HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-10-11, Page 44-Wharb1$y, October 31th, 1964 art..rta.sa"natmaQrri _S.ay.ra.rtrr. .,..r-._ 7,4241 ti' to the Man A Messagea, about to buy WjT0!1r ti be you haven't want tt' �� �wa_Lutyou T�ntly. be sure that >_OU are -getting Winter Overs sal what "'e fir` You want to . Well, that is the correct thing. sure >•°t'etly study ever' fi -.. • - -4nesT.ttl r-wff.-� 1 mamma THE SIGNAL Dungannon Has Successful Day (Continued from page 1) three easy Ar-ts to take first money. Dillon was followed 111 each heat by Dorothy Grattan and September Grat- 1^=^=' -tan. -in= we'end s w4 Hunt places...Wi-_ nes drove Durothy Grattan for Thos. !fell; of Toronto, end Pete Rutledge. o 8tlp` tember Grattan. Iu the 2.27 class more keen and varied results gave the crowd a bet- -tee *how. Geo. McNeill Star Hal ted off with an easy first In the first heat, but was beaten out in the next three bea'a by Geo. Fetgan's Davy D, driven by Geo. Caldwell. Roy Grattan goy 4ie4vra, Teeawaterl__lB4 _. .. Eames 11. t shared third money by splitting third and fourth positions. :.r GODERICH, ONT. Lon1t See ; Bert McLellan, Andrew McKagaS, TeeA►�ateAll Broad mare --Herb' McQuulin, Mait- land Heavy, Foal of 11111ir•-Herb. McQatllla, Art PAl&ott. Two -you -old filly or geidiag-Jobs Fowler. One -Mir -0d filly or gelding -Sam Swan, Join Feagau• b Je_barneas-Jana Fri. Winnipeg; HakIana iiesi�y" SPECIAL driver -r-. Tohn Fry. Best foal Bred -Herb. McQtiUlln. Art Elliott, Robt. Ritchie. Alvin Kerr. Bet group of three foals from any ONS- Psretieren- slstHon--Jebn Fowler. Geo. Alton, Albert Johnston. Bert matched span of horses on the grenade -Wm. Decker, Zurich. Best Idividaal in classes 1, 2, 3- r -y(aI . Leadesboro, let and hd: Mimeses. rid fowl-ImtierIaad • made from "Salida" tea -Mn. Garter, Beatty. Tbo& Blame. Bantams, old fowl-Gotrdon MWrr, By Magic Raising Powder -Best betberlad a Bente. layer cake (iced) made wltb Magic Orpington", old fowl- iordoa Miller. Baking Powder -Mrs. Garter, Sam White Wyandotte, old fowl-Gor- Altoa. don Miller, Letherland & Bully. By Forest. City Baking Powder - White Leghorn'. old fowl-Letber- Best plate of biscuits made with For - land a Beatty bit and Bid. est City Baking Powder -Thos. Blake, Plymouth ltoci& utility strain, old Bert Treleaven. fowl -Mr.'. W. li. Tremblay, Loam- By Forest City Baking Powder - land a Beatty. Beet layer cake. made with Forest Rhode Lniand- Ari, old fowl -M. City Baking Powder -Mn. Garter. Durotn 1st and 2nd. Mrv. A. Patterson. Ancona" chickens --Gordon Miller By Five Rose Mar -Beet tarsier's int Sind -tad: _ _--_ Alter; Ree.- los --Pee Minorcan, chickens -M. Dltrain. tenon dlantam, chickens -Heber Eedy, M. By Purity Flour -But sapper for Dernin. working man -Mrs. Carter. Lorne bur - White Wyandotte'. chtckeoe=Q4r- alu. . Oa Muter. By Pralrle liege Flour -Bet loaf of White Leghorn", chickens --Gordon bread -Art Culbert. Thos. Blake. Miller, Rich. Jobaatos. By Prairie Roe Flour -Best ball - Brown bighorns, cklckcaa--Goedoa dosen buns, plata-Mn. A. Patterson. Miller,- M.