HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-07-10, Page 12Page 12 Liwc u,w e* t neig Wedue la3 July O, 1996 11 For Sal Moterycies Reli. Estate War MATTRg$S & • BGXSPRING Queen size, medical no, luxury Ostiopedic top. quali- ty, 25 yrs. warranty. Superior c amask fabric. Double foams padding, firm: and comfortable. Label price $1,699., sell for $485. Delivered. Phone 1-519-- 651-6075". --26ttcc STEEL EEL BU L DINGS SPRING IS HERE Sale on all Steell 'Buildings. Many sizes to choose from.. Quonsets, Straightwail= Quonsets. or the new Trusless Design. Call Future 1-800-668-8653.-- 28bc MOVING SALE - 40" round maple -dining room table with 2 - 10" leaves. Plus 4 Targe captain chairs $300; Trademaster wood lathe $175; set, Freud turning tools. $75; 4 1/6 Trademaster bench jointer $50; 9" Delta bench band saw $150; Propane B.Q. with 2 tanks $75. Plus tots more. Call 529-7871. 2&,29xc CEDAR TREES, any size up to 5 ft. for hedges and ,wind breaks; also cedar posts. Call' Andrew. Johnston 395-5231.--18tfar 1980. YAMAHA 1100 spe- cial, Asking .$1500. Call 528-2111: --26.2i,29.31 nx iB. Pets DARK GOLDEN Retriever pups, champion lines; CKC. registered; rnioro-chipped; shots; ready to go July- 23. Call 529-a738. --27,28x GERMAN SHEPHERD two year old male. Good with. children and cattle. $200. Call evenings 519-528.- 2624. --28x 11b. Wanted to Buy STANDING HAY or round - bales with no. rain. Phone 395-5591. --28 11 e. Livestock BREEDER HOG for sale. Phone before 8 a.m. 395- 2282. --28 11g. Equip. NEW HOLLAND 205 bushell, 3 beater manure spreader. 12 ft. swather bat reel. Phone 519-526-7521. - *28,29 JUST LISTED - 4 bedroom home, g,•3 eg, 4 pc. bath, attached garage. Asking $74,500. LUCKNOViF - .4 bedroom heme coose to .downtown, June 1st possession. Asking; $64,90.0. 531' ROSE ST & 533 ROSE STA - 2 - 3 bedroom homes with separate deeds.. D.o.uble driveway. Asking $39;900 and`$34,900. HURON TWP. - 25 acres $26,500. KINLOSS ,TWP. _- Yellow brick 3 bedroom:home on 26 acres, approx. 1/2 workable. Re.duced to $105,000, LUCKNOW BUNGALOW - "3 bedroom brick with extra lot. Asking only $115,000. COMMERCIAL BUILDING -- 9600 sq. ft. Lucknow with 3 apartments, good investment. 40 SEAT RESTAURANT - Newly decorated new roof, 3 Tots, equipment included. By highway, priced to sell. ASHFIELD - 100 acres, 80 workable, 20 bush, large beef or dairy barn, silo, hog barn, implement s:led, 3 bedroom home, 4 pc. & 2 pc. bath, fireplace. :Call Fraser MacKinnon 528-301,3 Barry IlicDonagh 528-2031 .1 7, .4ts, Ate E TWO bedroom apartment., Available Immo- diatol;y. $$50imonth plus ntlllties Above main street. . Call Paul 528-2411. r -141f HEATED 2 BEORO- apartment near Lucknow. available July 15, $450 per month, plus hydro. Phone 526*2426.--222tfar 260 Help Wanted 26, Help Wan d The Corporation of ; e County of ,. uron 'DURHAM -WALLS Townhouses in Kincardine. Under new management. Freshly painted and reno- vated. Two and,three bed - °room, 1 month free rent. Available immediately. Phone 396-9332.-03tfar • NEWLY RENOVATED farm house for rent 2 1/2 miles north of Lucknow; References required, no pets. $425per month plus hydro. Apply to drawer #16 c/o The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, Lucknow, NOG 2H0.--14tfar 5. Cars 1986 PLYMOUTH RELIANCE station wagon, as. is. Phone 528-237.4. 25-27x,283Onx 1985 `DODGE Caravan needs motor change; have engine in 1982 Lebaron. Both cars $750. Phone 395- 4204. --28x 1987 BLUE PONTIAC full. sized Safari station wagon, V8, , a/c. 183,000 km., seats 8. Asking $2250. Regularly serviced. Phone 395-4823. - -28x c3 1981 OLDS 98, many new parts include new tires, bat- tery, .selling as is $1200 o.b.o. Call evenings 482- 9838. -28-30nxe 6. Trucks 1985 FORD FM50 XLT Lariat half ton, 6 old., stan- dard,, 4 speed/o.d., new tires, box liner, tinted win- dows, Dee Zee running boards, many new parts' excellent body and mechan- ical, $4,100, certified o.b.o. Call John (519) 396-7480. -- 28-30nxe 7G. Rec. Vehicies 11h. Services TARPS AND INDUSTRIAL COVERINGS - made to size, for trucks, trailers, gravity boxes_ etc,., Vinyl, canvas poly. New/Repairs. Party tent rentals Tiesma Industrial' Coverings, Bayfield. 