The Signal, 1934-9-27, Page 3Um Good Judgment
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WIZg1G Z `,..*. Pgit+iTlNO 00.. LIHITICD, Publishers
[iagites Street - GeJerich
Accident mad Mahan
Gederieh, Out. Mime M6
The 0. F. Carey Co.
Fire, Accident and Motor Car
Once:—Masoule Temple, Welt
Street. °odertcb.
Telephone 130 Manager
Liberals Take
_--Four out of Five
Retain Two Seats and Win Two
- from Conservatives in.Monr
day's Polling
Five constituencies voted on Mon-
day in byt-elections for the Howse of
Commune. Liberals woo tour of the
five, retaining two former Liberal
seats' and gainlug two—Nprth York
Gad Fron enaesAddingtun—frele the
Conservativee. Thongs L. Church, in
Toronto East, was the sole Conrserva-
tive elected.
In West Elgin, vacated by the re-
signation of Mitchell F. Hepburn to
enter the Provincial arena, W. H.
Mills, Liberal, want- elected with a
lead of 2,896 over his Conservative
opponent. An Independent candidate
polled only 5112 votes. In 1930 Mr.
Hepburn's majority was 1,437.
Kenora-Rainy River, formerly repre-
sented by Hon. Peter Heenan, now, like
Mr. Hepburn, a member of the Pro-
vieclal Legislature, elected r Liberal
with a majority of over 5,000. The
successful candidate polled more than
three votes to his opponent's one. Mr.
Heenan had a majority of 502 in 1930.
Two Liberal Galas
North York, which returned the late
T. Herbert Lennox, Conservative, with
a majority of 298 in 1930, gave Col.
W. P. Unlock, Liberal, a lead of over
3,000 on Monday.
The most surprising result was In
Frontenae-Addington, hitherto a safe
Conservative riding, where Coin
Campbell, Liberal. had a majority of
2,500. In 1981 the late Dr. Spank'',
Cooserrative, won with a majority of
Toronto East elected Thomas L
Church, Conservative. with a lead of
2,364 over Major H. P. Snelgrove, Lib-
lberal. Graham Spry, ('.C.F., polled
4,869 votes. In 1950 the late Hon.
E. 11. Ryckman, Conservative, had a
majority of 7.075 in this riding.
j. W. Craigie
issuance and Real Estate
Dominion, Provincial aid
Municipal Bonds
Geo. Williams & Son
Pa, Aeddsad. Adamant* ea/
General Lsuremos Agenda
Meer nest to intik of One -
roae IIs . Oeaertea
In &bad Fain Strewn in Huron Cotns-
HH[ip3gli--$epi. 25.—K'e ase sorry - ty This
to report the misfortune which befell
Mrs. I). K. Alton In breaking a leg The seven school faire held lu Ilur-
In a fall at her home. At present elle on county this year were very success -
is [n Wingham hospital. ful when (vsnsldered from every angle.
Mr. E. C. Beacom, I.P.4„ of °oder- There was more general interest dia-
'Tch,"`nitd -his ofneurt- `en-Helt eyed itn_tha. Dart of IBA ,4112jlet_Ih€
school -es- Wednesday. sifsnilin'i•elmir
Many from here attended the school
fairs at Kt. Helens and Courrle'a Cor-
ners. We congratulate Miss Bernadine
Alton on winning one of the three
prizes for the highest points at 8t.
Mr. and Mrs. Watson Davis and
sun, and Mr. and Airs. Devi* of Tara
spent the week -end at Mabee.
PORTER'S HILL, Sept. 25.—The lee
cream roial which was arranged by
the Men's Club for Tuesday evening
has been postponed, owing to the pass-
ing of one of the members.
Rally service will he conducted in
Grace church next Sunday, when Rev.
R. M. (}ale will be home from his va-
And still those bells keep ringing.
Ou Monday September 24th, 1n God -
Vancouver, Sept. 20.—Peter Alexan-
der Stewart, seventy-two. retired sher-
iff of Weyburn. Saak., le dead here.
