The Signal, 1934-10-11, Page 1Here's a Good Buy
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Y, OCTOBER 11, 1934
O 1 TR
Council Asks that All Power Contracts Be Investigated as to
Whether They Are Losing Propositions for the Town or Not -
Elevator Company's Assessment Also on the Spot -Minister of
Education to Be Asked for Information in Collegiate Institute
lis -,is ase -larger a Candidate for tba Mayoralty? ,
Mayor Ise hag been on the sick list not said contracts are a paying pro -
the 'past week and was unable to at- prosttlon as far as our local system la
tend either the regular meeting of the concerned, and if any contract is not
a paying .propoeltlon Hutt a detailed
town council on Friday night or the statement of cost of lnetallatlon, de -
adjourned meeting on Tuesday night. tails as to use and the loss Incurred
Aa will be seen from the report which by the local commission be furulehed,
follow*, the main feature of Friday and that an engineer be ,rent up [o
cum -
night's meeting was' an attack upon the discuss the report with the local com-
mission and the council."
Goderich Elevator Co.'s Hydra con- In moving to adopt this report
tract by Councillor Bucking. Coun- Councillor Hucktna spoke at route
silos Iittmher's chair also was vacant, length. lie said be had been trying
the coanclllor having gone over to De- •
since be was elected to the council
trait to see the St- Louis -Detroit bare -
ball championship (Detest. On Tues-
day night all the members were pre-
sent except Mayor Lee,* a
At Friday night's meeting Reeve intendent Kelly was not the now to
Munnings was voted to the chair. blame, but wee simply a tool in the
The sexton of Maitland cemetery hands of others.
reported four Interments In the month Says Contract Expensive to Tennis
The councillor then went on to state
that the manager of the Goderich Ele-
vator Co., O. L. Parsons, had gone
over the head of the local commisaton
mined his resignation of the post• to obtain a contract with tbe on -
tion of eewesor and tax collector and tarlo Hydro Commission and that this
it was referred to the finance commit- contract vies unduly favorable to the
tee with lestructlona to advertise for Elevator Company. To handle this
applicant.. contract. the local commission had to
A request trees the fire department purchase new equipment at a cost of
for rubber goods was referred to tbe 926,300, ..ehlch would mean a total
are committee. cwt of :5e11100 in the twenty years
A ropy of the order of the Supreme
Court of Ontario In the matter of the
Mrs. J. C. Harrison, of Port Col-
borne, is visiting friends In town.
. Catharines, -gener spenaitsg' l,,efiy--
Week in town.
Mrs. Preston Strang, of Toronto,
was the Sutst of the Misses Strang fur
the Thanksgiving term. .
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Long, of Ilam -
Ilton, spent Thanksgiving with Mr.
and Mrs. H. It. Long, Cambria* road.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Newell, of Tor-
onto, were In town for several days,
tbe guests of Mrs. A. Smith, Bayfield
Mr. and Mrs. Goldie E. Smith bad
as Thanksgiving guests Mrs. I. H.
Solidi and lir. aad Mrs. F. A. Cudney,.
Mr. W. C. Snazel was down from
llracebridge over the holiday and as -
slated in putting on the race meet pro-
gram on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Peck, ut Shorts-
ville, N.Y., visited at the week -end
with Mrs. Chas. Kenyon and Miss
Elizabeth Smith.
Miss Beatrice E. Campbell, who is
to get to the bottom of llydru atfatra attending-AloMeeter Uniresa4 Maudl-
in Gode.ich. After spending four I ton, spent Thanksgiving with her par -
months on the wrong track, be had eats, Mr. and Mra. James A. Campbell.
come to the coat-lualun tart Super- Dr. Florence Smith, who spent the
summer Imre with her fattier, Mr. Ar.
thur Smith, has returned to Toronto
to resume her work on the University
staff. -
Mrs. J. R. - Massey and daughter
Bernice ind Mr. -A.. Nicholson, of
Stoney Creek, spent Thanksgiving at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Campbell, Eaat atreeL_... _
Miss Emilie Buchanan had as her
guest* this week her sisters, Mrs. An-
derson of Havana, Cuba, and Mrs.
Chas. Armstrong of Toronto; also Mr.
