HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-10-11, Page 5-eltlicuta(.
MODEL W i1.75
MOGUL RN..-=.... 112.50
In attractive Cases Blades ik, S fes 25e
Phone 90 22 The Squire
- - MAFEKINO, Oct. 9. -Mt. Palmer
giving wl(11 his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. J. Kilpatrick.
Mr. Jerry Alton and Miss Geraldine
Alton of }kilo Bay are down for two
weeks with relatives here and In
Mr. Rote. Henry and Mr. Geo. Hea'.
ry visited with M. and Mrs. That
_ .Ferguson of Lanes on Teesdale -
Miley Brown were at Hamilton for
Mr. 111 -bard Kilpatrick and Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Alton and tam-
_ 11 and MAN Anna Irvine of London
ease aj on Saturday to spend the
holiday with friends.
Miss Eunice Long of Gue'apli .spent
a day this week with her friend, Miss
Olive Kll;wtrick.
Mr.: and Mrs. Alt. Armatrong and
Harold end Gordon, of ieondon, spent
the holiday with friends here. -
Treleaven and Mr. Wm. Edworthy
spent the week -end with the former's
mother, Mrs. Itobt. Treleaven. Mrs.
Tae�a renaMrs. Youkle are re-
naOWs.y�ys"."-- uy�
Mr. and Mrs. Lieber I edy and fam-
ily spent 1 hankaglving with the form-
er's parents at Mllllwuk.
Mr. Gordon Kidd spent the week -end
at his home in Southampton.
Mrs. Jack West and son Lorne, of
_Ashllekl, are r►sltlng her uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross.
- -Mr. and Moa 1aa..Is'iirun of Elora
spent Sunday and Monday with friends
MIs. Olive Farrier spent the week-
end at her home in West • Wawanosh.
Miss L114 Audrew, who was with
frig irrti"tfoaerlch all summer; has
returned to her home in the village.
Mrs. Gea. Bradford has returned to
her home In Goderich after a week's
visit with bee eon Bert and Mee.
Dungannon Has '
Successful Day
(Continued from page 4)
Collection of gladioli -T. J. Salkeld,
Fred Barker.
Collection house *onto -Fred Bar-
Tuberous begonia, in bloom -Fred
OOueetlou alYlas-W. A. Cutwrt,
Mee, W. H. Trmaablay.
eteskaeelered Barker:,L.
J. Griever
Tea varieties cut flower. --Fred Bar-
ker, Dr. J. Grieve.
Table doration-Fred Barker, Mrs,.
W. 11. Tremblay.
By Dr. Vokes-Best collection cut
flowers, annuals -Sam Alton, W. A.
E. Elliott, Dungaunon.
Painting in oil, landscape -M. LH -
Sunday Afternoon
Goderkch, Ont.
Sweet to the solouu► voice that cal s
The Christian le the house of prayer;
1 Love to stand within its wane,
For Thou. 0 Lord. art present there.
\{'!thin these walls may peace abound;
May all our hearts In one agree;
Where Dretnren meet, when -Chita -
May peace and aoaeold ever be.
,tea- F. Lyte.
s . •
riS R
Help us ever a realize that
"Prayer is till Christian's vital
Tie ClaratiiirliDlattve a1T.
Iia watclirioe7r' lrfRe' gaff!
He eaters heaven with prayerA."
Thursday, October 11th, 1984-8
has been proclaimed and the needs
of a sin -tick people carried to the
throne of ,(rare by the veteran super-
intendent ut the mlrsion, John C.
During a recent Sunday afteruoon
as hundretbi of visitors to the park
backed the fence railing, they followed
with rapt attention the open-air ser-
vhe, joluing In the alugiug of hymns.
Perchance -there were many in the
park consregation who seldom dud It
In their hearts to attend dtvine wor-
ship viltsin the wall. of a ekurch.
"Jesus Saves" WAY the wesrsage
flauuted cy a is:acarded Gospel motor.
