HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-29, Page 9Dun armon repres
Several From this area..
Mende the l lith annual
Tri -County District (29)
Ontario Senior Euchre
games s, held at ,. the
MacKay Centre in
Qode°rtch on May .117.
There were l2 tables of
mew play.
High winners we're
Ilene Sillib and Mildred
Johnston who had a score
of 1187 with sex lone
hands. They will repre-
sent 'Coderieh on
Tuesday, Jute, 18 at the
Exeter Recreation Centre
(arena) a 10 a.m. Placing
second were Maine
M,c ze and Alice Showers
who also had six louse
hands. Hounorablemen°.
do went. to Joe and
Teresa Courtney who had
five lone hands. An
appreciation program for
the players will be meld
on Thursday, June 69 at
1:30 p.m. when awards
will be presented.
. Fiddle Jamboree
Tom Culbert and
Helen Nicholson were
two Dungannon musi-
cians taking part in the
Olde Tyme Country
Music Fiddle Jamboree.
held at the Blyth and
District Community
Centre on Sunday,May
19. Dave 'C'hxttick ,was.
A irdst r cif ` el folie t r4"
the 7.1/2 hour, program.
Tom played the Violin,`
and Helen sang as she
accompanied herself on
the piano. There wok. 45
musicians wbo O1tite1.
tai>Tned by playing three
cumbers each. This was
sponsored by the Blyth
Icon 10.
Bingo whiner
Congratulations . to
oarotby Parrish,, ,.who.
asa win -
ler. of
$10.,it at the
D bbetr Bingo on Sunday,
A 1t, ge crowd attend-
ed the'stag and doe held
at the Lucknow arena for
Jennifer Dalton- and
David MacDougall on
Saturday, May 25. Their
arriage will take pl . ce
on Saturday, J� ly 13.
LLek e . Sentinel, Wednesday, 3143729„ 1996 Page
Le4 at Q
Confirmation ation was admin.
istered `1t Kingsbridge by
Father arry Reitzell to
tine following children o>
Sunday,: May 26: Jason
Boelg. Adam Clail,ton,
David Dalton, Karen
ykstra, Brad ti_b ickey,
rid;get Rogan, ;evil
Maize, *shorn Martin,
Adam Milteanburg,- Julie
arc 1e
Ritgen, Cory Robertson,
Kathleen Scott, Erin
Sherratt, z triad Stanley,
Abby Vanden Brock and
Tor r'. Van!'taiepenbeek..
The Doherty fa; °lilies
had th 4 pleasure of a first
time in Canad;,. visit of
their half sister Sarah
'Mullin, her nephew
Se and his wife Marion
Rankin and daughters
Shawna and Enema f.
Congratulations to
Bernice Glenn who was a
lucky winner on CKNX
radio 920 of tickets to the
Primetime Country's
Opry Salute held at the
Town Hall Heritage
Theatre in Wingham on
Sunday,'May 26. Bernice.
and her daughter Any
attended •t v_,.
eral others from this area.
The most popular
meeting place in
Dungannon on a
Fatal accident
Traffic was rerouted
on County Road 1, nirth
f Dungannon between
C:s-ncessionn 7 and
ncession 9 on
Saturday, May 25
because of an accident
involving the death of
Jennifer Todtz of
Several from this area
attended 50th birthday
cel.ebr at at,ons • at
F. slieArti n°'s ' CoVl `` 611
Sunday, May.. 26 for
Linda Rutherford.
'The Sacrament', of
Windows, windows, windowsl
Near every style, shape and size.
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New Construction, Renovating or Replacements...
For a touch of glass visit our
for unique and affordable
solutions. .
• Highway #9 and Industrial Road . ,
881 4 2 ;..
Wednesday night is tsne
Senior Citi eiau Centre. On
May 115, nide gables of
euchre were u progress,
Tom 'oun. and Fred
Crawford vied for top
position, three ladies
from River Valley apart-
ments in Lucknow . were
in the run. Joan
Robinson,. Ruth Mathers
and Vivian Hogan.
• On • Wednesday
evening May 22 Louise
Brindley, who starts the
Wines at table one, had
the distinction of high
Ladies.- score, with a three
way tie, at the bottom of
the ladder, Ruth Matchers,
Gloria Pearson and
Margaret Young. Jack
osma and Frank
Pentland were gentlemen
Great granchild born
Cynthi,. Anderson,
shared good news with
Dungannon friends, that
her first great grandchild
had arrived, d. son was
born to -granddaughter.
Nicole, Justin William on
May 11.
On Thursday, lYiay 23
a baby shower was held
at the home of great aunt
Lynda McNee ,in Justin's.
Forty days following.
st'er, ion
�a , Ascension
was observed on May 19.
Rev. Alex McOilvery
officiated at this service.
Anniversary service
was heldat rin ry
Church on Sunday, May
26, with Rev. • Bill
Bresnahan .as 'gest ,
speaker. All other ebwreh-
es in the .Dungannon
pru con Pastoral charge ,
.were closed. ... .
Church walk -a -thou
nain aunnnon church is
hosting a 110 .l km. walk.Fa-
tthon on Janne 2 (rain date
brae 9) starting at 1 p.m.
