HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-9-27, Page 4i 4 --Thursday, September 21th, 1934 Your New fall Suit ! TA IA RED TO IMMURE pridham's selection of new Fall fabrics is in a class by itself. When you choose from so many fine' materials at► rials know-that the tailoring will be in keeping quality of the goods, you can select your FALL SUIT with con- fidence that it will give you the utmost satisfaction. The medium and darker shades are now featured in imported worsteds and tweeds. '.-'''rl i h, lefertyear-material•end lids 'a'ti ilr Fall Suit for just $23.50. W. C. Pridham &- Sop Phone 57 The Square, Goderich THE PROPER--/ ARE -OF YOUR AUTOMOBILE Closed Car Tops MOST automobile owners appre- ciate that it isn't the original cost, it's the upkeep that. motoring expensive. Yet, few realize that they can avoid many of the major expenses of an automobile with a little care. It has been told previously how the finish of the car may be pre- served indefinitely by regular cleaning and waxing. This is true also of the closed car top. If care is taken of the top when It le -offs it's life may be prolonged indefi- nitely at little expense. • Most closed car tops consist of fabric which is coated with a rub- ber composition and finished with a black Naked enamel. Exposure to the weather causes the varnish- ed finish of the top to slowly dis- integrate or chalk, which Is first Nest: "R./MissMc tA. rep." indicated by the disappearance of the gloss and the appearance of tiny check. marks. If &ba sop is neglected when this condition de- velops, the checks may enlarge into cracks, which may eventually pene- trate through to the fabric and re - wilt in leans. As most car frames are made of kiln dried wood which refit gees -Iffy when exposed to moisture. a leaky top may cause considerable damages By the time the motorist realized that the top needs patching, he may find it necessary to have part of the framework rebuilt, which is a long and expensive job. Frequent Inspection of the top L esaential, and when weathering starts it should be re -finishes with a coating of properly formulated top dressing. CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich Phone 47 ' Now Playing -41 great fun east. in "Sing and Like it '• MONDAY, Tr'F,BDAY and WEDNESDAY--- JAN>,T aA an LEB FARBEL1 Together again in rt win+nlM rolnatice and nuiiuheining the high standard set by their previous surresses. "Change of Heart" In She tact are featured James Dunn and ginger Rogers l THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY— The stars of immortal "Cimarron" are united again .RICHARD DIX and IB.ENE DIINN11,_. 7.. Ina URomance. ghtding fast adventure story. Rance. aetlon'and a power- ful climax feature the great "STINGAREE f with MAR% ROI ANi) and CONWAY TEARLE Matinees Wednesday end Bari -Ray at 11 p.m. -coming Charlie Ruggles, in "Six of a Kind."- THE SIGNAL DUNGANNON DUNGANNON, Sept. 2t1. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Pattison of Wiughamtare visit- ing Ing the lady's slater, Kenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Heury Juin, of Res- ton, Mau., are the guests jut r etnd Mrs. Rico. McWhinney, Mrs. /Caine and Miss Koine of Gor- rlrare visiting home TicTd 6rvtr-trsef4.46. lrbIa Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Treleaven eleaveSundai and d family, of Lucknow•, spent the former's brother, Cull, and Mrs. Treleaven. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald, et- the tthe 1:'th concession, Ashfield, spent ' Sunday the guests of the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rory Mci)onald. 4lrleadst Mrs. lint, .Silber isT .....-.�. Mr. and Mrs. Case Black of Moles- worth spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Swan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nickel and fam- By and Mrs. Yundt of -Stratford spent` !Sunday the guests of Mr. end Mrs. Heber Eedy. Rally Day will be held talk* local churches' next- 3naday. A number of the ladles of the W.M. 8. of the United (-hutch attended the sectional meeting at Nile on Thursday. Dungannon Fair Next Week. -Prix! )tats for the Dungannon fair, 4 he'd Thursday and Friday of next week, may be had on appib•,t'h'a 10 the seeretary, C. W. Alton. Dungannon.' Bills are ou' announcing a .plend!J� list of epe.