HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-06-05, Page 21rage 26, - Lueknow e 3 1c1P Wanted' LcCAL LICENSED carpon-- terwith luny years experi- ence, is available for 000 buitdin9 projects. References available. -Call Paul Martin24*2922► 16tfce r'. 1irOCtOri., GREER TV aerial instal,la-- tions and repair. Call: Dori , 820725/5.--29-26 • MOVING Complete moving services, :local pr long distance for .xesidentiat or commercial Free estimates, or do if yourself with `our. 'rental trucks • and . equipment. Listowel Rental and i poring Systems. Fullyinsured and licensed.' 291-1202 Or toll free 1-800-639.:689.6. -- 34tfar. KINLO$S EXCAVATING and. Gravel. For your exca- vating, needs,. hi hoe,.:trirn., dozer and scraper available. ' Gall Barry .Johnston -395. .5231.. ,--18tfar tin e10 Viedlliesday,. June .R„A HAVENS EL IE TRI *Residential *Farm *Commercial Electrical Contractors. FREE ESTIMATES Rod Havens LUCKNOW 628-2301 CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation, Renovations • Replacement Windows & Doors 7. • Kitchen Cabinets -Vanities • Carpet andt.inoleum ▪ Roofing • Free Estimates Rft7 ' ;LUC Now 5294161/ D ' M: ,. Scrap : Met* Buyers of scrap metal, cars and trucks, etc. Free pickup Call 51;9-392485 „ 096 Service Directory AcGNEW 4 EWELLERY REPAIR - watch,; clock, Ow' • ellery� Free estimates. 'Pickup and deliyery,QQn be .,—arranged, 696 Havelock Street,, 'across 1rorr •Medical: Centre: Q:ail 5284632 •or 828.4940.-=16tfar • :DO'N' THOMPONT'V Ap,piianees. Refrigeration: Service, 24 hour'emergency. service'. Call -A989147 ,or 395.$$93, R.R. #3, 0ipley .,. • • 21.-26co, $EVItING MACHINE repairs s atiefacton guaranteed all household makes - gen- dine parts ,~ authorized Singer, dealer. Free weekly pick up and delivery to: From Our Heart, Lucknow phone . 528-2649- 'and Wilma's Corner Store, Ripley phone 395-2915. -� 22-24ar 2p' Babysitting BABYSITTER REQUIRED for 6 month_ old ,beginning in ' .August, your home or • ours, weekdays, (hours ,rnay vary). References required. Apply .inwriting, stating wage expected to Drawer. #35, c/o The Lucknow.$entinel, Box 400, Lucknow. NOG 2H0. 4" 22-24x „ MOTHER OF TWO willing to babysit in her home . Monday to, Friday full or part-time. lion -smoker.: Call anytime Karen: McMurray x28.3941. 23,24 .MsC. CLASSICAL, JAZZ AND BLUES CD mad .order cata- • logue FREE! Call :1-8e30-310-1116 for catalogue. Lists every title available in Canada. Excellent collec- tors ,resource. Shop at. horse. 23bc 34. Personal: 4$ Personal OVER YOUR "ower Dayea month biorhythm with user's, guide. Send birthdate,„ 10. Discoveries, P,O. :Ro*313, Heens:all,. .Ontario, NOM .1e04 ,,.. ,22;23cc• *A cost; win. be incurred, • HEAVENLY PSYCHIC •Answers serving over 50. .. •9 million readers and muiti- talonted psyohica Free astrooh.ar$ with your first, 'readingi 'Relationships, • Future, Career.. $2.99/ !pin. 4.• +��, 1--:�'� .• - 51.- 18 24. t�QOrs 1 9.00 45 3783.-123bc. *A cost Will be incurred: CANADA'S MOST GIFTED psychics •have .answeera°tt your problems, or questions about. health, cove, relation- . ship, .money; lucky. num- bers. $3.49/minute, 18+, 24 hours, 1-900-451-4336•.-- 23bc ARE YOU. A MAN WHO HAS sex with both men and vwornert? We'd like to talk with you. Make yourself heard by*taking 'part in this University of Toronto sur- vey. • it's angnyrnous and confidential: -Call for free from .anywhere in •Ontario: 1-800-94Bi-MALE.