-Orme -wee -the rue lege
out triumphantly and with an exuber-
auce int (hrtatlau gladness by ,the
superlutewicut of the mission. "Jerua
Saves" was the message sung by the
solotete-one r woman, who eonse•
crates her thong gift to the service of
the mission, and the other a young
man, who testifies that through the
ailalatrs .u.t_iht: Y1)J1ge_ Streek J111111911-
bort again.
Harvest testiest servieea will be
held at Rt. George's church next Sun-
day, when Rev. Roy U. Meas, M,M.,
L.TI., rector of St. David',. Loudon,
will preach morning and evening. The
Siwelal musical service for the day,
under the direction of Mr. Bernard A.
Munn, organist and choirmaster, will
be as follows
1l a -m., Mornhig Prayer and Semen
1'rocesvlooal Hymn -SNI _'Come, Ye,
Thanktut Peepde, t'ume"-i
Psalm --Oki -fit
Te Drum Irudamus In 1' ileary e.art
Anthem -harvest Psalm Fowled on
48te EN* etedite e
And the multitude hungrily follow-
-James Montgomery. Ing the simple service were fed liberal -
L •
ingstuu, Myth; Mrs. W. Rutherford, • • • ly with portions of the Scripture.
Peluti LESSONPiloting, water color, landscape- S. S. LESSON FOR OCT. 21, 1034 Chapters from the Gospel of St. Johnwere recited from memory by two
M. Livingston, Mrs. Rutherford. Leeson '(Spiv -Tib Christian at Prayer,
1'alntins, water color, animal study L rbsou Passage -Ht. Matthew 6:5-15.
M. Livingston, Dr. J. Grieve, Seaforth. lioWeau '.,___, �l�s�i:�i.
Ptilt*Iug in oil, flowers --Dr. J. -
Grleve, Mrs. Rutherford. We see In the lest verse of this
Collection flue arta--M. Livingston, lesaou that It 1. takeu for granted that
Dr. J. Grieve. all the disciples of Christ pray. You
Painting on chlna-T. J. Salkeld, may as soon find a living muu who
dues not treatise as a living Christian
Hymn-351--"Ilear 1's, 0 Lord"
Offertory Soto --"How Lovely Are Tit
Dwel prose" Liddle
Mr. Frank Riley
Reeeeslonal Ilymn-344--"Praha, 0
Praise, Our God and King"
7 pa. Evensong and Senses.
Organ Prelude- l'horale-"Now Let
,Atte ss a dire'' --- I4 u44
-..Otte ssyDiYslbe
Thankful People, Couto"
1'saluw-148, 1511 Itattishiil, Iiutuphrey,
Mugrrltleat and None 1)1mht0.
1 -Stinnett lu F
Ilymus-351-'The Sower Went Furth
- Sowing"
Hywn- 31S -"We !'lough the Fields
and Scatter"
Offertory Anthem -"Ye Shall Dwell in
e Laud" -Stainer
Soloists, Sties Wurtele, Mr. F. Sturdy
Recessional Hymn -31.3 -'Now Thank
We All Our God"
Organ Poet luete,--'Toscat ." Dubois'.
young women, who received as au
award a Bible and a erlsp new dollar
bill. But one Instinctively felt that
t�e greater reward had -been exper-
tiened in committing to memory these
precious passages of - Scripture. A
dialogue between the superintendent
and a worker, freely punctuated with
1Jlt,J. aere. -uL.1TJtF2
fosterr,,advertising Canadian product who dors not pray. As soon as ever ilia vertlati trues 1Lke
-Jas. Henry, Bert Treleaven. Paul was converted it was said of of God, yue,ented to the outdoor eon-
Collectron basketry, reedwork-H. Lieu, "Behold, he praycth. gregatiuu the meaning of the Gu -pal
and the rower of G
Leishman, Dr. J. Grieve.
(teat exhibit of relics or curios -
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wiggins of Mel. Culbert, M. Livingston.
Brantford igwrit- tine-. week -end with Judges .MIs; E. Elliott, Miss Jean
friends here and at. Blyth. VI Whims.