•lal events for Friday, and one of the biggest days In Dun;nunoa'a i, history is in ptospee•t. The C aurdira I Erected Cowboys -a company of six, including; baritone and tenor soloists and "Wee; p ,istlon. A large eholr rewle:,e1 r.a Sandy:' Slcotch comedian -here been anthem et emir wervire and solos were engaged for the concert on Friday given at both services by Mr. I. 4 to night, and after the concert a dame Manna of Goderich. A sp". t is offer - will be held to conclude the da+'. lag, amounting to over $30t, w•is re - Women's Imtitute-The regular volved for the purposes of the church. monthly meeting of the Womome o's la - 'The church was beautifully s,irated was held at the hpme of Mr![� for !.r this anniversary session situ au - J. J. Ryan on Tuesday of this week,' DUNGANNON UNITED CHURCH w in 19011. The 'aver ■nacre Diary- was (deemed on /Sunday cut tumu fiowers. with a good attendance. The ptet4-.illesm_ 4sy„v ,.„,ate, - dent. lint, Alton._presided. The meet' i attract) fsr>• home of Mr. rod Mrs. '.f the wee).. ing was opened with the-dngtng of chert Here, eoncess7os', West War Wm btu ne and Mr. L. Ruddy the "tale.” The roll .tall was as-y�n,h wee tike seetse of a pyretty au i attended the funeral of the formers snggeustltQ” brother. Mn. T. Irwin. East tilts.-.. Pwet•td with "a hetpf It 1 town weediest at 11 ri e'ox k lWedues- AUBURN- A Native of Imel eww•--David Mek- nes, who is hold at Detroit in connec- tion with the klduapping of John 8. Labatt. London brewer, Is said to be a native of Lucknow. if this should Ie established, and if Meleuer has not taken out naturalisation papers In the States, it may be unnecessary for the Ontario authorities to institute extra- dition proceedings. Older residents of Lucknow be'leve that Melaner was born on a form on the outskirts of the thevi#:lig p„•, !htoter thttel4Ity mated tato tow'). COLBORNE TOWNSHIP If It's Paint see Blackstone ALL WANTED COLORS Uc (put Take advantage of this -' speak!offer 9n11 brighten up the .property. COidte)RNE TOWNSHIP, Sept. 20.— Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clayton and son Jack. of Putnam, spent Sunday with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jobs Treble. - - Blackstone's ON THE BROADWAY 0? OODERICH au( a eta Tion a r. Emerson of Rosseau returned hos as Saturday after spending the past weak with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilson and AsHFI19LD, Sept. 28. -Mr. Alex. other friends. MacLean of Lothian Is visiting his M Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Manning and brother, Dr. John acLean, in Chicago. daughter Lola, of London, Mr. and Mr. Douglas MacKenzie, who spent Mrs. John Manning. of Auburn, and his holidays with his uncle, Mr. Hee- Mrs. Henderson. of Stratford. spent `tor MacLean, has returned to hla home ASRVIELD Sunday with Mr. and Mr.. Wm. Marl& in-YoutreaI to resume hi. studies at Mr. ami Mrs. Earl McKnight and two children spent the week -end in IWoodstock with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. MacLean ane Fintay MacDonald are !Carter. attending Stratford Normal School. Mr. R.tv Errington left last Friday Mr. ■ni Mrs. Kenneth MacLennan for Toronto. where he will attend 11n1- � and sons, Stuart and Raln, visited in 1410400 last week. Mrs. Alex. Johnston and .on James, of Chicago, are visiting friends In Ashfield. Mn. and Mrs. Wagner of Detroit visited here over the week -end. Much sympathy Is extended to the re'atives of the late Mr. Daniel Rose. ..vett+'.. maws '-went wets m' -71ti """-'Y°' community. McGill University. Duncan MacKay, Mise Isabelle AI'Rl'RN, Sept, 23. -Mr. Eugene noble. Mr. Clayton Robertson and Mr E. Rogers left for Kingston on Monday to eater Queen's University for the mating term. Mrs. S. Lawlor risked her daughter,. Mrs. R. Taylor of Nile, the fore part yerslty. The friends et Mix. Gladys Treble are pt said a hear that she 1s tm- proving &Her ber operation. at the home of her parents. Bias Amelia Mcilwala spent the weekend In Woodstock. ra. Geo. Glen and looms/ Iia ay or`T'm+rago: whPftv"rIF!t"'w11t tend the World's Fair. MAFEKING.