HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-9-27, Page 7r
,saisoaNal/saress..iswaws.. vw..sosto ..aaffsaw ,
Thursday. September 270, 1934-T
County and District
In his eighty-uluth year, Josiah
James McDonald died last week at his
home in Exeter North.
Sea forth had a successful CLIj_fa
last week. Hon. Duncan Marehat,
Provincial Nlulster of Agriculture,
present nu Friday and gave an
After an Illness of five months, Sirs.
Albert Gsdeke passed away September
s r loth at her home on the 2ud conces-
slon`OrWow1 k. She was to her forty-
seventh year.
Mary E. Nott, wife of W. A. Grant,
died at her Lome lu ('Ilntou ou Sep-
tember 17, atter au illness of several
laonths. She was a attire V Tncker-
it"w t7e1"'ri ,•t1isteislw'r., ...�'y
luny has already commenced work on
the new contract.
Kicked by Horse
j[lrhad in,_the _Stomach by p horse
leek Conrad% sixteen -year-old sou o'f
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Conant, Tuckersmkh,
!_se tt(ken. W the Seatorth hospital In
e sextons co idItlei The accident ire-
ettrrod Ttwday of last week. Young
Consitt had been driving some hovers
front a field to the barn and when he
fated to appear aee•reh waw ntaae+uad
he wag found tying In a field.
Beyer -Nett
A pretty wedding took place at the
home of the bride's parents on Satur-
ItnY. Ptem4fl._;1d....811SYe{vg Loa-
ipaa elitexf daetrll�'e
irgtrifr:irod Mrs.
band, 1s one eon, 11'llfyel [;rant, D.D.S., G. W. Nutt, Seaforth, was united In
11 of Ottawa. marriage to Bert Russell Boyer, sou
William Miller, of Zurich, died Sep- of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boyce, Bruce-
tember 1501 In St. Josephs hospital. field. Rev. 1. B. Keine otfetated 1n
the presence of about twenty-five
guests. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce will re-
side near Brucefield.
London, 1u 114; reventyairat year. He
ata. wee born In Hay township, removing to
Zurich about eight years ago. Ile le
eurvtved by his wife, four sons and
srsar two daughter. -' -'
Mrs. Margaret Broderick of Exeter
t passed away September 18th In her
eighty-eighth year. She and her hus-
- township before
� 1 baud farmed in Hay P
i temoving to Exeter about twenty-five
years ago. Mr. Broderick predeceased
Death et East Wawaaosh Resident
Jelin Thomas -i W1 Zlth eunreadon
of East Wawano*h, nttc•umbed to an
attack of pweumouta ou Friday morn-
ing last. ' He was In his sev-
euty-seeond year and was a lifelong
resident of the distrht. Ile laaur-
vlved by his wife, three sons and tares
her 1n 1910. Four .on. and tour dough- daughters; also by two brothers.
ATsa ten survive. George of East Wawauusb and Rich -
The death of Mrs. John Norris, of
Tucker•mith, occurred on September
IN15th 1n Clinton hospital, where she had
ilee-ed been for seven weeks. Deceased is *ur-
vtved by her husband and three sons,
Lyle Norrie of Detroit, Dr. lance Nor-
-"----"file et Toronto, and Harry, et borne.
At the United church manse, Bel -
more. on September 12th, Beatrice
Margaret, elder daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. ilarry Ferguson. Cilffonl, was
united In marriage to Albert Everett,
eon of the late Mr. end Mr*. John
Sperling of Gurrle. Rev. A. L. Thomp-
son officiated. The young eonpte will
vesicle on the groom's farm south of
The death iseurrcd on September
17th. at her hone in Tuckersmlth, of
Ellen Shennahan. widow of the late
James De'ereaux. In her eighty-eighth
year. Deceased was born In Ireland,
coming to Canada with her parents
wiles six years of age. The family
settled 111 the vicinity of Seaforth,
where deceased had since resided. Her
husband d;ed fifty-one yeses ago. Sur-
viving are one won. William. of Tuck-
eramitll. and tl*ee daughters, lira,
John L. Downey and Mr.. H. J. Down-
ey. Detroit. and Mrs. Wm. Dorsey, St.