Armstrong and eon Ross.
Mr. ant Mrs. Walter Buchanan, of
Torultits', were the guests of Mr. and
for widen the debentures were to run. Sirs. H. '1'. Edwards for the neek-eud.
The Btevator Company, he believed, They were accompanied from Toronto
proeeedines at London on September gave no bond of indemnity to protect by Mr-. Thos. Mt'Kenzie, who Is re -
15th In the action of the Collegiate the town to care it should discontinue maining 4th iter daughter. Mrs. Ed -
of September.
The tax collet -tor reported $10,454.18
collected since his previous report.
Mr. Ro:rertaon also formally sub -
Institute board was read and referred the cervi. a and the town might be wards*
to the finance committee. left "holding the bag" at any time. Mr. Lloyd M. Currell, of Oshawa,
James McMillan was beard with re- L visited with ids parents, Mr. and Mrs.
terence to a tree on his cemetery plot
which he wished removed. This was
referred to the cemetery and parka
committee. . ut rMllera ahead. if 11-I1Ad"{Oshawa and Mr. Stuart Ball. Clinton.
After listening to a complaint from never had this contract, which, he de- A11ksR1 big grfcstwat the
J. C. Mheardown of the dump "at his Glared, was obtained by "a man who Mr. and Mrs. Albert %Wilkins, 66 Glen -
door" on Maitland road the council thinks lie can go right over the heads ('e -ter Terrace, were Mr. and Mrs.
gave the public works committee power of the people of this towr and sot ('`verge Dawson a
re-"it l"riit IlitgN': _ilbeardowls what be wand." sfe- fair: Farsonl ___m
told 1n 4roesome" detail of th4 bar- the councillor said he was. InformeA.
Able things that were left at the dump was not satisfied yet, and was talking
and said he could not and would not
t u with the nuisance any longer.
The old Videan bo
alongside inc mintat
aeroes the road fro
1s being rized by
its passine goes an
Goderich, believed
hundred pears old.
Videan, father of
frh Videans, was
ninety-four years
thirteen children of
late Georgie Videan
Thomas Videan di
age of aexents-four
he ninety-four were
West street,'
f cour-e and
skating rink,
s and with
landmark of
nearly one
late Thomas
nt Guder-
the koase
as were the
parents, the
Mn. Videan.
1914 at the
and would
alive today.
Many farmers h
very plentiful supply
beechnuts this fall,
previous year In the.
tury. This Is takes'
sage a long, open
weather prophets
more (Teo will be
squirrels to har
of nuts, and perha
goal as any.
report, a
tternuts and
than in any
nie to gre-
e amateur
Wing that
ed for the
heavy crop
guess is as
__AWerme.t C. H.
lHes ambition w
trout last week to
opening of the wo
Ile says that from
always ha 1 a bank
of these c'aasics,
tunity never before
Ile saw the first
thrill coming when
score In the ninth
3-2 in last Friday's
innings battle.
-Ant only this. but giving this service
to the Company was driving up the
town's peak load every month and he
was Informed that the town would be
E. Currell of Sanford, over the week-
end. Sunday visitors with Mr. and
M-rs. Curvet' were Mr. G. Franklin of
pu p
Applications for building permits, as
follows, were referred to the are com-
mittee: M. W. Howell, re -roofing
pare of dwelling; Trafalgar street; W.
J. Johnston, alterations to dwelling.
Piston street; Jas. C. Carrie. garage,
c'ambria road; Mrs. J. Glousher, re-
building verandah, Bennett street ;
Mina Emilie Buchanan. re -roofing
dwelling, Essex street; M. Kennedy,
reshingling verandah, Gloucester Ter-
race; O. E. Fleming. re -roofing butyl -
trig, North street: Wm. Farr, re -roof -
Ing garage, etc., Cambridge street.
Proposal for Remilen in 1935
The secretary of the Board of Trade
wrote forwarding the Board's request
for the calling of a public meeting to
discuss :he matter of holding a re-
union in Goderich next year. This
was referred to the special committee.
