HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-9-27, Page 5THE SIGNAL — GODERICH, ONT. lY Do Not Neglect that Cough ! We tarry in stock a liberal supply of the advertised Cough Syrups Buckley'. Bronchitis Mixture 40e, 75c Prosier Penlyptue 36e Pewter White Pine and Spruce Balsam 2k, 56e Phase's Linseed and Turpentine 35e, 15e Matron's 49 Cough Syrup IDe, 75c Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 60e, $1.00 Robert's Syrup Tar and Cod liver OU 35e Ward off that tough or cold by taking Wampok''s Taeteteels Cod (Aver Oil, Ayers* Cod liver Oil, Parke, Davis Vitamin Products CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Thune 90 22 The Square Goderich GODERICH TOWNSHIP - p411140.43.'01(>iifK8K44i Sept. --23 --Mr. and Mrs. John Sowerby vlalted with relatives at Brampton at the week -end ■nd took In the Brampton fair. Rev. J- N. H. Mills, rector of St. George's church, Goderich, was calling on his parishioners In this dlstrlct last week. Miss Marion Porter was home from the Stratton'. Earmal School over the week -end. Miss Marguerite Falconer of Goder- k. spent Sunday at tbe home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Falconer. Visitors at the home of Mr. and SAVE MONEY_ (IN 1`(Wit FURNACE FURNACE PIPES PLUMBING COAL BLOWERS HUMIDIFIERS - I'ROM1'T SERVI('F: Carl W. Worsell Keays Street Phone 475 Transport -- Service i am now giving daily service -by transport between Goderich and Toronto. Mr. Wm. Tebbutt, Montreal Street, bas charge of the Goderich end. and tele- phone messages will be accepted et Mr. Tabbutt's _ _bouie, phone 483, or Rouse & Bell's Garage, Kingston Street, phone 33. Thanking you for pest patron- _ege and trusting that this ser - otos will still be to your benefit. Traitstql ROY MUNNINGS Roy Munning%, 124 Medland St., Toronto, Ont. Mrs. ltobr. Davidson during the week were: Miss Helen Davidson of Wind- sor, Mr. Hugh Davidson of Montreal, and Mr. Elwin Anderson ut London.. __ Mr. Wm. Elliott of wr Tam"Grtil1r lug at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Westlake. Mr. Arthur Beavers of Goderich was renewing acquaintances at ('nlun on S daughter, of Goderich, visited on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mitchell and I Knox church, Goderich, after which h group contributed one or two num day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. facts. these studies is to interpret and deepen colleagues, who are releasing the spirit eacThe Goderich girls presented an ()brie Ul t Suwerby. .__�___:_ .. _.-- Is. Ber Many friends abtended the funeral of the late Thos. Mettles, at Grace ehurch, on Sunday. Mr. Joins Yulll had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kilpatrick anc1J Roth, of .iaruta, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Fuller last week. Congratulations are extended to Mr. sad Mrs. 1). B. Orr, of Tor roto, 00 Ilse advent of a young son last week. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladles' Aid of Zion church, Taylor's Corner, wlll be held at the home of Mrs. B. X. Sttrlinr'bl`t-Wednesrf4. tk'tober 3rd, at 2 o'clock. (den Church No/os.-T'i- regular meeting of the Y.P.S. was n,tl•l. to the church on Friday evenlug with four- teen members present and Orval Pow- ell as leader. The meeting ,openei with the hymn -Lord, While for Alt Mea- 1 kind We Pray," followed by 1, prayer read by Esther Mc•ilwain The *sip - titre lesson was read by M•tnr.'e Ifat- wood. The topic "Is the Moderate Drinker under a Handicap'" w is read by Everett Mellwaln. Seve.tl items of business were discussed. It was decided to have a play put )0 In the were Mr. J. H. Barnett, M near future, the proceeds to go to the laneMiss M. Gordon, Mrs. 11. John - church. A hymn was sung and the eros Mrs. R. J. P. Walter. Mrs. Au - meeting closed with the Mizpah bene.