C,OliIPRIESet-ii CORNERS I -.. +i•-(logit_.ashy has gone to the LADIES' WORK
home ofcT •moi• -1+[414-► 14, 1 Ciri §ea• t to ay. Those whom the
• r \1'elhster, Luc now. of u m V e os � m
Quilt, applique -M. Livingston, Dr. public places In which to pray. Their
J. Grieve.
motive in this choice was not of the
Quilt, P%et-evl, print -T. J. Salkeld, highest. • It was that they might re -
Art Culbert. celve the praise of men, rather than
Itedspread, fan Livingston, to have an audience with God. They
Ur. J.. Grieve. 4 were not to use valu repetition, think -
Floor. twat, Livingston, I Ing thereby to be beard for the-ir muck
I)r. J. Grieve.. speaking as iu the case of ltaal's priced.'
Fluor mat, crochet -De. . J. Grieve. who "called on the tune of Baal frOte
Needlepoint ut lr' . Livingston. morning even until noon, saying, 0
Set silk unlace as, Sherwood.
House dress -M Patterson, T.
J. Salkeld.
Collar and cuff Madeira -Mrs.
Donald Feeler, Salkeld.
Apron -T. J. Salkeld,Art Elliott.
Chtld'a sweater cap -M. Living-
Baby jacket, 1 and bootees --
Art Elliott, T. J. id.
Table centrepiece,work-M. Liv -
Jesus does not name anyone when The aerci.e cone
tie tells His disciples that they shall tributlon of Serle
not be as the hypocrites are, but He as memhrra 0
does In tempter x4:13 say they are
the scribed and pharisees. He tells
His disciples first where and how they'
I er tu�tn ]Gr- forth , Le na d i -O' were n ,. I �illr `
COI'RhIFIS (IORNFRS, Oct. 9.- ten, where she will spend the winter.
Mr. John Farrish left last Friday to The Salvation Army held a cottage
attend the World'. Fair at Chicago. prayer meeting at the home of Mrs.
Quite a number from here have been Currie last Friday night. A large
on the wick list lately, but most are number were present.
Miss Clara Sproul of Stratford spent
Ampwell 'school
Sunday ate' Monday at her home here. 1
The hb. morning children returned to Mem. Allen Powell and Men. D. F.
a=inn: Dila atter being at home Courtenay of St. Thomas are visit -
tense last Thursday. Friday was a
e,seetr on ser, t cd the leacla•rr' tog the hater's Mister. Mrs. D. Sproul.
convention !ming held *tat day.
Quite a +,umber took advantage of the
free day ;o attend Dungannon fair.
Mr. and Mrr. Wesley Alton and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Arm-
strong• all of London. visited pert of
the kohl tvs with Mr. and Mrs. David
Mr. on! Mrs. Lorne Farrhh at-
tended the funeral of - the latter's
trnele, M:. John Haines of \Tingbals,
last Wiens -Aso. -
Sib, tilling and buckwheat thresh-
ing. whleh were the °rile: of the day
Ire week, are almost completed -now.
Mr.. Elisabeth Altchlsou anti the late D. Fowler, M. LIvingeton.
DUNGANNON Mr. William Aitchison, of Wingham. Cushion, chesterfield, embroidered -
The hon -e was prettily decorated with Mr-. D. Fowler.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerk Perry of Toron-
to visited friends here over the week-
Mr. Erne Mann, Miss Donna Pow -
elm. and Mr. and Mrs. George Rogers
of St, Thomas spent the holiday with
the letter', mister, Mrs. Max. Hoffman.
Fatally Gathering. -A (happy gather -
Py -M,
hat -Df
ear -,J
rs. A.
set, )
T. J.
Ing of the Altehlson family was held Ing -ton, Mrs. D. Fowler.
on Thank-eiving Day at the home of Table ,-entreptec•e, any band work -
Mr. anti Mrs. George Dawson, Mrs. Mrs. D. Fowler, M. Livingston.
I itwsou Is ing the elder daughter of Cuahlou, chesterfield, In wool -Mrs.
pl'NGtN-NOX Oct 10 Mims Jean
Stothere.TR the Toronto teaching staff,
spent the weekend with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thor. Stotlwrs.