Born in Goderieb, Ont., be had served
se sheriff of Weyburn for twenty calf to suffer a great deal he
ago. i
aetU d lived
four wu cheerfnT--*By-alway3r' a pttwsaat'
ago. He had lved at Hopkins 2nd- word and a happy smile for all. The
Eng, B.C., since then. funeral un Sunday afternoon from -
Grace church w•aa one of the largest
ever seen in this district. A private
nervine was held at the home, after
which the body w -al removed -le Oran
church, a public service was
held. The church was beautiful with
Bowers. Ilev. R. 51. Gale, who was
called home from Waterloo for the
funeral. spoke words of comfort from
the text 1 Corinthians 13: 12—"For
now we see through a glass darkly,
but then face to fare: Now 1 know In
part ; but then aball I know even as
,eriiF-Beira.-ttwis a ake.,l iM,AdbkrriAlsoi. l . a� klwnttt,...�i a hymn" were
os, • September 294h, .al Mls.,l .4e,•ted by deceased during his Hi-
llaiMhla l.nme as. the 41h tonceeeloa 1 and nit -air did tavoritee. Mr.
Mrs. 11. G. McKie of Toronto has }betties will be greatly missed In the
been a sent visitor with her par- I ehnreh, the choir, the Men's Club, and.
encs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Straoghan. In other departments of the church,
where he was always found ready to
help when health would permit. Hb
voice was lung heard In the choir and
his four-square life was an inspiration
to all with whom be carne In eontact.
The sympathy of the eommunity goes
out to Mrs. Hettlea, who will feel the
great loss of a kind and loving help-
elpmate, also to the family. Mrs. Peter
'Young. Allen, Theron, Erland, and
Mrs. Jordan in the West.
nese 292 P.O. Bell 438
We have a nice assort-
ment of
Radio Benches
and Footstools
Also Ottomans suitable for
needlepoint. We make them
the right size for your cov-
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
Furniture Dealer .
Hamilton Street, Goderich
PHONES: Store 885 ; Res. 855w
Water takers !
Water for Lawns and Gar-
dens may be used from
7 to 8 o'clock a.m.
and from
5 to 9 o'clock
in the evening
These hours must be
adhered to
Apdieftntta for lawn or Plea
service n. et be made at the Hy-
dro Ston before use,
Whim fin alarm is wended,
or garden seeTyes should
andlately ant off.
and there was a marked increase in
the number of entries, says the agri-
cultural repreeentative, Mr. Ian Mac-
A comparison of the number of en-
tries at this; year's fairs with the num-
ber at the 191111 fairs Is interesting:
• 1983 1934
alis aft!
1158 1343
744 941
704 901
Ashfield TowniFIF
Grand Bend
Howick Township
St. Helena
The above figures show= -that the Ash-
field township school fair made a real
"come -back" this year, and the Bel -
grace fair with 1343 entries was the
largest ever conducted in the county.
The five fairs listed alreve show an
average anereat.e of 249 entries per
The school fair -at Iieusall was re-
vived this year after a lame' Of four
years and there were VerFiltries nom=
Tourist Traffic
-- Increased in 1934
Better Business Reported This
Year from Route of Blue
Water Highway __- ..
erkh by Rev. F. W. Craik, James pared with 3M In 1929. The only fair
Frannie+ Rean was joined In the holy which did not show an increase was
bonds of wedlock to ORve Irene Pow-
ell, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Powell of this district. May
their journey through life be a happy
Death of Mrs. J. Daltuf,—Suddenly
011 Saturday morning there passed
away lu Detroit an old and respected
resident of the lith conceerlon, Goder-
Carlow, with 625 entries this year and
739 last Tear.
During the tourist season of 1934
there was an Increase of over twenty-
four per cent., as compared with 1933,
In tourist traffic from the United States
on the Blue Water highway, according
to W. D. Ferguson of Sarnia, reels -
tarp or-MfF-Blue Water Highway -As-•
The statement was made at the an-
nual fall meetiug of the Association
held at Hotel Bedford on Friday last
and opening with a banquet.
