HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-29, Page 121 Q r.� Pag Lw S1p Wanes9y lvr p 1996 LOSS? CV��. (at • "fifth it'dietnng 1100 aril. natural cafe, Siuplo to use, no counting calories. no to/orkonta, no. pills, irnQxpen" Co REALLY WORKS? Call Marianne � ariann Dungannon �Jj Bollinger, Dungannon 529-70O7e "-2i 2400 • CULT„M, Fit Need to send! or repeive a fax? Thi Sentinel does cis•- tom ifa zing ;for .oustomers. Drop in da call 528-2x22 for details. -41tfn RGAIVIC EEEEF, Apple [Utter, wool blankets avail- able V1,o Ulf . QomThunity Shared, Garden vegetables, Sign up immediately. Lamb, Ducks. order for ff41 Meeting PI < ce Organic Farm, 519- 528-2493. --22at 1 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL h s the following :Papers available ib, our office on Wednesdl*y. ° Godericch Signal St r, Kincardin N;s.ws, Walkerton I71 raid Times, Clinton News ecord, Mitchell Advocate, Seaaforth Huron Expositor. --16tfnx P" ti WHY HAVE A 'YARD SALE? Call us. We buy it all. ntiques, Furniture, Coins; etc. No fuss - No Muss. Caul 519-363-0213. -- 49tfcc t C•MPUTES - ZENITH, rI;M _Compatible " with ouse, monitor and printer. Lots of. manuals and pro-., grams. Great for beginners $250, •Zeus 2001 Apple 'GOmpatible witty 80 'col. .card, parallel and Serial printer cards.' 1 disk drive, $50: Phone 529-,7781. -- 21,22ar ' 1138 LAWN FLEET MTD riding lawn mower. Priced reasonable. Phone 395-' 31 0'8.--21-23aar-24-26nx NEED A RESUME? Professionally prepared, laser printed ,,}n quality paper: $15.00 f,.; r 5 sets.. We keep your resume • n file in ,case you need changes or updates at a later date. CM! us =sr drop in for details. The, Luckn • r , Sentinel, .528-2822--O4tfnx ' GRAY'S :PERENNIALS Over 150 varieties of hardy sec hd, year plants we digs from the field 'as you make your chic s. Many colors of lupins; primula, delphini- ums and columbine. As well as .they unusu=I varieties. Bringus4 a sketch of your flower bed and we will help you design a show piece. No' xtra charge. We sell only plants that wintered in Bruce .county kind like it. Location: 3 miles west,of Walkerton. on Kincardine Highway. . Hours: Weekdays after 4:,30 fv.rrb. all day on week rads 881-1522. 21,22ct to YardSalk aLivestock `v"i X114 OV Y'RYiti'S 01 N 4'' indoor/outdoor yard patep. Saturday, June 1. Outdoor yard} gales held' throughout the town at participating. houses. Maps of registered yard sale locations .a wail l9 el various locationsaround town. Indoor yard sale at arena. • Sidew:alli sales downtown too. Don't f rget, Moonlight Madness, Friday,. JWly 267...2Q-22oo YARD S/g LE� Ai =KNOW NOW CHRiSTlaN. SCHOOL 2 avdies est oil Lacelanow, May 3L 4-8 pm June 1, 8. or -4? Something for everyone, 3 Garage Sale JUNE 1, 9 a.m. - ?? Rain oir shine. Furniture, blinds, ver- ticals, clothes, woodcrafts. West of ball diamond, Dungannon. -21,22.- r 5.. Cars 1989 GMC RAISE,.• roof conversion., 5.7L, s.d., loaded, TV, VCR, elctrid, sofabed, 4 captain seats, - 150 km, ektended warranty; immaculate, , $14,900. Phone 519-395-4714. --22x 7G. Ree® Vehicles 1d0% CUS,'tWMEff SATISFA417ON CANADA'S #1 PROWLER DEALER TRAILERS • PARK MODELS 5TH WHEELS • HARDTOPS Hitches,,Triick Callas, New/Used . 3$ years In business aS aales•Rentals•Servlca•Parts» Hwy. #8;1 Dile West of Stratford (519). 393-5938 1a:„ Pets MALE JACK RUSSELL, Cooker Spaniel and Poodle available for stud service. Phone 528-3124. 