Mr. A1 -•'r. Rose of Lochalsh visited
his i.rtheer Feed..aad Mrs. Rosa. 0.111T
the week -end. - _-
M- an 1 Mrs. Norman Treleaven,
.Mr. and Mrs. Weis. Ybnjcle. Miss Ruth
m prufus.nn o
Baal, hear es." Vain repetitions they
were, for "there was no voice, nor
any that acawered" 11 Kings 15:20).
The fault that Je.nls here reproved
and con,lemned was the making a
Mere Itp-I:or of the duty of prayer,
the 'ervire of the tongue for that of
the soul. in the days of Solomon the
name warning was given. in the book
of F:cc•lest'tstee he, writes: "Keep thy
foot when thou guest to the house of
God, and he more ready to hear than
to give :ti' sacrlilce of fools. Be not
rash with 'hy mouth, and let not thine
heart be hasty to utter anything he -
fore God: for God is in heaven, and
thou upon earth: therefore let thy
worts be few" (5:1, _t. The mune
f flowers and from a ifghan, crochet, wool -M. Living- ; thin !n found In ilnsea 14:
dnHly told (�tw---aC ll'" n, v
n hnrrtsirs r) Fowler
ntu salvation.
ell until the dis-
ures and tracts. and
the congregation
crowded about the platform of the
Gospel ear there were those of other
nationalities than the Anglo-Saxon,
• !',limiest, be lie k1ng ar peas-
ant. who finds peeve in his home. -
Hot Fowl Supper
-O N -,
Tuesday evening,
October 16, 1934
under the auspiee% of the ladles
of St. Augustine Parish
- Supper from 6.80 o'clock on
-Bingo and other teetures-
Moggn's Or,'tw, tea to ettends.cr_
- Mance afterwards -
Supper SU and Lme
Advertise In The Signal Columns
"Lore 1s an experience In which our
whole being Id renewed and refreshed
14 that of plants by rain after,
drought." -Bertrand Russell.
1be JAiWe-i++
native tongue. An appeal was made
by the eey,erlhtendent to those who
know not the Christ as a personal
Saviour. As lar been frequently ex-
periented during the open-air services
held on. a street corner neighboring
with the mission- Sunday evenings,
men and women also hare 'made a
definite decision for Chrlet._al._-SSS
Riverdale Park service. Yes, the
Yonge Street Mission open-air aervicea -
have proved• that summertime may
also be salvation time -a season for
mowing ties goaw! .reed and a:so reaping
the harvest.
scup peepoet
d111111,r zhorls L1as1 tp r urn !
Knox College Student Osrupies Pulpit
on Sunday Evening
At Knox churc4t on Sunday evening
Rev. D. S. Lane conducted the service
and then wade way for Mr. William
Weir, stud rat at Knox College and sou
of Mr. mrd Mrs. F. G. Weir, of town
who dellverel a forceful sermon. Mi.
Laude in introducing the speaker spoke
words of praise for Mr. Weir, who,
during the pest vacation, had served
was served a bountiful fowl dinner. Buffet set-Mrti. U. Fowler, Jas. unto the Lord their Brod and take 1
Ile said Knox church was proud of
The seven children with their faml- Sherwood. with you words and' say unto Him'
Iles were present to honor Sire. Altchl- Curtains, hand finished -Mrs. D. take away all Iniquity and receive Ds -1 him and watched with interest Ills
g graciously; so will we render the I progress 1, his chosen calling.
eon. who ;us* been In 111 health for Fowler, M. .Livingston.Mr. Weir took for his text a tor-
words were to be few, calves(hunt of our Their oa 01. We- �h .!erre of the '7th
words e0 tl
chapterIof i Samuel: "Whither have+
Aitchison /Dal and well -weighed. Jesus says there
J(r, and Mrs. Thomas Alt- I la no need for much speaking, "for ' ye made n road today?" Ile said, in
hi Ind daughter, Dorothy, tlr"A7tba'i"M.efteiagston• e're. your Father kooweth what things ye ;400 ,...rt: "The lite of David is is
> d have Deet of, beforeye ask H1m." trakt4; sometimes' we see.:;.