- stln. Mrs. 3. S. Howrle and Mrs. A. D. diction -On Sunday, October 14th, the McLean. comeliness Isaiah 53:3. The vine is a Carolina Jubilee Singers will as•tst The leaders of the Mission Banda spreading plant and Christ will be at Goderlch fair. _ • (' ore of Turuberry SIMMH0N BAND RALLY Young Missionary Workers of Huree Prean tery Meet in Knex (laurel The fourth annual rally of the ML- slun Bands of Huron Presbytery, held In Knox 1'reebyterlau church en Satur- day atteruoun, was atteuded by nearly one hundred ehlldreu from Exeter, lieuaall and Goderich. Also present were a slumber of adults, whose in- termit shown by'thelr presents) was in- deed gratifying to the group leaders A:aces nee rialto. were..ktisw."C. A, Pulley, a Ito/leer In missiou band work In Goderkb, and Mrs. Isaac Salkeld, a former leader of the Exeter band. The rally was in charge of Mra. Mer- ton Reid, of Seaforth, leader el the Huron Presbyterial Mission Bands. The main speaker of the day was Rev. Moore Gordon, of Exeter, a former mis- sionary In China. Mr. Gordon kept the child's and adults amused and China. Many quaint and beautiful bits of Chinese work he exhibited proved very interesting. The devotional exercises were con- ducted by the MacGillivray Bend of Sunday Afternoon By ISABEL HAMIITPON Ooderich, Ont. My Faith looks up to Three, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour Divine: Now bear me while I pray ; Take all my gulit away ; 0 let ma from la day Ile wholly 'TM": -Ray Palmer. • • • PRAYER 0 Thou, WYhn art tL�•Scs4 red Father of our Lord, we thank Thee that Thou haet.called us into fellowship with Thy- self through Him Who Is the Way, tbe Truth and the Lite. Amen. • • • J�tSp N FOR OCT. I934_ Leeson Toplo -Fellowship with Christ, Lesson Passage ---John 15:1.16. Golden Text—John 15:4. The subject of the lessons in the Fourth Quarter of 1034 is "Studies In the Christian Lite" and the aim of wbo has distinguished himself in agri- cultural missions in India. Rev. Mr. Menzies had the distinction of inaug- urating the Agricultural Fair at ren- dre Road, lu Central Provinces, India. Beglunipg with an entry list of 102 exhibits In 1921 the year 1933 achieved a record of 2,554 exhibits. Rev. J. Z. Hodge, secretary of the National Mis- sionary Council, India, commenting up- on this splendid missionary service rendered by Rev. Mr. Menzies, writes: "The average missionary plays malty parts In hies crowded day and not the least among these is the promotion of agricultural fairs. The fair was a re- minder that Mere-ate--uneaptored -re. sources In the rural Ilfe waiting for some kindly pioneer to release them. But the pioneer must be of the Men- aces order, who knows the villager and believes is hIni.--In "r11r51 reeonstrna tion somebody must take the initiative, and surely this 1a a call to the Chris- tian pioneer. That this fair bears di- rectly and usefully on agriculture, housing, health and- education and the generae-wetJ-bo►rf e6 4h i4iktaP people, there can be no doubt, and we should like to see Its example more widely followed. But the deepest Impression is the gracious Christian influence of two devoted missionaries (Rev. Mr. Menzies and Mrs. Menzies) and their Thursday. September 27th, 1964-5 L SPECI ALI RESSES and SUITS MASTER -CLEANED TAILOR -PRESSED MARO SYSTEM OF DRY CLEANLNG- ALTERING - KEPAIRING GET Ol'K PRl('ES ON RUG-CLEANLNG J. A. NIVINS alled for and deBvered. Fast Street and Square C Gan experience by showing how k of Christ in a needy and responding Icd..rwatin,T seven littlg--D.i-_ono L rooted 10 Chriatltw tulth, develops. India." The seven little glr by study and worship, and expresses nice Cook, Helen Thamer,Gertrude Betty John- itself in Cbrfsttan attitudes and ser- mon, Audrey Fisher, Gertrude White, rice. Lllllae Milne and Mary Ellen Schaefer, Some have supposed that this ells - were prettily dressed in the native costumes of India. A group of' oys ofered•a chorus as their contribution to the -program. The choristers were Sandy Milne, Billy Duckworth, Nell Thompson, Grant