In his report, which was read im-
mediately after the banquet, Mr. Fer-
guson expressed regret at the delay
that is usually experienced In receiv-
ing the grants, from the municipalities)
for publicity. Some are so late that
the Association booklet, "Motoramble
1n Canada." is not printed until Jayne
—long after the first requests have
been received from United States
centres. Mr. Ferguson reported that
scores of cottages had been built along
the route this year by people from the
States. Merchants from Sarnia to To-
ber'nory, he stated, reported substan-
tia, increases in tourist business.
At the weekly bridge tournament held
Monday evening at McKay- Bull, the
following were winners: 1st, Mrs. W.
F. Saunders and Mr. P. F. Carey, plus
14; 2nd, Mr. Jae. Hume and )Ir. N. C.
'eh township, in the person of Mrs. J. Lana;; plus 13%; :trd. 1)r. J. A.
Dalton. Until about three yearn ago Grahad Mr. E. L. Dean. plttsiM.
the family resided here. After the Im anAnother game will be held next Mon -
death of her husband Mrs. Dalton day evening at McKay Hall.
moved -•wilds -Ossa. children to Detroit,
where she had made her home since.
The sympathy of the community goes
to the daughter and son, Mary and —Mr. and
Joe. In this trying time. A number WESTFIELD, Sept.
of the old neighbors attended the fun- Mrs. Walter Cook and family visited
eral at Colborne eewetery on Tuesday. on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
The Community Mourns Hilo.—Our 1 Geo. Cook of Detersive.
community was visited again by the Mr. and Mrs. R. Stonehouse and Mas -
angel of death on Friday evening, Sep- ter Donald, of Goderi, h, risked on
tember 21, when Thomas Betties was Sunday with the former's father, Mr.
called home after a long and trying J. L. Stonehouse.
illness of heart trouble, which he bore Miss Grace Redmond of Linwood
with Christian fortitude. Although spent the week -end at her home here.
Mr. Edward Rodger returned to
Klagstotr 4:nlsaralty on Monday
Mr. and Mrs. J. Maines of Blyth
visited on Wednesday at the home of
the latter's sister, Mrs. R. Buchanan.
Several from this vk-inity attended
BEr3t1LLF.R. Sept. 23.—Mrs. Leelle
Jervis and family of Holmesville spent
Sunday with Mr*. Polly Walters.
Mr. and bre. Richard Moore and Mr.
Joshua Moere of Gederich spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gledhill.
Frank Walters accidentally shot
hlmee:t In the hand on Monday. One
eager is broken and several torn.
Mrs. G*rdlner's Sunday school class
Spotton Accused
in Elgin Campaign
Hon. Duncan Marshall Nails Un-
truth Used by North
Huron Member
()corse Spotton, 11.1'. for North Hur-
on, took part In the bye -election cam-
paign In West Elgin (which was con-
cluded by the return of the Liberal
candidate by a large majority) and
in a public meeting made charges
against Hon. Duncan Marshall, Pro-
vincial Minister of Agriculture. This
elicited the following statement by Mr.
"A statement is reported In the St.
Thome' Times -Journal of September
114, made by George Spotton, M.P., In
addreasina a pahblln meeting, in which
he seye 1 served es a deputy -returning
officer foe an Elgin minty election
in 1599 end charges me with having
something to do with spolird ballots to
el 'ti h
"I just whits to any that s state -
a -
Lt. -Col. C'. 14. Woodrow,f Sarnia,
for fifteen years t ressIdeht of the As-
sociation, was returned to that omee
by acclamation. The 1934 executive
also was returned in toto; as follows:
Vice-presidents, Mayor C. C. " Lee, of
Goderich. Robert Ila1r of Forest, D. 4.
Byers of Marton: munlcipal repre-
sentatives, S. D. Croft of °odertcb,
Robert Hair of Forest, D. J. Byers of
Wiarton, A. Hui er of Southampton,
E. A. Henry of Kincardine, Jas. New-
ton of Sarnia and Reeve Cameron of
Port Elgin.