Stratford: Mn. and Mum. Lorne Altchl- Tatting -H. l.ivl o "'Yrs D. 1"It�'JtYn
win and daughter and son. Joan and Fowler. - --- Therefore thes�ls no occasion .for him as su'lteme, then desperate; some
Douglas, e. Fimw•neal : Mr. Harvey Alt- Fillet crs<et-Jas, Sherwood, M. vain repecitloos. Balt it does not fol- times heeds infinite ns with a hilae '
s•haeon. of Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. J. Livingston. low that there 11 no need for prayer. tion and 'at' --other times they are of
I, Match .nd daughter. Hope. of God- Fancy knitting in 'cotton -Dr. J. The God we pray to, Jenna tells us, unspeakable horror. David at this
,a..."' ■ fuOtis.. from King
Rummage Sale
Ail -Mee, of Maple I,eaf Chapter,
I. 0. D. E.
Friday and Saturday
October 19 and 20
.14zamtned with lie moot -upstate,'
equtpxnent and Gtawses fitted at
reasonable prices.
-114 years In Goderieh-
Oodnloh Ont.
We atlenee granting, ahriekln,c
Springe, rind preserve them rat
the some 'np*rAtlotr. Tiring n.
tint Spring Chet ordinary lu-
brication has failed to pene-
trate! Our equllwilPtrt and nrl
ginal methods "get In" where
nrdbuery s'rvl,se fa 115 entirely.
\Well putt every unit In perfcs
•tate o1 Lubrication and keep
Ir so .t aur metesd saving to
von! Drive around here.
Barker Bros.
Service Station
Bay'11e&d Road Phone 241
(Rise Water Highway)
some !IMP. Those attending from •
distance were: Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack
Aitch Mr.Henry Aitchison,
_ Bath towels -M. Liviniaton.
Pillow cased, embroidered --Jas: Sher-
wood, M. Livlugston.
Pillow cases, other band work -Geo.
ON 1!)1.1{
--Yltn]i1?T, SERVICE --
Carl W. Worsell
Heap Street Phone 475
Specials at Baechler's
1Ipten'. Ked laelwl Tea
Kowt,lrre'a ('area 34-1b. TIn 17e
Brunn or (,rannlated sugar - 16 lbs. 59ee
11►eder Snow \pplrs Perk 21e
Fresh King slnlugtsa..,,.c 1 Ib. lie
'tonic .19e
, 234 -or. Itoltle 17r
16 -or. Tin 49e
10 liars Sae
earn 2lir
fesso s l'oagh s)i' 1p
Ideal ('atsup
Fly Spray
Pearl Shap
1:0011 I -Siring Weems
eeleh: Mr. Norman Blatctifurd and Grieve, Si. Livingston.
Mr. and Mrs. (aim itlatchford and Ladles' work, colored, 10 pieces -
daughter. Gwendolyn. of Wingham, Mrs. D. Fowler, M. Livingston.
and Mr. Kalmer Deween of the ail- Bedroom set, 5 pieces -M. Living -
lege. Ston, Jaa. Sherwood.
Baptist Ladies' Aid, -The regular Fancy purse -Jas. Sherwood, M,
1s our, Fatter, and, as children lay
their came and their requests before Saul, and lad taken refuge among
au earthly father, therefore It be- the Philistines, Klpg Acklsh gave
comes His children to seek His 7,iking to David and lie dwelt there
sence and His help. So far is God for some time. While there he anti! t'
from being wrought upon by the 1 his men laundered the surrounding ! _
•ud murd all the inhere
monthly meeting of the Baptist Ladies' Livingston. length or the language of our prayers, country •,
Ail was '.tend in the basement of the . Lamp ,:Wade, hand -made -ll. Latin- -thee the west{wwertal Intercessions, tants, so that ne ntan.w'as left to re -
church on Thursday afternoon. The ston. St. Paul tells us, are Mose which are !Pen his deeds ter the king. It was
president was in the chair and Mrs, Slllloeitee-M. Living -tun, Mrs. J. made teed with ifrce:dugs that. cannot be Ion his return that Achlah asked of
PhRllpa at the organ. Several well- I Dadid, 'Whither have ye made a road
known and lovely hymns were sung { today' David !tel about wheat he
and the Lord's • Prayer repeated H
unison, followed .by the Scripture les -
eon by Miss Small and prayer of-
fered by several members, During the
tinniness wooden It wan decided to send
the millet ,n the relief car to the Watt.