Johnston, Elgin Fisher and Jack Duckworth. Miss Margaret Barnett was the pianist for the program--".. Mrs. Wm. Young, of Hensel'., coatrt- eoeetyelde, -- Mr. Menzies will...he re- membered for many things, and the church in Jyetipur Is his best memor- ial. Itut for long years to come grate -1 ful villagers will say of him: "He' course. was delivered in the routu where . started the Agricultural Fair in Pen -1 the Lord's Supper was instituted, and l dra Road. T -The Toronto (Hobe. that as they had made use of wine, Jesus took occasion from that to say that He was the true vine and to WHITECHURCH intimate that His blood was the real WHITECHt'RCH, Sept. 23. -Mr. and I wine that was to give strength to the Mrs. Joe Holmes moved last week to' soul. Others. have supposed that K the house south of the United church. , was delivered In the temple, the en- i Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purdon and tam- trance to which was adorned with a buted an interesting Item to the pro- jA�and that _Je-ua toolt ssea- Ily Baited on Sunday nt the home of rain ie Tie 3ereat to �ted`-'l the s- iatie:eaai• "o. '�'.-"nt(+LsatF ut.itL. sins throe �o say iae�w�fF He:ena. Mr. and Mrs. George Gllehrlst of Paisley and Mr. Ned Thom of 81. Hel- ens vhl'ed on Sunday at the home of Mr. an,' Mrs. A, E. I'urdon, and with other relatives in this community. Mias-t'atharine Patterson of Strat- ford General hospital spent the week- end with her smother. Mrs. Henry l'at- eRorte of the Mission Bands o ur- fervors. on Presbytery. It is an Instance of the buwRity, of Mr. and Moa. ('bas.- Mackay of itrus- After_ a short resew, an excellent- Christ, that He is pleased to speak of sets slant Sunday at the home of tbetr supper was served by the members of ChriHimst, ander low and humble com- daughter. Mrs. Walter Iott. the Goderich W.M.S. Those assisting parisons. He that U the sun of right - ren and Mrs. Item Boyd and child - the D. J.ren. of Pa;mer-ton, spent Sunday with eousueas, and the bright'nud morning her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth star, compares Himself to a vine. The Weaver. vine has an unsightly, unpromising out- Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius and side; and Christ had no form, nor Mrs. Jos. Cornelius spent Wednesday out. music,' in the old Scottish metre. true vine. But It is most probable Miss L M. Jeekell, of Exeter, pre that 1t was spoken while they were eldest of the Presbyterial R'.3LS. con going from the paschal supper to the veyed tbe greetings of that body to Mount of Olives (Barnes on the New the rally. Testament). The offering received was added to The die curse may be reduced to four the [sad maintained for the purpose words: 1, Fruit, verses 1-s. 2, Love, of annoortlnR n children's home in In- 817. 3, Hatred, 1S -2•i(-4, The Cola - furter, 20, 27. Toda}''s lesson covers the first and second of these. dia. This home is kept by the Isole -MILLINERY -'*1I 'smidgen Display of Autumn and Sinter 34ntnery- ee FRIDAY and SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th and 29th Showing becoming Berets and what is smartest and new in Felt Hater, la Erie" Tutiaa4 cad Tricortn's, in a11 the new colon and black. _ �-s t• a These new arrivals etas a very smart collection and all moderate h pr{ced -YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO INSPECT OUR STOCK- - ,MISS M. R. MeeVIIC R - KINGSTON ST ttit .,_ — .. _ . aztlirua�i7 DLO - A. W. ANDERTON TEACHER OF Piano Singing Organ Theory Late Professor of Music Ulster Prorineial College and Organist to Lisburn Cathedral, Ireland Over 500 Successes in Toronto Conservatory Examinations 26 pupils occupying positions as organists and choir leaders STUDIO: EMS. J. HARRISON Vietoria Street Goderich Telephone 2873 with negro epiritdala at the aerrlee present were Miss A. MacDonald, God- Miss Mottle seem In Union church. This will be the erih; Miss T. SI. Jcekell, F.zeter, and