20-23x YOUNG FERRETS, sables and grey's.' Suitable as pets $30. One 2 year old male peacock, blu; $50. Wanted to trade fe gale peacock for seine. Phone 528-3530. -- 22-24 1OaHorses 16 YEAR ':;LACK thorough bred mare for English :pleaa- sure ridirng and jumping. Excellent Confirmation. $1.500. H,clf Morgan stand colt 2 years old, • quiet $800. Fran McOuaall phone 528- 2493•. --22x . ` em Livestock PUREBRED NU8 AN male, 3 month old, $100 or trade for same 528.3530. --22,23 ONE REGISTERED T: E1 ED Polied. Hereford bill 3 rare Phone 829.7607...22n lit Produce AO BRAVOR. Certified seed beans. _ a rented 40 bangs. Phone 520-2402 or 520- 001.0. -- 1 5Var STANDING HAY for sale and pasture for rent - Lucknow area.. Phone 519- 942.0700. • -20.22 HAY FOR SALE- - stored outside, 6 foot baps, lst and 2nd cut. Phone. Dianne impcso 395-5362. --' 22,23x 11 h Services GILCHROSTi FARM SUP- PLY Belting and repairs to ll rTWkes of balers, swaathers, -;rod combine pick ups. ,Patz sales and service, Lucknow Grain buggies, mixers'tc. A,R.- 5, Lucknow. 395-2851. - 27tf, r TARPS ANiD INDUST IAL COVERINGS - mde to size, far trucks, tr •tilers, gravity boxes, etc. Vinyl, canvas poly. _.New/Rep,:.urs. Party. tent rentals Tiesmaa industrial Coverings, ayfield. 482-3540.---e26tfg- o� 12. Real Estate UILDING. LOTS Deer Run Estates, 1/2 acre, . well' treed; »' fully serviced. . Clarke'sHornes 395-5454. - -19tfar B.A. MCDONAGH REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE LTD. LUCKNOW - 4 bedroo. home close to downtown, June 1st possession.' Asking $64,900. 531 ROSE ST & 533 ROSE ST - 2 - 3 bedroohomes with. separate • deeds. Double •driveway, Asking $39,906, and $34,900. HURON TWP. 25 acres $26,500. KINLOSS TW - Yellow brick 3 bedroom home on 26 acres, pprox. 1/2 workable. fie�duce:d to' $105,000. • • LUCKNOW BUNGALOW 3' bedroom brick with extra tot. Asking only $115,000. COMMERCIAL BUILDING a 0600 sq. ft. Lucknow with 3 apartments, g; iod investnnent. 40 SEAT RESTAURANT d Newly decorated new roof, 3 lots, equipment Included. y highway, priced to stili. ASHFIIELD b 100 acres, 80 workable, 20 bush, large beef dr dairy barn, silo, hog barn, 'implee ertt shed, 3 b dreorn, home, 4 pc. & 2 pc. bath, 1oreciace. • 0 Canei Fraser tilacKinridn.528.3O13 Barr McrIknagh .52B 2031 71. i0T A 0; GRO N@ merunberehipitimeehaaru Wolf! lake m A vn orica's largest, oldest resaie clear"' in9house. Plesort 8alcs International 1-000-423- 5907. - o00-423- 5907. Timeshare 'rentals needed. Can 24 hours a day. --22b LAKE HURON Sunsets! New price: beautiful all brick newer home with circular driveway in small quiet sub« division Lake community. 5 minutes south of Godericl lust yards from the beach. Three bedrooms plus. Large eat in country kitchen with lots of oak cabinets. Two baths, sunk n living room, large attach 'd garage with pit, main floor laundry, central vac,elec- tronic <:ir cleaner, down draft stove on stone hearth in large family room, watt r soft'ner,' dishwclsher, hot tub black nd grey marble look on back d -ck, beach access, large lot, very clean and nicely decorated excel- lent price! Cail owner for vi wing at (519).. 524-4476 after 4:30 p.m. ;•,r leave mess• -age. --1 -24nxe F1' EHOUSE RESTAU- RANT, five cabins. Prime commercial • waterfront on major snowmobile route! Call Bill: Dale Austin Realty Ltd. Super opportuity. 705- ' . 286-4441.--22bc , 17 Aitpte. LUCKNOW - 2 bedro m ground floor ,.parment, pri- vate .entrnce $370 per,, month plus utilities. Available immediately. Phone 357-1847.--45tfar LARGE TWO bedroom apartment. Available April 1st. $350knontth plus .utili- ties. Above main street. Call Paul 528 -2411: --14tf RENT GEARED t� incothe apartnienfs, in. Clinton, Ex ter and Coderich, for wmen and children, who. have experienced abuse. Call Phoenix of Huron 524- 1620, 482-5288, 235-3183. --22,23cc HEATED 2 BEDROOIbti. apartment near LucknoW, available July 15. $450 per month, pus hydro. Phone 528-2426.--22tfaar GROUND FLOOR 2 bed- roo c heated apartment, newly ren • vaated; two bed- room upper apartm-fit, both close fo downtown. ph W ne 528-2031. 19tfar APARTMENTS Fit, - Rent in Listow- I, Wingham, LucknoW, Mount: Forest, and Wroxeter. -, two and three bedroom. Phone 335.3227 or. after 5 p.m.; 335-3163.-19tfar ONE. BEDRO.lvl heated. apartment' .on main strer-t; olode 'to dmuntown. Available July, 1. Phone 528.3948. 