The program comeigted Qf. t._tgllow-
toe- Items: Readttss by-ltrr" Fergu-
son. "Ringing Time." Mea. Waiper,
"The Vacant last," and Meg Paktn,
"Our Own:" a duet by Mrs. W. C.
Robertson and Mrs. llowson, "There
Were Xinety and Nine:" ventilates by
Mrs. Howatt, "What i Can 1)o," and
Mrs. E. Ralthhy, "The Rattle for
Right:" n duet. "He Walks and He
Talks with Me," by the Misses Vera
Taylor and Heen Perryton. Mrs. How-
en dismissed the meeting with pray-
er. A dainty ten -cent ten wean then
serves! by the hostesses, Mrs. Howatt
and flare Elkin.
Relief Car ter the Weal -A rail for
help again comes from the West, where
there 1s again desperate need, The
National Relief Committee nays that
In a number of plaeea the need Is fifty
per cent. more then-a•at-;sar-.Aald-
as had as in 1031. --
Acting on Instructions from tine Ca-
Clonal Relief Committee. a meeting
WWI held in Auburn on Saturday bight
and arrangements were piade_to_ ell
n cnr of finit end vegetahlee to stoma
pert of tt.e West by the Auburn com-
munity, Myth. 1 ondeshoro and Walton.
The car v':1 he at Auburn for loading
nn Tneselay. October 2Zrd, and anyone
wishing to hello shout,' get In torch
with one of the committee, who are:
('bas. Asgolth, chairman: Mr. E. Phil-
lip.. Mr. John Wilson, Mr. Jas. Ilow-
att, Mr. (len. Rnithby, Mr. George.
Mowatt. ata. Jas. Wesel. and Thos.
Wll•on. Some of the things suggesttel
for the ear .rc: l'otetnee, carrots,
beet•, parsnips. nnlons. Lean., rio.,
Apples, tnrnipe. pumpkins, *gnash. cit home Garden and ('arming ('huh can.
rnnm. Panned goods, ground wheat by \encs nova Canning
of wax
flour. rolled oat., snit. anger. cheese, judged
on -
prone•. maple syrup. pre,erred fruit, gannon old Mr. ian Mnclend of ('lin-
ennned tnmatnes. jellicm, home-made ton, who awarded the prises as fol.
soap. laundry comp. corn meal. Iowa: lss, (wtharine Reid. 174 points:
feet ns •,n Help to make this one of 2nd, Filse'n Treleaven. 185; Srd, flee-
tly, beat erre we have helped to lend. nicer Rna 'i. 1(11 : 4th. Nlida Finni-
THOS. IL WILSON,gnu 157: "els U.rgetet larfnnr 1115:
Sheet, fancy, cslured border, hand-
made -M. Livingston.
Best apron made from flour sack -
T. J. Salkeld, Art Elliott.
Colored luncheon set, 5 pieces -Mrs.
D. Fowler, Jas. Sherwood.
Cross stitch -Mrs. J. Brodie, T. J.
;7asigeseail a.Jdtan Lyons, Lncknow.
Best halter -broken colt by child at-
tending e,•hool-lternadlne Alton, Ben-
son Feagan.
Beat calf fed and exhibited by child'
attending school -Geo. Webster, Phyl-
Ite-t iamb fed and exhibited by child
attending school -Annie Taylor, Willa Father, and therefore not only willing Answer It truthfully It. makes um see
but able to help: able to do great what we really rare. and we are able
(test pair rabbits, under mix month, things for us, more than we can ask to Ineaun:e °urseires and compare
-Harold i'lllott.
