HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-06-19, Page 7snow �eutinel, Weduesda .June ,1990. Page 7 by ,f essa Kuyvenhuveu He mus, , stops slightly and takes a t :ging l'eap,clears the pole and onto the Mattress! Many of the boys and girls of ucknow' hristian.enjoyed the: many. fieldday events on June 10. Runnjng, triple ;jump; high jump and shot put :all made a fun day for little and big chile. diem,. OnMay :24 a loud bus of Grade 7 and 8 students pulled onto the highway and waved at nearly every, bod, 4.. They soon pulled into the CN tower place and toak a look around.. They enjoye&the. glass• floor, the space deck and computers, and the /Marto Sciem .e Centre where the unfused for hours. • t ak The Grade 3 4 and 5s took a trip•t* the Family Literacy Fair in Clinton, They saw authors and illustrators and sang.:aloug with musicians; enjoyed drama sessions and writing. They also. enjoyed Camilla Gryski a lady who did string art and.has written books on how to do it. It's, always hard to say goodbye..NOTI On June 19 our 8 grad- uates sadly, (yah, right) think its time to say bye for a fun -filled summer with Grade 9 following. Thank you to all the readers of this column. It has been fun writing and telling you about the ongoings at the school. I , wish you all a happy and blessed sun rner. N1I111rrr•r11MrMv•111rs111111111111111r11rr®1111 Members of the Cavan. Cioggers out- of Winthrop helped entertain at • Nile United Church's variety concert last week. This. twosome was straight .:from "Green Acres". Lisa (Sherry McCall) batted her super long eyelashes ..while Oliver ,(Diane Stebbins) just kept on -smiling. (Pat Livingston .photo) • Pubijc speaking Contest ,Ta uation DDE io11IlIr••UIrrUuMA•111II11IUUMrurIer THEATRE KINCARDtJE 396-3250. Delores Van Osch, Goderich, is pleased to announce the graduation of her son, Brent, .• from Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, with an Masters Degree in Business Administration. Brent grraduated from the University of Waterloo', in 1989 with,q Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied Physics and since then has been employed at Cam. Deo. Ltd., Cambridge - Manufacturer of a Communications. Equipment for Space Satellites; where he is Operation Product Manager. Brent, his°vvife• 'Helen and soil Anthony ressdein Kitchener. Brent is the' son.of *elate, Antoine; Van Osch, of Ashfield Town hip. Congratulation front your family and friends! ' If public speaking is your area of expertise, you may be interested in :a competition, to king place at The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair .in Toronto, on Nov. 9. • The contest is open to those `between ''the ages of 16 and 24. The'. winner will receive a cash prize of $700 from Farm_ • Credit Corporation and the opportunity to spend a day, exploring areas of interest at OMAFRA. Five: runners-up will, also win cash prizes. Contestants , are required to . give a timed, five -to -seven minute speech in either• of Canada's official languages on.. tine .of four suggested topics: The Value sof Vo'1unteers Heroes/Heroines of Canadian Agriculture. The Changing. Face of the Royal Agricultural 'Winter Fair, or The, Importance of Relearch/Technology m Agriculture. Official rules and: entry forms are avail- able frorn any ()MAMA, FCC field and district offices in Ontario. C.aiiin a� �rxter Attention, writers. ; For complete contest About $1,0,00 in prize money is up for grabs in the 1996 Guelph. Alumnu s%ScotiaMcLeod writing competition. If you write poetry,. short stories or essays,. you could be the big win- ,:ner in this year's comcpe- tition;. Along with a cash prize, the first place : win- ner will receive national publication in the University of :Guelph's alumni magazine. So start. writing. Entries must by received by July 15, 1996. Weather rules, 'contact .•University Communications at the.: University of .Guelph, Level 4, .. University Centre,, Guelph, Ont. NIG 2W1, 519..-824- . 4120, ext. 8706 Happy 50t Wedding . Anniversary Donald J. & Joan Nlctnirye on June 26 "HANG ON FOR DEAR LIFE!" Oonn,e CholChlW NATIONAL NEWS SYNDICATE "'THE ROCK' ISA MUST.SEE!" Stere Oldheld. NSTO.TV ALL SEATS $4.25 MON. TO THURS. ?PARENTAL GUIDANCE LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1-800-265-3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO The first scientist to make a detailed predic- tion about theimpact of greenhouse gases on global climate published his fundings; (a) 15 ears ago, (b) 25 years ago, (c) 50 years ago, (d) 100 years ago: Answer: (d) Swedish chemist. and physi+ist Svante Arrhenius devel- oped the world's first quantitative .k climate model in 1896, estimat- ing that • a' tripling of car- bon dioxide "concentra- tions in 'the !atmosphere would itnoreases the earths s s'average air t.ein erature � by about 9 degrees C. OPEN HOUSE. Saturday June 22 ,9 la.m. - 1 a.m. Lucknow Legion . .'Best Wishes Only" Lovefrom your family, John & Carol, Arl nna, Neil & Barb, Linda, Gary & Sheila & JoAnn. JUI E.21S , Steak 1. B.B.Q. pub:.• • Night: 1t •rr#. OW 528-3032 ttEt rA+ onies 'Rev 8111 13tesnabani .`. *.r Sec Po W egetabl� -, u11 Salad Kick ings toes Soups Bim" 0 rn r With ,a r,