Columban. Deepened was • devout
C•thnllc, and In the funeral service
Rev. T. P. Hussey was assisted by Rev.
Father Nagle of Goderich.
Te Make IM -ft. Pavement
The contract for widening the pave-
•ment on . , north of Clin-
ton for eight miles, to the regulation
twenty -foot width has leen awarded
to the McArthur Construction Co., who
have just competed the ten -foot strip
Quer that eeetion of road. The Com -
"It Helps Me!"
Thea. what 9s out 01 100
women say atter taking this
medicine.is quiets quivering
gives them more
strews - before and after
child tides them over
Change Life :.. makes life
seem worth living again.
ird of %Vingham, and two sisters, Mrs.
William Ruddy of Auburn and Sarah
of East Wawanosli.
A pretty wedding took place on Sat-
urday-, September 1501, ou the terraces
of Ernswilffe Farw, the honlVbf-"kt?:"
and Mrs. John L. McKenzie, Kincar-
dine township, when their daughter,
Joanne Grace, I,eiuuw the bride of
Samuel Enos Cottle, sun of Mr. and
Mrs. S. G. Castle of Clinton. The
ceremony was conducted by Rev. Angus
Meteor of Tiverton. The young couple
have taken up housekeeping at Clinton.
St. Paul's Anglican church, Wing -
ham, was the •ceue of au interesting
event on Monday, September 17111.
when Violet Gladys, eldeet daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Mellor, was
united in marriage to James Price
Mender on. cant of Thomas Henderson
and the late Mrs. Henderson. Rev. F.
L. Roberts officiated. Ou their return
from a trip to Niagara Falls aud De-
troit, Mr. and Mer. Henderson will
reside 1n %Ingham.
A Tex B81 of 1554
We were ebown In (his once what
is probably one of the oldest tax re-
ceipts in this district. It was dated
at WeaUtetd December 7th, 11454, and
It shows that Jason Ellis, father of
J. E. Ellis, fast half lot 38, concession
4, East Wawanosh, paid for the same
property on which his son now lives
the sem of 15 shillings for 1115 year's
taxes. The receipt Is signed by Hete-
klah Helps, who was Reeve at that
time. By way of comparison 1n taxes
of that time and now, Mr. J. E. E111s'
faxes on tj property for 1934 are
Prize List of
Goderich Fall Fair
(Continued from pap e)
Chicken pie -Mrs. N. L Garter, Gar-
field McMichael.
Beet loaf -Mrs. N. L, Cerise.
Hard soap -IUs. 14. L Carter, 1».
Tohn Grieve
Soft soap -H. A. MUM *25. N. L.
naafi' N. L
Carter, Mra. Olivet
Bread, white -Mrs. N. L. Carter.
Earl R. Couper.
Bread, brown -Mrs- N. L. Oster.
Mrs. W. II. Tremblay.
Nut bread -Mrs. R. Stonehouse, Km
N. L. Carter.
Ubscults-Mrs. 11. Stouehouse, Mrs.
News of the Farm
Notes and Oomments on
Agricultural Topics
Swede Rests for Seed
Swede roots fur seed may be stored
either in outside pats or In a dark, well
ventilated cellar free from frost yet
.umcleutly cool to keep them from
sprouting too early In the spring. When
the ;Vote pre pulled the lupe 4,10
cut off about an Inch to an Inch and a
halt from the crows.
-�Ieetbm Potatoes_
Losses to potatoes from low tempera-
tures may be prevented by adopting
the following measures: 11) harvest
the crop before heavy frosts. (2)
Store the crop In rooms Baring ±1.ls.ta-
Bans-;a els Tat Iefiie iorni706T''
Cookies -Garfield McMichael, Wm.
Rocks -Sam Alton, Mrs. 14. L. Car-
Dark fruit cake -Mrs. N. It:Carter,
Mr.. Edger Darling.