u . -
(Romani +hist 8:25) Jesus fella H s stir had been and what he had leen doing
dples that loth those who pray In
public places, using vain repetitions, I and did not realise that 'before long
and those who really pray, realising other misstatements would to needed
only the presence of God, will have
their reseed. The former did it to
be seen of then The "well done" of
to cover up the first. Christ
readily realize' that • Be leads to de-
ception. leads to other and greater
met, was their chief concern But slna, and eventually leads away from
- --- - J yah...,• J+�+zJ•e,
v Ake -road -W God. --It sonis1r'.. ell for
approach the throne of grace will re each one rat um is'reaiixe that each
re -
wive the Master's commendathm. day we ere making roada and at the
Because we know not what to pray close of day to ask ourselves, 'Whithet
for as we ought Jesus gave to His have we made a road today?' We
disciples a prayer known to the Chris- should decide for .ourselves what kind
than world as the Lord's Prayer. He of road we have made and where it
directs their eyes upward. (hod Is will lead nm. At eventide if we ask
not only A F'Ather but a heavenly ouraelvea this searching question and
Best collection of weed seeds In half -
ounce trod lex, correctly named -Jack
Alton, Phyllis Blake, Mary Feagan.
barred and best collection of grain
and seeds, named, In pint bottles -
Jack Alton.
'Fleet co,:colon of girl's apwing. nn-
14_grar!--Margaret Salkeld.
Beet Wittig M girl under 15 year
or think. Ile is a Father, and .o
we may come to flim with Isldness,
but a Father in heaven, and therefore
we must ,one with reverence and so
hallow itis name. There are six peti-
+lona In this prayer: The first three
more immieliately to God and
ourselves with a high ataniinl. On
looking hack, did we make life pde.m-
enter and easier for our fellow min,
or did we make it harder? Many are
the opportunities each day to do nets
of klndne::a end many are the timet
we avoid help other*. There are times
o e
His honor, the (Ince last to our own that call for 'reef -sacrifice end service,
concern?, both temporal and spiritual. but it la imaging how hurt' we. think
The method of +fila prayer teaches un t" �• -Mcw -e#_- ws_ .ars
M*i'-gekets, Doreen Irvine. to seek fleet the kingdom of God and *Mild 1f we lend a helping hand the
Bert drereesi doll by girl under 14 Ills rtghtcounneas, and then to hope other fellow Mill get ahead of -tis and
years -Margaret Salkeld, iri' Rivett. and tmilieve that,. other things shall we turn nor back to him. Like begets
Beet centrepiece by girl* under 14 to added. hike : If ne smile we twelve a smile
teen -Winnie Swan, Margaret Mk- The mnbliiislon 1s a forks of peanile th retssrt, cad If we give. re frown we
aid. : and thanksgiving. fraise in the work ere likely to reeelve a frown, What
Beet corer -lion of will flowers incl and Impp'ncst of heaven; and all that road wi11 we make? Shell we cauwe
gra..es-Haigh Rutherford, Loraine would gra to heaven hereafter must be. hl0P1'in''ss• shall we 1►e 'tote friends
Drennan. and reap the hest from life, or shall
gin their heaven now.- HPnry'm Rlble, we cause sorrow and in return reap
Rest nisi) of Canada hr child under • i Barrow? When one man'. needs he-
,�Pnr duty to help, then we ore on
the right road of lite. When we for -
Summertime le salvation time de- get-aarenwiie remarks, gronohy disper•
spite the prevelltng Impraaaion that salons and hasty remark,* we are on
selisep4f likely to loose Its fervor the right coed. 'Where is the read
14 yen rs-D01'I• Wlikln.rrn, Harry WORLD MISSIONS -
Feagan• Salvation in Saraswerliws
Bent woe,dwork. by hoy-Cisyton Al -
ton, Will Hnmphrey. •
fleet hl^d house -•-Ague* Lielnbr.
?ttdgvar-Mrs.- Jests Williams, Mlaa
F:. Elliott.
Rohe Garden and ('anning Club
The ex':lbit of the iningnnnen Girls'
Sloth the cloning of etty religions ac•
Heitlea. Over at Riverdale ('ark, Tor-
onto, almnat every Sunday during the
pant nlnet 'en years It has been proved
ire the Yonge Street Weldon that shum-
ne'vtlme In aalvatlos UN. Mani' a
cin lifiekl5K RANT lendtna?' The reify -
mire wry is to travel Meng life'. any
with Jewel ('hrlat ns nor exnntple.