Two lettere from the Goderich Salt
Company were referred to the water,
light and harbor committee. The first
was with reference to the council's
pn'sbpoeal ter charge the- Company 812
ass-ehipa--vestal for space in the big
freight shed at the harbor for the
etorage of dry salt, and suggested
that the proposed rental was rather
high. The second letter complained
that the floor In the smaller abed was
not In proper condition for the storage
of salt.
An applieatlnn for the position of
assessor was laid on the table.
A resolution from the city council
of Windsor, Belting the Provincial
Government to levy a Provincial tax
on Income to replace the present muni-
cipal income tax, for the purpose of
defraying the entire mat of relief,
thus reli.•ving the munlclpelftlee of
this charge, was referred to the fin-
ance committee.
Q 4.'E tIldieray Fonds
The Onenee committee reported on
leveret nmttne liattera and also the
--At a joint meeting of the re'pw.een-
tativen of the township of Aehfleld,
the township of Huron, the town of
Kinesrdlne and the town of Goderich
held in tl.e town hall, Goderich, on October 4th, 19.34, It was
unanimously passed that all of the
11135,000 of 1984 Victory bonds held
by the Toronto General Trnets Cor-
poration as trtuteee for the bondhold-
ers of the Ontario West Shore Rail-
way he ennverted for the new refund -
Ing Dmrinion of ()Runde bonds (ap-
proximately 8140,000), 8 per cent.,
dne October 15th. 1940. 1f at ell pore
foible firefly, and If not pnuetble then
for the new refnnding Dnmtnlon of
Canada 214 twrnds due 0etnber lath,
1970. and thatthe exchange of these
ponds be done thrititgh the firm of
Mcleod. Vann,. Weir' A Co., Limited,
'.f Toronto.
T* investigate Hydro Cotntmeta
Committee of the whole reported
as follows:
"We recommend that the Ines' pub-
lic nttlttt,'* commission ire caked to the ehalrman of the Hydro
Etectrte Power Commission of Ontario
to investigate and report on .11 Hy-
dra power enntrsets In the town of
(k.derich and to ascertain whether or
of throwing out Ilydro and putting
in Diesel engines.
Other Contracts In Question
This was not the maty contract -he
question; in other cases power was
obtained cn contracts for restricted
hours and the motors were running
twenty-four hours a day. said Coun-
cillor Haskins.
The bylaw parent in 1929 for the
'meehase of the equipment mentioned
was produced and read at ttie request
of Councillor Seabrook, and the fact
that the Elevator Company was not
mentioned In the bylaw was regarded
by Couneillcr Hotline as suspicious
-a bit of camouflage, he termed it. 1 REV. L. 1). S. COXSON DROWNED
(Continued on page 8) In the sinking of the email steam -
twat Waome in a squall on lake Mus-
koka on Saturday morning, Rev. L. D.
S. Coxson, of 27 Admiral road, Tor-
onto, the only passenger, was drowned,
with the captain and mate. Mr. Cox-
son was for a number of years, until
1921, connected with Knox church,
Goderich, as a missionary to India,
the congregation assuming reeponaibil-
ly for hid support. A few years ago
he retired from the work on account
of failing health. He Is survived by
two sons, thirteen and seventeen rears
of age.
- .I484sash be Misses
IIuapp;1.3Maxine Halt df Evergreen
Farm, H: (lett, and Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Stanhury and Floyd, of Clinton.
The wegtr of Max Fritzley and Ed.
Erv-ige ou the result of the world's
aeries bas ?.'iall games was won by Fritz -
ley, who favored St. Louie. Because of
"unacoidat.le circumstances" Fritzley
will be enable to enjoy his trip on
Saturdeiy evening around the Square
in a wheelbarrow, but Ervine says he
is as set to "take Max for a ride" on
the following Saturday. evening, Otto-
ber 20.
Dungannon Has
Successful Day
Large Attendance at Fall Fair on
-- Friday—(food Program e1.._.
Special Events
Dungannon fall fair, on Thursday
and Friday last, was favored with
beautiful autumn weather, and Friday
-the "big day" -was one of the most
successful days the Dungannon fair
has had 11 many years.
There were aplendld exhibits of live
stock, and while some of, the indoors
depertmeuta were not up to the usual
standard this could net he said of the
roots and vegetables, which were lit-
erally immense, and the flowers, which,
topped by a magnificent basket of dah-
lias shown by Fred Barker of Goder-
k'h, made a brilliant display. Fruit,
also, considering the season, was good.
