HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-06-05, Page 20Lue3 1: . Per Sale STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINci Manufacturer Direct:20 x 30.$2,998.00. 26.. x 40 $4,488.00• 30 x 44 $968.00. 40. x 50 $6,366.o0. 4 . x 66 $7,988.00. ' 44. 70. $9A49.00. 50 x 90. $14,944,Q0.°`Other 'sic'• Ends optional. ,Pioneer 1-. 80Q 668.5422,--23bo 1138 LAWN FLEET MTD , riding, lawn mower. Priced reasonable. Phone 395- 3108. a-21-23ar..24- 6n c LUMBER FOR SALE odds and ends. (Cheap!) - Hemlock, Beech, Ash, Hard Maple, Oak, Rim, Cherry, Walnut and Pine. Planing available. Call Sh:etier Sawmill at (519) 528-3231 (Take County Rd. #1 South of Lucknow to 3rd corner, turn Ieft on County Rd. #20, two miles on the left)." -- 23,22 Wanted to Bu! WANTED.. -STANDING hay, lst or 2nd cut. ,Rhone 428.- 2420. --23ar 4, 2.Real Ef A. MCDONAGH REAL 1«IATE ..INst111ANUI LTU PUREBRED NUBIAiV 'mal'e, 3 months old, 000 or trade for same .528.353.0. -22,23 n. 2 YEARLING LIMOUSIN 'bulls for sale. Phone '396- 5390, -23,24x 96-5390,23,24x OSTRICH "Moving. 'Must sell, 4 year o!d :proven Blue necks. $12,.000 O.B.0. Four pair 2year / old Black$, Iay- tnq, $6,000/pair 0.8.0. . 204- 866-2848 or 204.453-0366.- . -23bc • 11f1 Produce AC BRAVOR Certified seed beans. Treated 40 bags. Phone 528-2402 or 528- 3618.--13tfar 5. Cars 11 h. Services, LUCKNOW - 4 bedroom horne lose to downtown, posaession, .As.ising104,900. 531 ROSE ST & .533'RCSE` STS 1.'2:e e S bedrrora:hom.e with. separate deeds. Double 'driveway. g�Asking $39,000. and$34,$0Q, HURON TWA, - 25 acres $26,500. ..KINLOSS•'l111f , -.Yellow brick .3 bedroom home on `26 acres, approx. 1/2 workable. Reduced to $105,.000. LUCKNOW QUNGAi,OW 3 bedroom brick with extra lot. Asking, only $115,000. CAMMERCIIAI,. BUILDING 9600•sq. ft. Lucknow with 3, apartments, good irivesstment. • 40 SEAT RESTAURANT - Newl'y decorated new roof, 3 Tots, equipment included. By highway, priced to ,sell: ASHFiELD - 1.00 acres, 80 workable, 20 bush; large beef or dairy barn, silo, hog barn, implement shed, 3 bedroom home, 4 pc. & 2' ' pc. bath, fireplace.. AUTO PARTS LTD.. R. R, #1, Kincardine CASH FOR CARS Phone 395-294' Lucknow & Ripley 9"T4et111C:11is . 1.986 FORD RAN -GER 2.3 L, 4 cyl, 140,000 km. Good condition. Many new parts, $1500 o.b.o. Phone 395- 3344. --23x GILCHRIST FARM SUP- PLY - Belting and repairs to all makes of, balers, swathers, and combine pick ups. Patz sales and service,. Lucknow,Grain buggies, mixers etc. R.R. 5, Lucknow. 395-2851. -- 27tfar TARPS AND iNDUSTRIAL COVERINGS made to size', for trucks, trailers; gravity boxes, etc, Vinyl, canvas poly. New/Repairs. Party tent rentals Tiesma Industrial Coverings, Bayfield. 482-3540. 26tfg- ,peow Call Fraser MacKinnon 528-3013 Barry McDonagh 528-2031 17* Apteo LARGE TWO bedroom apartment with rivate a.p f� ground level entrance. Park like: atmosphere .and, close to downtown. Oreethaven Apartments call after 18 p.m. 519-848-2215. ---22tfer.. ONE: AND Two bedroom apartments, Newly 'renovat- ed. Available immediately No pets, References' required. Phone 395-2433.'- -O9tfar 7e. MotOirycies 1:987 HONDA CR 250 new chain sprockets, good •con- dition, never raced. $1300 o,b.o. Phone 395-3344.-- 23x . • 70. Rec. Vehicles 100% CUSTOMER SATISFACTION CANADA'S #1 PROWLER DEALER TRAILERS + PARK MODELS STH WHEELS *HARDTOPS � i+:fi"�i,3'l:�a.,^•clici�.•r".ri.'4..�..►3.�.�:•:;`iFrt:�•se.• Hitches,' Truck Caps, New/Used. 13 years in business WIMPoCAR ucioia Setes•R'entals•Service•Parts Hwy. #8, 1 mile West of Stratford (519) 393-593$ 10 Pets MALE JACK. RUSSELL,' Cocker Spaniel and Poodle ' available for stud service. Phone 528-3124. --20-23x YOUNG FERRETS, S Sables. and grey's. Suitable as pets' $30. One - 2 year old male peacopk, blue $50, Wanted 9 to trade female peacock for same: Phone 528-3530. -- 22.24 12. Real Estate LAKE HURON Sunsets! New price: beautiful all brick newer home with circular driveway in small quiet sub- division Lake community. 