Light fruit cake -Mrs. N. L. Carter,
Mn. L B. -Hondo.
Light layer cake-Ign. N. 14 Har-
arter, Mrs. J. 14. Howrle. .
Pies, apple and lemon -Mee. N. L.
Carter, Garfield McMichael.
.py,.pumpkln and chocolate -Mrs N.
L. Carter:
Tarts -Mn. N. L. Carter. Mrs. J. S.
Cheese dish -Mrs. N. L. Carter.
Macaroons--Mra.•¥. Stonehouse, Mrs.
Oliver Jervis. -
Doughnuts-Mrit.N• L. Carter, Mrs.
011rer Jervis.
Graham gems -Wm. Bolton. Garfield
--lerittchat.l. - -
Dark layer take -Yrs. J. S. Howrle,
Mrs. N. L. Carter,
Scotch shortbread -Mrs. N. L. Car-
ter. Mrs. J. S. Howrle.
Gingerbread -Mrs. N. L. Carter, Gar-
field McMichael.
Johnny cake -Garfield McMit-hael,
Mrs. N. L. Carter.
Angel cake-Mra. N. L. Carter.
Judges -Mrs, L. Taylor, Mrs. A.
Landacape, .fen fry -Miss Lucile
Grant, Clinton. •
Marine, scenery -Miss Lucile Grant.
Drawing, portrait -Misr Lucile
Animal subject -Mrs. J. S. Howrle.
Flower. -Miss Lucile Grant.
Fruit -Miss Lucile Grant.
Lnudacape, *emery -Miss Lucile
Best drawlug, any ',objets, MIs* Lu-
cile Grant.
Flowers --Miss Lucile Grant.
Marine -Mrs. A. G. Savage.
Figure -Mian M. Livingston. -
Flowers•-•ltiss--I Livingston-
Fruit -Miss M. Livingston.
Inanimate object, portrait -Miss 31.
Auy subject on satin or silk -Mrs
Brophey Bros.
Ambulaneswrvtva at .all hours.
day or night.
PHONES: !Mere 126 Res. 217
J. IL Wheeler
Funeral Mester std Emhelmer
oats promptly attended M
day or night
Store 1135 Residence 3WHamtiton Street. Gode!rteh
$87.2 k. Thi ` Asa. mat •ft(l'e sot
the taxes on Mist property have risen
from about $3.75 to the present rate,
or about eighteen times as mucb.-
%Ingham ',Advance -Tuner.
Engagements Announced
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake, Sea -
forth. announce the engageuteut of
their daughter, Dorothy Agnes, to Har-
old Lionel Purdy, &der son of Mr. and
Mew John L. Purdy, Torohto, the mar-
riage to take place quietly October 11th.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kruse, Seaforth,
announce the engagement of their
younge-t daughter. Wlnnifred Louisa,
to Itaymond E., only sun of W. J. Nott
and the late Mew Soft of Egmondvllle.
The marriage Is to take place early in
Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, of T'sborne,
announce the engagement of their eld-
est daughter. Nora May, to Alvin Le-
verne, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Cottle, of the' Thames road. the
marriage to take place In Oetoher.
At the Preebyterlan manse, Wing -
1:01111; -on - Saturday, ,teptetnber 72nd,
the wedding was solemnized of Mar-
garet E., second daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Tbomaa Elliott. Blyth, to Gor-
don R. Ilamllton, eldest eon of Mrs.
F. Churchill. Bluevale, and the late
Robert Hamilton. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Kenneth McLean.
