
The bridesmaid*, Miss Dorothy
Emack end Mi.. Jean MeMorran,
wore gorom of copper leaf colored
velvet made similarly to the bride's
with tiny trains. Their tricore hats
of matehing velvet were banded with
small boos and they carried sheafs
of bronze 'mum..
Mr. (‚ecu J. MeKatigtall was tr9nIna-
from th, t 'trtn and .,,,,,,.+,,.Clb art and Mr. Frank O'Halloran.
mon and "ne ushers, Dr, John B. Stew -
Theatre and was presided over by The meption was held at the h
The meeting Wag held In the Regent
Mrs. (‚8.', 11011019, past president
of the Seaforth Club Mr II C 's -
m of Clinton, rendered a solo meet
of Mrs. Frederick W. McLeughlin,
the bride. Mn. Burgess. gowned In
11 Hawthorne avenue, a cousin o
munity hrowa velvet web brown velvet hat
acceptably and there was com
-singing wOli Sirs. J. Munn .1 (8, piano. and wearing a corsage a Tall/Min
mos., reeelved the guests, assisted by
Mr.. MeMorran in.tropical blue enede
laee with pietnre hit of black vetTt
and a corsage of Premier roust. Mrs.
Melonghlin was in black lace with
black turhan and her OOW•111 Wel. •
The guest speaker, Mrs. It. 8. Mc-
Laughlin of Oshawa, president of the
ontario Federation of Home and
School Club, was introdneed by Mrs.
8. W. Arohibald. Meloughlin
.vehroharizilaingcoreis..3.ke:4441.7T1.44.0ritr itmldraeo4a. enr• ,Thmeltee:n1pine4lheledttli-by
motor for New
- Children" was heard With Iltrp interest. York and on their retnrn wili
After her address% Mee Maltby of Tor- ot the Greshron Apartment", Belay
tient+. for travelling the bribe
UNIO Hasalltos St.„ Gederith
onto, Provincial treasurer of Home and
School Cluba, spoke briefly on the lit-
erature nvallable for the heip of par -
elite and tem -here, and Mrs. Reece,
prineipal of Bircheliff school, Toronto,
told of the help the elnbs had proved
to her achool.
A hearty vote of thank. was ten
dered Mrs. Mebanghfin and the other
speaker's for their helpful addresoes.
Thom present from Goderich were
Mrs. W. 41. MaeF)vran. Mrs N Las-
sos', Mr.. W Rannetera, Mr* Je.
Hume, Mrs, Keith Revell. Mrs. 11. J.
nantres Meat Feta Kant. Mra G. L.
rerun's Mr. Fred Renrdy. MINN Emilie
itnehanan and Mho Mary Robertso.
donned a hunter's IrrWen M00' crags
frock, mehIng hat. Irl,"“'". 711°77 anti
mote+ itor coat was matching green
trimmest with fitels.
Annlypeory Revelry* will be (‚00'
1115.4 la Ilenneiler 49%nrch on Punday.
Oeinher 21. hY Rv. w r len� of
eioderieh, In the morning at 11 oclock
awl ie tireorrening at 7 AO On Tr1041
dav even.ng the lard, a foist 'nipper
will he "Prest to be followed by a
pnigr.ns be etratford talent A
MiindOn no, chi foe Ese.
Telephone No. 119
Sake atteoded to anywhere and every
sffort made to give aatintactioe
Farmers' sole notes dissocited.
Lebo House Surma New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Hopital. sr
'Want at Moorefield Er" Hospital
and Golden Square 'Throat Hospital.
Loodo. Ems.
33 Waterless attest 8, Iftnitford.
Telephone 207.
At Hetet Bedtime, God/Prik CrODB' 'Aft
7 pm. on the evening of the third
Monday of each month until the Dalt
day, Tuesday, at 1 p.
on Square, good location. Immediate DR(,, CLEM PRACITTIONER
possession. J. W. 0114.10111.
Modern equipped. Apply above Godorich, Pees* 341
MASSEY-HARRIS SHOP, Kingston rAlukoPed with electro-mageetfie
street. baths. Electronic electric treatments
and chiropractic. Cronic, organic
VOR SALE -100 -ACRE FARM. NEAR and lmrvous diseases. lady 10 .4-
Port Albert. Good buildings. Sear tendance. Oflke boors 2 to 5 and 1
to school and churches. Apple ..to to 8 pow 011 Tuesday. Friday and list-
MRS. JESSIE OLIVER, Goderich. orday, and on Wednesday 10 to 111
11.05. and 7 to 8 p.m., or consultation ..Z
(719RN STALK F'OR SALE -ANT nniy be hati by appointment_ ,..o
quantity up to twelve acres. Price A. N. ATKINSON , wear t,...seelhil
reasonable. GEORGE 90WERBY, Residence and oene__00nier it lasear,
sitv x
Goderich Township. Phone 004 r 1 South street and Britannia road. ' V,
7 model Half-price for quick sale.