5 minutes south of .Goderich just yards :from, the beach. Three bedrooms ' plus. Large' eat in*country kitchen with lots of oak cabinets: Two. baths, sunken living room, large attached garage .with pit, main' floor' laundry, cen- tral vac,electronic air clean- er, .down draft stove on' stone hearth in large family room, water softener, dish - wisher, hot tub black and grey marble look on back deck, beach access, large lot, very•clean and nicely' decorated excellent price! .Call owner forviewing'. at (519) 524-4476 after' 4`30 p.m. or leave message. -- 18-24nxe• BUILDING LOTS 'Deer Run Estates, 1/2 acre, well treed, fully serviced, Clarke's Homes 395.8454.'- •19tfar • ,GOT A CAMPGROUND membership/timeshare? We'll take itl: America's largest, oldest resale clear- inghouse. Resort Sales International .1-800-423- 5967. Timeshare rentals needed. 00 ,24 hours a day, -43b0 17. Apts. LUCKNOW 2 bedroom ground floor apartment, pri, ` vale entrance $370 per month plus utilities. 'Available ' imm.ediately. Phone 357-1847. -45tfar. E I:.ARG W-bed-roam_:. apartment. Available imme- diately. $350/month plus utilities.: Above main street. CaII Paul 528-2411. --14tf RENT GEARED to income apartments, 'in Clinton, Exeter and Goderich, for women and children, who have experienced abuse. Call Phoenix of Huron 524- 1620, 482-5288, 235-3183. --22,23cc HEATED 2 BEDROOM apartment near Lucknow, available July 15. $450 per month, plus hydro. Phone 528-2426.--22tfar GROUND FLOOR 2 bed- room heated apartment, newly renovated, two bed- room upper apartment, both close to downtown. Phone 528-2031.--19tfar • APARTMENTS FOR Rent in . Listowel, Wingham, Lucknow, Mount Forest, and •Wroxeter. One two and three bedroom.: Phone 335.3227 or after 5 p.m., 335.3103.--19tfar ONE BEDROOM heated apartment on main. street; .close to downtown. Availa,bie July 1. Phone 528-3948, --19tfar UNDER: NEW ,MANAGE - MENTI Walkerton Yonge St., Apartments has one, two and three. bedroom apartments available for rent. Sw10°11'0419 pool, garage,* quiet• exclusive complex across from Bruce County Buildings,:, OPP, near school. Apply to; Adrian, Apt 71.1012 Yonge St. 881-2790.-bl3tfco 18. *louses DURHAM-WALSH. Townhouses in Kincardine. Under new. management: Freshly painted and reno- vated. Two and three bed- room, 1 month free'rent. Available immediately. Phone 396-9332.--03tfar FARM HOUSE for rent, 5 bedrooms. Available July 1. Phone 528-3433 after 10 ;p.m. 528-3336. --23ar NEWLY RENOVATED farm house for rent• 2 1/2 miles north ' of Lucknow. References required,no pets. $425 per month plus hydro. Apply to drawer #16 c/o The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, Lucknow, NOG 2H0.--14tfar 4 BEDROOM HOUSE on South .edge of Lucknow, $500/month plus utilities. Available :June 15. CaII Paul at 528-2411,--23tfar 3BEDAOOM. w.b.ung ' alow in. Lucknow, close' to down- town.Phone 529-7661.. -- 21-24nxc• FARMHOUSE FOR rent- 4 -. 5 bedroom, $675/month. plus utilities` '' N -W of Teeswater. Barn and work shed optional 519.665-7818 or 519-236-6581.--22tfcc 2►. Wanted to Buy OLD ---BARNS, BRICK HOUSES - wanted to buy. Phone after 2 p.m., 233- 5539:-11 tfgp entinel$ Wednesda ►p Jane 1996 age 19 26.' -RelPlAfantod: LARGE ..., PINANIeL¢ Services Copany accept- , ing applications from .moti- vated individuals with entre- preneurial spirit. entre.-preneurial,spirit. Ali training provided. Send resume to Exeter, Post office, Box 83, NOM 1.88. 23,24dc '$ATTENTION STUDENTS$• Make a lot of Money selling; chocolate bars, New prod ucts available. Nothing to pay in .advance. Fast dally- ery 1' -800-3833589. --2311c MUSICAL PERSON want- ed, preferable oriented to harmdhicas to join a fun group of seniors. Call Ken 524-2959. --23cc .. r I'm chino tpr p� sonsblr s rf-sta 11 r who Wants the satisfaction and :rewards 1 of building a part-time income into a 1 permanent fen -time career. 