--23bo CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTRE - Are you preg. .pant? Need help? Gall our 24 hour hotline collect 323- 3751 or drop in at 178 Main St. S. Mount Forest for 'free pregnancy testing, cou:n- setling and support, child- birth coaches,ctothing: -' 23ar HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM?? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-36.5. -- 23ar eel - Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS M +Maims. against the estate of -MURRAY ,B. ETT` S late of the age of Lucknow, in the County of Bruoa„. deceased Who died on. or about the .27th' day of Februarys •1.996, must .be filed with the undersigned on 'or before July 15$ 1906; • thereafter .the Executors- of the estate Will distribute the assets of the estate having, regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice. Dated. May 16, 1996. • cio GEORGE J, BROPi,IY, Barrister & Solicitor, • - Box•610, LUCKNOW; • Ontario NQG 2HQ. 41.23 1361AnnoUncernentS 35. Legal. . Notices ARENA DRIVE IN 95 _Lottery draw winners on May 31, 1996 were: $500 - Bob McN-ell,, Goderich; $300, Lou GodtreylGord Dadson, .Kincardine; $200 Murray Barrett Estate, Lucknow.--23ar NOiTICE TO CREDITOR AND OTHERS claims against the a estate WJLBUR.'BROWN late Of the Vllagee of Lucknow, • in the'Gounty of - Bruce, deceased,, who died. on or about the 29th day of March •1996, must be filed with the undersigned on, or before July 15, 1996; there- after the Executors of the estate will distribute the assets of the, estate haying regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice. Dated May 10, 1996; clo GEORGE J. BROPHY, Barrister & Solicitor, Box 610, LUCKN.OW, Ontario NOG 2H0. --21-23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CR EDITOPIS AND OTHERS All . laints, against the estate ' of ,ViRQEN ALEXANDiER . MOWBRAY the 9.. late Village e he of of Lucknow:, in the County- of Bruce,. deceased, who died on • or about tile 16th day of March, 1996 must be filed with the undersigned on or before 'Jul .-y 18, 1996' there- after the Executors of the estate' will distribute. the assets of the •estate. having !regard only to the claims of which the' undersigned then has notice. Dated: -.May 10, clo GEORGE J. BROPHY, Barrister, & Solicitor, Box 610, LUOKNOW, Ontario NOG 21-10.---21-23 36. Announcements' . 36. Announcements 'A Unique3 PsyecEle " ADVICE ON ALL PROBLEMSOF UFE,+a LOVE VEK MARRIAGE , BUSINESS & • HEALTH PIIC U .-ONsTituCTIO� LTD. New limes, cottages, additions, renovations, replacement windows & dpors, . aluminum trimwork, siding, lleccks, 'farm buildings, reale te, house inspection, mini•backhpe work, tube clamp scaffoilirng. Licensed Carpenter since 1976 Bus. and Falx Or Roo 510961 52 611 is Dave eabrook . v ting •'gavel! + Top eon • Fine Large e�c • va ._ r • a to � . . trt,t ck s, lt� `ade r, do�ere`. R�.. sone rates. • 0284041 5283144 Mobile:524-3311 RR 5, I,.ue;knaw • -ntiA(g. IMPOTENCE easily corrected.. Overcome; alt erection problems 'caused, by -aging, medications,. surgery, diabetes,'etc... Get the• •f' cls: Performance 11 e:dical, �Blox / VaIe.nrtekunty BC,.,•.VQe 2Z0. • 1 B.Oari363-0121'.-- 23bC ; . AS.H.GR4VE•CHRIS:TIAN. • .. SINGLE'. For companion- •ship, or . marriage:. Ages 18-. 