HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-06-05, Page 23Page lAneknew Sentinel, Virednesday,44 ?4 Cards of Thank* IIINlI. ,. PAITERSON: The family of the late Alfred, Patterson wish to express. their sincere thanka. to re1a- tries, friends and neighbors. ,for.the:acts et kindness and sympathy shown to them le their recent bereavement and for. their beautiful floral • tributes and donations. To. the staff of Pinecrest `Manor ,for their compassionate care; to the Rev. John taudty'.and Rev. VViiliam Henderson for their spiritual: support, Our gratitude is also extended to Joan MacKenzie Pollardof. the MacKenzie and McCreath. Funeral Horne of Lucknow. Wewish to thank the pall- bearersand to,.ekpress our appreciation to the ladies of Lucknow Presbyterian Church for the lovely lunch and to Donatda Moffat for her music. We would also like to express special thanks to Lloyd Morrison for his help and friendships tri Alfred over many years. Sisters Catherine Birch and Agnes Cantelon. --23X .STEER The family of the late Ena Steer_ wish to thank our 'via- - lives and friends for their expressions of sympathy received at our mom's pass- ing, To all who phoned, sent cards, flowers, .and food, thank you. Special thanks to the nurses and staff .of . ,Pinecrest Manor for their loving..care over the past eight years; to Joan and Jeff Pollard for their guidance • and kind understanding, to Wilma Clarke and South Kinloss choir for the beauti• - ful music, and the ladies,of our WMS for hosting the deticiousiunch after the ser- vice, To Rev. Peggy Kinsman, •thank you for all your visits, and your com- passionate message.. Margaret, Ruth, Phyllis and Peter and their. families, -- BROOKS Special thanks to ourfarnily, friends, relatives and neigh. • bors for coming and making:. our 60th wedding anniver- sary so great. It was over wheirrning to see so many people. Thanks for alt` the cards, gifts and best wishes. Everything . was greatly appreciated and we will treasure these Memories forever. Omar and Dora. -- 2$ LUCKNCW & DISTRICT K1NETTES Thank you . to all those who took part in and sponsored our area children In the Kinette Bike-A-Thon ., 011 June 1. Any questions or, concerns ,greatly appreciat-. ' ed, Phone 529.3333 or 895- 431. --Mar SCOTT 1 wish to thank everyone for calls' and cards while in • Brantford and Wingham' hospitals. Everything'. was greatly appreciated; Walter. -23x' „ • 5,1996 '470 ord of, Thanks. DUNGANNQN uiv1Tn° CHURCH.. Dungannon United. Church stewards would like to thank thefollowing businesses for. their support towards. our. suoceSsful Walk-a#th,on, Lucknow .Co-op; Dauphin Feeds; rn* Welding; Wal.Mart; Zehrs, Tim l- ortons, Johnston Gravel; Jim's. Variety; 'iRtt.GR ' Thompson's; Ross's Country Oarpet & Scott Rivett. We would .also like to thank thane who walked and those who spOnsorect,. -23ar 48 Corning Events 40..Cprning Mvelnts BiNGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, Thursday,. 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, 390 Parson's Court, $3450 in prizes., $1000,00 Jackpot must go.--15tfar SWO 13TH ANNUAL FIDDLE and STEPDANCE Championships, Stratford Fairgrounds Coliseum, Stratford, June 28 7:00 P.m., June 29 10:30 a.rri.. Final and' Show.7:00 p.m.. Tickets a; door. Advance tickets/camping information 519-271-6i 1:5.--23bc BUFFY SAINTE-MARIE CONCERT June 14th, 8 p.m. Waterloo Recreation . Complex, Waterloo,' On. Tickets (519) 744-9592 or Ticketmaster. -23cc WATERLOG COUNTRY CRAFT SENSATION. Albert McCormick Arenas, Parkside Drive, Waterloo, Saturday June 8 9am-5pm, Sunday Junel9 10am 4pm. Adults $2:50, Children under 12 Free, 130+ furled vendors, Info: .519-884 • - 1119.723bc STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Lucknow Presbyterian Church; Thursday, June.13. Two settings 5 .p.m. and 6'30 p.m. Tickets in advanceONLY at Finlay Decorators 528-3434 Monday . Friday 8 a.m.: - 6 pm., Saturday 8a.m. 1 p.m. -*19-24 , RUMMAGE SALE Friday, June 7, 1 - 6 p.m., Saturday, June 8, 10 - 3 p.m. at the home of Jack McGuire (Huron Auto Wreckers) R.R.5 Lucknow, Conc. 2, Huron Township. Good clean articles greatful- ly accepted. Proceeds ,for. overseas adopted ,chnldren. Phone 395-2827 or 395- :4,150, —21-23, 114th ANNIVERSARY The, Whteohurch United Church, will celebrate* with services June 9, 11 a,m, and 8 p.m. Rev; Jeff Hawkins of Corrie is guest speaker, An evening of .music will be presented by the, Wroxeter United 'Church choir -and Lorne and Rita Matin Social hour quill fdllovu overling ;service; Everyone we,Icu,be - - LONG TERM CARE Huron Ccunty.Leng Term Care Comrnittee plans for long terra oars services for . ,,Huron 'County°:residents,. . Next meeting: Wednesday,, June 12, at :30. :a.rn;, MAMA Office, Clinton. .Everyone weloorrie..-23co .VOLUNTEER USHERS • needed for Myth Festivals 1998 season. Anyone inter- ested should. attend an ori- entation :session Tuesday, June 11 at 7 p.m.. Blyth Memorial Community Hall.. Bring a friend! For more information,�call:Stephen 52 .,:R-23cc•. 