Used only about nine menthe.
HER13. }HIP. 78 West -street. -Phone 015,.._005pt House. Goderick
555;- Telephone 55Bastkr.
ItteHARDSON.At Alexandra hos-
pital. on Saturday, October 6, to Mr.
'end Mr. Wm. A. Richardann, Port
Albert. son toillherni. -
IITETNNON. Strider" y, st Wautiltoily
Ost., on October erd. Toxic: Kennedy,
widow of Anglia MeKinnon, former-
ly of Goderieh Stnrvived by one
daughter, Mr. D. Finlay, of Hamil-
WATSON - in Coderich, on Thuroday,
04 -toner Ilth, Henry I. Watson
Tbe funeral will take place from the
family hoof.. Flonth atreet, on Raffle
day, Octoher 111t8, at 280 o'clork.
Interment in Maitland cemetery.
FShorthorn hullo, on Thuraday, Oeto- so
Barri/ober and Solicitor
her 25, at 2 o'elork *harp, at the farm ofem__Thumation strut. 002oricii.
of W. A. Culbert, a% MCPS woe' of Tejephom 512.
Dungannon. T1108. OUNDRY, Auc-
L504 tbe C. N. R. station, a vom of
money. Finder will ba rewarded
leasing at the SIONAL ormos.
in erst-claes condition, large MID -
da, electric water beeter, combination
furnac, soft water cistern, good well
besides the town water, lawns, garage,
stable and rear lot. Not far from the
Square. (Web or terms. F. WOOLL-
0011.11111, REAL ESITATE AND 114
SURANCE. 1Pbone 206.
Lion wiric ULT. -ABOUT Ell111-
1 TY acrea of choice farm land. No
Mlle, excellent balding*, fine water
uppty, orchard. Near *shoot and church.
About eizet miles from Goderich. Price
$.3,500, email down payment accepted
from rellible party. Exeellent terms
for halanoe. PPP J. W. ARMwrRoNo,
Real Fertee Agent. Box 89. Goderich,
Ont. Office at Mrs Challenger's, El-
gin ave., Oodrieh.
a Successor to J. L. KIllorits
Swans Dederick
Telephone 97.
Barrister, Solicitor, Etc.
Office-Hasolitou Street, Goderidl.
Telephone 282.
-sew:- Ammo
d 10
Barristers and Solicitors
R. C Hem K.C., and R. C. HayieW.
Office -Hamilton Street, oed
Talepbooe 88.
Barrister and Solicitor
Sun Lets Building Adetakle and Vie -
torte Streets. Toronto 2.
Telephone Elgin 5301
To Wit: By virtne of a warrant
hilted hy the Wariest a tbe Cemnty
of Huron bearing date the sixteenth
day of July, 1984, *ale of lands In ar-
rears of taxes In the Connty of Hares
will be held at my office in the Court
Home, Goderich, eommeneing st the
honr of two oclock In the afternoon
on the seventh day of November. 1964.
mien the tare* and eosta are sooner
paid. Notice be hereby clvtm that this
list of lands for tale for arrears of
taxa" la being publbehed In the Ontario
Ossette on the 4t8 day of Angola sad
that copies of the itahl eat may he had
at my office.
Trust:lees Office, this first day of
Animal, ilk
Tremont, Harm Coes*.
ANCE (70.-rarm and isolated
town property funned.
Officers -Alex. Broadfoot, Proficient.
Seatforth; James Oonnolly, Vice-Prea,
Gederleb PO; Merbm A. Ref& Sea -
forth, Ser. -Trona, Seatorth PO.
Direcitors-A, Broadfoot, R.R. No.
Seeforth ; James Mottles., Wakes ;
Wno Knox, Lemplosticiro: Robert ter
ris, Myth; Gen. leonhardt, Bornholm.
R.R. 1; Sohn Pepper, Brumfield ; new
Sfoyisn. Sesterth, MR. 5; Win. R.
Archibald, Seaforth, R.R. 4; lama,
Connolly, Ooderich,
Amao-W. J. Yeo, AIL No I, Cli.
ton; James wett, myth: flaws Me•
Fachern, fleaforth: Jobb Merey. SOW
forth; chats. T. Hewitt,, Klneertftes.
Pelkyaciters Pas make all payment
see get Mate eserdo recelpead at Ile
18.ya1 Rank Chaos ; Chiefs Celts
arceretrY. Kleeseee street, Owaseleb,
1. a Red's Em, Paseo Reyed&
• ,