The bride was attended by her sister,
MIs. Jean Elliott. and George Henry,
of Lueknow, was hest man. After the
ceremony dinner was served to about
twenty guests at the home of the
brides parents In Blyth. and later the
young couple left on a motor trip to
Niagara Fal!.. Buffalo and other
eldest. On their return they w111 re-
side on the bridegroom's farm near
this acoount the production et apples
In Ontario may within several yearn
reach the output of last year. Meth
mated from °uterlu correspuudeute W-
dteate that Betdwttus will show au s5
per cent. reduction in output from last
year ; Spy* a e0 per cent. reduction
Greening* a decrease of e5 per cent.;
Starks a decline of 5e per teut.; Ben
Dario a reduction of 85 per tent., and
McIntosh 34 per cent. below last year.
lu t�l:!!g soutberu part of Southwestern
Outeribi dry weather and high tempera-
tures retarded the sislug of apples
somewhat but rteeut rales will improve
the situation. Where winter Injury -
-wa .:
=eie,e, tiers- -sirovred-'"incrtasttY i was 6easpisisty•dotlde4.tW
mortality ou account of the lack of with rheumatism. I could not brush
moisture supplies. Insects are quite wR hair uor wash myself. People said
numerous, and especially the codling I should ,lever work any more. I am
woo.very--ilttla seat, 4., t. t,..44„.., working harder than a young man
Doubled Up With
Su bad was his rheumatism that his
friends declared he would never work
*gala. Although he is 70 years old, he
peon tiiee were ivdieltifda'ttd what
be says:
"I ate seventy years of age. Last
caul 4l► ,Iwrrw.• a'
102,1443iLblilli$11.fra ne•tw.a.�s•.a•f
thus preventing the putatos from turn-
ing sweet and the development of nec-
eorosis. (3) Provide protectLu against
front for potatoes transported during
the cold months. (41 Wheu it is
known that potatoes have been under -
cooled do not handle them until it in
certain that the temperature 1s above
the freezing point.
Plumbing, Heating
UR -
Wei HAVE 1'1'
Repairs for all makes of
stoves or furnaces
Prompt service -end reason-
able prices
In the Georgian Bay apple -growing today. Thanks, many thanks, to
district the weather has leen generally
favorable for the developmeut of fruit.
In suave orchards serious damage from
sidewertn he retorted: - -1e Control Oa-
-apples skiing- 4e.4s4y 'wail Ste
the western half, but lu the eastern
counties apples are ou the small adze.
PH.tgYag Practice
A series of experiments carried out
at a government experimental station
has giveu some interesting resulti in
regard to ploughing st-tlIfferent depths
and times.
On au average, ever a period of
nine years, ploughing four inebes deep
for a rotatiou of corn, oats, clover and
timothy has given higher yields than
has ploughing seven inches deep, ex-
cept in the ease of oats, iu *Welt the
yields have been practically the same.
The shallow ploughing Is of particular
advantage 4n..Jhs• . oro crop, ,. _
In the preparation of sod- land for
grain, it has been fuuud that plough -
Ing in July, as soon as the hay is off
and top working during the summer
has nut Duly given higher yields of
oats, but has also lett the land free
from couch grass. The experiment has
Moen that on sandy luau sell it defer
not pay to either rib the land. WSW
plough lu the fall. flu heavy clay
soil, rubbing or reploughing late in the
fall gives the frost a eh:West to Bellow
the sell and leave It in a better state
of tllth.
in the preparation of moth land for
corn. mauurtng on the eel and spring
ploughing has given higher yields than
manuring and fall plou.ling.
It would, therefore, appear that for
corn ou sandy loam. the lend should
be manure(' and 'print p'ouglied four
inches deep. while for gralu R should
be ploughed as soon as the hay 1• Mt
and topworked.
• •
• • •
Kruseben Salts. I take them lo my
tea, and 1 hare recommended them to
many. I could not get in or out of
bed _myself, nor sit up. But see me
Ioj cc sometimes.
ilrusellen .t clave one lt.- -(r
Rheumatie eondltlona are the result
of an excess of uric acid in the body.
Two of the Ingredients. of Kruaehen
Seed Crops Afore Favorable Halts dare the power of dissolving uric
Seed crops in Ontario, generally
speaking, are more favorable than wok
considered possible a few weeks ago,
leading seed fires report. There Is,
itis trim -an extreme shortage of tiler
grade alslke us a result of a curtailed
acreage followed by a dry summer In
1933 and a eold winter and spring in
1934. In most other lines, however,
sulkiest eupplles to meet a Howl
demand are indicated.