known, God - salvation to the ends .ot the spent the pest three weeks with friends second appearance of the singers at Mn. R. Cameron. Hensel'. Mrs. Mer- ear He• is the true vine, as truth li op - Union and a treat is in store for every- ton Reid, leader of the Senforth crone, . Posed to pretence and counterfeit ; the one....Annicerenn ary services will be annoeed that her hand. numbering Farther is the husbandman -the land - held In Union church on Sunday, Oc- thirty. was advised to remain at home totter 21, In the afternoon at 2.30 and because a- an ontbrenk of infantile worker. Though the earth is fisc Lord'■ the evening at 7.30. It is expected paralvel• in her town. I It yields Him no fruit unless lie works that Rev. W. P. Lane. of North street Culled church, GodSrich, will be tbe epeeist* at twtb- serxicea. The be special muaic....Rally Day will be observed In Union church next Sunday, September 30.. The service will be at 3 p.m.; Sunday school at 2 p.m....Ow- Ing to the funeral on Sunday, there was a small congregation at T'nion. The pastor, Rev. 7. W. (`resits, preached -ot Hendon, spent the week -end at .their from the text, "He hath ah,wed these , home. .- (1 man, what Is good; and what doth Mrs. Calderwood of Ottawa is visit-. the Lord require of thee. but to do Ing her brother, Mr. George King, and justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly With thy God" (Micah GA). SAYFIELD In Detroit and Stratford. Many will be pleased to know that Mrs. Murray. is .making n splendid recovery and is now able to sit up after belts,: ,o many .months on her It. God has not only a property in back. Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt attended but a care of the vine and all tbe the funeral of Mr. Thos. Irwin of branches. Never was any husbandman so w se, so watchful about nig vide -..Fast with her pher pnh on Sundaes and visited arerents, Mr,.and Mrs, George BAYFIELD, Sept. 26. -Mr. and Yrs. yard, as God is about 1196 church, Coulter. George M. Fisher of Waterloo, who wh(eh therefore moat needs be fruitful. Miss Annie Kennedy and Pete ,pent n couple of weeks with Mrs. F. From a vine we look for grapes, and I visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mot A. Edwards. returned home on Sunday. from a Christian we look fee Christian -II -oho geld of Atom Mrs. Gairdner and daughter Betty, ' its, that is the fruit. We must honor God, and do good, and exemplify the lir. and Mrs; John Craig and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. gwHty_ aad power of the religt(,n Ke. Preeir-4104thbe.,,L Auburn __- _..__ ..,. Thanksgiving Day Holiday Week -End Travel Bargain From GODERICH Finial R•deVe esu Rats* ralwg NgelsCa S. OCTOBER 6 To ,FORT SZ HURON FLINT so DUss ss O ROUND TRIP TARItM ?whets. Hotel Rates. Train information and Return Luno from Ahab. - Ask for HawdbiU- CANADIAN NATIONAL Y.ty WATCH FOR OUR gig Sr'ecial Sale Starting September 29th AND CONTINUING TO OCTOBER 8th, 1934 ike on the lookout for the great savings to he announced .11 next week's Signal or eall at either our Goderich or Bayfield .i„' for a handbillBAll, this LE R'S PHONE 388 OUR OWN DELIVERY -2 STORES—GODERICH AND BAYFIELD- Mfrs: king. In a popularity content recently held in the Christian Die. The best have yrs. Robt. McClennglsaf spent last at the pavillon Miss Annie McLeod, that In them which needs to be re week In Toronto with her sister, Mrs. daughter of Mr. W. J. McLeod, wad moved; some notions, pesslona, or hum- Waterworth. the winner, having the choice of a trip ora, that want to he purged away, Quite a number attended the social to Chicago fair or $25. She chose the which Christ has promised to do by evening held in the hall on Friday latter. His word, and spirit, and providence. evening. A splendid program of home yg„ z1.Tbn-nins of fruitful branches, in talent was given. After the program thkst v n t'1�,�gtriiwpter greater fruitfulness. Is