The Assoc•lation, said President
Woodrow :n a splendid address, started
out with the object of making the at-
tractions of this part of the country
well known to as many people us pos-
sible. Through the booklet, -Moto-
ramble in Canada;' put out by the
co-operation of the municipalities, the
Awso latlou has built up contacts In
tbs. Union, to such an
extent that every year requests are
received for new_literature. Mr. Wood-
row wish_') it to be made etear that
the Association is not directly inter -
116HTY-SEVENTH 11'.1R,.N0 31
Long Week-end—Oct. 5 to 9
Between all points in Caaads--iIso to oertaln U.S. Destlnatlosi.
Good Goin from Noon, Friday. Return limit, Lesving�tinstioo
Oct. 5, to Noon Monday, Oct. 8. up to Midnight Tuesday, Oct. !.
Full in,formadon from ticket egesta.
Heel Hugger Shoes
Gone forever is the discomfort of unruly feet. Heel
Huggers have solved the problem_
Toany woman of any age who yearns for the nicer
things at a moderate cost, give a thought to Heel Hugger
Shoes. Comfortable beyond your dreams, yet so chic and
stylish that they are the favored accessory of Canada's fore-
most women.
Geo. MacVicar
North Side of Square
Have Your Ceesmercial Printing Done at The Signal Office
the funeral on Saturday of the late a tri1 [n road-IwiWing and repairing;
Mee. Ben Taykur of 111)th. Interment its ihterest i• to -the advertt:4,g of the
was made 1n Bethel cemetery. T'he district. The speaker reported that
sympathy of this comutuaky is ex -1 the ,nunicipalitiea ou the highway be -
tended to the bereaved family and
Berets? from this eommunitg--ats
tended anniversary scrcboes at Bel -
grave on Sunday.
low Sarnia were anxious to join with
the )clue Water Highway Association.
le- wag decided Eo- a later dlxuation
that the president, the secretary and
the Sarnia represeutatdte be given au-
Meears. Fred,J. Cook. Jelnes McGill, I thority to take such action lu this mat -
W. F. Campbell and John Vincent were I ter as might be deemed advisable. It
appointed to attend the temperance I +e.ahs stifntrcl out that to include the
convention atfiilf" dib'-- { rtitd'xouid
11 st�� , of htahwe�'�ei8ii"-�&
MtirYii;.. ' 1: bra: li'''ed J. ('ook.
."'fro. A. Widish and
Mrs. 8. Cook expect to attend the eec-
tional meeting of the we section of
the PreahyteriaTof the United Chalets
at Nile on Thursday.
avail the Mut 'Vflletw- Val of addi-
tional points of entry from the United
State. It also was suggested that to
include the Senile-11'allaceMlrg-Chat-
lmm strct.•h would divert much traffic
north from highw-uc No. 2.
Miss Mae Vincent returned home a4 \lnvor C. ('. d.ce was chairman of
Thursday from Goderich, where she the,ing, which WAS attended by
about-,thlrty men from Goderich. Sar-
nin. Sotthampton, Marton and Forest.
A general._di ussion followed Presi-
dent Woodrow'* address. It war de-
etdecd that a representation approach
the Department of Highways with a
view to leaving the Government take
spent the summer.
The W.M.S. intend having their an'
nnal fowl supper on Wednesday even.:
Inc October 17tb.
Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey are visiting at
the home of the former'a slater, Mrs.
Wm. McVittle.
Friend -Husband on Fair Day
(By "Onlooker," in The Cheeky Enterprise) -
It is the morning of the great day— covered pie to the sidewalk, and ren -
the first day of the Chesley Fair. tiered it "hors de combat."
Then follow the long hours of the
Promptly at 5.15 the alarm mock afternoon, judging
clangs noisily, aid with a look of be-
wilderment and shocked surprise Friend
Wife site up in bed. Then, through
the remembrance—it U
over the highway from G+slertch to
tt was drrtded-aiso- t1at the Asso-
elation he represented at a conference
to be held a1 Ottawa In November,
under the auapise* of the Federal
Government, to discuss the furtherance
of the tourist business In Canada.
