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Lueknow Seutiuel, Wsday9 MO 2991996
cg a tIddava, o7dexa fer eittesed 44$, and incletiverdge mites httitrapotapausalteepilt toN Knt to lau- Ltaelpwr
• &mei tite he:at Mftted hr a iadveltlagts =WO a4wr the'F. '
ttou theh ad..ivit*.g "am omptLed by the aroneem Km toga1t rvaatipirei,w1 t0.0.Tga
fcr, blit the bNInuce Otto ant:kerne-zit Ira 120p-14 4 thq oppeWe reatm: ' •
LAItare Community Nevcvaria ILumciaww„bataTilf(i.
P Box 400, Luckraw, Ontario NOG OHO
*-41oue: i519)). D28,,2822 foz;45193 MO -3529 •
Established 18?
fora Thompson AdvertiWtig Manager
Pat LiviugdOn. uageI E-dtox
Phyllis' Matt .11_,we Helm 'krout OW*
, • - Joan Coltiriny4..rirpesettex .* .
sub.3cTiptaorA Eate5. advacm: Lobal Rear $25,66 Una pqsWge and 0.$4.) Wean:
40 v.,: rad ima Luca Senior $20952 postage and 0 ;titian_
0-4aft .ora (40 uldes) $25.66 Una postage and G. TJ
FOrelp.& UA $9*00, hablicatIons meg reptration no. OS47
• • 1-412 et Lw,„ Ontarto.
your best
or anted
Lf..nyrni has, ever En themeantime, the
lost their .dos to disease, //lest lumn worm liveS, on' the right
they know what' it feels side of a dog heart and
like to lose a best friend without being in nearby blood vessels, stealing nutri-
prepared for it, ents. Each worm can row as long as
This time of rear there are a few 30 centimeters and, in severe infection,
things that can claim the life of a dog hundreds may be found in one dog.
but preventative, measures can keep that , Not a very pleasant thing for reur
dog alive, and well for a long time. friend to go through. The OVMA says
Heartworm is one disease that can by the time any sympto s appear,
set in Without %yarning and cause seri- much harm has been done and damage
ous problems with a dogs internal t., the dog's internal organs may be
organs. irreversible. Symptoms include a
The Ontario Veterinary Medical chronic, soft eau-gh,, labored breathing
As§oeiation (OVMA) sent a press and tiring easily during exercise.
release out to newspapers explaining None of this has to happen. A simple
what heartworm is, what it does and onc -a-month medication given during
how it can be prevented. mosquito season can eliminate the
Mosquitoes spread heartworm. The development of heartworm larvae. Ask
larvae deverop inside mosquitoes that your vet.
carry the disease. The larvaeis trans- Also, now that the warm weather is
ferred to the dog's tissue when a mos- here, dog -owners should be reminded
quito bites the dog. The larvae matures . not to leave their pets in a vehicle while
inside The dog and produces immature they run their 'errands. You wouldn't
worms that get into the dog's blood- want to sit in a hot, muggy car waiting,
stream. A Mdsquito that bites an infect- for someone, would you?
ed dog can infect other tlOgs. Leave your dog at home.
e story b:eIiind
bein. .he fanioys inven-
tor, 'Alexander Graham
Bell, was born in
Edinburgh in Scotland in
1847, but moved to
Canada in 1870, and set-
tled shortly afterwards in
NeW England. The.tele-
phone is the invention for
which he is best remem
bered, the first ,electrical
transmission of human
speech by his apparatus
), place in1876.,For
this, Bell is vworld,
famous. What is not so
well known is the fact
that the measurement
used for comparing the
intensity of noises and of,
current in all types of
electrical communica-
tions circuits is a bel, so
named in honor of Bell.:
The smallest variation
noise that a human, ear
can detect is a -decibel,
which is a tenth of a bel,
decem being thiLatin for
10. It is only compara-
tively recently that the
public and government
authorities in many coun-
tiits have become agitat-
ed about levels of noise,
and legislation has been
introduced to try to make
it less likely that our
hearing will be damaged
by the aural pollution
around us.
(Jennifer Vanderineer: photo)
Letter policy
The Lucknow Sentinel welcOmes readers' views and °Onions.
All letters must be signed and include the author's address and tele-
phone number for verification purposes.
Letters should be topical and are routinely edited for length, style
and clarity. grief letters which make a point 1-iave more impact and
stand a better chance of inclusion.
Personal attacks, consumer complaints and potentially libelous
letters will be rejected.
70 years ago
June3, 1926 '
alaries of county officers ‘.The ainount paid by
the treasurer of Bruce 1ast year to county offi-
cials is as follows: County Treasurer $1,800;
County Clerk $1,109; Warden $233; W.H. Logan
Auditor $151; KM. Merriam Auditor J65;.calitaker
750;„ and office assistants $936.
• Thceditor,said - SO live:,thaf you need never
come running into theitewsPatier office' to ask the
editor to keep your name out of the paper. ,
. Fiddle competition - Mr; D.C. MacMorran and
50 years ago
June 5, 1946
aseball debut - Lucknow's baseball team
• makes its debut, today when they take on
Milverton in the first gaine.of a 40-ganie
schedule. Seven tearns are in this :SVOAA
group, •
At the movies - SunbOnnet Sue, staring Gale
. Storm, was'playing. at the Rex Theatre,
Visitors from -the west -Mrs. W.D. Morro*,
• Calgary„, has been visiting With:het sister, Mrs. 1,1.
Sinith and Mr. SMith after a.,32 -year absence.
• •
1)r. 1;),;t deddes 'of:LOC-know ,were_Judgevat an , • •,•
,contest in Winghain May 14. The„. 15 years. ago •
contest was Confined' to Men over '60. ; • June 3 josi
unial meeting - The 81st district annual
meeting of Huron -West Woinen's Institute was
• held at St. Helen's United Church. •
Taxes up Taxes for public school supporters in
Ashfield Township increased 19.5-, per cent in 1981
and Huron -Perth' separate school supporters paid 14.7
per cent more. • •
On a $5,000. assessment, taxes are $954.90 of
which .$553,00 is for .school purposes, $236.80 for
toWnshippurgoses and $164.50 for county purpOses..
Candy stripers awards - Sixteen candy stripers
received awards for hours of volunteer service at the
Wingliarn Hospital during a specialevening.
Juvenile dance The incknow Juveniles were
'guests, of honor a a dance in recognition of their
1981 win of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association.