-The lsiae.wlnning collection of vege-
tables shown by N. L Carter of Sea -
forth attracted much attention. it
ooetiTnediTauf one hundred varie-
ties, severed of them rare In this dia-
1 stet.
That thls is a great season for roots
was well demonstrated, some monster
epeeimens tieing shown. A"mangel en-
tered by W. A. Culbert' weighed 25
paunch', mad there were several of
almost equal are.
Friday Afternoon Program
A full program of track events kept
the large crowd on edge thronghont
Friday afternoon until sundown.
Twelve heats were enn in the several
Masses' for horse. and ponies.
The pony races provided the biggest
thrill of 'he day, en far as cine. eon -
teats were eoneerned. There were five
entries. all young boy*. Ralph Brodie,
nn Cherllp, kept his pony's none ahead
of Dark,. ridden by Jack Brodie, a'
yonnger brother of the winner. A
sesond 1)srky, ridden by irvlae Rusty,
flnlehed i elms. third in each heal.
Rocket (J. McManne) and Murray Dis-
on (Gen. reason) raced ander protest,
as the judges claimed they were out
of the pony elem.
The 2.16 trot was a Grattan parade.
Dillon Grattan, owner Jas. Culbert,
Lneknnw• driver (Blum. Rrnws, ran
(Continue on page 4)
achieved a
ent to De -
sat at the
eball series.
nod he had
tthe odr-
ted itself.
men, the big
it tied the
lly won out
able twelve -
Clinton News -R
Inson has rented til
street to Mr. Broc
garage, owl will
about the end of
Robir:sun, who is
' In Goderieh, going
day, finds it very
the move. Clinton
ifY to f•HO Mr..
from town, as t
friends dur
Mrd. W. Rob -
on Osborne
the Vk•torla
to Goderich
onto. Mr.
a groc•eterla
coming each
Meat, hence
as will be
made many
u here, and
Caderich Loses
Two Citizens b.
Sudden Death
The couen.unity was doubly shocked
this (Thu: clay) afternoon by the
unexpected death of two of its citizens.
At 4 o'cloelt this afternoon the body
of Ilenry Snyder was found-tn t
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McMahen -visited
at Ottaw•t last week.
-1,-_Nliabm Margaret Reddltt, of Oakville.
spent the week -end at her borne here -
Mr. Wm. Webster, of London,
vlslted at hie home here for the week-
Mr. and Mrs. William Straehan
Good Race Program -
But Crowd is Small
Tribute Paid -to Dr. I. B. Whitely
on His 79th Birthday
were in Chicago for the Thanksgiving The autumn race meet on Thanka-
Mira Edith Wiggins was In Toronto giving Day, under the auspices of the
the McMorcau-Burgers wedding Goderieb Trotting and Peeing. Lies
on Saturday. elation, was favored with Ideal Reath-
Mr. Lyal Crawford, of Western t'nl• er, and t'trre was a large gathering
rereity, London, visited at the week- of horsemen with their racing steeds;
end at his home here. but the attendance of spectators was
Mr. Hoy Erringtpn apo le attend- dfsn lnttn 1 small. Tht maybe
ung Toronto University, was home for ° t T i
the hglld iy weekend, accounted for to a considerable extent
Mr. Clarence Walker, of the Royal by the numerous conflicting attractions
(tank, Windsor, visited at the week -
was of the day. A clue after0000's sport
end at bis home here.
of -
deers provided, and the, Aseodation ot-
drs are not at all discouraged-
ltiver Mattlaud near the golf course
and direct.y under the C.1'.R. bridge.
The head was badly crushed, and the
presumption is that he had fallen
from the bridge, sixty fet above.
The discovery was made by James
Donaldson and William Somerville,
who were Melting in the river. Later
Mr. Snydrr'a automobile was found
parked 'war the gulf course, a short
distance away. It had been there
since 10.30 this morning.
It Is leas than three weeks since Mr.
Snyder was taken with dizziness at
the elevator wharf and fell Into the
water of the harbor, from which he
was rcmcrmcd by elevator employees
after he had held to a ledge on the
pier for nearly half an hour.