If we put ills prineiples before is in
business, at 'ionic and In -pori, in our
evcrydny 11fe. It will tenet to lead to
moot has been won for ('hrlat and perfection, end we elle!! have no fears
many n hackslider hrongbt back to the for nnrrc;ve• nr for others wile may
merry- seat on a summer Sunday rafter -f follow In tett fentstcp•."
noon with the blaming sun shedding Mr. Harold KAT, a newcomer to
it. benedietlon on the Gospel motor, town. song a heantihtl solo. "ifs Knows
Lives Me So." Hie robe contained.
1 rh•lmi'••"iha1 was -deltglrtfttt
wee Ermtt1 appreciated by the
coggrege' Ion.
Weeret.r!• and far carrying am passengers a stalwart hand
M I►,. ['o:a Thhomvsen. 1 t7, 1
A _trate etabno Vreomun. 147: Rth. Myrtle Footer. 140: of mission workers, and parked at th
m.imattervrsat illsis . p1to N ar a %rile tTRN. R'lnnfhPlt 1tisRR 1187 'WPM, fie Pwsvatxw. . Pros sive DrD1«ted pis!
(-marten,. Mabee. 1a1: 11th. Anna Irwin, 127, form of the motor the Gospel 'nesse.
_ . .- •w�eeirwe.a�.�rr..,..., n* 1t1'" . v.,z waaKAi' )95*' sis: t.4
You may see the following Cars and others by
calling at our place of busineu
30 --Oldsmobile Sedan, like 28 -Chrysler Sedan
new 28 -Whippet Coach
30 -Oldsmobile, Light 29-Chev. Truck, good tires
Delivery and good motor
29 -Durant Sedan 26 ---Ford Coupe
29 -Ford Coupe 25 -Dodge Sedan
29 -Ford Coach 25 -Ford T Truck, Stake
"IB --Whippet Sedan body r
SieddbauerIs Are Located at Moore's Garai
13 -Plate Batteries -Special -Guaranteed 1 year -$4.86
Perms may he un.irige.h un nay of our ('ora.
Andrevi-', Street, tiff Ilntnilten 4 o lerieh, Ontart)
At Lust a fuel has been dieev neral sink which you can heat your
haus,' more economl•ally than with other foe!. It Ie known as
1)15( 1) (distilled coal t, the radiant fuel.
1)18('(1- gi1.•s y.o more Ireat per dollar. A ton of DIS('(1 has
more balk than m ton of raw coni, borates it is umeli' from more
than n ton of raw e,al. Consequently ently yotu actually get more DISCO
And • value per tonnage unit.
1t Is ideal for store*. ranges nun! fireh,bare.t. DiS4'O may lie
used its -2U As.11ett-i f luralne7ha ting xyullsaatt.�utdudfag.,lurnagv,.
We can •apply you wish 111S('t) in bags at 3.'s• r (mag or three
Ings for SI.MMI. Try DISCO In your F1KF:1'LA('i: nal 1'(5IK $TIIVE
atsd i1F:A'I'gIL __....
We carry, a full line of An- yon prompt attention. All were
45rac'Ite. Steam and Poevohoahtas fully guaranteed.
('oat: We have for sale cheap ono
For Furnace Work. Tinemi,ia- No. (1 Radiant 41nne ('eehl Hester
ipir and Plumbing we can give with oven. ns good as IIPW.
The Hardware Store and Coal Yard at the Harbor
Phones -Store 22, House 112. (loclerich, tint
It you want taster the one surest
way to start the day wrong. just
shlvver down to breakfast the first
snappy cold scorning and fare the
wife wtth the astounding admis-
sion that you have neglected to
lay In your winter's supply of
Heat Polk. She'll doubtless make
It hot for you. but In a day that
wcm't arouse any warm feelings in
the heart of either. Yet• It's com-
ing to you. old man. You knew
you'd need mal. You meant to
order But von put it off If you
get ea,rtht this way inviteed of
ening In to breakfast. you'd better
sneak out the back door, and
CALL THE octlt,tyts