HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-9-27, Page 8&-Tburaday, September 27th, 1964 THE SIGNAL SPECIAL ! ONE CENT SALE STATIONERY 1 Note Pad 150 2 for 16c 1 told -over Pad 25a 2for 26o %Zt�iltsr Pad..- - 2 for 36o 1 Package Envelopes 150 2 for 16o Get our supply now! Cole's Book Store LOCAL RINKS WIN AU Prizes in Iiesterday'e Tourney Left in Goderirh Twenty teams played in a doubles tournament at the Picton street bowl- ing greens on Wednesday afternoon and evening. Three of the teams were from Kincardine, one each from Seaforth, {{Ingham and Walkerton, and the remaining fourteen pairs from the 7Rat-etub. It waa.iafaaded Lp four games; but heavy rain coming on about 11 o'clock stopped the play and the results were decided on the basis of three gamer. Local rinks won all six prizes, as follows: 1st, H. McNee and F. McArthur; 2nd, J. MacVlcar and Dr H 11 3 T Young; 4th, J. Sweeten] and Geo. Mum - by; 5th, George and Will Symonds; 8th, R. Johnston and Rev. D. J. Lane. Summer Weather for Carlow Fair Colborne Township's School Fair GODERICHa ONT. Phlox -Doug. McMillan, Helen OBITUARY Young, Jim McPhee, Dorothy Harding. sea lJ Ztunias--Frances Houston, Helep DANIEL 108E McPhee, Evelyn Jenkins, Bernice Math - The death of Daniel Ross, a well- Coaos -Helen Young, Jean Hlll, known tyejdaet ed the norern IOC - Rory MoKuight, Wilma Peutland.mtion of dahAeatd tewgshlp, occurred thon African Marigolds-lkruald WUsoa, Thursdae nage Held Thursday Lest tender Phyllis Kerr, Gordon %Viitoon, Jack Westlake. Favorable Conditions Verbena- Dorothy' Moore, Florence lore Margaret Harding. The trophy for the greatest number alend�la-Clarence liar t last at Alexandra hos- pital, after an Ulnesa of over three Mouths following a severe caw of appeadklW with other compUestt na. Deceased, a eon of the late Mr. and is James Rime_ had been a ltfelone endreeddwas Munninge; Eric Moore. enL of Asltfistd of pointe takta 10 the Colborne town. Arty ' Balpiglowis--\cern* Vanbtone, Dor- right years of age. He was married eelp. aeh9ol fah, held at Carlow on why 8tes2 Roby Willson, Merle Wat- s less than two years ago to Mks Ellaa- Thuraday Inst; was won by ferns MG !eon, - beth Stewart of Huron townahtp, who live of S.E. No. 4, with 52 points.+ Gaillardia-Betty Feagan. • sure Tee, with an Infant sea. The fan - Clarence Hardy, of S.S. No. 3, was ; Bowl or vase of dahlias --Dan Wal- ererre watch took place on Monday bird with 47 points, and Ruby McMieb. (ter, Clarence Hardy, Annie Siunnlug0. moon from deceased's borne on the bole Fea an. 11'3th concession of Ashfield to the Loch- er, of $.$. 10'4, was. third with 37' s arab cemetery, was one of the largest J Bowl of fionere for dining -room- y, , 0 o. m'vx; ktrccz. to I seer seen is the township.The tut Elda Fischer, of 8.8. No. 1, won ttf " s Silver cup donated by the Bank of t'utt, Walter ][Dore. ''seretket "Were te, ,yggtpSmell/ow FRl'IT 1J. K• Mac•011llvray of Ashfield Pres - Commerce for the highest number of Spy apples -Phyllis 3111- byterlan church, assisted byRev. Mr. points for live stock. Ms -Compel The fair was favored with bright, lion, Elda Moore, Elmer Jenkins, Alfred 1. and the rites of the Ma- Northernsnnny weather and, although the ex- 11oy- bibita were not quite so ndmerous as last year, tier made "elf- _excellent-'- Donald McLean R. ahohl a Zoinato c_ Pearson, Bernice Slat I ennan. Amon those Thera were onltwo enfiait�fai`n 171*' --- tuners. w S present at public speaking competition, Stanley Matthews, Jim Mc! bee, �eDson Mu t b others John, see deceased's three McNeil being awarded first place, and lbs. I Thomas and Joseph, all Assorted fruit for table -Don Wilson. of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., and Mrs. Douglas McMillan second. JDs* h In the