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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-29, Page 6
,:d Page Lficktiow Senthael, nescin n Ma 29 ]Ui$ Ladies take service at United Church, Howdy a' 'ardner was the theme for the week- end d with lots of participa- tion !.rticipa-tion for the Ihresterh Days events. Also the :yard idles aroiG d town attract- ed a lot of attention. Sunday morning in the Lucknow 'United Church: the ladies err 6 u li charge of the service under the, leadership of Bev Thompson ompsou and Mmy Lou Irwin. ]In tee - absence o R e Bresnahan, who , was :gest speak— er for Trinity atitnimrseq, ' everyone. Bonnie Holiday of Mom Vorest,, and often heard on CKNXrad •o, b 'oun.ght the message. The ,young ladies group. served huh to .Gat o ctoso up ndor Alloy in ftar do. This boot it. Gun Icon , ihu +des Atter twin iSines that. posit tt folioed � reds of 1�e+�l�� _ a ®eras the met' vsgE P • .ae1 Soots: snit I I »g t to . ' rater got% uipPte. ent motors Karol li' .�utb Ou ir► itos A marine .. .�utdoo�s!t�ss�eyy yp neeeled ._ . Mel' ick uphose , sow80. ser ting, a rad netting. .�. suite- sR � � pp�ttiS $3 � �.� FAMtI'Y $�. $� Ott: t�rNst5ertto -.. .® . 0=w3a�` ®ter �y ,':mss f hosted by the 1st Kincardine Sc • sting Assocp ti n �► A.� . of the �.� Kincardine Davidson ii Centre 610 Durham St© ."heck out the Anandg na0edthe-se Art Knives li ° naves; unique forms ± ?rims iQr on 1r�Jga rilii',®ySpij friend)`.' environmentally y product vvhidt �° of spicier* en will rid you . wrest d their web 1 your aim at the cross n sbnating lanes provided by the beet gun club, Aher eAperteeern . .. other exhibits you Fan sit, res rubra nei,�vl R sit r howl® o esl'©nd. gel stented in sqm exciting au/daar a ctiviol by attending various seminars beit, presented http://www.primeiine.iter%k,ncdrd,ne/outdshow/outdshow.'html ri aybe your ti rage other retailers :in your ne af bu i.ness.:are groin t eut back their!adv�ertising, sn it's itsafe fors . 'frau, to ►.11 ore:'in competition for m , nsumer'• debar with every other :(0010(16..t wn, n+a► abetter ,what: he 11 s to end. and if th:e don: t ..:p ear thea .feer what : ou sell th 'li .: e i) ff1 io&3.tY:'SF >:iia.`.'Vk�ib''.i:.':::x:'.^.':b.h:Sat!''�%S.'•���'R44�v'.�S�3!» b tho Lucknow Presbyterian Church rch tlue Sunday School ,t era in charge of the s'6ryic;e with, Dayle Taylor has leader. the, Sunday School teachers served lunch. Fuinerai services wer held S'aturdlay from MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home for Al- red Patterson of Pines rest M 1 O and for- merly ore-mruerl r of Highway way 86 east. ob and'Marion McCwm .b and family were Fiore for the week- end with Gordon 'and. ernice Jo1w stone. There was eight tables of -shoot at the drop in centre. High lady - Kay McCoi'ntick, second high Muriel Moffat. High main - Tom Philips and second high w Dave Swan. Most shoots Stuart Lane. w.� c.�,b. VC:KNOW DISTRICT •• tiON$ Lu ,how Community Centre Sunday, June 2 1000 Winner Beth Scheuneman Kincardine; Community Centre opens at 6:30i._ . . p.m. Bingo starts at 7:15 p.m a Th 1St Kingsbridge mmwi kis held their advancement May 23 in Kings ridge. Moving up werep in front from left Rachel VanOsch and Angela [Dalton. lack row: Katie Leh€1y, Mary Frances Frayre and Kora Sl etj s (photo submitted) Students m ing posters for %11 fair by Jessa Kuyvenhoven The Lucknow Fall Fair is'cming up so, pencil sh rpeners, er secs and scissors have been very busy, making posters for • the fair. All the stdents are taking part and some really good artwork has already been made,, He runs...steps...and jumps, smoothly crossing the air and' landing on the- mat- tress.:. All g r a di e s $: ��q`'r► have: been preparing for our .upcom= ,trig track and field: day. When .they are 'not prac- ticing for".trtck and field, Crack! They are whack- ing home .run s around the 'bases, They hope to be 'playing at Riverside and Josephine Street Park on June 1`7. The kids_ have been ioading, on' the buses to go on: several exciting school Kfridergarten to Grade 4 are _going to Children's Museum and Storybook Gardens in London. Grade 5 and o' wii11 be visiting the Pioneer Village in Kitchener. The Grade 7 and Ss are going to the C.N. Tower and Science Centre in Toronto, Grandfriend9$ Day was a Sic- cess! It start- ed out by vis- iting • class- rootil$4 ''then tothe gym for refreshments and enter- tainment. The. Grade. 1 and 2s . dd the story of the Three Little Pigs. The Grade 3, 4 and 5s did'the• parable of -the soder. Some of the 6 and. 7s did a play called Simon the Tailor. To. finish its off the Grade 7 and 8s put on a classic Robin Hood. All the plays 'were enjoyed. by the grandparents. We had a wonderful day. WINGHAM AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL CORPORATION Notice is herebygiven that the Annual Meeting of : the Wingharn and District „Hospital Corporation will be• held in the Nursing Assistants°° Training Centre, Catherine SL,_ Wingham, Ontario on Thursday, v. June 20,096 at the .hour of eight °o'clock p.m.. for . the revision of bylaws; for the election of Governors; for tf a ,appointment of Auditors , and for the tiansaction of such other things as ,may properly come before the meeting: Copies of the Annual Report and Hospital. Financial Statements may be obtained at the front desk of the Wingharn and• District HoSpitnl.eftectivo Juno l'9Vie12,. and at the Annual Meeting. Moinborship0 ,granting. voting privileges may b purchased, at the front desk of the hospital for ,five donare ($6,00) prior to five &al ck p. , ff .ledneeday, .Irmo ii, 1'996. No .rnernbeeshrp• cold, . after" that time wall entitio the purchaser to .a vote • Dated at Hinge , Ontario; tyle 3rd day '0 May, 1996. 'By order' of the Gard of Governors: OCMs »6161.®lilli0a1i1®1263 ® Moon County's Complete ]VEHICLEF D 0 NTALF Headquarters U•. 0 Small 8t 1Vtid-sized Cars ina . al el Passenger & Cargo ri Vans, Pickup Trucks 11 E Daily, Weekly, :Monthly ®O Insurance Rentals 8< 1 1 El More Ilia :Free Delivery 1.a Ask about our full transportation selyiee 11 0 1 1 ®' 111 113 11 i ®CAR & TRUCK RENTALSclin D7iv iefOn of suncoast Ford Al 50O' Huron Rd., G®derlch• nin ® h COLIED Ask for }Nen c ® 5248347 in