482-3540. 26tfg-y peow CUSTOM COMBINING with Case IH, 1640, 30 years experience; reasonable rates. Phone Gerben Wynja 529-3446. --28-30x GILCHRIST FARM SUP- PLY - Belting and repairs to all 'makes of balers, swathers, and combine pick ups. Patz sales and service, Lucknow Grain buggies, mixers etc. R.R. 5, Lucknow. 395-2851. -!- 27tfar 12. Real Estate LIONEL HARD top tent trail- er, sleeps '6, stove, fridge, some new canvas, good. tires. Phone after 6 °p.m. 5283340_ --28x rir 7e. Motorycles , BUILDING LOTS Deer Run Estates, .112 acre, well treed, fully serviced. Clarke's Homes 395-5454. - -19tfar GOT A CAMPGROUND membership/timeshare? We'll ° take it! America's largest, oldest resale clear- inghouse. Resort Sales International 1-600-423- 5967. Timeshare rentals needed. Call 24 hours a day.--28bc 14. Vacations 1991 POLARIS 2x4 Trail Boss 250 cc. Excellent con- dition and well maintained $3500 o.b.o. Phone 482- 5610--25-28nxe PICKERELJRAINBOW Lake Erie, Port Glasgow, 37 ft. Sportfisherman, Tackle sup- plied, limit catches. 7 days a week.. 20 years; experience. C'atch-Em-Up . C'harte.rs, (519)842-9980,--28bc 17. Apts. LUCKNOW - 2 bedroom ground'fl.00r apartment, pri- vate entrance $3.70 per month plus . ,utilities. Available immediately, Phone 35'i-1847.-45tfar GROUND FLOOR 2 bed- room heated apartment, newlyrenovated; two bed- room upper apartment, both close to downtown. Phone 528-2031.--19tfar ONE BEDROOM heated apartment on main street;. close to downtown. Available July 1. Phone. 528-3948.--19tfar TWO BEDROOM apartment in quiet, friendly village. Close to playground and ballpark. Call 526-7355. -- 26-28cc UNDER NEW MANAGE- MENT! Walkerton Yonge St. Apartments -has one, two and three bedroom apartments 'available for 'rent. Swimming pool, garage, quiet exclusive complex, across from Bruce County Buildings, OPP near school.. Apply to: Adrian, Apt 7, 1012 Yonge St. 881-2790.--13tfcc LARGE TWO bedroom apartment with private ground level' entrance. Park like atmosphere and close to downtown. Cresthaven Apartments call after 6 p.m. 519-848-2215.--22tfar APARTMENTS FOR Rent in Listowel, Wingharn, Lucknow; Mount Forest, and Wroxeter. One.- two and three bedroom. Phone 335-3227 orfter 5 335-3103.--28eowar FARMHOUSE FOR Rent - 4 - 5 bedrooms. North-West of Teeswater. Barn and work shed optional 51p- 665-7818 or 519-336-6581. No pets. References. -= 26tfcc COUNTRY LIVING. near Kinloss, 3 bedroom, reno- vated farm house on paved road with wood -oil heat, lane and lawn maintenance provided 39,5-3439. --28- 30x 25. Wanted to Buy OLD BARNS, BRiCK HOUSES - wanted to buy. Phone after 2 p.m., 233- 5539. -11tfgp WANTED: TO BUY: 2nd hand video camera in good running order. Phone. 529- 3241.--26-29xc WESTEEL-ROSCO 19' diameter grain bin, will dis- mantle and move, Phone 395-3439. --28,29x WANTED!! Canadian Silver coins,, U.S. silver coins, sterling silver, scrap gold, rings, watches, bracelets, gold coins, antiques. Kenneth . Badour, 931 Rholaine Dr., Windsor, Ontario, 519-944-1596. -- 28cc 126. Help Wanted INTERNATIONAL AGRI- CULTURAL EXCHANGE - Ages 18-30 with agricultural experience to live/work with family in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Japan. Costs/details - 1-800-263- 1827. #105, 7710-5 Street S.E,, Calgary, AB,T2H 2L9.--28bc TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED. A major carrier is accepting applications from. our graduates. No experi- ence'required excellent pay. For interview or appli- cation contact Ontario Truck Driving School (London) 519-680-3377 or 1.800- 263-4777.