competlUon.in yeettetton for Florence Lawler, Gordon Matthews, P Rose, junior pupils, Nora McPhee, George ' P4M:LTRY • t Robertson and Ruth Lawson were ; Burred Hoek cockerel -Anna Mun-+ placed in the order named; and in the , nlugs. Seleua Schultz, Arnold Young, spelling match Verna Million, Jas. Elwyn Feagan. Rev. W. T. Stant will conduct aer- Pltblado, Douglas McMillan and Al- 1 Barred Ruck pullet -Arnold Young, elves In the Baptist church next Sun- fred Hoy won first, second, third and Se.eua Schultz, Lucy Munuiags, E- day, as follows; 11 a.m., sermon aub- fourth places respectively. wyn Fesgen. 1 r� , The following schools took part in White Leghorn cockerel-Bernke the parade and the Strathcona e'er- I Jackson, Jaa. Clut'on; Jas. Houton, sizes: U.S.S. No. 1, 8.9. No..2 (sen- Clarence Hardy. _1„5. No. 3, 8.8. \o. 4 Willie Leghorn pullet -Bernice Jack - and 8.8. No. 1 Was. Thelist `of prize -a -Inners in the ver- old Young. Imo crass* is as` follows GRAINS A.�iD VEGETABLES Winter wheat, quart -Js». Clutton, Belt Ctutt'rn, Gordon Fisher, Jim Hous - Snow apples --Bobby Jewell, Percy Mcllwaiu, Elmer McWhinney, Elasr Jenkins. - order also were observed. The pallbearers were Charles Stewart, Duncan Cameron, A. Grant, Alex. McDonald and Frank CHURCH NOTES . a ; rd, T. Taylor and L. G. ton. MID DAV FOWLADiE3 The lady members of the Maitland Golf Club hare arranged for a day on the coarse next Saturday, commencing at 10.30 a.m. Luncheon will be do- nated and served by the ladles. In the afternoon there will be a series of field events, for which prizes will be given. This will conclude the ladies' activities at the golf course for the season of 1934. PROTEST BEER AND WINE Large Gathering of Huron County Temperance People at Clinton Another meeting of temperance work- ers of the county was held at Clinton yesterday, SIM an a delegates representing all parts of the county. It. A. Whettam, field secre- tary of the Ontario Temperance Fed- eration, gave an address In which he 4effes- eeserreyed the present situation fa.,t3 Province. A resolution was passed endorsing the action taken at a former meeting in an endeavor to have the Canada Temperance Act again placed in force in Huron county, and a protest was registered against the issuing of au- thorities for the retail sale of beer and wine in tbia county. Another re- volution expressed sympathy with C. I' A. Robertson, M.P.P., in his illness and commendation of his stand on the temperance issue. Winter wheat, sheaf -Jim Houston. Oats, Alaska, quart -Roy McKntgh Jim Houston. Oats, Alaska, sheaf -Roy McKnight, Jim Houston. Barley, O.A.C., No. 21, quart -Ke netb Kerr, Ralph Kingswell. Barley, O.A.C., sheat -Ralph Kings well. Sweet corn, Golden Bantam -Lorna Moore, Billy Knight, Dorothy Pearson, Morrie McMillan. Mangels-Francis Houston, Phyllis Million, Eileen McPhee, Jas. Clutton. Turnips -Gordon Watson, Ruby Mc- Michael, Elmer McWhinney, Bobby Jewell. Beets -Mary Feagan, Dorothy Me - Cabe, Violet Free, Bill Clutton. Carrots -Bobby McPhee, Peter Wal- ters, Ada Pltblado, Winntfred McCabe. Onions -Barbara Cutt, Anna Mun- 1, . Beinke Matthews, Merle Me- Phee. • Parsnips -Betty Moore, Benson MU - lion, Verna MUllon. Potatoes, Irish Cobblers -Gordon Matthews, Bernice Jackman, Bernice 4 tthews,, rani,.. richer. Potatoes, Green Mountain -Walter Moore, Wm. Hill, Helen McCabe, Jack Wilson. Potatoes, Dooley -Don Wilson, Dor- othy Hardy, Grace Lawson,- Clare Ilardy. Largest pumpkin -Don Echlin, Clay- ton Steele, Arnold Fischer, Mary W1l- ams. --- FLOWERS Asters --Jim Houston, Billy Hill, Bobby Jewell, Lillian Stewart. 