Mr. Snyder was born in Colborne
township about fifty-eight years ago,
a son of lir. and Mrs. Jesse Snyder.
Depth ell Harris L. Watson
Harry 1. Watson, one of Godertch's
treat -known citizens, died suddenly this
afternoon at his home on South street.
Ile had Leen working in his garden
and about 5 o'clock went to the bonne
and was sitting in a chair when he
passed sway. He. was In his sixty-
sixth year,-& .native of Goderich, and
for many years was a salesman at
Craigle Bros.' news-stand. '
The tire brigade responded to an
early sell this (Thursday) morning,
when they were summoned about 3
a.m. to the home of Allan Schram, Pal-
merston street. The fire destroyed
-bed close to the bask of the honse.
hut the diligence of the firemen pre-
vented the epees(' of the blaze. days.
Mr. Hayden Williams and Miss Ethel
Williams, of Toronto, visited friends
in town et the week -end.
Mr. N. Oliver, of the Royal hank,
Elmira, renewed &equalutances In
town over the week -end.
or, Wafter Burnside, London; Judges,
Mr. and Yrs W. A Coultlturat have
E. Fawm, Mitchell, Dr. J. it. Whitely
returned home from a visit at Toronto, I and A. J. Goldthorpe; timer, W. T.
Hamilton and Fort Erle. McLean; c:ark of the course, Dr. W.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Humber visited % F. Clark.
at the week end with lir. and Mrs.I It happened to be the birthday of
Maitland Humber, Stratford. Dr. Whitely --his seventy -ninth -and
Miss Eileen O'Brien, of Stratford I Starter Burnside took occasion to ac -
Normal School, spent the holiday !quaint the spectator with the het to
week-eud et her home here_ - - --- + a littleh of "
Mrs. Louisa Naylor, of Lwtc•lesow; It "fir co bl nlnitiod: pay'
tag a well-deserved tribute to Dr.
Whitely as one of the men who have
built up rheracing-*poet to tie Pro-
vince. 1.-.
The speech was greeted with cheers
from the grandstand, and Dr. White-
ly made a modest acknowledgment.
The raves were conducted on the
every -heat -a -race plan, and the result
was a elu:ltecl contest In every heat.
The summary:
There were so many entries for the
2.28 event, that the class was divided
and run la two sections, the purse al-
so being divided.
The officials of the day were: Start -
visiting with her brother, Mr. R. T.
Phillips, trod Mra..-Phillip.-___.___
Mr. Walter Newcombe of the Col-
lege of Pharmacy, Toronto, spent the
holiday 'week -end at his home here.
. Mr. J. S. McMehen. of Toronto,
visited -et the week -end with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McMehen. -
Miss Olive Farrier, who teaches
school at Dungannon, visited nn Fri-
day with 3ir. and Mrd. R. T. Phillips.
Miss Nancye Clarke. of Toronto Uni-
versity, ala ut the week -end at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Clarke.
Mrs. (('apt.l M. Clairmont, daugh-
ter Maxine and Mrs. N. Clairmont
were in Toronto for a few
A fatal acteldedt occurred Sunday
night on the road between Bayfield
V Ilfam Iterrr
and Ilruccfield, W f orty-
n rae'eh-
aclous on the road, his sir having
There were over two
e as
Mr. Norman Cralk, of Albert Col-
lege, Ite!leville, spent the week -end
..tt4e•6ts r.eren4s, Rey, end Mrs. F. W.
Mr. Stanley Taylor and Mr. Doug-
las Middleton, with Mr. Keith Seuu-
•dn. amid -waits- bass ietldarlas. •t
- s. aoittdeff-ertfh the anntmeat"mf Reids `Grace Mason- has returned
ors, many from out of n, red t the from Y MF >London, and
bridge, i nd sled shortly afterwards. , continuing 6o training to slexa ,dra
Hoffman home on Wile°, street on
Sunday to view an a t Indian
'dug -out” canoe, which now reposes
on the H. ffman lawn. It,was taken,
a few days previous, from the lake
bottom at the beach near the C.P.R.
roundhouse, by George and Tom Hoff-
man, receding water having exposed
Its stern, rind is the object of much
enrlosity. as it 1s believed to be at
The Woman's Association of Vic-
torla street t'nited church held lea
annual Thankegtving supper in the
church ou Monday evening. The
young people's orchestra rendered sev-
eral pleasing numbers) during the sup-
per hours and also contributed to the
program that followed. Rev. F. W.