--28bc rwt ,,.quires a COUNTY ENGINEER. ria position is responsible for Managing the • planning, design, Construction, and maintenance of the County road and bridge system. in accordance With the plans, policies, and programs established by ' County Council. The successful. candidate will supervise -and co-ordinate the activities off the departmental staff of appro mately 35 employees, and provide leadership in an environment of change • and fiscal restraint. The County Engineer is also a Member of the senior management team responsible for overall leadership of the corporation; 'and reports to. County Council through the Agriculture and - Public Works Cornrnittee and the Clerk - Administrator. The ideal candidate will possess an Engineering Degree. membership in the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario. and have a minimum of 10 years experience in road and bridge • - design, construction, and maintenance, including at least 5 years in a management capacity with a municipality or similar organization. •Qualified candidates are invited to submit a detailed resume no • later than July 31, 1996 at 4:30 p.m. to: Manager of Human Resources • Corporation of the County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 We thank all candidates in advance. However, only the applicants selected for an interview will be contacted: Personal information in your resume will only be utilized for the candidate selection and will be administered in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. SALES AND MANAGE- MENT. An aggressive, suc- cessful, people oriented community newspaper com- pany has openings now and ,in the future, forr career and goal. oriented sales and management people. If you have advertising sales experience, are interested in moving. to British Columbia to further your career in sales, sates man- agement, Publisher, fax your resume ;ASAP to: Cariboo Press, Attention: R.J. Grainger, President. Fax: (604)392-1140, Phone: (604)392-2331. Short listed interviews will be held in Toronto during week of July 15th.--28bc $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New prod- ucts available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast deliv- ery 1-800-383-3589. --28bc LARGE FINANCIAL Series Company accept- ing applications from hon- est, motivated individuals with entrepreneurial spirit. All training available. Send resume to Exeter Post Office, Box 83, Exeter, •NOM 1S6: --28,29cc ONE FULL TIME driver required immediately with a Class AZ license. Must have U.S. experience, an ICC medical and clean dri- vers abstract. Contact Ryan Enterprises 519-887-6901. -. -28cc 28. Business Opp. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance pro- grams information available. For your new or existing business. Take advantage. of the. government grants and loans. Call 1-800-915- 3615,--28bc 28. Business Opp. LEASING - DANCE Bar Hotel and Restaurant or Just Restaurant. Turn Key Operation, Hensel!. 519- 262-2:314..--O1tfcc Time end no Money ,OR • Money and no time. I hay found the solution! A new Company that gave me the Home-based Business of my dreams - legal - Tax Deductible - Low Start-up Cost - Fabulous Products ='N° Quotas - No inventory - No Risk - No Kidding Phone Sharon at 395-5713 and check this out. SHEFIELD and SONS and THE GOURMET cup We have a unique franchise opportunity available in Suncoast Mall, Goderich. Shefield and Sons, a specialty tobacco store, and Gourmet Cup, a speciality coffee retailer, have joined' forces to offer you an exciting retail concept. Join our national chain of more than 100 stores. We. provide a turnkey operation, full training and ongoing support. To own and operate your own Shefield/Gourmet call (B.C.) 14X0-6634213