-Dnwla. ..ASC i'uthart • 11 " current style, "--- detail of t very apparent tune Thing it' our efforts is Conte in The result of ,,inter Overcoats. µi11 agree ur selection of `\ a are sure you will neither iarid see them• that we tier when «'e sayste the require- ments rr cT any .I1O i lisle ahgur or tape CbIIet'-i'�`a menta of any son C. pridham & ei oh • The Square, God phone 57 Y REASONABL - _PRICES VERY FALL SERVICE BULLETIN AND NEWS Our Fall Service Bulletin and News contains a lot Sof practical poultry information and suggestions, as well as interesting poultry news items. It will help you to get the best possible results fromyourpullets this Fall and Wig- _ ter. _ - Copies will be mailed FREE, on request, as long as our supply lasts. Write for your copy today. BRAY CHICK HATCHERY 100 CLAYBURN AVE. ST. CATHARINES, ONT. CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich Phone 47 Now I'layiug-John Bolos its "Wild Gold," with Claire Trevor. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY WVN1ARD, the talented Star of "Cavalcade" Featured in JOHN GALSWORTHY'S amazing revelation of oodern 1 1 ma rnwa.• "One More River" hulloed to the .ttperb supporting cast are-LIONF•'1. ATWiLL. -••-DOL.IN- CLIVE.-.RF(IINALD DENNY and MRS. PAT rAMPBELL THYRSDAT, tsat4DAT sat SATURDAY - JOHN BARRI MORE and CAROLE LOMBARD Broadway's greatrst comedy smash even greater on the screen "20th Century" with WALTER CONNELLY and ROSCOE KARNS Matinees Wednesday and Saturday at 3 RR Coming--Nhirley Temple, in "Baby Take a Bow." Team . In harness-John._._Fodden, Ralph Brodie, riding E. Finnigan's Donna, tool two easy firsts in the run- ning race. Elmo Van Hadden, riding Teddy for H. McKague, of Teeswater, took two seconds and J. McManus Wild Rose was third. In the -limping- event -Everett --Fla nigan rode his splendid mount over a high hurdle In smart style for first money. Neither Herb. McKague nor Raljrb Bridle could come near to the I mark. mei 1tr.1.116.,671001.6 gmpp-ecr, but young Brodie made a bit with the crowd as he lifted his pony to the barrier. McKague was second. Brodie third. - Freak Ceavey'anece The freak conveyances displayed drew rounds of applause and laughter from the spectators. Herb McQailitn of Lucknow- was given first prize for • yanee, and Herb. McKean..- Ralph and Jack Brodie. dreamed in .44thett4a4 costumes, created a good deal 5!" amu•=e:ni`tlt with their tore -ad - aft douh:e-shafted vehicle, with calf and pony hitched to it. '; The half -mile footrace was woo -by Walters of Goderich ; Stirling of Bsy- tleld_sunnd.._ .Thewinners in the half - tulle blcyeie race welts: 1-t. LaRocgne, of McGaw; 2nd. Hardy. of Auburn; 3rd. Joynt. of Lucknow ; 4th, Ryan. of Goderich. There was a big crowd at the coo - ,vert in the evening. and the program by the ('anadian Oowboys made a I great hit. After the concert there 1 was a dance,. which also was well at- ' tended. The Iist of prize -winners follows: HORSES GENERAL PURPOSE itrotnl mere -Andrew Gaunt, John Fowler. Foal of 1934 -Andrew Gaunt, Malt- land Henry Belgrave. 