• - (intended for haat week) '..MAFF.KING. Sept. 19. -Mr. Andrew Wehster. of Auburn. was around last week renewing n'd acquaintances. M.. and Mr.. i.aae Cranston and family took In the London Fair on -Weelnesday. ' Mrs. Norman Shackleton returned home on Friday from Arthur. where she had been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fiblay Shackleton for a week. Mr. Sidney Brown of Beumlller was the guest of' Richard Kilpatrick for the w,•ek-etel. Mr. Wm. Irvine and Mies Anna vent Wednesday to London. Yr. and Mrs. Finlay Shackleton of Arthur were at the home of Mr. and Yrs. Norman Shackleton for the week- end. Mr. Billie Stothers of London spelt the weekend with his sister, Mrs. Hea- rt' Horton. and Mr. Horton. in the Limelight. -Congratulations are being extended to Phyllis Blake -het splendid showing at the Ards- field sh fleld *Men! fair. Phyllis took the, Eaton trophy with 97 points. Three of the public speaking prizes come to the 9th. sa and. third and fourth places being won by Bertram Curran, Mary Horton and Jean Long, white Lye! !Annan took flrat prize for his recita- tion. also for his pet. Number 9 has been much in the limelight recently, as two of Its former pupils are going to' Western i'nherslty. having won aeholarehips-Mies Bernice Blake of Bingham ami Mise Mary Clare of Kingsbridge. -4 ua nosh. on Sunday last. Mn.sKoine of C,orrle, district [levee I+lav morning, September "tkh, when Misses E. A. Blair and S. Blair were tart' of the Women's Institute of East `their daughter, Gertrude Adella, ire alsltlug their sister. Yrs. John Rob Huron, was present and gave a short 'came the bride of Earl Leslie McNee, ertsrru of Goderich, the past week. talk. Mrs. Wilbur Brown gave $read- eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mc Mis,i 1. Stalker ane Mr. Brown, of ing on "Jean and the Institute.” Mrs. Neeof the same concession. Rev. J. Roht. Davidson read a paper on the A. balker, of Chilui, now on furloughIee 'adeshoro. visited at the home of Mr. desth-of Nina Moore Jamison, and with relatives in Toronto, and pre- and Mr-. M: Alien on Sunday. Mrs. C. C. Brown read aproem. i.ir,asly tractor of Dungannon united Mrs. Oswald of Kltehener Is resiting "Don't Qatr." It was decided to have ehnreh, performed the marriage sere- her slate,, Mrs' Adams, er-preeent: • some of tht children sell tags on fair Sties Martha Adams saki -]f beet p1i day. Mrs. McKenzie invited the In- mony •in the present* o[ $trout fifty w-ald of Kitchener visited at her petr- gussts. The bride. who was unattended, • Deep nn Sundae 'dilute to her place for the next meet- entered the drawing -room on the arm eat ing. the hostesses to he Mrs. Treleaven. „f her father, by whom she was given The playground committee are pat - Mrs. Alton and Mrs. }vers. The meet- in marriage. The Bridal Chores from fl Bridalog on a dam* in the Foresters Ball Leg was t:o-ed with the singing of the{Q0 Friday night In aid of fonds for L,hengrin was placed by Miss Gladys nl rmen•. National Anthem, otter which ]ranch Brownlee. of Crslerich, cousin of the e'9 Ipmen... - was served. the hostesses being Mrs. bride. T'te ceremony took place be- C.h R %1K i 1 as. Brown, Mr.. r enz a and neath an arch of multihued autumn bra. Wither -Browse- lettvea ""int'yrlrtr aatr�t► . Meek Ap1•)Iveesary.-Twenty-flue The bride looked charming In a gown ST. HELENS. Sept. 24.-Annirere- years ago the splendid house of war- of white crepe. with veil of white silk aryservices at St. ilelens United whip of the United (formerly \Iet110- net, caught with rhinestones. She church w•ll be held on Sunday. Octo- dlet) church was bull[, and on Sunday carried a bouquet of roses and terns. ber 7th. when Rev. John Little of Wt'�atlws tits Del !Mid � the held rllowlug Pr was - e dining ST. HELENS ,t1+s.