4 One dozen ' brown eggs -Clarence bee Ratty Day service for the Sun - Hardy, Irene Hill, Gordon Matthews, � Ruby McMichael. day school, and at 7 p.m. the Royal An -b Slaaons will attend the service. One dozen white eggs -Jas. Clutton,' The sermon will be b Robt. Jewell, Bernice Matthews, Catb- 9 Rev. F. W. Creel. *rine Hill. i .. DOM ll.TIC•'SCIENCE Rev. George A. McLean, of the Conn - Baked custard -Betty Mob Saar.- cll for Social Berries of Canada, was Feagan, Bernice Jackman, Dorutby the preacher at the morning a� Pearson.. in fit. George's chords on Sunday Igat, last. Master William B. _ desk, of 1►lnd- tor, boy soprano, and a former pupil of Mr. R. Munn, contributed two solos to the musical service. Anniversary serei es will be held at Hltaha Restores the Son of tbe Shnnammite." 7 pm '• 1tslu and Ge - heel, or, A I1ar's Awful Reaping." Bible school at 10 a.m. Special services will be held In none Meet to eitarAr ern Sun- day next. At 10.45 a.m. there will n. Nut bread -Ruby Wilson. Bran muffins -Dorothy Moore, Flu- . ' ease Lawlor, Ruth Lawson, Pbyllis Million. Dark layer cake, iced -Irene HUI, STEDELBAUER'S USED CARS You may see the following Can and others by calling at our place of business --NOW iS THE TIME TO 61'1'- 31 -Chew. Coach 29 -Ford Coach 28 -Marmon Spec. Sedali 28 -Whippet Coach 27-Chev. Coach 27 -Ford Coach 26 -Dodge Coach 25 -Dodge Sedan 28-.-Chev. Truck 96 -Ford Track 30 -Oldsmobile Sedan (like new) 24 -Ford Coupe Stedelbaaer's Are Located at Moore's Garage 13 -Plate Batteries -Special -Guaranteed 1 year -$4.85 Terme may be arranged on any of our Cars. $t. Andrew's Street, off lfamilton - - - (}oderich, Ontario 01 • 'o the Public Manalrer (!riff of the Bell Telephone Co. wishes to correct any wrong inapreallion that may have been created during the recent canvass of property - owners in Goderieh to obtain rights-of-way for telephone lines on private properties, so that the poles and wires may 13e removed from the streets. Mr. Ord!' wipirea it to "fie}" nnaeritood that the Company will he reeponeible for any damage done by it to any property in making the change, and - Will alw) replace soda, fill in earth, and unite Sny eianges in location necessary, at no expense to the property -owners. Mr. °riff hopes this statement will eliminate mia- tame ttleetestding whit+ may have arisen and feels. sure Mit the people will approve of the removal of peke front the streets of the town, in line with is. ieeprovementa that are being made in other towns and aeries. Kathleen Million, Verna Million, Ruby McMichael. Apple pie -Verna Million, Margaret I Hardy, Kathleen Million, Ruby Mc- Michael. Butter (arts -Betty Moore, Verna 1 MUlion, Florence Lawlor, Evelyn Jen- / n. Chocolate fudge --Verna Million, Jean 11111, Betas, Moore, Margaret Hardy, SEWING Duck outlined In blue -Billy Hill, Don l'frimmer, Ross Fagan, Doris Al - la*. Dire towel -Lorraine Atha, Betty Moore. . Tie -backs for curtains --Lorna Moore, Dorothy Moore, Corinne La- Reegae. Kitchen apronMargartlt Hardy, Verna Million. Zion t'tilted church, Taylor's Co on Sunday, October 7, at 11 a.m. and ; Another Move in Effort to Reduce (Continued from page 1) reduce expenses. At the same time, be argued, it would not mean ane low- ering In the quality of tbe training giveu at the school. A great many More vutetaadt g men were turned out of the former Goderlch High /School than had come from the Collegiate In- stitute, He was not opposed to a- re- ference to a committee to bar, the matter tbreshed out. --... Reeve Muuninga was willing to have the motion referred to a committee, but he did not think the tact that the council bad had a quarrel with the Col- legiate -board should be t •aty•cirtagr ...,....Y....._a. On motion of Reeve Munninge and Deputy Reere Turner, the motion was referred to the special committee for consideration. Councillor Hoskins rose and com- menced to speak, and the Mayor de - mended a motion. While the council- lor