1 Two -ye sr -old filly or gelding -Albert Johnston. Rich. Johneton. Ons' -year-old filly or gelding -Albert Inhutton Team In harness -Wm. Decker, Zur- ich; Marvin Durnin. AGRICULTURAL itrood mare -Peter Watson, Lack - new :. Chester Tutor. _Albert.Jot.naton. Foal of 19&4 -Peter Watson, Cheater Taylor. -•"-ytxrreMa11117 7N Oeelt Kennedy, Thos. Anteroom. One -year-old gelding -Thos. Ander- son. Geo. Kennedy. Team in harness -Peter Watson. ILEAVY DRAUGHT Brood mare -Bert McClelland, Kin- esrdine, 1+t and 2ud. 1 Foal of 1934 -inert McLelland. Two-year-old Ally or gelding -Albert ohnston. One -year-old gelding -Rich. Johns- en ohnsen CATTLE Gordon Miller 1st and 2nd. lection of pastry to ma DURHAM -PUREBRED Plymouth Rocks, utility strain, Calla Lily Pastry Floor -Art Culbert, Mlles caw -W. A. Culbert. Andrew chickens -T. J. Balkerd, Geo. Kennedy, Sam Alton. Gaunt, Wa. McKenzie, Teeswater. Lucknow. Judges -Mn. Jarvis McBride, Car- Two-yeereld heifer -Wm. McKenzie, Rhode Island Red, chickens --Goa low; Kra, ,trawls ThiLor, Goderich. don Malar M. Duna& VEGETABLES AND -MOOTS Andrew Cravat One-y.arsld heifer -Wm. McKea- ale. . Herres -II fTi �(mt� and Wm. McKersie, W. A. Culbert. Buil eatf. six mouths and over - Wm. McKenzie, W. A. Culbert. Helfer calf, under six months - Andros, Gawk W.-A..Culhert. Bull calf: under six months -Wm. McKends. Andrew Gaunt. Aged boll -W. A. Culbert, Wm. Mc- Kenzie. e-Kenzie. Female. .nay age --Wm. McKenzie. HEREFORD Much new -Howard Wright. Cro- hearty; Zan Lions, LoeVnow, 2nd and Mrd. 4TwoOlte:eoldr `-• -- -v Wright, Jas. Lyons. One -year-old heifer -J. D. Little & j i • t - Smart Coats and New Coats Richly far . trimmed with Alaska gable; tailored of the new treebark cloth and well lined in satin and interlined. A very dressy ('oat and a warm one, at, a real saving. In black and brown. SPECIAL a29: CirIWinter_Coats fors DRESSY OR TAILORED STYLES TO SUIT EVERYONE • Dressy Coats made of fine wool cloths. wolf -trimmed, attractively made. Special $7.95 Tailored Coats of tweeds in blues and browns and greens, trimmed with moun tain beaver. Sale on Dresses.-. gmart DRESSES, - attractive stylet' with short sleeves, Fall shades $3.95 Speoial T Dressez with long sleeves. new Fail styles and shades, attractively $4.95 trimmed. Special Special $6.75 )�R NEW FALL EII!$ES LEADERS IN EVERY DETAIL New Crepe Dresses • xF -- in afternoon and Sunday night styles, tunics, and many interesting new fea- tures. A few woollens also. $6.95 Special - Men! ma, A Special in_. Made -to -Measure Clothes The well-known firm of W. P. Johnston has given us this special and we are passing it on to you. Woollens selected from British mills. A large range of shades and patterns. Tailored to your own individual measurements in any desired style. Suit or Overcoat . . Special a . $21.50 A. CORNFIELD_ lkilgnt for Royal York Made -to -Measure Clothes Steno where you are Invited to shop" Phone 418 Geesse-Flim Alton lit and 2nd. Cabbage, white -Mrs. N. L. Carter, Ducks, Pekin-Ttni. Snowden, Seafortb; Geo. K. Rutledge. dit>vam-Mill.,,... ____._.