To build up the alslke acreage next
spring, seed w111 have to be imported
and pries are likely to be high. 1t
Is pointed out dust only the very best
No. 1 seed should be used iur this
purpose a4 the Drop to be sown will be
the fuuudatleu for future commercial TALL FAIR DATES
seed yields.
Altulfs seed is more pleadifId_tt)an
was anticipated. Quality U reported 1
Fair envie hale been produced In the
regular seed sections and there is con-
siderable robots. rowing in tram scat-
tered lots all over Ontario. With the
small carryover from the previous sea-
son It is believed that sumelent seed
is in eight. -ICU tat early to make dentate pre•
diktlons legardlug reel clover. The
crop has not all been harvested and
there has been scarcely any threshing.
Reports Indleete a fair yield lu cer-
tain districts and scattered lots from
other points. Color and quality w111
depend un ale weather of the next
few weeks. There is a fair carryover
of this -evil end If Ilurestli. fall. short
seed can be imported from United
States and Europe.
Good quality and fair quantity is II
reported for timothy. The domestic
sweet will probably he sufficient to
meet a good deal of normal demand.
The ales of the 1944 crop represents a
considerable advance over a few years
ago when 90 per cent. of the country's
Tose Farrier Controls Cost
"The cost of pri,tlee•ing a rope Is at
all times a very imp,rteut eonaldera requirements were imported. As buy -
don," observes E. S. Hopkins, B.S.A., I Ing prices in ('*nada are now getting
Dominion Field Husbandman. "Re-
turn retina are Wore or t. -.s eeetroi'ed
by the law of supple and demand or
by other prevailing conditions, and the
producer has very little Influence up-
on the prise he w111 receive for Ilia
Phew, 1!1
P. 0. Bea 121
acid crystals. tither ingredients' assist
Nature to expelthese dissolved Gryfe
tale through the natural channel. In
addition. there are still other,salts In
itrnwe-hen whieh prevent fcssl fermen-
tation in the Intestines. end thereby
check the further aecumulatlon not
only of uric acid, but of other body
poisons which undermine the health.
Ili days of old our sires wore queues.
And buckles on their tine big shueues.
With tails to their coats
And lace at their dinette
And night-caps when they took a
Ford wich
St. Marys
Sept. 27-28
Sept. 27.28
Oct 24
Oct. 4-s
Oct. 54
....--Oct 9.10
Oct. 9-10
A. G. Savage, Miss M. Livingston. product. He has, hoe fres, same eon -
Mrs. !3 0. Savage. .y'tl'bt o4$'Irtittessor o't'priatnetltla
Marine -Mrs. A. G. Savage.
Animals -Miss M. Livingston.
Flowers -Mrs. A. G. Savage.
Fruit -Mrs. A. G. Savage.
Any subject, in crayon -Mies Lucile
Pen and ink sketch -Miss Lucile
Penell drawlug-Miss Lucile Grant,
Mrs. J. S. Howrle. ,
(' nvention.•tl-Mira M. LlvingMon,
MIss Lucile Grant.
Floral -Dr. John Grieve, Miss Lucile
('ups and saucers -Dr. John Grieve.
Six plates to match -Dr. John
Judge -Miss E. McNaughton.
Writing. 2n4 class pupils -Muriel
Leitch. Rose Bowra, Bernice Cook.
4VriIing. 3rd class pupils -Glenna
Johnston Margaret Hall, Shirley 1441 -
dna - --
Writing. 4th clam pupil-3iti
Frith. Lois Carrick, Aleen Volland.
Drawing, 3rd class pupils -George
Leitch, Raymond Snell, Pauline John-
Drawing. 411. c•lasa pupils -Jean
Schaefer, Pauline Bradley, Chas. Pow-
Judge -H. R. Long.