was preparing it the Mayor an other members spoke of the meets of the Blue Water Highway Assoc Non, held that afternoon, agreeing that It had been a very interesting meeting and should have beneficial results. Hydro C.ntraet in Oneidas das Councillor Huckine then moved, seconded by Councillor Sesbrook, "that a matter concerning the existence of a Hydro contract which apparently 18 unknown to the ratepayers and owners of the Hydso system here In the town of Goderlch be brought to the notice of Hon. J. Stewart Lyon, and that this council ask for an explanation or if necessary an investigation." 'Tits Wors84p rated -'tat the motion be referred to a committee, intimating that a two-thirds vote would be re- quired to set aside Lis ruling. No appeal was made against the ruling, and the motion was referred to com- mittee of the whole council. Councillor Huckins managed, how- ever, to get in a speech in the course of which he spoke of the seriousness with which be regarded his oath of ones as a councillor. Because he had had the courage to lire up to his prom- ise to the people who had placed Melt confidence In him the bread was being tak NILE NILE, Sept. 25. -Mr, and Mr.. T. Nhzon rutted OA quoday wk Mr. and Sirs. H. Carey 0 Exeter. Miss Marjorie Johnston of Cedar Valley is jilting this week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc - ()rotten. Mrs. Geo. filen and Mise Jean Oka left on Saturday to attend the World's Fair at Chicago. stmt. ts. Rains 100 attm Marina Keine of Gerrie were recent visitors at the home of Mies Mary SLepperd. Mr. Harold Smith left on Saturday for Toronto. Miss Frances Watson, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Watson, who has been seriously ill, is Improving. Mies Jessie McCann, R.N., who has bedo attending her, returned_la OJ t_pa buvtlay. -- A good attendance 11 hoped or at the special Rally Day service In Nile Sunday school next Sunday, September 30. A number from Nlle attended the anniversary services at Leeburn last Sunday. d The Y.P.S. met in the church last ,Friday evening _with Was H11da_ Fin- 1 nigan as :ender" of the devotional ex- . The Scripture reading, Psalm 1, was read by Phyllis Kerr ■od the devotional topic was given by Rev. D. W. Pomeroy. Gordon Smith gave the topic. A poem, "If It's Worth While," by Fdgae Guest, wap read by Ethel Tabh. The preeldent then took charge of the business. Arrangements were made for the next meeting to he held Thnreday evening. October 4. 1t was decided to hold a Hallowe'en social in the church on Wednesday evening, Oc- tober 31. After the business diecus- slon the meeting closed with the Ills pah benediction and several games were enjoyed, ruse, a .30 p.m. Rev. W. A. Bremner Brucefeld, will preach at both ekes. Special music will be prov by a male quartette from North a tatted church, Ooderich,. Mr. II. Blue, of Toronto, was special soloist at Knox church on day morning Leh He sang, in BPI did voice, "Under the Shadow of Almighty," composed by Mr. J. bermid, a• brother of Rev. R. C. Me- Dermid, formerly pastor of Kam: The solo was mach by the congregation. Services In North street United church next Sunday will be conducted at the usual boars of 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. by the pastor, Rev. W. P. Dane. The sermon subjects will to: Morn - ng, "A Startling Reversal of Stand - ug;" evening, "Does It Really Pay to Be Good?" -a sermon for young people. t 3 p.m. the Sunday school will bold e annual Rally Day service. At Knox ,-hurch next Sunday morn- ing a special rally service wi11 be con- ducted In the auditorium for all de- partments of the Sunday sehool. Rev. D. J. Lane will take for his morning theme, "Our Alt for God." The meas- Isere and teachers of the Sunday acbool are asked to meet at 