__ Blood beets, round -Jai. Henry, Ducks, any other-a.ToSnowden, Ernest Blake. Rich. Johnston.` Long blood beeta-Fred Barker, God - Turkeys, bronze, old -Jas. Henry, erich ; Andrew Schmidt, Mildmay. Lucknow. Mangold. long. red --Geo. L Rut - Turkeys, bronze, young -Mrs. W H ledge, A. Schmidt Treewbtay, Jas.'seary: . - --- _ Edi &neveost'W, Turkeys, white Holland, young- A. Culbert. Lorne Durnln. Wurtzel, Mammoth Yellow Interme- , Specials dlate-W. A. Culbert, Albert Johnston. Boot .bred -to -lay pullets -Geo. Ken- Swede turnips -Albert Jobnstob. nedy, Lucknow. Roar Seigle!. , Be.t S. (2. white Leghorn cock- Greystone turnips -A. Schmidt. Letherlaad A Beastly, Blyth. Carrots. Intermediate, red -Freed Best S. C. white Leghorn Ilea- Barker, Mrs. Cartier. If It's Paint see Blackstone ALL WANT= DOLOR 60c quart Take advantage of this optional-offeran11irtgtnen hp the property. - Blackstone's ON THZ BROADWAY OF OODZRIOH A .0".Sna.111381..0,-.s... Ltikrnana aEarly. I earrots-Ernest Bit $est S. C. wt1T Legh`,ons palilt keit Oar". - Jas. Henry. Carrots, for feeding purposes --Fred Woods. Three rimed varieties, taU-Lorne Woods, Jas. Stirling. PEARS. ETC. Three varieties of pears -Jas. Stir- ling, Lorne Wood& Summer pears -,Jas. Stirling. Fire ill pears -A. Schmidt, Jas. Stirling. Tire winter peaar"s-terse Wood Tito& Anderson. .. One named variety of plums -Lorne Woods. Colleetlo.t of grapes -T. J. Salkeld, 'borne Donde - Judge -J. R. lickzitita Cuckoos. FIA Collection of p.blozes; Drummondl- Dr. J. Grieve, Seaforth ; Mrs. W. H. Tremblay. t'ollectkrn of marigolds -Fred Bar- tter, T. ,L. t}glkeld, - Geranium, In bloom -Fred Barker, Johnston. Foliage piaat-- 2 J.m.:+"law, Met: - Culbert. Cactus, three varieties -Fred Bar- ker. Table lewquet-T. J. Salkeld, Thos. Blake. Basket of annual. -Fred Barker, Mn. W. H. Tremblay. Collection of asters -T. J. Salkeid, Fred --Berkey. /, 4 Son, Teswater: ,as. Lyon& Best Burn 'Rock cock-Letperkd Barker, .1. Schmidt. White onions -Yrs. Carter, Fred Barker. Yellow onions --Fred Barker, A. Schmidt. Multiplier onions -A. Schmidt, Thos. .t t,derson. Pickling onium -Dr. J. C.rlora.9es- forth : Min.. W. Rutherford. Tomatoes -Fred Barker, Geo. K. Rut ledge. Table corn -A. Schmidt, Dr. J. * 11Grieve. • JERSET erland k Bendy. I'umlrklo-Mrs. J. Brodie. Mrs. Car - Helfer calf. six months and over- , 4 Bent y. H. Wright 1st and 2nd. Best Barred Rock ben-Letherland Ball cult, era months and orer-H. & Benny. l G Wright J. D. Little & Son.' ' . Best Barred Rock cockereeo: Helfer calf. nndl'r six months -H. Kennedy.Kennedy.Wrigst Seo.- Kennedy. Best white Wyandotte lieu -Letter - Bull calf, under six months --Jacob beet -e3117.. Reed, J. 1). Little k Son. • hest collection In show-Letheriand Hulknl, nailer two years -Geo. Ken- nedy, J. D. Little t Son. Aged bull --H. Wright, ,las. Lyons. age Female, any H Wright. & Bently. Best Rhode Island Red cockerel - Marvin Durnin. Beet Raode Island Red ben-Leth- Mile* c. •-»Heber Eedy, Mrs. ,J Best Rhode Island Red Cock -M. ter. GRADE Durnin. Winter squash, for table -Dr. J. ,ran, Lucknow. Grlrve, Art