24 hr. mess, 1 (519) 524.9111. 1 28 Business • ppu HAWAII 0 RETURN. .AIR • FARE $180. This is just one example of; the travel bene- fits available to TRAVEL AGENCY owners. Now you` can, own your own travel business -412,500. Full. PP training and support. Eulir part .art time, home based or.office.. 1-800.799-99'10.-T 23bc ARE YOU suffering from: ,•over weight, heart prob- lems, arthritis, low energy. You.'can live a, healthy. life. A. 9Q•cent stamp brings free cassette. R. Neill, Box 6, R.R. 6, Goderich, On. N7A 3Y3.--23-26cc THE HURON -PERTH COUNTY ROMAN. CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD invites APPLICANTS for the following positions Teacher Assistant Secretarial Custodian The Huron -Perth County. R.C.S.S. Board is accepting applications for the above positions. Applications received, will be considered 'for any position that may become•. available within the nextschool year. Applications received will be kept.on file until July 1, 1997. All applicants will be considered for full-time and part-time. unless specifically rioted on your resume. If you are interested in .working for the Huron -Perth, County R.C.S.S. Board, please submit your letter of application,, clearly, indicating for which,positioni you are applying, stating qualifications, experienceand: references, by June 28,-1,996 to the attention of; G.L. Blanchette Superintendent' of Education Huron -Perth County R.C.S.S. Board • P.O. Box 70 ' • Dublin, Ontario NOK 1E0 Telephone (519) 345-2440 Fax (519) 345-2449 Michael Miller. ' J.S. Brown, M.A., Ed. D, Chairperson of the Board 'Director of Education WANTED TO BUY: Riding. mowers, ,push mowers, tillers and anowbtowers in' need of repair. Cash paid, Please call 524-1933 day- time. or 524.6716 after 5 p.rr►.--.19-23nxe WANTED PORTABLE band saw mill todo custom work near Lucknoviia Phone 395- 5257.--22-26rixe: AMPLIFIER' 80 watts, used, wanted to buy' with stands and mikes: Phone 519.482- 9.838' evenings.. -- 23,24,25'nxe" ,SURERI°NTENDENT, MATURE' -retired' ooupte preferred, 49 unit town- house complex, in, Kincardine Live in, Must be avallable to start June 22, 1996. Responsibilities.' include rent collection, banking,. leasing, cieanirig, and general maintenance, Please•'fax cover letter and previous experience.rto 519- 485-6722; --22,23ar 27.' Wanted General WANTED.- ONE, all grey kit- ten less than 3 months old. Phone 395.5257.--22-26nxe 28. Business Opp. RAISE CHINCHILLAS as a profitable full' or part-time business. We provide grad- ed animals, supplies, mar- ket, financing. Excellent tax benefits' available: Canadian Chinchilla, P.0 Box 1684, St. Mary's, Ont. N'4X'1G1. Phone 5192297 6117.--22,23ar_ GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance pro- grams information °available. Fpr your new •br excstrng business.- Take advantage of the government grants and loans. Call 1-800-91.5 36i5.--23bc JOIN OUR TEAM OF MOMS iN BUSINESS! Extra iincome and flexible h .� Our8. Canadian. Manufacturer of quality chin dreri'a clothing needs home party consultants. Ground floor opportunity. 905-432- 8950.-,4 bc 05.432-8950.-a2$bc 28. Business OPP• LEASING; DANCE Bar Hotel and Restaurant or' Just Restaurant. Turn Key Operation, Hensall. 519- 62-2314--07tfcc AMAZING 7 Day Money Back Guaranteed STOP SMOKING ' PROGRAM. North American Launch. P. 'r ' o v.. en product/company/leadership' (8,000 Doctors)., •Business builders/distributors needed, Excellent sales, referrals/residuals (519)746-. 6236.--23bc Time and no Money Money and no time. have found ,the solution! A new Contpany that gave me the Hame-based Business Of my dreams - legal - Tax Deductible' Low Start-up Cost Fabulous Products -No Quotas . - No Inventory - No Risk - No Kidding Phone S.hsig.nas95-5713 and check this out;