19tfar • 0.N[E AND 'c",/o bedroom aapartmehts, Nee^ply renovat- ed. Available immediately. 'No pets.. References require&. Phone 395.24331- :•09tfaar • !fw A tso !UNDER NEW MANAGE - NMI! Walkerton Yong() St. Apartments has one, two and three bedroom apartments ' evaiiablc for rent., Swimming' pool, garage, quiet oxoiusivo oou pie , across ffron'» Duce County 8 uuldings., OPP, near school. Apply` to: Adrian, Apt 7, 1 012 Yon g e st• 001,2790.-136m LARGE .TWO bedroom apartment With private ground level entrants. Park 'like atmosphere and close to downtown. Crr.sthPven Apartnm nts call after 6 p.m. 519-848-2215.--22tfar 1.80 Houses DURHAM-eWALSH Townhouses in Kincardine. Under new maanagr-rent. Freshly painted and rano v ted. Two and three bed- room, 1 m4nth free rent. Avail: We immediately. Phone 396-9332.--033t$»==r TWO BEDROOM 'duplex house on Stauffer St. in Lucknow (behind Pizza Delight). $390 per month heat included. Phone 524- 9912. --22cc , TWO BEDROOM house in Lucknow available July 1. $650per month, utilities included. Phone 528-2426. --22tfar ... NEWLY f-ENOVATED farm house for rent Y2 1/2 mules north of Lucknow. References required, ,'no pets. $425 per month plus hydro. Apply 'to drawer #16. c/o The Lucknow S-:ntinel, f• ox 400, Lucknew, NOG 2H0.--14tfer 3 EDROM bungalow'in Lucknow, close t�• down- town. Phone 529-7661. -- 21=24rrxc FARMHOUSE FOR rent- 4 - 5 bedroom,..$675/month plus utilities: 11-W. of Teeswater. Barn and work shed optional 519-665-7818 or 519-336.6581. --2'->r °cc 23. commercial MAIN STREET'$tore%offic-, space, 400 sq. ft. ; Available immediately. Phone. 528- 2031,. --14tfar STORE ' FOR rent main street: LucknOw. Phone 528-2435. --21 tfar 250 Wanted. to lkir OLD BARNS, BRICK H$VSE$ - wanted to buy. Phone after 2. p.m., 233- 5539.I l tfgp WANTED •TI SOY: Riding n overs, wish mo ^gars, tillers and. sno rblowers in need of repair.: Cash paid. Please call 52491 933 day- Mlle ay-ttu iie or 524-6716 after 5 p.m...: 19 23nxe WANTED PORTASLE band saw millto do custom wdrk near Lucknow. Phono 395- 5257.-22-26nxe 2tia Iloilo 'Wanted A UENTICN8T:UD1 STUDENTS6 Make a lot of •money soling chocolate bars. Nov,,/ prod- ucts ro,<, -ucts available. Nothing to.'. Pay in advance. Fast deliv- ery 1.0*3034589. -22bo • SUP! RlN u.END.ENT, MATURE retired couple preferred, 49 unit town- house complex, in Kincardine. Live in. Must b available to start Jane 22, 19 96. Responsibilities inolude rent collection, banking, leasing, cleaning, and general •malntenaanbe. Please fax cover letter and previous experience to 519- 485-6722.--22,23ar Experienced C ok required ti e, days and eien ngs Including weekends. Send resume to Nth references to: Box 627 ' Winghamle Ontair1' NOG 2W 277 Wanted General WANTED - ONE alp grey lcit- ten'less than 3 months old.; Phone 395-5257.--22-26nxe, 28. Business Opp. RAISE CHINCHIL._ ,-S as a profitable full or part-time business. W provide grad- ed animals, supplies, mar- ket, financing. Excellent tax benefits a av,.c ilable. Canadian Chinchilla, P.O Box 1684, St. Mary's, Ont.. N4X 1C1. Ph,..ne 519-229-6117, 22,23ar GOVEr"'N»MENT FUNDS. Government assistance pro - gra ; "s information available. For your new or existing business. Take advantage of the government grants and loans. Call 1-800-915- 3615.--22bc • LOG HOME DEALERS WANTED.' Join the proven leader in pre-engineered log homes. Investment required. Call Craig Renaud today. 1867 Confederation Log Homes, r. ox -9, Bobcaygeon, Ontario KOM 1A0. 1-800-567-0270.--22bc HOME PA -TY SALES CHILDREN'S CLOTHING 100% Cotton Earn high commission for part -tura, flexible home based busi- ness.' For information and catalogue, call Caribou Classics 1-800-;.>67-2527.-- 22bb NATIONAL TELECOMMU- NICATIONS •COMPANY Seeks distributors to help s ve provincial telep aeho company custor.nor's 25- 40%' r»v-rry , month. Continuous commissions paid on your customer base. Call 1-800-364-6997,-. - 2bc