10.45 a.m. so that they may attend In a body. At the evening service, at 7 pm., the min- ter's subject will be "Everyone lasslfied." At a meeting of the A.Y.P.A. of St. eorge's church, held on Tuesday even- ing, reorganization was effected and plena made for the coming season. Ofscers were elected as follows: Pre- sident, Herbert Bridle; vice-president, Miss Gladys Shore; treasurer, Miss Margaret Connor; secretary, Walter Ruffen; social convenor, Miss Mar- garet Evans; religious convenor, Miss Audrey- Decker; transportation coo- sata�G..MiamiGertrude Evans. The Young Women's Mission Circle of the Baptist ebureb held an open meeting in the ehurch on Friday even- ing. The president, Miss Alberta Os baidenton, presided. An excellent pro- gram was presented, including the fol- lowing npmbers: Scripture reading, Miss Lala Croft; solos, Mrs. C. II. Humber and Miss Leah Gritf ; read- ings, Mrs. Robert Wilson, Miss Amy Mair end Miss Vera Wllklne, and Suss Graff favored with a piano selection. Mho Beatrice Campbell gave an inter - ting paper on the life of Mr. Ko eslkose, a Russian who was a pion Mor misrfnn worker, at Toronto, among new Csnedfans. Mrs. W. T, Runt told of the similar mission work at East Windsor among newcomers to Canada. Lunch was served at the teneinsion of the program. SPECIAL THIS WICK A ,plendld totot of Dooley and Cobbler ia'tatoee just In, fine a 90-1b. beg, deliv- ered, for raeb. Quantity limited. T. I.F.Gfl, Hamilton street. Phone 4715, THiRD ARRP' T IN RANK HOLDUP Buffalo, Sept. 21. -John •Swtck, allay Jack Swartz, thlrty.year-old Bnf- fain resident, was held by pollee here today in connection with the $2,500 robbery at the Royal hank of Can- ada branch in Cargill, Ontario, Au- gust 14. Flee race took part In the robbery and Awic4 is the third man arrested here. The other two men are Anthony Diebold and Frank Adam- esyk, who were arrested shortly after the robbery. The three men are held in Erie county jail awaiting extradi- tion to Canada. en out of the mouths of himself nd his family. It was at this point that I piste* broke out , of among the spectators. eel- The councor illwent on to say that ided when "they" went to church and got treet down on their knees to pray for for- giveness of their sins he hoped they tVe would remember bow they bad treated Sus- him. (More applause.) ea- It transpired in the course of the the diem/orlon that the Hydro contract re - Me• ferret to In the motion was with the Goderlch Elevator Co. Te Audit Twat Beasts _Cenci' _then went Int committee of the whole and on resuming adopted the committee's report as follows : "Your committee of the whole have received c'ommnnlcations from some m fifteen ars of auditor* with- reference to cost of an audit of alt the town a books; and we recommend that Mr. R. W. Johnson, C.A., of St. Thomas, Ont., be offered 9750 including all his expenses for audlt end report of all town breis from 1930 to 19111 iwds- sive as per our letter of September 15th to him." is Thconcluded the business of the meeting. FARM MECHANICS Paper model of a barn -Don Pfrim- mer, Billy Hill, Roes Pesten, Billy A Fisher. th Necktie rack -Clarence Hardy. Exhibit of Jack knife carving -Bob- by Jewell, Jack Wilson, Harold Fea- gen, Florence Lawlor. compartment mail box -Clarence Hardy. NATURE COLLECTION School collection of 1.5 noxious weeds -Dorothy Pearson. Largest collection of groundhog tails -Clarence Hardy, Russell Ker - an, Erle Moore. 