Bird horse--Bas-tl Bradley. Martin
Taffy. 0 years and under -Ruth Sna-
eel, Verna Miller. Joan Buchanan; 12
years and under -Laura Durst, Mary
Wilson. Donald Campbell; over 12
years -Betty Johnston.
Cake. 9 years and , under -Rawls
Willis, Madeleine Vickers; 12 years
and under -Jeep Schaefer, Lanra
Dnrst. Ernest Kneeshaw; neer 12 years
-Margaret Barrie, Kenneth Penning-
ton. Anna M.Guire.
Blw•ults, 12 years and under -Donna
Mohring: over 12 yens. -Josephine
Muffins, 9 years and under--Fdgar
Pridham. Basil Bradley, Lillian Irwin;
12 years end ander--Betty Mchlwain,
Maxine Martin. Ernest Salkeld.
Small sake., 9 years and under -
Morley Bloomfield, Jack Mnn.lsy: 12
yearn and ander-Pauline Johnston,
Frieda Barbour.
Pte.. 9 years end under-Panlloe
Patterson: 12 yea es and nnder-Lain
iten)smin. Lama neral: over 12 years
--Fva Metver. Pontine Bredley, Jose-
phine !trolley.
Tart.. 9 year% end under -Irene
Bradley: 12 year. and under -Laura
Durst. Frieda' ftarbour : over 12 Years
Morley Bloomfield, Fre McTver.
RPad work. 9 yearn and under -Jack
Munday: over 12 years- /trace Morgan.
t)remsed doll. A years end tinder -
Eleanore MacFwan. Agnes Snider: 12
yaws and tinder Donald Vetere; over
12 yawn-- O;velyw Monday. Pauline
Bradley. Mary Ptellow..
Knitting. A retire and under -Dor-
een Morrieon : 12 yeses and nnder-
F'rieda Barbour, Ronald Campbell. Ada
Walter Dalton -
Huron Old Boy. Graduate
Goderich Collegiate inatttuta
13610 West Warren Ave.,
Td. Oregon 8658
economy with which he produces his
crop may mean the difference between
profit and Toss on that crop. In times
of depression and low prices this 14
doubly important. If profits are to be
maintained when prices are low, conte
must toe ,ueesurevl anordingly."
- Rat was • sweet girt. the was
reading a book that gave the meaning
of names. Her mother was watching
her. and thinking of all the young men
who were attracted to her.
"Mother." says Ruth, "tt says Phil -
Ip means lover of horses. and James
means beloved. Mother, what dope
George mean. f wonder',"
r1 hope. my dear". odd her mother.
"'that George means bnslneas."-Mnn-
treat Star.
Clip tike seaport and mall It «Mr $1 for s els weeks' trial 1Gserfpdea to
THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR 4114 y�wa i rw. 1rass.m►er anae.ry
1r+ I Idle wow ,reset
Mer l rw .t lir •, ase.. s.d..
_ssra�t a•.wwW,l��f ��r'
§jr at sat 1aa Nr I-iair.a. �� •� "'�' <tv�o•a.
ewsewaolsrar z ausI - - ' 11=WorgWIW tats.
close to the coat of huh -grade Ameri-
can seed, freight ■nd duty paid, stead -
ler prices here In the Immediate future
are anticipated.
• • •
Apple Crop Revert
In Eastern Ontario the orchards
show a greater falling off in produc-
tion than In Western Ontario. Many
orchards wide!' bore heavily last year
have praeti-ally no apples this year,
as a large number of old orchards were
almost completely winter -killed. A
large number of orchards were planted
out In reeent years, however, and these
are now reaching hearing age. On
Sheardown ; over 12 years -Betty John-
Bedspread, over 12 years -I -Arleen
Johnston, Evelyn Wilson.
Cream candy, 9 years and under -
Ruth Snasel, Verne Miller, Dorothy
traughan--4I years and -wader -Laura -
Dttr.t, Pauline Johnston. Enid Mac-
Dohald; 12 years and over. Edriean
Johnaton, Eunice Allan, Dorothy Medd.