the young folks danced for a few hours. In Trinity church at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., i the care and work of the great Hus- Rally Day Is being observed In. the when Ven. Archdeacon Jones -Bateman bandman, for His own glory. United chnreh next Sunday. will be the serial preacher. I la emotes 9-17 Christ 1s discoursing , Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius. Mrs. Heard-Eltiett. Beautifully decor- I on love; a fourfold love. Jas. Cornelius and Mr. and Mrs. ated with pink and whit` asters and I First He speaks of the Father's lore Thompson and family, of Bclgrave, autumn leaves, St. John's church, Var- i to Him. He loved Hint, and yet so spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. nes, was the scene of a very pretty,loved the world, as to deliver Him up ['Reston of Walton. autumn wedding on Saturday at high!, for us all. When Christ was entering 1prof'ess; and this is bearing fruit. Yr. an4!' 'rs.'J. DZBeeerott attended In nature there must be pruning In Seaforth fair on Friday and visited order to further fruitfulness. So it Is with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk. THE -XODERICH HEAT FOLKS - 010,4 OLKS DIDts'r ORDER HEAT POUCS 'IRE FROST WAS OW* COIR A MOM AND A WISER MAN - IiIE ROSE THE MORROW MORN 1 ANOTHER DAY PASS s >, The rules of our yards are rigid. Every load of coal that, enters must give the countersign -"14 kt. Solid Coal and Clinker -'free." We know what the Heat Polka will do f6T-7'5u, because what can't come in, can't go out. The Heat Potka are a set of jolty elves that trim old winter's claws. The)! spare your purse and dis- position. They will turn a win- ter cold as ice into a summer warm and nice. WR NOW CARRY GENUiNR SCOTCH ANTHRACITE CALL TAE firlerrilt B. MUSTARD COAL CO. 'PHONE 98 GODERICH, ONTARIO noon, when Ruth Irene, daughter of on His sufferings, He comforted Him - Mr. and Mrs. Morton Elliott of Varna,! salt with this, that His Father loved was united in marriage to Frederick II -11m. George Heard, son of Mrs. Heard and I Secondly He speaks of Meson love the late Wm. Heard of Bayfield. The to His disciples; "As the Father hatb wedding music, the Bridal Chorus loved Me, so have I loved you." A from Ldhetterin--fnd--` Meedekesehn's•� wedding march, was played by the 'bride's cousin, Mra. Lang, of London. During the signing of the register Mra. 1). A. Morrison of Kitchener, aunt of the bride, sang very sweetly, "Because." The bride, given In marriage by her father, was daintily gowned in blue Roshanara crepe with blue hat, gloves and shoes to match. She carried a beautiful bouquet of Killarnia roses and gypsophlla. The hride was at- tended by the groom's sister, Miss Nina Heard, wearing a gown of rose Bosh- anare crepe and carrying a shower I or more tJheuscathnully rgedt upon ue, by bouquet of pink Sweetheart roses. The al best man was Mr. Clayton Elliott, I love. An under the law the prohl- brother of the bride, and the ushers I bition of idolatry was the eAmmand- were Messrs. Rus -et Heard and Alvin tat more 'misted on than any other, Elliott. After the ceremony a recep- I foreseeing the people's tendency to that tion was held at the home of the i sin; 90 Christ seeing the addletednPas bride, which was attractively decorated I of the Chrtsttan chnrrh fry linehaeR- wtth ajtumn flowers.- The color }(ableness has laid most stress upon when* throughout was pink lad 1Artng one another. "These things- I white. Receiving with the bridal couple were Mrs. Heard. the groom's mother, and Mrs. Elliott, mother of the bride A buffet ltlncheon was served atsaage..eapresaion et- Ute-aemieseea4- fns grace of Christ! As the Father loved Him, wbo was most worthy, He loved them, who were most unworthy. Thirdly he speaks concerning the disciples' love to Christ, enjoining them to continue to His love. The disciples were to go out on service for Christ in which they would meet with many troubles; but, says Christ, "continue In my love." Then He speaks eoneerning the dis- ciples' lore to one another. No one duty of religiop ismorefrequently inculcated Save on Meat for' Cash -BABY BEEF - Sirloin Steak 17e Ib. -Round Steak Ile Ib. Wing Steak. i'ie lb. Rib Boll 7e Ib. Beef Shanks 5, Ib. Lean Boil Se lb. Shoulder Roast ... _ I l e 1:). Fresh Hamburg Steak 3 lbs. for 2Se --SPRING l►311t--- 1.egs I8e lb. Loins 15e lb. Front Quarter its lb. lirtant 9e lb. ('ham lee lb. S.