1s Collection of woods, commercial value -Jos. La Rocque, Jas. Pitblado. G Collection of insects --Clarence Har- dy, Kathleen SfUllon. WRITING Primer -Betty Feagan, Geo. Robert- son, Joyce Cunningham, Doris AUIn. First class-Elda Good, Norhne Venstone, Helen Mugford, Gordon Wat- son. -8eeseed class-Desesswatsom-Lillian Stewart, Mable Baer, Jean /Ill'.Third class^-Lomit Moore, Anna Munninge, Jack WUjges. Dorothy Moore. as Fourth class --pee Million, Ruby McMichael, Helen 'Fagan, Margaret Brindley, Fifth class -Grace Pfrlmmer, Dor- othy McCabe, Arthur McMichael, Nor- ma AnitaMAP DRAWING Map of ecbool grounds --Jean Hill, Earl Feagan, Winnifred McCabe, Gor- don Fisher. Third claws, map of Canada -Lorna , Moore, Dorothy Moore, Harry Feagan, I n Joe La Roeque. Fourth class, map of Atrstralia- Verna Million, Alfred Hoy, Haul Baer, Yvonne La Rocque. Fifth elms, map of the Worlds- _ 1 Grace 'Weimer, Dorothy McCabe, ma AUtn. -- ART First claaa--Dontrd Ptrimmer, NOIV lee Vanstone, Elda Good, Lots Feagan. Se and clans -Mary Feagan, Helen Young, Doris Watson, Earl Feagan. Thins class, water color, spring dower -Margaret McKnight, Anna Munnings, Corinne Ise Rocque, Joe La Roeque. Fourth Cl*,sspattern for linoleum -Helen Feagan, Alfred Hoy, Helen Allen, Mettle McMillan. Fifth class, group -teapot, package tee end teaspoon --{;real Pfrlmmer. Isabel Semi, Francis Houston, Arthur McMichael. COMPETITIONS Darning wool sock -Yvonne La Roe - mks Deme 11111, Kathleen Million. Livestock naming ---Jack Wilson, Benson Feagan, Eimer' McWhinney, Harold Feagan. Mout horgan-Harold Feagan, Yvon- ne La Roeque, Joe Le Rocgne, Corinne La Rocque. Weed naming- Kathleen 'Brion, ?alma Flecbef, Versa Million, Reason Million. LiVE (TOCK sotsRt calf -Ella Farber, Jack Wil- . epDairy calf -Irene Hill, Jas. Chit - See, Ms Flesher, Roby McMichael. Agrkultoral or draft rola-Ruth 1 - Lawson, Rurnlce Matthews, Ruby Me - Michael, Eels Flaeber. Hatter-brotell teff -may Winch- eel, Winc-eel, Ren Fischer, harry Tongan, Reit enn Feagan. Halter-ltrtlken ealt-pias. Mates. Ruby McMIebaet, Eld. Flat'ber. Irene H111. Ewe lambs- Rada Flasher, Renton Wilms, Ken Flsdrer. Laweenes C1nt- ntngtram. BRIEFS Reserve October 6 for St. George', W.A. bake ale. The Abmeek Chapter, I.O.D.E., *Bt meet on Friday, October 5th, at o'clock p.m., at the public library. The Menesetnng Canoe Club w111 re. some its monthly briefness meetings on Tuesday night next, when nominations for officers for the coming year will be received. Advertising matter for the Thanks- giving Day race meet has been distri- buted over a wkle district this week. The horsemen are looking forward to a big day, with a big crowd in attend- ance. Neertsr •steel Saturday afternoon, October 13, for afernoon tea and homemade baking sale under the au- spices of Victoria Home and School Clue, to be held in $nazel's vacant More, West street. Clear up those dizzy spells with PARKE'S LIVERTONE, a vegetable compound that stimulates a lazy liver to healthy normal action, relieving eon- Wpat ion, biliousness. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. Phone 90. The Women's Institute will hold Its regular meeting In MacKay Hall on Thorsday afternoon, October 4. The program will ire In charge of the grandmothers, with Mrs. O. Ginn and Mr.. Sanderson as convenors. The roll caR_wip be "Things Grandmother Had To Do.n The poetesses foe the day w111 be Mesdames W. McCreath, (Rorie Mathle*on, J. Stewart, a. Tat - ford, K. Stowe and C. Thomas. All 9fi'andmot•here are urged to be present. • . . SPECIAL Permanent Wave* OODER1CH REAi-TY $HO11'i'E 19 West Street -Don't Mies This -- net your wave for fall and winter at these (*etre prices: Reg. 9 1.69 wave for 9295 Reg. 1.11 wave for 4.30 Reg. 11.11 wave fee 740 4 FRIER Two finger waves and ehampoo, re - solar price $1.00. with Mach $4.50 wave. Three anger wavers and two of the heat oil treatment shampoos, regular 92.00, with. every 97.11(1 wave. These w111 be given, one each month, following yonr wave. 19(* more and take advantage of these prises If yoo are thinking of getting a wave la tbs'aazt few