-silrer annlrerag�,..4L,lhEt sttt'wingothe- register,Gas 4tagksaeod,.a former,..miaiater. will church opening was r*lehratei by rt. a orttr7. of Caferich• i-ousins eonrluct the •errle, et 11 a.m. and 7 congregation. The preacher of the of ,., sang "i lore You Truly." p.m. day, appropriately, was Rev. L. hart- Fr .1 reception. a wedding din- Mr. and Mrs. Sparks and daughter lett. who was the pastor whoa the n ,•rued, the color scheme of Eileen. of London. were weekend visit - church building was erected and who th room being pink and white. ors with Sirs. Starks' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joh:) Miller. Is now retired and living at St. r ash- The bride- cake centred the table and seines. Mr.. Bartlett ec•^omprnied white wattling hells were used In cle- her husband, and tooth were.. warmly eoratlon thmngtlont the room. The greets by old friends. Larne congre bride re ,ived many beautiful gifts. gatinne were present at both services. Mrand Mfrs. McNee left by motor for At the morning terve,.Mr. Derrieres i irh0rt h .nes 'noon trip to Hamilton theme was "God's Revelation of Ins __ are Falls and other place !or •rU 'f! to mom., a.•!t to Thy- ei r a ...e F' l s �.iiid8 "s31 -4.11P7'444 -1g1 1diet: VYg'""Lm'Y 13i�ttdna"Ite rider Ieneemble, with jaunty hat and a•es- vice." Bath 'sermons were strong, sores in harmonizing shadcompanyprovoking were heard with Interee-st!es. On' in company with MIM Mci4 noon. they theygexnoa.' sed ap- MfInd their return. r. and Mrs. McNee wit! Mr. Stanley Todd arrival home on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. St'lart attended the funeral of Mr. Dan Rose of Ash- field nn Monday. The re:naln. of Mrs. itenjamin Tay• tor of !Myth were laid to rest In Bethel cemetery on Satnrilay. September 22nd. ygri rttRe►t4ri.e;iidtc••�a nay oa motor trip f rranaton. � Laden.. with Winter Coats Fine Furs - =---RICH-LOOKING COATS Beautiful cloths in quality wools such as treeberk and suede. Selected Furs—Sable, wolf, mink -marmot. Every Coat beautifully dined and many with warm half lining of. chamois. "Shop" these Coats -compare the furs—corn- pare the styling -compare the price.. You'll know then why Cornfield's is the logical plate to buy and save on yout Winter Coat, In the Highlands of Faslin Plaid Frocks in -one or two-piece styles.. In travel tweeds that look very new. Silk tweeds with a boucle finish, -made attractively and the right Dress for Fall. Styles in wool and rabbits' hair New Hats for Girls A very twitikrt, new- N In telt N' trammed-with..r boon or. leather. All head sizes for girls from 8 to 14 years. Colors green, red; brown and wine. PRICED $1.39 and $1.95 reside on the bridegroom's farm on Thurssley after spending a few weeks eoneessinn 2. Guest's were preeeut at the wedding from Toronto. London, Kincardine and Goderich. COURRIE'S CORNERS COURRIE'S CORNERS, Sept. 23. - Mr. and Mr.. Jas. Drennan vetted on Sunday with their son -In-law and daughter, Mr. and__Mrs. Wilfred Plun- kett Of Slyth �' 1(r. and Mrs: Wm. tohnstonmtilEtie tail spent Sunday with Mr, ihd Mrs. Wilfred Famish. Mr. and Mrs. David Sproul. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Bell and baby appd Yr. Joe McNevin of Goderich vislttfd with Mr. and Mrs. John Little last Wednesday evening. Quite a number from here attended the funeral of Mr. Dan Rose on Mon- day. Arrow Shirts for Fall Arrow brings you the finest Canadian and British fabrics, weaves and patterns in Shirts that won't shrink. They're shaped to fit, and Sanforized -shrunk. Arrow Shirts fit your other figure. too—the figure you want to pay for a good shirt. A. CORNFIELD Agent -for Royal York Made -La -Measure Clothes .,.r 'Shop where you are invited to shop" Phone 418 PARAMOUNT PARAMOUNT. Sept. 2:r. -Miss Mary Cook is nursing In Wingham hos- pital. Mn, and Mrs. Wm. MaeKtll were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dah- mer, Mlllarton. on Sunday. Mrs. Whitfield, of Chicago, Was a visitor teat week with Mrs. Wm• -Mar. tin. - The W. A. of the molted church, Lucknow, met ■t the ;home of Mrs. Grant Matl lartnid on Tuesday after- noon. Mips Ethel Martin was sneeesafnl to winning ,-econd place at the jndging competition at the )Western ['air, Lon- de*. LOYAL with friends In Michigan. Mr. and Mre. Geo. Gilchrist of Pals- ley are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thom. The Women'. institute will meet on (Winter 4 at the Mane of Mrs. R. J. Woods. Roll rail: "Hints on ('sok• Ing Vegetable.." Teets: "Storing Fruit and Vegetables." In charge of Miss M. Murray. Hostesses. Mrs. Swan and MAITLAND PREBHT4IP1t Liquor Sale under Obaervaaee until Oeteber 31 Kincardine, Sept. 20.