9 7 • • 2ND ANNUAL ' • MILEAGE CLUB. starting June 1st Walk, run,. bike der roll. Register at Town Hall $2 fee. Escorted walks starting June 10. --21 23ar BEEF BARBECUE , Nile • Uniited. Church, Sunday, June 16. Supper 5 7 „p.m, Advance tickets: Adults $8:50, children under 12 - $4, preschoolers free. Door ,tickets: Adults $9, chit-. dren under 12:- $4.50. Advance tickets phone Val's Beauty Salon 524-.2943; Wayne Caldwell 529-7093. Variety Concert to follow 7 p.m. sharp. Please bring lawn: chairs.--23,24cc FIDDLERS/SYEPPl RS JAMBOREE ' Sunday, June 16 at Mitchell. Community Centre 1 p.m. Admission $3.' Dancing. 'Snack food by Lions Club available throughout 'perfor- mance. Participants ,.free admission%food, --23cc NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Wingham and District Community Living Association will be holding its Annual. General Meetipg for. the 1995/1996 Fiscal year on: Monday June '10, 1996 at 1:00 p.m at the. Teeswater Curling xClub STAG AND DD 'for Don Pickard and Cathy klenhoeffer June 15 at ingha► .Arena from 9, p.m. -23,24x • •WHLT OWL -CULTURAL 'POW WOW • June: 15th. and lath, Watorl;o.e Park, Waterloo, On:.. Gates open 11 a;rn. Call 451:91, 744.9592...-23cc 14aTH ANNIVERSARY Ashfield Presbyterian. Church June 9, 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.rn. Guest speaker Rev. Nan St, Louis; eoderich. Minster RevR Paul Charnb:ers. Refreshments to foll,ow,- Everyone-welkome. -822,23 BLYTH FESTIVAL YOUNG COMPANY rehearsals begin July 8 to August 17 with perfor- mances August 13. to '17. Anyone,. 13 years old and up, interested in a non-pay- ing acting position' with the Company,, can call' the Festival Office at 523,43.45 for an . interview. Interviews will be held June 8 from 1 to - 6 pin, with a workshop for participants June 9 from 1 to 3 p.m. =-23cc The long awaited sunny weather finally rrriv ast week with a who of Sunshine. Everyou seemed to appreciate it more and the countryside is beauti- flit with the new growth and blossom. Sunscreen was avery necessary commodity as one gen- tleman reported he missed theback of his. neck and received a ter- rific sunburn. Real estate deals that were finalized by the first of June were Blanche Savage and Katherine Ferris at 529 Inglis Street, the house that Dungannon Custom Builders had renovated, also Steve McEwan and Melanie Wylds Our-, chased the house at 314 Clyde ,Street from the Estate .of Ida Uowald. Eleven girls of the Senior Guides . and Pathfinders groups, along with six leaders enjoyed Lucknow United Church. ' Sunday, June 19th, 1996 Guestppaker Rev. Flea Grant .of VVingham. 11:00 a.m. Service: 'Special music by Basement grass,. Junior Choir and duets by Rayiene Rebryna & Rachel Pritchard 7:30 p.rn. Service: Special music by Sunday punshine & our Senior Choir Everyone Welcome! South Kinloss: Presbyterian Church 140*" Anniversary Service. Sunday.june 7th 1,1:00 am South Kinloss' a. Guest; Speaker;.: _ Mr, Bob McCall a ; Presbyterian; Lay Person • Special Music by Choir.of present & fernier members 7 30.pm Service Musical evening with Eduard " Christine Klassen, • featuring Eduard; playing • the Paraguayan',Harp. l.,unC'h to %Ilovr " Veryoriie welcome' 1�. 171110111111111111111111101i,11111NNNlfiNNNNN the weekend in Toronto. They travelled . from Stratford by train on Friday morning rett►ng Sunday evening. Some of the highlights of their trip were visits tothe Eaton Centre, Toronto Island, the Science Centre, and the C N Tower, Sunday R a morning as they were packing up to leave there was a fire in their hotel so all had to evacuate. A weekend they will all remember. ,- Sunday it horning the •Lucknow United Church held their annual `service at Silver Lake`. The mem- bers of the Sunday School were in charge of the service with the theme .International Environmental Sabbath. All the songs, readings, and scriptures werein keeping with the theme ,of Creation and what is happening to the world. A :barbecue lunch with games and contests com- pleted the outing. A baptismal service was held in the Lucknow Presbyterian Church when Leah Bullock, daughter of Richard and Saralee Bullock was bap- tized. Brendan, Ashley and Mitchell Dickson , of - Kincardine spent last week with their grand- parents, ' ,Gordon • and Shirley: Brooks, Funeral services were conducted on Saturday at - St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church for Vera. Briendorf and on Sunday from the funeral home for Ena Steer. Both these ladies were residents of Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home and had been in failing health for some- time, Sym extended to the,pathy familiesis as they mourn the loss of their loved ones. It is good to see a new ice cream parlour B Kooi open in the store west of .where the Super Scoop was located. 1 There were seven "tables of. Shoot at the Drop in Centre last week. High lady was Donalda Moffat, second high lady Evelyn Phillips; high men was Dave Swan, and ~second high men. Art Ernewein. Most shoots went to Jae Courtney. Water Safety Pool lifesaving equip - pent and. a first aid kit. should be kept at the . pool;