McNee and Ken
Lostenberg can be con-
tacted for more informa-
Young and old are
invited to participate
rraidway on the route, a
refreshing cold d tffis and
cookies will be served.
ne lady proudly
boosts that she has over.
$200 pledged on her
sp'i>-nsor sheet.
Jim and Margaret
Errington celebrated 25.
years of marriage with a
family dinner and dance
at Lucknow Community
Centre on Saturday, May
25. They were married at
Calvin United Church on
May, 22, 1971, Ross and
Elaine Errington ° their
bridal attendants and Rev.
Harley Moore officiating,
minister. Relatives and
friends from far and `wide
attended, es m
rte , riiec�ially. Jim's
daughter ' Cindy and
granddaughter Erin from.
Surrey, British Columbia.
,50-f'y thr
Remy !nee dee/03*N veaM
Far Kama,
PAUL Z{NG 524.2431
5ss,oco, • Stauffer St.
Renovated $ bedroom with
garage., Weil treed 02 1/2 K
132 lot
UJCKNOW - 24 It 36 frame
shad, 80 x 80 lot; $24,000:
B 91` QALOW - 2 bedroom, 20
n 30 shed, $49,000.
HAVIt,OCK - 4 bedroom,
garage, new kitchen, good
family ho e. reduced to
$49,900 - 3 r., Qom, 11/2
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WHEELER ST..- 3 bedreom
house en millpond. $69,900.
bungalow, 3-5 bedro••rns,_.
fireplace, 2 carr garage, shop,
GOUGH S d litidroorn with
garage biWIWIlly room
DAIRY = 149 acres, 36 ties, 3
bedroom bungalow, 130
workable, Kinloss Two.
100 ACRES P 80 workable,
fieldstone house, beet barn,
shed. Kinross Twp..
ELGIN ST 3 bedroom,
storey with garage, oil heat, .air
conditioning. $84,900. •
ASHFIELD .Completely
remodelled 3 bedroom country
horns, a acres,;
Ogaragelworkehop: $99,900e
50 ACRES - 3 bedroom
bungalow, garage, shed,, 30
:urbrkab,e.$139,900. -
GREENOCK TWP.' • 2 1/2
.acriano 3 betleriOn. house
Olb'wood heat. $65;900.
The Gastric: Ulcer:
Do you ever stop to think
about what our lives would be
like without medications?
have any idea
how many drug-related
advancements have
been made in the Hast fifty years?
The last ten years? Think of the
medications that you take daily -
or even , the medications you've
taken recently - and try to
imagine what your life would be
like without them. In virtually
every area • of illness (or
wellness), there have been
incredible advances. This week
I'd like to talk about one of
there. ..•
My medical dictionary defines
the gastric ulcer as "a lesion of
the mucous membrane of the
stomach resulting fr.;m an
inflammatory, infectious and/or
malignant process". In simpler
terms, ; ost ulcers are caused by
an excess secretion of stomach
acids, resulting in an
inflammation of the stol1 ach's
linin. As most of you know, that
excess acid can be caused by an
excessiveamount of spicy foods,
tension or stress, alcohol, drugs
(eg. aspirin), or any .con bination
of the above. '
If you've' got an ulicer,
• symptoms can range from mrninor
heartburn to mucin greater
stomach paitts. Minor irritations
can be avoided with a. change .in
diesor refeved with antacids Hike
Pharmacy Facts
Dave Pellow, tjinbach Pharmacy.
Maalox, Univol or Riopan. As
for the more serious gastric
ulcers, they can now actually be
cured by new, effective drugs
that ,have recently been
introduced to the market.
The class of drugs .responsible'
for this remarkable advancement
are known as Histamine H2-
Receptor Blockers. These drugs
act on the H2 -receptors in the.
stomach . and other areas to
inhibit secretion of gastric acid,
, For example, Cimetidine (brand
naine Tagan'net), crimpletely
inhibits acid secretion by
blocking the prodtbction of
hisaamine. The result? Well, fro
acid eadans, no ulcers, and by
taking Cimetidiune regularly,, Your
ulcers cart actually heal.
dla lt~, Cimettdtne inhibits
excess acid secretion,it's
interesting to note that digestion
is not adversely affected. Food in
the stomach continues to absorb
enough acid for digestion while,
drawing acid away from the
stomach lining. As you know,
ulcers are mainly caused by
excess- acid secretion on an
empty stomach, the acid
breaking down the stomach
lining and causing pain.
How effective are Cimetidine
and other H2 -Receptor Blockers?'
'Well, the joke is that it put
'Surgeons out of business. Twenty
years ago,. it was common to
remove ulcers through Surgery,
but no longer.
in conclusion then, ulcers can
be avoided by watching your diet
and avoiding stress. Minor ulcer
pain can be relieved with an
antacid,,ond ulcers can be cured
altogether with a relatively new
.class of drugs called Histamine-
•H-lbeceptor Blockers.
Avoid, relieve, or cure.
Because of medicinal
Advancements, surgery no longer
makes the lista
Your Lucknow
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