8.5. - Singte; viidowed,diriorced. ;Canada, USA., global on Iiit-ernet.. Write Ashgrove„ P.C. Box. 205, Chaseyo.4 M0. Free information. 1.604 579-3'543 �23bc • ' ONE Christian oorrliparnonship magazine,. ; Hundreds of` .readers';and adiertisee.rs. Affordable,, confidential and' r 1 bte ' n lar SAS e is , ae d, gel E. Write: $02R�,1502 2,nd:. venue Sou h Lethbnd e AB, Ti J 0G i »-201 c • WEDDINGS 1' ertotrried» your Iocatiorr'or our indoor' Ot outdoor chapel; .. (cion-denoniiiraaticneli. •For.broclaure x caII: llev,,Morgan •- A.11.i=aiths. Pastcrar, centra; lenmilier, 524-5724 NOTICE toftiow RE: SPOT, SPRAYING OF WEDS This notice is to advise residents of the -County of Huron that d SPOT SPRAYING .OFWEED S, in rural; areas will commence on ;lune 10.'1996, for a Period of approximately 12 to 14 weeks; Herbicides to be used are: ESTAPROP, Registration. No, 14803; AMITRQL T, Registration,No.16548; and DJPHENOPROP, Registration No: 15707. ° Toe controlled are noxious weeds as per the Provincial Weed ControlAct. This'notice complies with Section 68(2) of Regulation 914 under the Pesticides Act For further information, please call the Huron County Weed Inspector at 619-524-8394. Maria, A Qafted Psychio,."pick up your vibrations and read your outer aura, twit help you unlock the troubles hide, end bring'. happiness and peace of mind . come through • 48: wELUNGTON RD. SOUTH OF GRAND (519) 673"1733 OS. Legal Notices J'NOTIC TO C EDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against ttia estate .• of IDA MAY HOWALD late ' of the Village of Lucknow, in the County:Of,, Bruce, deceased, who died on or 0b* the 12th day of teeernberr. 1 996, must be Mod with the uridersjgrted • an or before• Judy 15, 1.996;'. thereafter the Executor of the estate wile distribute the assets..e l.the ,estate. having 'regard only' to the cfairris of which -the undersi g ned•.then has notice. bated, May ;18, 1996. cio GEORGE J. BROWN"Y, I) Barrister & Solicitor, • • Box 610, LUiCKNO'W, Ontario NOG 2H'0 4143 NOTICE TO•PROPERTY OVVMERS ,. : DESTRUCTION EDS a,� ev .. ` WEEDS Notice ,is Hereby -Given to all persons In possession of lands within in the Munioipaiities of the County of Hurpra as follows: Township Ashiietd Colborne Goderich. Grey _Hay Howlck H Belt NleKlllop Morris . Stanley • Stephen; Iuckerr mlth Turnbe rr'y. - Usborne r*: vvawanosh 1111'i�•Wawanesh'. Clerk L Andrew H. Grubb t. Cranston B. Knight J, Zimmerman M.E. Grebb S, Shaddick M •McClure N, Michie A. Willem ' L. Brown JMcLachlan D. Kelly ,;. Strang;: W. Thompson • Litlene Nolan Frown Clinton Exeter Goderich • •Seeforth Wingham Village .8ayfteld Blyth Brussels Hensel! .Zurich Clerk M: Jefferson E. Sell . • 1: McCabe J. Crocker B. Adams Clerk G.11. Knox J. Stewart D. White t. f'hatr M. Simmons 1►t;,:accordarice• with, the Weed Centrol,4ct, Statutes of Ontario, 1990, `Chapter WS, Sections3 18'and23, that uniess noxlous weeds growingi on lands are not destroyed' r by the property ;owner eyAincitingh and. thr'otjghout , thM? ,. Seation',, ,the Municipality may enter Upon the sail lands and` have weeds destroyed,,•charging tho'cosfs a1.Oalnst the;land fn taxes, as set out by the.;Woes "Centro/Act. ills Co:o e;ratlon o?all aliens Is ear s1I ' sol1clfed. JOHN tGtB$OH Weed Inspector; County of Huron 4,1