-('lergy and laymen of Maitland Presbytery, Pres- byterian church In Canada. at their annual session in Knox chunch. Tem - water. dw'fded to give the new [beer and wine IIeensing system a fair trial before taking action egadi st It. This was dist-marled along with other items of business. As only one town in the Presbytery has beverage rooms the ministers who spoke did so. they admitted. without firsthand knowledge of eonditIone. Temperance ferees which permitted betel* is drlr.. areas to dispense freer and wine bud been asleep. said Rev. tl':M. )Irudonatd of Lucknow, who proposed that no action he taken until after Oetoher 41, at which time eon- certed notion may he taken to see that ant'.,oritles are not renewed. Rec. Kenneth MacLean of Wingham announeetl the council of that town had not approval of anthordtlea be- ing granted there and that Wingham would stay dry. The announcement met with applenae. Pates en Candidates With :Ile majority of churches re- presented, Rev. Kenneth M . clean, m ideretor of the Presbytery. prerdded and was aa.l.IM In devotions by Rev. J. K. Metellivray. Ashfield, and Rev. J. T,. itnrgess. South Kinloss. The Presbytery dealt with a number of communications and mewed on Douglas Macdonald, Lureknow ; Arthur Simpson. Rintall. and Maldwyn Wit - items, Melevworth. es candidates for the ministry. The mnderetot reported on hndget alloratlnta and on the General Asaem- bly. Rev. J. L gorges, also an As refolds cnmoillsinnea. reported . and warned sgalnet mounting deflette. Thome, be elalm.d, aMwrM be eon'eid- erwl more wertoualy. He pestered the Awsemhly'a choice of moderator. The Presbytery ehnse Ethel as Ito meeting place for December. LOYAL, Sept. 2(1. -Our congratula- tion. fri Mr. Alta. Tonng, -who fedi, celebrates hie elghtyaeeond birthday and begins his eighty-third year. Mr. Young, who is recovering from an ac- cident winch befell him In May, 1s able to get around his yard, with the aid of erntehea. Thio fin' weather enables the farm- ers to get their corn Into their silos In good *baps. Mr. Frank Young Is erect - Ing a new d:n with the aid of Mr. John Ruelderwk. Mr. awl Mea. TS. L Reposeful and Shirley, after a enhiit'w anjnnrn at their home bore have retnnwel to Toronto• where they may spend the winter. Mlaa Dorothy J. Robertson had her tomdla' removed on Monday and U making a good recovery at her. hose. Viiert„otln eJnI bATTEwY! FRIEND iN NEED' This will happen to every own- er of an ohl or tricky Batter; [kis Winter -sero or below, pet out In the snow. engin' won't go -'what a sweet row for you to hoe! Let us fur- nish a Battery that will stand up and turn your motor under s -any conditions, Prices are low now. Batteries ars guarsi teetd Willard BattITy Dagen Barker Bron-. Service Station Bayfield Road Phone (RDx Water Highway) ::> . ` E Been SII • FALL SERVICE BULLETIN AND NEWS Our Fall Service Bulletin and News contains a Int of practical poultry information and suggestions, as well at interesting poultry news items. It will help you to get the hent possible results from your pullets this Fall and Win- ter. Copies will be mailed FREE, on request, u long as our supply lasts. Write for your eopy today. - BRAY CHICK HATCHERY 100 OLATIMIX AVE. BT. CATHARINES, OJT. Huron Commercial Academy -A FINISHING SCHOOL WITH AN IDEAL- clIARACTER DEVELOPMENT - VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE • COMMERCIAL EDUCATION A thorough Commercial Training is offered yon In your home town at less than one-third the Bost of a similar eourae in the city. Qualified graduates are given every eminence In securing god pock Iona. Yon may enrol as a student at Inatrnetion. Miss Margaret Newland, B. L. - Coessierelal special&, 20 MONTREAL, STREET any time. Individual method ut -- Rev. D.n.w Matt GODIRRiCR, For a Vacuum Cleaner that will do any- thing any other Cleaner will do and a lot more besides SEE.:-OUR—NEW "VACTRIC' L"2P•'• — (British -made Vannnm Cleaner) PRICED COMPLETE WITH ALL ATTACHMENTS $86.00 ON DISPLAY NOW AT �Tdlbrot &Cornish The Square at E.inptoa Street Mass --•-Stora 81; Res.