Craik was chairman for the concert,
which was of a miscellaneous natttre-
Plano duets were given by Mrs. T.
Snyder and Miss A. Howell; vocal
solos by Mr. T. Memory of Crewe and
by Mrs. E. Henderson and Mr."Ralph
Henderson, who also sang a duet ; and
a number of readings war. teen- by
Misty L. Treleaven, of Crewe. The
singing of the National Anthem brought
the evening tet a tsars. There was a
good attendance.
Every year about this time the drug-
gists of (lined* make a custom of
telling the public enmething of the pro-
reeainnal side of their calling. This
year the period set for this purists*
is Ortoter fah to 13th, called "i'har-
maty Week."
The ()Wench druggists—J. A. Camp-
bell, H. 1'. Dunlop, J. H. Tender and
E. R. WIgle- join with their brother-
drnggist. of the Dominion In inform-
ing the pimple abort pharmacy.
Drnggiets are required to eerve a
three yeas' apprenticeship and to at-
tend a College of Pharmacy for two
years, and at the end of thee period
write nn a gnalifytng examination,
and it encreafnl they obtain a (Milo -
me which lie o.e. them to nesc$4a..
their profession.
Thee training ea/wittily fits the
drnggtat to render a community ser-
vice in the t6lhpnnnding of pr(wrttp.
Clone• in fleet aid, and in the rale of
"When tee dreg,' remember your
- nt" ee v'4l
leaert one hundred years old.
The erift. about eighteen feet in
length, was burned out of a large pine
log, with the assistance of 'stone
wedges to remove the burned wood.
About ten inches has broken oft one
aide, hat otherwise the waterlogged
canoe is in good condition and will
be preserved. The Hoffman boys are
justly qui'e proud of their find.
Enumerators under Dominion Fran-
chise Act Commence Work on Monday
Twelve enumerators, one for. each
polling suer -division, eommence work
In Goderich on Monday next In the
compiling of the voters' bat under the
new Dominion Franchise Act. The
work is ;o lie completed by Tuesday,
October 2.11d, and every qualified vot-
er should see that the enumerator for
his (or her) sob -division obtains his
(or her) :tame.
The enumerators for the twelve God-
erich sub-divtalnns are: t o. 1, F.
Seabrook; No. 2, Mies Jessie Swaffield;
No. 3, Mrs. W. J. McCreath; No. 4,
Mrs. ' Fred Marney; No. 5, Chas. J.
Shepherd; No, 6. Mrs. R. Henderson ;
No. 7,- J. Howard Robertson: No. 8,
Jut WN M'tcVlcsr; No. 9, J. E. ITuck-
Ins; No, 10, Dan Wigg)na; No. 11, A.
Rougvle; No. 12, Nell McKay,
tltl ':ptreurearw tit November, 13*
12th, 18th and 14th, the enumerators
saps -to- oe places et
badness. to receive complaints of er.
rors or omnibus, and ta the mean -
Moe lists are to be posteed tor erne -
Mr Bern• who was a bachelor had
Been lido • with his mother at Bruce -
driver and was frequently to Goderich. weekend n Detroit with their assn
daughter -In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
' hospital.
field. Ile was a well -knower --t Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Currie spent the
Tenrlrer stare rending* for the past -Mr. Kenneth ley,LHunter, student at
week and those of the corresponding Western niversity, London, visited at
week of last year were as ,follows: the week -end with his mother, Mrs. A.
1934 1933 C. Hunte.
Max. Min. Max. Min. Mrs. Ballast Goal and daughter
Tlavrs., Oct. 4 ....:.7 4 i 62 50 Norma spent the Thanksgiving bolt-
l'hu Oct . 72 44 58 110 day with her sister, Mra. George
Fri., Oct. 4 ---• •64 :r7 1F3 4A Brownlee, of London.