Al Southampton Next Year
Votes cf thanks were tendered to
the president and •ecretnry for their
while the le ink- ttreless anti etl'Mleut work. An Inci-
Ing place. They are boars of the
tatlon by Major Tolmle of Sotithamp
goingnae. We can imagine the judges ton to hold the 1933 meeting in South-
going about from table to tante, ren- alnplon was oversees!. On motion of
the fog, comes ,e remem + tiering their decisions with Imperious Reece Jfounings and Mnjor Tolmie, n
haste. We can Gee them ►s+sxing light- resolution was adopted expressing eym-
Falr Day, Gni there is much to be t ly. even carelessly, over articles we felt pathp with Mr. S. D. Croft, who was
done. With grim resolution Ate salts I sure would arrest their attention, and unable to' be prevent -bemuse of lit -
the warm rovers, and, for the first time Weld not uU otase ept ode of then eamil fiey. ts health. . -V
1 Fair IMy, descends to her o p ole
Most of those Ple+hent ace[q'ttrt Mayor
hero (tt invitation
since est a r t reason "What does_It matter,, Guy•
that ee o kitchen before 53(1 a.m. Our ftrr a trip about the
this t toway? We Wonder 11 the jnclges are or
ment is a deliberate falsehood and is I, gentle reader, It is I) tarns over a •omen I of taste. W, wonderh
if our lauectnch. and waterfront In t motor
ht fit to 'complete him nap, but when he
that 1 haven't the slightest doh
that George Spotton knew he was not , cornea town two or three hours later
stating the tenth when he made the' It is to confront an impreasice array
statement. I of cake., pies, and tarts, eft ready to
"1 never w -ns In Florin county on 1.e entered In the Fair. The atmos=
election day In my life and 1 never phere Is electric; the kitchen looks as
took part In an election In Elgin conn- though 1t were In e state of siege, and
ty until 1925 and 1 never acted AS 3 Friend Husband knows that wlee
deputy -returning officer in any con-
stituency in any election anyoheee•
"I suppose Mr. Spotton th3+tght if
he spread these falsehoods they would
re*eh swots people who would never
hear a dental of than. ,,lm
Faehtod* of
title kind. however; will only produce
4hc Ramp kind of results that Mr.
Spotton'* speeches did In the twe-
eter -don In South Huron. There are
slweya a few politicians who helleve
Gott vilification tet a good plan of
campslgn when the enndnet of their
party cannot he jnstlfied by argnmenta
and George Rpnt.ton, M.P., evidently
belongs to Ode clam."
(T.ondna Advertla'r)
.., leongw Jipotton., .l',, w aU 1
les perwonalttJtato tba West M
campaign. is a man of greet weight,
meesired on the staler[, but this does
not apply to his speeches.
ertklus have been errsiseerl so that
they catch the eye arel show their belt.
We hope, despairingly, that we will
get something. We wrmirt he mort&Aed
to death It we didn't.
In the evening, we de, ide to face
the [tsetse. We go to the Fair grounds,
end proceed from table to table with
the most ol.intereetel and nonchalant
manner we ran assume. Our batting
steerage isn't any t,o high. in this
emergency, Friend Hneband begins to
justify his extstenee When * prize
is won, he showers rat/Intone corKrete-
lnttone upon him wife. Where there
is no prise, he either roundly *bums
the judge.. or tell. his wire that a
gronp of "he -mon" would have deeided
far differently, or remarka conenlingly,
"Oh welt, yon can't win them *11."
It 1s finally calculated that $1.50
has been won In prtes. One dollar
has been retained for next year'. en-
try fee, to make eun that we will he
back. Baking mat/ rlale have mat
$750. hut you way nething Risme that,
foeyoe hare helped the Fahr. Friend
Wife limps home. *fid flop. Into hid.