months. Oat the moat for your money. Don't forget we have the most mel- ee -0 and np-to-date w3nlpaserst, which satires yon of the beat results. Make your appointment NOW, se we aro giving only • limited nnmber. PHONE NNW Are fee Mr. Raraleas BORN RIVERS. -0a Thursday, September 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Ilarotd Rivera, Newgate 'street, a son (Lorne Har- old). -_.. WANTED IIAID WANTED AT ONQS )b$ about two weeks. Apply to MU. A. HAROLD TAYLOR. MAN WANTED FOR RAWLEf(i8 rotate of 800 families. Write Mew diately. RAWLRIGH, Dept. CN -20- SA, Montreal, Canada. LADIES WANTED. -TO GO INTO beauty culture business. Good pro- fits• Send your name now for full in- formatloo. W. E. PATCIIELLE, 206 Stb St. E., Owen Sound, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. -'!lira's iv hereby given to all per- sons baring any claim against the se - tate of Samuel Sheppard, late of the Township of Colborne In the County ars RUr0., C'rmer, wbo died on about the 98th day of June, A.D. 796E to send same to the undersigned, ea or before lath day of OMaher, 1934, as on and after that date the executor, herein nhail waved to make diatrtba. Hon of the said estate, having regard only to the claims then died. HATE & HAYS, Goderlcb, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. AUCTION SALEM Ai'(7rION SALE OF A 75 -ACRE FARM, FARM STOCK, HAT, ORAIN AND IMPLEMENTS, on WEDNESDAY, OCTORRR, 3rd Property of Mr. James Collinson, lot 33, concecslon 18, I7ullett, who is giv- ing up farming owing to poor health. The farm with all necessary buildings can he bought for the price of a very ordinary house and lot in town, and terms can to arranged for part of tbe purchase money. TERMS -On stock and implements CASH. T. (IITNDRY & SON, Auctioneers. /CLEARING AUCTION RAMS OF vfarm, farm stoat, implements, house- hold ede ts, •erimeater'a and black- smith's tools, about twenty tone of hay, eight acres of oats to sheat. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th at 1 o'clock p.m. Everything to be sold to wind np estate. The farm will io sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS -On real estate: 10 per cent. of purchase money on day of sale; balance in 80 days. TERMS -On chattels, cash. Mi88E9 JENNIE and ROBINA T11B- BUTT, Executrices. GEO. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE FURN- ISHINGS AND EFFECTS. Wear, tnertrocted by Mr. J. W. Salk- eld, executor of the estate of the late Mise Templeton, to seH by public auc- tion, at the residence, corner of Well- ington street and Elgin avenue, en SATu•RDAY, OCTOBER ttth commencing at 1.30 sharp: Living-raam Furniture. --One mahog. any sofa; throe mahogany chain; book shelves ; three email tables; one Morris chair; one clock; one fireplace set; two Jardiniere stands; one 'interne mimic box; one verandah settee; two chairs; one awning umbrella stand ; one grass mat. Ditdng-roam.---One mahogany pedes- tal etiologist/4e; six mahogany chair.; one 'mahogany buffet: one china cab- inet ; one tea wagon. B*ireem.-Three white Iron beds, enmplete; two white dressers; one stand; two *mall whew tables; three estate chairs and a stool; one oak Iced and denser; three feather beds and *Ix pillows. Mleeellanesmar-Tires odd rockers; two garden chain; dldbes; one 8 -burn- er ole stove; one kitchen table; refrig- erator; Hoover vacuum; brindle*: four large rags and a number of small rugs; pletnres ; .learns Iron; hot qae ; *WW. lag machine; atepladtl.r; two trunks; one lawn :sewer, earl waaasont other artier ea Everything meat he disposed of. Teems- Cash. T. OUNDRY A 90N, AtweHnneera• PUBLIC NOTIO1 MR. SMILE BAYS: DO NOT BE footsore. Us. Orem efs Coin or Banton bales, At CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. FOR SALE OS ilfily Z_-� EARACHE FOR RENT. Apply M. W. HOWELL.OENTRAL lirne-1.