San., Oct. 7 54 50 06 50 Mr, Alex. MaeVicar, of Western
Mon., Oct. 8 .,62 i8 62 1 nlverslty, London, spent the week -
Mon., Oct. 8 , , 62 42 62 44 end at the home df his parents, Mr.
Wed., 90 .. , 610 38 57t46 and Mrs. George MaeVicar.
Oct.0 i" 11134, .10 Inch • '1118,3, 116 Mr. and Mrs. Dan McDonald and
Inches their daughters, Agnes and Margaret.
and son, Ion, of Walkerville, visited
BIBLE SOCIETY MEETING 1n town a: the week -end.
Mr. Anima Marfle and Mime Margaret
At the meeting of the Bible Society Sutherland, of Groyne'', were visitors
on Tuesday night at MacKay Hall the at the weekend with Mr. Maefle's
chair was occupied by the president, parade, Mr. end Mrs. A. Maefle.
Mr. A. M. Robertson. Rev. W. P. Lane Mr. 8L. George Price and grand -
read the'- Scripture-" Insso " end Rev...s.- Martin end 11111, were in De -
W. T. Bunt offered prayer. Mr. hunt troll for the weekend limiting with
was then (wiled to the chair for the the boys' father. Mr. Martin_ .Price,
election of officer', for the ensuing and with Mr. oral Mrs. Harold Currie.
year, resulting in the ' unanimous Visitors on Sunday nt the Home of
c•hoiee of Mr. A. M. Robertson for pre- Mr. and lira. J. E. Match were: .Mr.
&indent, Mr. Iouglas Brown for tress- and Mrs. hook Aitchison end Mr. Hen-
urer and Mr. Jae. A. Campbell for sec- ry Aitelit-on, of Sarnia, and Mr. end
retery. The speaker of the evening Mrs. Thu.. Aitchison and Mies Dor-
was Rev. S. G. Pinnock, of Toronto, oth, Altchisnn, of Stretford.
formerly missionary In Nigeria, West Mr. Wm. Weir, who was stationed
Africa. In a pleasing manner' he for the summer et Killen', Alta., an
evoke of the people of that distriet, a student minister, spent a few days
their enstonse and the work of the with hie parents, Mr. end Mrs. F. G.
church among them. The lecture was Weir, before returning to Toronto te'
illustrated with several very fine lan- continue hie studies et K{!ox College.
tern slider.. Mr. Pinnock stated, In Mr. an 1 Mrs. George l8unlop have
presenting the work of the Ittlrle So- returned Brom a dellght ul plenenre
clety, that last year 11, , copies trip .to the British 1.!.. and France.
Of the Bible eryarta of the Bible were, MAT flailed on. September 14 on the
distributed or sold, and t iat eleven Rmprena of''Britain and arrived in
.new lati4•irgee were added during the
----roar-te'the number in whist the Bible
Is printed, so that now the Scriptures
--trwisetted 1n 677 different languages. -
The aid schooner the Scotia, which
has reposed In the marine graveyard
south of the Sunset hotel at the water-
front for. (even years, Is about to yield
its last etick of firewood. In the Islet
few years, owing to low water, It has
provided .p)indrede of air*" of oak
end Norway pine to thrifty Goderleh
familia' .end a enmhinatlnn of nnpre-
ccdented low water and fine weather
during the peat few weeks has made
1t ponathie to e'ean up the job. Some
nine remitters have heneftted. There
are other craft at the graveyard,
however, nn whieh the Indnstrinns
wood-choppere can so to work. The
old Aherenrn naw recta is only a few
feet of water and the Olga will Noon
he ameeatble 1f the water ern/tinny"
to rps' d . flee family Ifs the lake
section has forty 'sores of splendid
firewood plied op is preparation for
the winter
A relief car for Western Canada will
Ire placed on the track at the Cana-
dian Pfeifle hallway atatlnn, Goder-
lets to receive donations on Wednes-
day, October 17th. As the contents
of these cars ere distrllnited without
thought of church afnllatton, all thoee
who may have something to contribute
are Invited to share In the flllipg of
the ear. All sorts of vegctahlee,sfaw
and canned fruits, beans, honey, ate.,
will he valuable.