Per tdtsl(Aat•Vim slnee•4ue-I3ake-•Da7t
alis negieete to Mae Friend Hneband
prod night.
it's pope who pay.
cracks are not in order. Meekly be
.teals about garnering a morsel here
anti there for him breakfast, and watch -
Ing with absolute awe while cookies
unci bun• and erode' of all descriptions;
eome pouring forth from the oven. Oc-
casionally he is Invited to taste the
carious delicacies. tont he Anda him-
self In a dlmr,tlt poattlon. If he ate
anrea h1• wife that her pie is sure to
win first prise, he Is met with a de-
precating "Don't he silly." if he nays.
"1 don't think this will win anything,"
he can expert the rejoinder, "What do
you know about 1t?"
Finally all Is 1n readlne**, and the
exhibit is transferred. In throe Install-
meats. to the Fair Milking. There
N Mwthle.a ♦settement at the
for It appear* that our third earind
• bffribrit tiFi tidettl roadrtea etesor
We pa over in idleness as something
too patent to contemplate. the slight
arrkieet whdeh prtelpltet 4 the e•ream-
The reenter meeting of Knox church
0.(4. heed en Prtesrley lett,
with n fair attendance, Miss Gor-
don's group had charge of the meet-
ing, w0110 the president coud+e•ted the
busing—a.. The devotional period was
taken by Miss A. Mel)onnld end Mrs.
flunking. A letter save. reed.from MI.R
Isobel McConnell thanking the auxl-
llary for the lovely gifts sent for her
to take back to the childri•n In the
ho pltal at Jolat, India. The next
meeting w 111 bre the th*nkoffcring of
the SorksIy and wtU 1s In charge of
the exesurire. A splendid addreM on
-Religions of the Ewe" was elven by
Mrs. Barnett, after which a very pictur-
ing duet was ming by Mises Dorothy
Greene and Isabelle Tyndall. *mom•
ponied by Mies Margaret Barnett. A
report of the recent Pre 11,yterf*i rally
held at Hermit' was given by Mrs.
James Bisset, after which the meeting
Nomad with prayer.
"Tban can lie no doubt that the
ismitlfsesteebiesesseasesetto dritt4
Idly Into competitive immerses to
be nerd fix natinMllssie purpose'."-
Newton I). Balser.
Seasonable Reminders!
We suggest you read our list, and perhaps be reminded
- ifs
{fiere is t>;ome itllm needs in your home. --
Gin or l)odd's Kidney 1111s..39e
Fly Pads. Sly ('otlw. Fly haat_
tete, 11) Tox
Have on hand a bottle of Ex-
tract Wild Str.+wlwrr)
Vick's -apo Rub or Viett's
Drops 45c
C. H. Q. for ('olds. The kind in
a red box
`o$1Yer's Aspirin ..:.:.. I. /011.
2 doz. i9e ; 1111 far 111'-'-
AbsorbM/ Canso. Etagiimh.
Ib. Sae
National Brewer's Yeast pkg. 1St
('outs less than one tint a doer
Ovaltine large $1.09
Remember we aell ftweeharine,
Colics, Safeylk"-Add, Spice,,
Parawax, Fruit Jar Rings
Ayerst's Pure Cod Liver Obi
large bottle 89e
An.bew'e Liver Malt .
Small can 29c
Large ran 59c
lour ehoiee—Common Sense Rat
Poison or Rough on Rats29c
W liken*'- ltirwing ('Nus tl.__-
large tube 29t
Ipane Tooth Paste (no tax) 39e
Yardley's Old hnglieh Ianerwlct
Solidified Brilliantine 55e
Reams Kasagra-01, Emulsion
Mineral 011, Agar and Kasagra
Campbell, Lauder, Dunlop, Wigle
'If - e:a
The Royal dank has booklets, prepared by
competent authorities, on Form Account-
ing, livestock and Poultry. Many formers
have found than booklets helpful as well
os interesting. The Sank will be glad to
glw you copies on request, free of chorus).
aooslleef>Rtrees . "1" 1-ututtestaar4,
- .L. 1-