-intrarietter APARTI[l p" on Square, good IocaUon. Immedla CB possession. J. W. AIQIE. - Tolman. Three-piece heti); ----- with or without garage. M. W. aides RENT. -WARM CENTRAL,- ELL. HOW- .COR HOW. -=a$SA-4E-BOLID Balm sous' se Amidacondition, taiga sorts., electric water heater, combination furnace, soft water cistern, good wen besides the town water, lawn*, garage, stable and rear lot. Not far from the Square. (lash or terms. F. WOOLL, OOMBE, REAL ESTATE AND IN. SURANCE. 'Phone 299. TREASURER'S BALE OrLAND FOR TAXES COUNTY OF HURON To Wit: By virtue of a warrant la*u ed by the Warden of the County of Huron bearing date the sixteenth day of July, 1984, *ale of lands 1n ar- rears of taxes in the County of Huron w111 be held at my odic, In the Court House, Goderlch, commencing at the th hour of two o'clock in e afternoon on the seventh day of November, 1984 wooer the taxes and costs are ooer paid. Notes, is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes is being published In the Ontario Gazette on the 4th day of August and that copies of the said list may to had at my onee. Treasurer's Ofsfe, this first day of August, 1964. A. 11. ERSKINE, Treasurer, Hansa Constr. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT W. MONTEITH, Chartered Accountant !89 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. 1510 Star Bnlldlag, ThrombiOJat. AUCITONEESINO r'OYAS oUNDRY, OODERICH LiV1E "roar AND GENERAL AUCT'IONEdER T lepheee Na 119 Nike etteoded a b In *ad every gin satinfactioa. Farmers' its notes dImmunted. IEDICAL nR. F. J. R. FORSTER, LAI Y-NTHROAT. Late Nen Tech Ophthalmic and Aura a aqntres ekingat Moorefiealumld ids _Masi 11Ithheetee Street B., Televise, 287. AA Hew Bedford, Goderich, Own 7 p.m. on the evening of the third Monday of each month Rift the egret day, Tuesday, at 1 p,Ri--•- DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER CHIRO(CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS PRACTOR DedericEquipped with e4soMoos trOmagirek Electronic electric treatments' Chronic ° and nervous lade L i at- tendance. temdaaaca Omoe Doors 2 !a s sad T to 8 p.m. on Tuesday. Friday sod ewe - urns,. and on Wednesday 10 a la a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m, or culmination may be had by eppr'lntmeot A. N. ATKINSON Residence and isa South *creel and Britannia LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLMEIS. H*rrmaDsr, Etc Office-Ttlepbons�55rt HOURS, Oodarlt! DOUGLDOUGLAS R. NAIRN, AS and Solicitor Office -.-H un fit on Street, Oodertrlls. Telephone 512. r. R. DARROW, BARRIBTHR, ATO. Successor O J. I. Moran ofaco-no Outfields Telepbose 97. Square, FRANK DONNELLY, B.A. BarristerSolicitor. Vibe. ■ Of>fce--.-Hataaltson Street. Goderiak. Tbtepbone 282. DAYS & HAYS, -- Beeristere and SOltcitoss R. C Hays, K.C., and R Q Haye, S.A. Omos--Hamiitoes Strest, Oode Telephone 88. vie► ECRNEST M. LEE, LL Banister and Solicitor Snit 14!. Building, Adelaide and Vas- reets, Tyrone° Telephone Elgin 5801. 1 INSURANCE, LOANS, ETQ YcRILLOP MUTUAL ETRE INSUL RI ANON O .-Para and 1soLw town 1w party is., ,,, , offleem--Alex. Rrosdfoot; Freedom, Sewfor'th; James Obenolir. Vle♦t'aeia, G elerieb P.O.; Merton A. Reid. Mee - forth, Ase'.-T4*as, S,atereb P.O. D$reetore-A. Beoadfb,t. R.R. 710, g. worth; James Micedlee, Wttsass; Wm Knox, I.nesdashero: Robert Far - Ha Myth; Geo. Leonbardt, Bershehs. R.R 1: Job, Puppets Rrenneab. Moylan, 9esfbrti, R.S. 5; W<,IL Archlhaicl, $eaforth, R.5. 4; lacer Connolly. Oodsrleh. Asprats-W. J. Tss, R. Ne. S �. ton; Jamas Watt, Myths Flaly, Ifo- resehero, Aurora ; Jobe Murray, tras- forth ; Bess F. Hewitt. »IMUS ha, alePeiler-holders as alba pee Ike Sorel r (: sneeme get tamer ear& 0- j J. a as4/, camases tllasrv�tltyw r