Culbert. ; hummer gnash, for table -Sam Al - 2d. - Fail wheat, white -Andrew Schmidt, ton. Yrs. Carter. One-yeasi id heifer -Andrew Gaunt Mlidmay' Sam Alton, Lucknow. ( Watermelon -Rich. Johnston, Geo. x led Much Sege -Albert Greer 1st and Steer eaV, Hader 1 year -Wm. Web- Fall wheat, red -A, Schmidt, Thos. - filer. Heifer all, under 1 year -Andrew Gaunt. Female, t4sty age -Andrew Gaunt. Spee Best beige calf, six months and under one year, to harebeen bred, rained alit i . red by the .atrit i.orw- Wm. McKsimis. nlFred Barker. A. Schmidt Best ire[ steer or heifer on the Carter. SeaforthParspe- : P �roumLt--Al. McKenzie. Timothy seed -.Anna eedna Alton. I ar Parsnips-Fred vegetables- . Fr garden W )1 TremblPort rR Carter Fred Harker, WWilfredBe Yrse . . H. Anderson. Lucknow. Spring wl •at -A. Schmidt, Sam Al- ton. Six -row barley -A. Schmidt. Sam Alton. Oats, white -A. Schmidt. Sam Alton. [tats. hnllesa-Sam Alton. wail -Bos os Pees, aiiAltA_ SchmNt- Peas, large -A. Schmidt, Mrs. N. L. ut gra. Potato..., early. white -Mr+. Carter, Geo. K. Rutledge. Potatoes, late, white -Mel. Culbert, T. .1. Salkeld. Potatoes. late. red -Mei. Culbert Celery -Dr. J. Grieve, Mrs. Carter. Cauliflower-Mrs.-Mrs.Carter.er. , Citron+ -Geo. K. Rutledge, Fred Birk Best bead tour females and one ins- 7' Drennan. male In op.., ,; 8 Ind 9=Wm. Mt- Albert: ser". `f. L. Carter. - Ketezle, flora* Wright Spelt* -Art Culbert. .uylie-ii. tar (Moira Buckwheat -A. Schmidt. .. R Walter Dickason. L 101ISTLR Aged ;41 -Edwin Purvis, Lucknow, 1st .and 2nd. Shearilns tint- edwia Purvis. Aged ewe -Edwin Purvis 1st and 2nd. Shearliug ewe --Edwin Purvis. m Ewe iab-ildwln Purvis. Ram lamb --Edwin Purvis. OXFORD DOWNS • Aged rem -J. L Thompson, Strat- ford; Edwin Persia. sp- Shearling ra-Maitland' Henry. Beigrare; J. K. Thompson. Aged ewe -M. Henry, E. Purvis. Shearliug ewe -J. K. Tbompeon, M. Henry.Ewe lamb -M. Henry, E. Purvis. Ram lamb -M. Henry, 1. K. Thomp- son. SHROPSHIRE Aged ram -J. L Thompson, 0. Mc- Gowan, Blyth. Sheurliog rasa --•O. McGowan, J. L Thompson. tta Agas....Joi.. M'bompeoe. G: Guest!. Shearing ewe -•0. McGowan, J. K. Thompson. Ewe lamb -J. L Thompson, 0. Mc- Gowan. Liam Iamb --O. McGowan, J. L Thompson. ANY OTILER PUREBRED BREED Aged ram -0, McGowan, Welt. John- ston, Lu.•know. /Meaning ram -O. McGowan 1st and 2nd. Aged owe -O. McGowan, Those Snow- den, Zurich. Sheet -ling ewe --O. McGowan 1st and 2nd. . Ewe lamb -M- Heart', 0. McGowan. Ram lamb -menet Blake, Lucknow; Thor. Snowden. Best fat sheep --Edwin Purvis, Rich. Johnston,. . Judge -H. Snell, Clinton. Ifni FIGS BBRSERIRE Aged boar --That. Snowden, Zurkb. YORKSHIRE Aged tear -Sam Alton. Sow -Sem Altos. Boar, tittered in 1954 --Sam Alton, Rich. Johnston. Stow, littered -la 1964 -Sam Alton, Rich. Johnston. TAMWORTII Aged boar -Saar Alton: How -Sam Altos. Roar, littered in 1914 -Sam Alton. Sow, littered H 1914 -Sam Altos let and 2nd. Judge -I). (•. Mc.Morran• Lucknow. F KL ITS led • APPLES - Corn, Phut -A. Schmidt. Corn, - Dent -41s. Sibling. Bayfield. A. Schmidt. Corn. Flint -A, Schmidt. Recommended -Field • beans - =