These riot haring cnpltgh to peek in
a box sepatratlely are requested to
bring the goats early in the week
to North sfTeet and Victoria street
Those not having caret will please
comminlcate with tlttr,4esslnn of Vtt-
tnrta street church or the following
committee of North_ Street: Mesar*.
A. Tebhnrt. J. F.. Henwell, T. R. Wal-
lies H. 1.. Ralkeid.
/Phis east will he wimved no Thwraday,
the 18th, to McGaw atatlnn, whore It
will remain for Friday, the 191h. to
rennin emit Mbntlona from that dlatrlet.
W. P. LANE, Chairman.
Gmleri(A last' week -end, mak
return trtp-ott-the-..ine ocean -liner:
2.28 Teot or Pace -1st Division
Ruth Gr'tan (J. WeCwood
Merlin) 1 1 1
David Dlreot (D. Pinkney,
Stratford) 2 2 2
Dell Grattan (L. Fraser, Forest) 4 3 8
Lady Dillon (E. Rossell, Clin-
ton) 344
John Fratiteaa (E. Fritz, Walk-
erton) - _ - - tt 5 a
Louie Private. (R. Smith,' Lon- •
don) 666 .
Time -115%, 2.17, 2.14%
iiL•Sllat err Fail -i ll adder,„,,,,,,,-****-. la
Little Mnetard (Wm. Cudmore,
Setl(irnl-+.-...-.._. -I 1 1
Thq,HeL g 4Or. al, Mer-
lin) ':4p: .
Donna Gr•,ltan (C. Hodgins, Lu- `• v'seif--{,.s.. T
can) 2 5 2
' Lee HITT* (A. IfFfil. Aima)-.: 5-41T -
Davey D. ((leo. Feagan, God- .
*rich) ..s, 4 8 6
September Geatten (P. Rutledge
Gndertf'll 7 7 4
Ines Grattan (T.. James, Lon-
don) 6 6 5
Time -2.15, 2.17. 2.17.
2.22 Trot or Pate
Imperial Axworthy (Mrs. Lents,
New Hamburg) 1 4 1
Gny' Pointer (J. Wellwood,
Merlin) 6 1 4
Carl Grattan (1). Pinkney,
Stratford) 2 8 3
Colonel Direct (S. English,
Parkhill) 3 2 5
Cap (Irattnn (L.. W. Guy, Sea -
fort li i
eafortlii 4 5 2'-
Dlllon (:rattan (J. Culbert,
Lackn.ow) 5 6 6
Time -2.12, 2.12%, 2.12.
2.19 Trot or Pare
Star -Pct •r (J Wel Wood. Mer -
1114 - . . -.....1.1 2
Dnlsy Patch (H. A-Dlcktnson,
Mt. Hope) 2 3 1
Tony Mac (J.,Wettlsneer. Mit-
shell) 4 2 5
Jack Grattan 4Fields Stables,
Anetater) 7 $ 4 3
Dorothy Grattan (I. Bell, 'Por-
onto) 5 5 4
Prince Grattan (F.. Frits, Walk- '
' erton) ,,,, 4 6dr.
Time -2.13, 2.12%. 2.13%, '
At the weekly duplicate bridge tour-
nament held Monday evening, the fol-
lowing were winners: let, Mrs. W. F.
Maunders Ind, Mr. P. F. Carey, 24;
2nd. Mrs. P. F. Carey and Mrs. 1.
Johnston, 2? L 3r t, Air N Q.IA4gwi7
`and Mr. James ilume. 21,%.
int the
The next game will be played atli
the -Pork -House next Mond.3'_, at --
Tkls hl Lral feabass. Offelght-
I!r4ig.aea o!._Mr, and Mrs. T. J.
Lanes* (the latter formerly Mime
Tame Griffin) of Ashfield, as he no -
peered at the Ashfield township .drool
fair at Conrrle'e Corners last month,
with him calf. "Jack." Lye! broke la
the calf himself and nn fair day drove
hint to the rant frmr mike to the fair,
where th,y were a centre of attract
flan. fyal sometime. ride,' Ms "abed,"
"Jack" being as willing a monnt ad
he la a driver.
:lAs4P R4'"it P! ., ...bin :
ersvrramew +rsrrzrrrrr,r..,.rae .aw+caes,t me a .
•':T -.weals