\Tl'Kl)AY- Freeh Roasting Chickens, 4 to 5 Ihn. average 1St Ib. Special Friday and Saturday (toneless Rolled Smoked i'kale Hams 19e lb. FRESH KILLED YOUNG PORK Fresh Hams 19e Ib. Fresh Picnic Hans lie Ib. Side fork 20e Ib. Lean }toast (Itutt1 ISe Ib. Pure fork Sausage Ile Ib. SANITARY MEAT MARKET Phone 185 -We Deliver THOS. LEG(: Hamilton St., Goderich ' ANNOUNCING__ NC/ G the opening of the HOLLYWOOD BEAUTY SHOPPE SATURDAY, SEPT. 29th We have Installed lu our Shoppe all new modem equipment. Mr. and Mrs. Mellrlde, who have had seven years' expertenee .etrer you -ths•ir sesvkes iit .aIt..br_anrhes of Mesut• Culture and OPENING SPECIALS --- OIL PERMANENT WAVES. Regular 6.511. Special $2,50 (Spiral or Croquignole) V 11OMItiNATiON WAVES. Soft natural waves on top, curly ring- let ends 93.95 and up 1MAR('ELS. FiNGER WAVES and SHAMPOOING 35c iNQI iRE ABOUT OUR SCALP TREATMENTS, FACIALS, ETC. —ALL WORK Gi'ARANTEED— Hollywood Beauty Slioppe THEATRE BUILDING PHONE 12 command you." He speaks as 1t lie were about to give. them many thing% in charge. and yet names this only, "That Ss. )tore lone another.'-(Henry►a' to about fifty (neata, relatives of the -Bible). • • • contracting parties. Amid showers of I WORLD MISSIONS good wishes and confetti, the bride and i groom left on a motor trip to Quebec Christian Missions at Work in Rural and Montreal. For travelling the Districts bride donned a knitted wool plaid,The rural task of Christian missions, dress with mat of bine treehark cloth, which has been to the forefront In min - blue fox fur and matching accessories. I slonary endenrora throughout the On their return they will reside In world to recent years', has not only Gtlderleh. The bride and groom were been swoon -Ude for the dere!opment clpicnts of many awful and beautiful i of many an agrlenlutral field, tint has gifts, among them being a handsomeI provided vital eonta'ds for erangellcal cheque from Mr. ldoyd and employees work he'wesn misdooary and farmers of Stratford, the groofn being a mewl who are without the Gospel. It is het her of the aisles liter of title firm. The coming an annual feature of the Cana - groom's gift to the bride was a beantl- , clan School of M lttlons, Toronto, to fug cabinet of 'diver. to the brtdersmafd hold an Institute on the rnral tank of Christian missions. when eminent an- thorltlee present addresses and lead dieeusslons. Of moment this summer was the visit a}ata7Re to Toronto of Rev. Walter 51 Menatea, rison and Mr. and Mra. F. G. Scotch- a missionary serving in India tinder met, Kitchener; ifr. and Wre. Stock- ttheI?nf edoOhrioUa. Missionary So- ciety oDisciple* of tat, sad ton, California. M_. ROBINS `Takes Pleasure in Announcing - the Visit of MR. HUDGIN a gold neeklaee, to the beat man gol tie clip and collar net, to the planlst and soloist silver nut bowls. Mel* tiresattending the wedding from a weverl t..aad. Moa. D. A. Mor- • Special representative a,f TIP TOP TAILORS, who will be at his store on Wednesday,October 3rd It will be his pleasure to show you the finest array of British Woollens Tip Top Beautiful materials for Suits and Overcoats made Tailors have ever displayed. to your individual measure in any model you desire. He will welcome the opportunity of showing you his models and samples, whether you purchase or not. FIT AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - t $23 50 TIP TOP CLOTHES Are Sold Exclusively by M. Robins