Plain' sewing on cotton. 11 years and
under -Claire Blase[, Florence Riley,
Freda White: 12 year+ nn.! under -
Helen Holmes, Jessie ('ruff. Elizabeth
Sclenhals; over 12 year-'- ylargiierlte
Morgan, Joaephine Bradley, Betty
Children's aprons, 9 years and un-
der -Willa James. Florence Riley,
Gw•endoline Jock.
Embroidery, 9 yenta slid under -
Agnes Sul"der.
Buffet eet-over 12 year.-Edriean
Embroidery, guess towels, Is years
and under -Madeleine Vickcr.: over 1.2
years -Evelyn Wilson.
Tea towels. 9 yea re and under -Flet•
ty Smith; 12 year- and under -Jean
Schaefer, Donald Vickers. -�
Aprons, over 12 year -Evelyn Wil-
son, Thelma McGuire.
Runner., dresser scarfs. 12 ,rears and
tinder -Dorothy Striughan.
Luncheon clothe, tray cloth, tattle
ends, over 12 year,. Edriean Johnaton.
Judges -Mrs. ile/ ik, Sadie Farrloh.
Animate, Book ' - lock Hamilton;
Book 3 --Grant Johnston; (took 4 -Lor-
raine Nelson, Edriean Johnaton, Bever-
ley Mille.
Flowers. Book 1-Florenee Riley,
Yvonne Bender, PredeVlck Dowker;
Book 2 -Teddy Tl•,mas, Joan Rnehan-
an, Mildred Brindley; Book 3 --Jean
Frith. Genrglne Mille_. Maxine Martin;
Book .1- Merlon Chapman, Grace Vol -
land, Mnelne
Birds. stook 2 Eleanore Mscriven,
Jgsn Grill, Franklin llawthorne; Hook
3- 41 nee Morro rt. Mary Burrows:
Books Betty John+ron. Edrlcsn John -
.ton, Jacqueline Haines.
PYnits. (took 2 .ioyee Sager, Almeta
Steep, Hassid Black: hook A -Marjorie
Millar. Grant John=ton, lack Baxter:
Rook 4 Marion Chapman. Betty John-
ston. George Graham.
Jndge Mina del. McNanghtnn. >(a.
Men's Clothes
The very latest in
Summer Wear
Chas. Black
't,Wh l-sie" i`cotl%iif6-wstG -a little
wore of is that kind of beautiful In-
tegrity. that 1 arty or singleness of
purpose whittt Is entirely self -regard-
less, which does not trouble about get-
ting credit, but only wants to see the
things that need doing getting done.''
-Lady Morley Fletcher.
Now Is the Time to Have Your
Furnace Looked Over
and have it put In good order. 1t w111 not he long until you will re-
quire to use 1t. If you are contewplatlug iustailiug a new furnace,
let us estimate the size you will require and give you a price on a
guaranteed job. If you require new plumbing or your present
plumbing requires any changing, let us estimate the cost of same
for you, All our work is fully guaranteed.
We carry a large stock of ANTHRACITE, BITUMINOUS and
POCAHONTAS COAL, all of whlclels of a very high quality and It
c 'lghed on your own scales (The Market Scales'.
TLa-IDardware Store andCcal Yard at the Harbor
Goderteb. Ont.
Phones- Store 22, House 112.
err --slat`
-sisanest.•asa?x e5�t•ticaTe.s=.--,�.._-..
Commercial Printing
We can give youprompt and
satisfactory service in
Financial Statements
Fine Stationery
Statement Forms
Factory Forma
_Business Forma
ted Forms
Envelopes (all kinds)
Buaineaa Cards
Personal Cards =' -
Wedding Stationery
- Funeral Folders
Announcements �-
Shipping Tags
Sale Bills
Window Cards
Auction Sale Bills +_"1
Saos.•-Berle and Simplify__
Many Otherwise Tatitis/us Tasks
Better Printing is our aim
Prices Reasonable,.
+sea r .0.4/4.04,0%/404. Ago,
The Signal Printing Co., Ltd.
Phone 35
North Street